Our family is in decline

Chapter 200 Fungal Parasite

Lance was not too surprised when he heard this. He deliberately drove the family into the wilderness to the north just to test and see the threats lurking in the wilderness.

But now it seems that the wilderness does not welcome his arrival at all...

“Notify everyone that a ferocious beast was found north of the labor farm, causing casualties and injuries, and ask everyone to stay away from that side until the army completes the cleanup.

At the same time, withdraw all the lumberjacks over there and arrange them elsewhere. If you encounter something strange, don't get close and notify them as soon as possible. "

After giving the instructions, Lance walked towards a building in the town. It was a former sanatorium and a renovated prison. Now, after the arrival of Paracelsus, Lance left her directly to do research. .

In a way, it has come full circle and finally returned to a certain function.

Hamlet rarely has prisoners imprisoned here, because he prefers labor reform to prison. Value must be created, otherwise who will give you free food?

But for some people, labor cannot make up for it, and we can only let them play other roles~

Those who can be imprisoned here must have been sentenced to death, because their current status is not prisoners, but experimental subjects.

Went up to the third floor. It was such a big and empty building, and there were prisoners below. If it were another person, not to mention a woman, even a man would not dare to stay here, let alone live here.

But Paracelsus is a ruthless man and has been staying here since he came back. If Lance hadn't arranged for someone to deliver food regularly, she might have even forgotten to eat.

Of course, it is this kind of person who devotes himself to research that Lance is looking for.

A room on the third floor was set up as a laboratory, and a complete set of alchemical equipment, which was actually chemical equipment, was placed on the table next to it.

Paracelsus was writing something at his desk. On the test tube rack in front of her was a row of blue potions of different colors.

"Have you done it yet?" Lance asked as he leaned over.

"The potions you gave me should have been diluted. The effect of the potion I recovered was stronger than the sample you gave me. Experimental Subject No. 1 was very excited after drinking it, but soon became anxious and manic, and continued It took almost three hours, until the effect of the drug began to wear off at five hours, but he died of exhaustion after seven hours. I dissected the experimental subject and found..."

There are complete operating procedures, samples, and sufficient materials. If she can't figure it out, she won't be interested.

It's just that this tiger-wolf medicine is indeed not simple, but what makes Lance's scalp numb even more is Paracelsus.

He originally thought that he was cold-blooded and cruel enough, but he didn't expect that she was the cruel one.

It took seven hours to die which is already very strong.

Noticing Lance's weird reaction, she took one directly from the shelf in front of her and handed it over.

"You can give it a try."

"Thank you, I don't need this~" Lance shook his head and declined her kindness.

Lance didn't expect her to say another sentence right after.

"Really don't want it? I have diluted this ratio and tested it with No. 2. The effect of the drug only lasts for an hour. Although the experimental subjects will be very tired after the effect of the drug wears off, they have not died until now."

"Continue to reduce the dose, and the effect of the medicine will be reduced to half an hour..." Lance said, suddenly realizing the purpose of coming here, and reluctantly changed his words: "Put these things aside for now, you go out with me."

"I'm very busy." Paracelsus refused naturally, put the potion back on the shelf and picked up the pen again.

"I found a very special body that will interest you."

When she heard this, she paused, turned to look at Lance, hesitated for a moment, and then stood up.


"Bring your stuff, this thing is a little dangerous."

Lance knew what she wanted and could get her with just one sentence...

In the wilderness adjacent to the farm, a strange corpse covered with yellow and white mushrooms lay on the ground.

Paracelsus, who was wearing a plague doctor suit, was examining the corpse. It must be said that this weird corpse really aroused her desire to study.

Lance covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and stood not far away to check the marks on the ground. This guy was not Sam, but one of Sam's sons.

But it stands to reason that his family went in, but he was the only one who escaped. Although he didn't escape successfully, Lance wanted to know what happened.

"Can I take this back?"

The dull voice brought his attention back, but he couldn't agree to the doctor's request. What if this thing broke out in the town?

"No, this is a plague. I will set up a tent for you nearby for you to study."

Paracelsus didn't have much reaction when he heard this. She didn't care about the simple conditions, as long as she could continue her research.

"The time of death of the deceased is uncertain, but what is certain is that he has scars caused by some kind of wild beast. The strange thing is that there is no blood or decay in his body parts, and the muscles also show obvious atrophy.

It can be predicted that if there is no interference from external forces, I am afraid that the body will eventually turn into a mummy covered with mushrooms. I suggest waiting for a few more days to see other symptoms. "

"Are the eyes black?" Lance suddenly asked.

"That's right, the eyes are completely black. The specific situation is still unclear. It requires an autopsy to get it..." Paracelsus was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would notice this.

After receiving the confirmation, Lance remembered those crazy beasts with dark eyes that Barristan mentioned before.

But suddenly, the dead body suddenly twitched, and the stiff limbs began to tremble.

Paracelsus originally focused on Lance when he answered, and the mask blocked his vision, so he didn't notice it at all, but he saw him pull out a gun and point it at him.

Before she could react, a gunshot rang out. She only saw a ball of fire exploding in front of her eyes, and her body shrank instinctively.

However, his body did not feel pain in the next second. Paracelsus was extremely calm. He knew that he could not miss at this distance, so the target of this shot was not himself, but what did he want to do?

Just as he was about to ask, he heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground behind him.

Looking back, I saw that the corpse had gotten up at some point, and it was still alive after taking a shot, and it was trying to get up again.


With a cry of surprise, Paracelsus, who had been so brave before, was frightened by this thing and fell to the ground when he saw the corpse getting up again.

"Go away!" Lance had a gun in his hand, urging her to leave.

You're fucking blocking me!

Paracelsus, who didn't know why he was stunned, only reacted after hearing the sound, and rolled away from here.

