Our family is in decline

Chapter 146 Fire dragon burns the warehouse

It was late at night, when everything was silent. Except for a few drunkards collapsed on the ground, there were not many people on the streets in the center of the city, let alone the warehouse area.

Sheriffs can't be counted on. They mainly serve wealthy areas, so caravans usually arrange guards on duty to prevent petty theft.

But obviously they are sleepier today...

Lance snuffed out the incense in his hand and looked at the guard who was sleeping like a dead pig. He had to say that this thing was quite easy to use and could make someone fall down in three to five seconds.

Picking up the key to the warehouse, he opened the door and walked in.

When the candlelight rises, the warehouse in front of you is not that kind of modern warehouse. It is actually a house, but there is no room division inside, only a few support beams, and the second floor is separated to maximize the use of space. goods.

It's just that the situation made him a little disappointed. The warehouse was not full, but only half filled. It seemed that the environment was not good recently, and even he didn't have much inventory.

But Lance didn't waste any time. He drew out his dagger and cut open a bag. The grain inside slid out. After confirming that there was no problem, he took action.

His idea was simple, to use the space in the showroom to transport grain, and then burn the warehouse with a fire, and everything under the flames would be buried.

Wherever he raised his hand, the bags of grain he touched quickly disappeared, but he still left some of them behind.

In ancient times, fire dragons were very particular about burning barns. They did not really eat them all, but used old grains to mix in new grains and eat the difference. As for the old grains, they were burned directly. Only the ashes left in this way could be used to deal with inspections from above. That way the problem won't be seen.

The wisdom of our ancestors cannot be lost!

Of course, the Jean Merchant Group can produce such a large amount of goods not only with grains, but also with a series of farm products such as ale brewed from wheat and bacon jerky.

And tonight they all become his.

Lance wasn't tired at all. There was nothing better than a super big purchase without spending any money. If there was one, it would only be on a larger scale.

But suddenly he made a move, and a wonderful look appeared on his face.

Because after the grain on the surface was removed, wooden boxes were revealed.

When I opened it, I found that they were all standard weapons of the empire. Without even thinking about it, I knew that Jean must have been smuggling the equipment of the city defense army by virtue of his brother-in-law being the logistics manager.

Quickly speeding up his movements, he dug out several similar boxes from the food, including short swords, chain armor, cotton coats... What surprised him even more were the two boxes of brand-new long-barreled flintlock guns, and the wine barrels mixed in. barrels of gunpowder.

There are not many weapons and equipment. A few boxes can only equip fifty people, which is nothing compared to thousands of city defense troops.

But gunpowder is a consumable and easier to obtain than these weapons and equipment, so there are more than thirty barrels in quantity.

These are exactly the supplies that Lance is short of.

Lance didn't expect this unexpected surprise at all, and his face was distorted with uncontrollable joy.

It's all mine!

It's all mine! ! !



A huge explosion rang out, directly waking up the sleeping guard. In a daze, he only saw a patch of orange in front of his eyes. The hot feeling made him subconsciously lick his lips, and murmured as if he hadn't woken up.

"Why are the candles so big..."


There was another loud noise, and the shock wave came with a heat wave, knocking the guard to the ground. When he got up again, he realized what had happened. Looking at the warehouse devoured by fire in front of him, his mind was completely frightened. He took it away and was stunned for two seconds before shouting loudly.

"It's burning... it's burning!"


"Have you heard? There was a big explosion at the dock warehouse last night."

"Who doesn't know? I was sleeping well last night when a loud noise suddenly made me wake up."

"I've also heard that it's the warehouse of the Jean Merchant Group. Aren't they selling food? How could there be an explosion?"

"Go and have a look?"

"Go, go, go!"

In this boring era with little entertainment, anything can become a topic of conversation, not to mention major events like bombings, which attract many good people to come and enjoy themselves.

More and more people gathered at the warehouse. Most of these people were nearby businessmen, including Tiffany.

The station was nearby. She was awakened by the explosion in the early morning, but she didn't pay attention until she heard that there was an accident in the warehouse and rushed over.

In this era, fires are very serious and can easily spread into one area. However, your life-saving food is in the warehouse, so be sure not to be affected.

Fortunately, the warehouses were all independent buildings, and the fire did not spread. What surprised her was that the warehouse where the accident occurred turned out to belong to the Jean Merchant Group.

At this time, the place had already been burned into ruins. The huge warehouse collapsed and buried everything. Only the wisps of smoke rising from it could be seen.

There was a large group of people surrounding the outer circle. Tiffany didn't know what was going on. She squeezed in and found Lance among these people.

Surprise suddenly appeared. You must know that I just brought him here yesterday, and something happened to Jean's warehouse today.

If you say it's okay, she won't believe it at all, but it's hard to ask in this situation, so you can only walk forward to him.

And at this time, I discovered that he was actually smiling while looking at the ruins?

And it's not the kind of gloating smile, but the joy from the heart, which gives people an indescribable weird feeling in this disaster environment.

"what are you laughing at?"

"Why can't you laugh when you see your opponent being unlucky?"

Lance seemed to have noticed Tiffany's approach, but didn't react much.

At this moment, a carriage came, attracting everyone's attention.

A well-dressed fat man got out of the carriage with difficulty, and more than a dozen guards in the same clothes trotted after him.

"Is he Gene?"

"That's right~" It seemed that just hearing the name made Tiffany feel queasy.

Lance observed the fat man. His belly was at least six months old and he was at least forty years old. He could be her father. No wonder Tiffany was so disgusted.

When Jean went down to the ground and saw that his warehouse was in ruins, his rationality was instantly taken over by rage. He walked forward quickly with his big belly and yelled at the guard.

"Why does it burn?"

"Why didn't you put out the fire?"

"Why is this happening?"

The guard hurriedly defended himself, but it only aroused Gene's anger. He actually beat the guard violently in front of everyone.

The people on the scene did not react much to this scene. Even Tiffany just frowned, and the look of disgust on her face was more directed at the fat man.

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