Our family is in decline

Chapter 147 Gathering Refugees

Gene was breathing heavily. He had just punched someone so hard that he fainted, but he also vented his anger.

Of course he can't run such a large business group without some brains. From the fact that he immediately bought York and cannibalized the business group when he knew something happened to Walter, we know that he is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very ambitious.

But he couldn't bear this kind of loss, and it wasn't the food. The real trouble was the military supplies, which were worth more than all the food in the warehouse.

It's gone before he makes a move, but he can't lose any money, otherwise no one can protect him, and he can only bite the bullet and bear this bad debt. No wonder he is so angry.

"Everyone spread out! There's nothing to see!"

The guards began to obey the orders and drive away the crowd. They had already watched the show. Lance did not stay too long and followed the crowd and left.

But Tiffany's doubts were not solved yet. After leaving the crowd, her eyes carefully scanned the surroundings, and she quickly asked after making sure that no one was there.

"What's going on?"

Lance was speechless looking at her stern look. Even if it was nothing, seeing you like this would be a big deal.

She is indeed very smart, but that's it. She doesn't have much talent and everything shows on her face. No wonder she can destroy the business group in a month.

"You'll find out when you come here."

Lance didn't waste any time and took her directly to his warehouse. The people guarding the door were his soldiers.

"When I came here just now, your people didn't let me in~" Tiffany couldn't help but complain when she saw it. She felt that her status was getting lower and lower, and even the guards didn't listen to her.

Lance ignored her and issued strict orders. No one could enter or exit except him. If he really wanted to let you in, he would consider remaking these soldiers.

"grown ups!"

"Open the door." Lance waved his hand, and the warehouse door was opened.

Tiffany didn't care when she saw her complaining and didn't respond. She couldn't wait to walk in, only to find that the warehouse that was only one-third filled yesterday was completely full today, leaving only a corridor for only one person to pass.


She quickly moved forward to open a bag, looked at the grains in her hands, and stood there dumbfounded, then turned to look at the piles.

"These are all...how is this possible?"

She didn't have much hope for Lance's previous statement, but the situation in front of her was really difficult for her to understand.

Although he didn't say it clearly, his actions directly confirmed that Jean's warehouse was burned by him, but the problem was that Tiffany didn't understand how to move these things quietly.

"Is this food enough?"

"It's definitely enough, and there's still a surplus, but how do you do it?"

"Want to know?" A strange smile appeared on Lance's face.

"Say it!"

"Let's talk about it after you get my approval~"

"Why are you like this!"

Lance's Riddler appearance made Tiffany's curiosity even more inflated, it was heart-scratching.

"I'm here to protect you. Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing."

Lance was too lazy to continue playing and directly ordered: "Arrange for people to load the ship and set off for Totnes in two days."

Tiffany looked at Lance's leaving back. This provocative and irresponsible look really made her angry, but the matter still had to be dealt with quickly. The delivery date was close and could not be delayed any longer.


A camp consisting of a convoy appeared outside the city, surrounded by several large pots. What was tumbling in it was not grass roots and bark, but porridge, real food.

Not to mention the fish meat mixed in it. The fishy smell is a precious meaty smell in this era.

The aroma of grains is released along with the steam, which is a fatal attraction to the hungry refugees who have been living here for who knows how many days. They come closer one after another.

But what faced them were the cold faces of the soldiers and the bloody sharp spears.

After two days of rest, the soldiers have already recovered and will be in better shape for the mission.

"When recruiting serfs, priority will be given to those who are literate, those who are craftsmen, and those who have special skills."

"Have you seen this food? Eat two meals a day."

"Seats are limited, come here if you want something to eat."

Lance stood on the top of the carriage and shouted loudly, holding a simple loudspeaker rolled into a trumpet shape.

Logically speaking, he doesn't need to do it himself now. He just needs to give instructions and someone will help him.

But he did not leave this work to others. Now that the foundation is weak, he must personally screen the refugees to prevent some waste from being mixed in.

At the same time, he needs to let the refugees who are accepted recognize his face and deepen their impression, otherwise they will not know who saved them.

Refugees who had lost everything and were displaced were approaching one after another, not because of Lance's words, but simply because they were attracted by the food. Their first reaction was not to join, but to pray.

"Sir, please have mercy on me. I haven't eaten for several days~"

"My eighty-year-old mother couldn't get up from her bed. She wanted to eat some food before she died."

"My six-year-old son..."

"What do I care about you? If you don't join, get out of here! I don't care for useless people." Lance became angry when he saw these people.

The guys who surrounded them for the first time were not kind people at all. Why were they still able to move when even the grass roots and bark of trees around them were eaten up?

Because these guys take up most of the food, they are squeezing and plundering other refugees' supplies.

They were not eager to sell themselves into slavery until the situation was truly critical.

These guys were just placed at the gate of the city. If they had been outside, they would have come to rob them.

damn it! He has always been the only one who had sex with others for free, and today these guys actually want to take advantage of him?

Seeing that his words were useless, he immediately issued an order.

"The whole army will form a formation and drive these guys out."

"Ha!" The spearman raised his spear and attacked, driving away the waste that surrounded him.

The guy who was still praying was driven away, and the words in his mouth became abusive.

That is to say, Disma is not here. If he hears that someone dares to offend the lord, these guys will be punished.

And such a commotion will attract more refugees to pay attention to this place.

"Sir, are you telling the truth? Can you really eat for free?"

A man who looked to be in his forties or fifties came out, but he was tortured by suffering and looked extremely old, as if he were sixty years old.

Lance looked around and could tell that this was an old farmer from his calloused and thick-knuckled hands.

"That's right, work for me and I'll cover your food and accommodation."

"I'll join." There was nothing to hesitate. He had lost everything along the way.

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