Our family is in decline

Chapter 133 Ovendo

Looking at the convoy that was attacked just now, all the soldiers have not yet completely left the fighting state. They all hold on to the spears or crossbows in their hands, and their expressions are highly nervous, but they are not panicked, but they show a look of not being surprised. .

"Clean the battlefield and check each other for injuries." Lance ordered and frowned as he looked at the corpses on the ground.

These were said to be robbers and bandits, but judging from the situation, they were just some refugees who were robbing people on the road. They didn't even have decent weapons in their hands. They only had a stick and a stone to rush over.

I don’t know if I was bragging too far in front of those farmers before, but a very abnormal situation occurred along the way.

Because the city garrison is responsible for cleaning up nearby bandits and maintaining order around the city.

Originally, it was logical that the farther away from the city, the more gangsters there would be, but now it was the other way around. The closer he got to the city, the more attacks he encountered on Owendo Road.

He originally thought that other caravans did not take this route because they could not go to sea through Hamlet, but now he found that things were not that simple.

The disappearance of the caravan is determined by multiple factors. The most direct reason is that the disasters in several central provinces have spread to them. The refugee epidemic and the outbreak of banditry have led to a sharp increase in transportation costs. Those who are not strong do not dare to leave the city, while those who are strong are afraid of leaving the city. We won’t waste resources on this truck of food that doesn’t earn much.

Unexpectedly, his words to threaten the farmers happened to turn out to be the truth.

If this is the case, it’s no wonder that no one cared about Hamlet’s accident for so long. Now that the world is in chaos, even the landlord’s family has no food left. Who the hell cares about your run-down town?

This also shows that this disaster may be more severe than he imagined.

In natural and man-made disasters, ordinary people are still injured~

Lance couldn't help but feel a little emotional, but he couldn't do anything about it. He didn't even do his own little thing well.

Being a merchant is not an easy task. They have to face many situations along the way, such as camping, exploring roads, and resisting attacks.

It would be impossible for these ten soldiers to escort this caravan. They would be fat in the eyes of the enemies. The real main force would be Lance and the others.

There were no less than ten waves of robbers encountered passively along the way, not including those that Lance took the initiative to find.

But most of them couldn't be considered robbers, just mobs, and basically couldn't stop him from charging.

There were also some robbers who took the opportunity to gather the mob and strengthen their power to dominate one side.

But unfortunately, he caught his eye and turned it into his experience points.

The addition of dog trainers William and Figes also greatly eased the difficulty of guarding at night. The dogs would be alerted when the enemy approached. With the dogs' early warning, they were not attacked at night.

The distance along the way in modern society may only be half a day's drive, but their journey took almost seven days. This was the route he chose to abandon most of the gathering places, and he had a carriage as a means of transportation.

For the inexperienced ones, everything became troublesome. Fortunately, it was all solved in the end. The detour they took was just to gain experience.

Moreover, the training along the way also allowed this soldier with little combat experience to grow.

The team rested for half an hour before setting off again. Lance looked at the soldiers' tired expressions and couldn't help but shout.

"Owendo is just ahead. If you walk quickly, you can stay in the city tonight."


Lance's words brought motivation to the team, and everyone finally relaxed a little from the fatigue on their faces when they heard that they no longer had to sleep in the wilderness.

The team continued to wind along the road, and Lance stayed at the end to dispose of the more than ten corpses before hurried up.

When the appearance of human buildings appeared in the sky, he knew that he was not far from Owendo.

Walking along the road, you can see more and more refugees gathering under the city wall in front of you. They have even formed a large camp. At first glance, it is estimated that there are three to five thousand refugees.

Maybe it was because they were close to the city and order had finally returned. They didn't show too much desire to attack, but their eager and greedy eyes were enough to make people feel threatened.

As they approached the city, some refugees were already ready to move, swaying their skinny bodies as they approached the convoy.

"Sir, please save us~"

"Give me something to eat...we haven't eaten in a few days."


The soldiers couldn't help but become nervous, clenching their weapons and ready to defend themselves against those guys.

"Attention!" Lance shouted with a cold face, "Kill anyone who dares to come close."

Regardless of their fatigue, the soldiers immediately pointed their weapons at the ragged refugees and drove them away.

They don't care about the survival of these refugees. They only know that this batch of goods is related to the development of Hamlet and each of them.

Seeing the weapons, the refugees did not dare to come any closer and retreated one after another.

He couldn't be saved, even the water wouldn't splash if he dropped this small amount of food.

Any sign of weakness will cause the remaining refugees to come around like hyenas smelling blood.

"Enter the city." Lance ignored the resentment hidden in their eyes and led the convoy to move forward.

The so-called cities in this era are gathering places with tens of thousands of people. To develop to this point, there are almost certainly several prerequisites, one of which is water source.

Ovendo is close to a tributary that flows into the Donowes River, and the commercial activities relying on it have also allowed the city to continue to develop. After the decline of Hamlet, a large number of people moved out to inject vitality into the city.

To some extent Ovendor has taken Hamlet's place over the years, effectively becoming the centerpiece of the neighborhood.

This is what Lance heard from Walter. This city was built on the bones of Hamlet, and it was also the biggest obstacle to his desire to completely regain the territory.

A city with a population of 20,000 to 30,000 people, with a city wall on the outside, and at least a thousand imperial troops stationed there, and once they do it, they will touch sensitive areas of the empire...

"Fuck~" Lance looked gloomy at the thought and cursed secretly in his heart.

As long as the ancestor focused a little more on his territory, he wouldn't have left him so much trouble!

When the caravan arrived at the city gate, the guards were also quite curious. After all, only large caravans with many escort mercenaries dared to do business at this time.

But this caravan brought back a full load of goods with just a few people, and all of them had strange faces.

However, they didn't care so much. Even the routine inspections were just to fool them. After collecting the city entry tax, they allowed them to enter.

After all, he has been doing this for so many years. If there is any problem, he can tell by feeling the weight of the bag.

The squad leader weighed the money bag that was just handed to him and stuffed it into his body with his backhand.

Thanks to the three shareholders [3 Demon Kings] 1500, [Guan Guan] 500, and [Tail Number 1254] for their reward support, and thank you all for your monthly votes.

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