Our family is in decline

Chapter 130 Nightmare

Lance didn't speak, just being a bystander.

Disma's life was actually very simple. He was born into a candlemaker's family in a small town. Because of their craft, their family was better than the serfs, so they could be considered middle class.

But he never liked making candles since he was a child, thinking those things were boring. Instead, he liked to fight with a group of children on the street.

In this way, he grew up in such an environment and developed good skills at the same time. In order to get rid of the local gangs who imposed protection fees on their street, he formed a small team with some companions to control their street, even if it was The local police should also give him some face.

Growing up at the bottom of the street gave him a gangster spirit, and at the same time tempered him into a brave and fierce character, but he soon suffered a big loss because of this.

The cause was a woman, the daughter of a tailor shop on the street, who grew up with him and was considered a childhood sweetheart. The two also had a crush on each other and originally planned to get married.

But until a very bloody thing happened, a woman was harassed by a guy while two young men were on the street. How could his character endure it? He immediately punched the man hard, and the two guards tried to fight back but were knocked down by him in two or three blows.

I was very proud at the time, but later I found out that the man turned out to be the son of a nobleman. When I realized that the two families who had caused the trouble together, I wanted the two young people to flee here to avoid the trouble.

But he was young and frivolous at that time, and he firmly believed that he was right, so how could he leave?

In other words, he knew that once he left, the lives of both families would be ruined, so he did not leave, but waited for the noble to come and cause trouble.

"I could have gone with her, but I foolishly chose to jump into the fire pit!"

Disma was quite emotional when he said this. Now he thinks about how stupid he was at that time. If he took his family and left for another city, wouldn't he be like that?

As he told it, it soon became clear to Lance why he regretted it so much.

It's not that the noble didn't come over to make trouble, but he solved them all, and then things calmed down for a few days, and he even thought everything was fine.

Until one day he suddenly fainted. When he was woken up by the noise again, he found that he was tied up. He soon realized that he had been betrayed and someone had drugged him.

And an even more terrifying scene appeared in front of him. The woman who was his childhood sweetheart was also tied up and was now being humiliated on the bed opposite him. And that person was the nobleman who was beaten up by him that day.

"It was intentional. The guy tied me there on purpose and made me watch all this."

Disma tightened his grip on the reins, his expression terrifyingly gloomy.

"I went crazy and tried to break free, but the effects of the drug had not worn off. My body was so weak that I could only watch this scene happen in front of me."

According to Disma, France truly understood the malice of human beings. The noble kept torturing the woman to humiliate him. This was not enough. In order to vent his anger, he finally cut the woman's throat with a knife, but let him go.

Disma wanted to save his lover, but he could only watch it happen and was helpless.

"Have you ever seen someone bleed to death? The way she looked... tumbling on the sheets, the dark stain starting to spread... until it soaked through the sheets."

Disma looked a little sad and muttered to himself, but he started sobbing again as he spoke.

"Seriously, I love that girl, I love her, really..."

The woman bled to death in front of him, but the matter was not over yet, and soon he realized why the man left him behind.

Because he turned around and rushed in with a team of policemen, and then a tragic rape and murder case spread in the city, and he was the murderer, but that guy turned out to be the hero who caught the murderer.

There was no way to appeal, and even the judges were their own. As for the angry people, they wanted to kill him on the spot as a criminal.

No matter how he explained, it was useless. When he was thrown into prison, at this moment he understood that everything he was proud of no longer existed, and he was just a pitiful clown in front of power.

But that guy didn't let him go just because he went to prison. Instead, he continued to use his power. Both the guards and the prisoners were all targeting him.

The prisoners even tried to assassinate him more than once. Fortunately, he was good at defeating their plot and knocking those guys down. However, he was immediately put into a solitary room by the guards and could not see any light for several days.

"I saw her in my dreams countless times, and that was the motivation that kept me alive in prison..."

Several years of prison life not only did not make him decadent, but on the contrary, he became more and more courageous. During this long-term confrontation, he became extremely alert. This kind of environment also developed his ruthless character. Only in this way can he survive. Life inside prison.

Moreover, there are many talented people in the prison, and he even learned a lot in it.

He did not give up, he was waiting. He was not willing to die with the infamy on his back, nor was he willing to let his enemies go free.

"I want to fight, not to prove how great I am, but to get back what I have lost!"

Until one day the opportunity came and a riot broke out in the prison. He took the opportunity to kill several guards and escaped and regained his freedom.

"But this freedom is not what I want..."

The prison riot that night aroused the response of the garrison in the city, and a city-wide manhunt took place. In order to avoid pursuit, he could only hide in the city's fetid sewers.

But he was destined to pay the price for his choice. In order to satisfy his hunger, he was forced to catch the rats hiding among them as food.

A few days passed and he successfully evaded capture, but he became sick and hungry, and almost died in the sewer.

In this condition of fatigue and illness, he could only find a notorious broker based on the connections he got in prison.

In order to survive, he was forced to take on an unethical mission, and the advance payment he received for providing armed services finally gave him some relief.

But he was bound by the treaty, and in order to complete this task, he tightened his belt and prepared for one last robbery.

"Am I desperate? Yes, but am I greedy?" Disma asked himself.

The answer is yes. At that time, he was suffering from illness. If he wanted to survive, he had to find those forces wandering in the darkness, so he had no choice at all.

But after he recovered, he could have chosen to give up the mission and choose another way to repay, or just walk away. Anyway, he was a wanted criminal, so there was no need for more trouble.

But he was greedy, coveting the lucrative bounty of the mission, and carried out the operation even though he knew it was an immoral operation.

But this mission will become a nightmare that he will never escape.

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