The second shot was also fired, and the bullet whizzed past and hit the head. Finally, the body stopped fluttering and stopped completely.

It's no use hitting the body, you still have to hit the head. What's the principle?

And Lance seems to have discovered something. There are a lot of mushrooms on the body, especially on the head. Does this have anything to do with it?

But now was not the time to think about this. He set his sights on Paracelsus, and even through the mask he could feel her panic that had not yet calmed down.

He didn't think that someone who could steal corpses at night would be frightened by the dead. The real reason was probably that the resurrection of corpses had shaken her scientific ideas.

Because in her "scientific" understanding, the dead cannot be resurrected, but in this world...

All Lance can say is that her scientific ideas are not scientific enough.

“Did you know that in nature there is a kind of ant that moves slowly and has a fungus on its head, which is a kind of mushroom, but in fact it is the fungus that really controls the ant’s movement.

As for the principle, it is very simple. The fungus parasitizes on the ants' heads and affects the ants by releasing certain substances. It is just like feeding the experimental subjects medicine. What a simple problem.

You say you are scientific, but when faced with a situation that violates common sense, you don’t study the principles or the disease-causing conditions. What are you afraid of here? "

Paracelsus didn't understand what this meant, so he realized it.

Yes! What are you afraid of? On the contrary, it is excellent research material.

Fear is dispelled and curiosity fills the mind.

But when she stood up and looked back at the corpse, she found that her head had been beaten into paste. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed because she was afraid that she had lost precious materials.

"I want to apply to use experimental subjects to inoculate for infection research."

Lance couldn't help but frown when he heard her words. This guy really didn't take human life seriously and would do experiments on living subjects directly.

There are only a dozen pirates imprisoned now. One of them was killed in a few days, and now they are here again. How many pirates will be enough for her to enjoy if they continue like this?

But Lance also thought of something. He had heard of the name of the white mouse. How could he not create such a good experimental material? Isn't it just the domesticated common house mouse?

There aren't many others, but I don't know how many the granary can catch in a day.

It’s a pity that it’s not realistic to do it immediately now…

But the problem is that based on the available information, I am afraid that this plague has already spread in the wilderness. He really needs to know more information urgently, especially the transmission route of this plague and the treatment method.

Originally, I wanted to prepare some more strength before preparing to take action, but now it seems that if it cannot be solved as soon as possible, the plague will spread to Hamlet by then.

damn it! The mess left by the old thing...

"Okay, I want to determine the transmission method of this plague as soon as possible, and then the prevention and treatment methods." Lance made a decision and agreed to her application.

It is better to use the lives of these heinous people to explore the way than to use the lives of your own people.


"Experimental Subject No. 2 showed no obvious signs of infection after being exposed to the environment for three days. Only one day after the wound appeared, plaque appeared on the wound, and then spread to the whole body through an unknown method.

The infected person will not immediately enter a state of death, but will become a culture medium. An autopsy found that the fungus grows from the inside out, and the muscles and internal organs will begin to develop fibrosis, just like fungi.

After three days, the skin will also become fibrotic and turn brown-black, and the texture will become tough, making it difficult to cut with a scalpel. Anatomy will be very difficult. At this time, the human body's functions have stopped, but the strange thing is that the brain is still alive. Knowing that there is no blood, the internal organs are also fibrotic, and even the heart has stopped beating! "

Having said this, Paracelsus showed some excitement and took Lance to a tent, in which was a dissected experimental subject in the late stage of infection.

It can be seen that the skin of the corpse is like shrunken tree bark, with irregular brown-black spots, and some are large bright yellow bumps. Some of the dissected bumps can be seen that have not yet emerged inside. mushrooms.

These things are densely covered all over the body, especially on the head, with yellow umbrellas and white stem mushrooms growing out of the eye sockets, mouth, nose, and ears. Just one look at that weird look can make people suffer from trypophobia and make their scalp numb. , feeling an instinctive disgust and wanting to stay away.

But that's not all. The experimental subject's head was sawed open, revealing the brain inside. An even more terrifying scene appeared in front of him. The roots of the mushrooms were small white threads, all rooted in the brain.

What he saw was that the entire brain was entangled with dense white threads, but after being exposed, it still twitched slightly, like jelly.

"Is this why you called me here?"

“When the germs take over the body after three days, everything except the brain has lost signs of life. The only explanation is that the germs are keeping the brain alive.

I have tested and found that this is a flesh-loving bacterium that only reacts to flesh and blood. Under the control of the bacteria, the matrix will tend towards flesh and blood. If no flesh and blood is found, it will fall into a dormant state.

And when flesh and blood life forms get close, they will be reactivated, which is the resurrection phenomenon we discovered at that time.

After being resurrected, his movements will be stiff, but he will attack all flesh and blood life forms. It is estimated that the purpose is to spread. "

After hearing this, Lance also had a general understanding of this germ, as long as it was not spread through the air through spores.

What he fears most is that the spores are inhaled into the lungs, the fungus infects the lungs and causes fibrosis, and then mushrooms emerge.

These brought back bad memories for him, because he couldn't control it at all, even if he burned all the infected people, there was nothing he could do, unless he abandoned this place.

Is this the old guy's plan?

Use biological weapons to create a barrier to make it difficult for people to enter.

The fact that biological weapons are not under control gives him an infinite sense of crisis. No one knows whether wild creatures will mutate after being infected. If there is any plague, Hamlet will become a dead place. During this period, he The effort is in vain.

"We can't wait any longer! Get ready, I'm going to organize people to go into the wilderness to detect how far the situation is going."

Lance looked more serious than ever.

"But my research is not finished yet."

"There are more experimental subjects and more samples in the wilderness. There is no better laboratory than this."

Lance said something, directly suppressing her opinion.

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