Our family is in decline

Chapter 201 Giant Sword

Lance walked directly into the single-family cabin. Because William wanted to raise a dog, he was assigned a single-family cabin.

As soon as he got close, he heard the barking of a dog. When he entered, he saw Fergus, who had been having fun in the yard, running to the corner. The dog who was very enthusiastic before was a little afraid of his arrival for some reason, which made Lance feel a little embarrassed. .

Speaking of which, he also had a responsibility. He brought Wangcai over before and wanted William to teach him, but he didn't expect that this guy would not obey anyone except himself, and even bit Figs.

Now it makes Figs a little afraid of him~

"Sir!" William came out of the house and immediately looked to see if there was any white wolf around.

"The wealth has not come~" Lance joked with a smile, "You are a dog trainer, why are you afraid of this thing?"

William couldn't tell the pain. If he really encountered a wild wolf, although it would be a bit difficult, he was still confident that he could tame it. Even if it was soft, he would be honest if he didn't eat it and gave it two sticks.

But when the white wolf hit him with two sticks, he bit him. Figs refused and went up to fight him, but he didn't even hit the white wolf.

My reputation as a dog trainer has been completely lost~

"Okay, let's not talk about those things today." Lance patted him on the shoulder, indicating his closeness, "Hamlet needs you."


On that training ground, Boudica beat up a new recruit with her bare hands. Now she is the instructor responsible for teaching those new recruits hand-to-hand combat.

Initially, these recruits looked down upon the instructor. After all, both women and barbarians touched their inexplicable pride, but Boudica soon gained the respect of the recruits using the method she was most familiar with.

At the beginning, the formation is set up directly. Whoever is willing to challenge and defeat her can rest in her class in the future.

Many people were eager to give it a try, but all they got in exchange was a severe beating. If Lance hadn't asked her to hold back, I'm afraid these guys wouldn't have suffered enough.

Boudica relied on her barbarian combat skills to directly defeat dozens of guys who dared to challenge her. It was true that veterans tried, but they were still beaten violently, and they could not defeat them in a wheel battle.

In just a few days, she pulled out more than 500 people and beat them up. Their poor self-esteem was shattered, and now they were all honest.

Let them understand that those who can become instructors must have good skills.

As for Leonard, they were happy to watch the show, but they were also surprised by this woman's strength.

Just a piece of news quickly called several instructors away from the training ground, and the Lord was summoning them.

When several people rushed to the hall, they found that William and Paracelsus were also there.

These two people have no contact with military construction and training, so everyone has only met each other.

"problem occurs!"

Qilance spoke directly when he saw someone, and with one sentence he drew everyone's attention.

"I have told you before about our enemies, but now the enemies no longer give us time to develop. They are just getting ready to approach Hamlet in the wilderness."

Lance made an opening statement, which instantly made the atmosphere of the meeting tense.

He never liked long speeches, so he simply explained what he had discovered, and then stated the purpose of summoning them today.

"I'm going to lead a team of people into the wilderness for reconnaissance." Lance directly named them, "Parcelsus, William, Boudicca plus me, the rest will stay to continue training and maintain Hamlet's health. run."

"This is too dangerous. Let me go into the wilderness for you."

"My lord, Hamlet needs you, so I'll do it."

"I am familiar with the wilderness, leave this matter to me."


Seeing them asking for a fight, Lance didn't react much and just explained.

"Infection starts from the wound. Only I can treat the injured immediately to prevent infection. Otherwise, even if the infection is infected by current medical methods, I will not be able to save it."

Everyone knows the Lord's ability, so they understand.

"Training the army is also a very important task, and once I leave, the task of protecting Hamlet will be in your hands. You must shoulder this responsibility. I don't want to see any problems when I come back."


Several people responded.

What if the ancestor steals the house while he is not at home? This is what I worried about when I went out before.

Therefore, sentry towers must be built in the north of several collective farms and labor farms. The new recruits must be frequently pulled out for training, and the cavalry must go back and forth on several farms to find someone to keep an eye on the smoke to prevent inexplicable enemies from coming.

In simple words, he condensed what the troops were going to do next and ordered some matters that needed attention. When the explanation was completed, Lance had no reason to keep them.

"Okay, we don't have much time. The evil is growing every minute and we have to be faster than them. Leonard stays with me and goes to the workshop while the others go back to prepare."

After the others left, Lance took out a long wooden box and opened his mouth to Leonard.

"It was indeed my fault for putting your family in that critical situation. I saw that your sword was seriously damaged during the last battle to protect the convoy. This sword can be considered my apology."

Don't say compensation but use apology. This word directly brings the relationship between the two closer.

Leonard was surprised that the lord still remembered this incident, and he didn't expect that the lord would have such a low attitude. He felt a little flattered for a moment.

"This is not your fault, sir. If I could have managed the team well and rushed back as soon as possible, these things would not have happened. It was my dereliction of duty that led to that situation. Your lack of punishment is already making me uncomfortable, let alone these."

As he spoke, Leonard closed his eyes with a tragic expression.

"Because the two of them almost delayed the task assigned by the adults. If there is a problem with the big plan because of me, it will be a consequence that I can't bear even if I die."

"We are not one of those religions, don't do this to me!" Lance's originally gentle attitude became strong and he shouted sternly.

"What are we fighting against evil for? It's for the world, for humanity, and for ourselves. If we can't even protect our families, how can we fight against evil?

You must remember that the most powerful weapon against corruption is the brilliance of humanity. We are not related by blood, but our common belief unites us. As long as you do not waver, this is the most powerful weapon. "

When Leonard heard this, he also realized the mistake he had made, and couldn't help but look a little disappointed.

"Okay! There is no need to say anything more about this matter. When you have time, you can pay more attention to your children and spend time with your family."

Lance did not continue to dwell on this topic, but opened the box and took out the long sword.

This sword soon attracted Leonard's attention. When he got hold of it, he could feel the impeccable feel and an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face.

"What a sword! This must be the work of a master."

Lance couldn't help but laugh when he saw the way he caressed the sword. I'm afraid he didn't even look at his wife like this.

"Let's go, let me introduce you to the weaponsmith who made this sword. You can talk to him to maintain the weapon in the future. Maybe you can also find someone to make another pair of armor."

In the Hamlet urban reconstruction project, in order to show his importance, he directly allocated a large area to the gun workshop for the production of related things.

It is said to be a workshop, but in fact, even the main body has not been built yet, and some are just open-air venues. Fortunately, he has prepared the equipment needed for forging in Totnes. Although the conditions are a bit crude, it does not affect the temporary use. .

When you get closer, you can hear the fierce sound of blacksmithing. The craftsmen are busy among them, and the tall and strong Winston is particularly conspicuous.

"Winston!" Lance shouted and led Leonard over.

Seeing the visitor, Winston was a little excited and put down the hammer in his hand and hurried over, but he also noticed Leonard beside him.

"Sir, I was just looking for you. The weapon you asked me to forge is not easy."

Looking at the smile on his face, Lance knew that he had succeeded. He said this somewhat to ask for reward.

It's just that after knowing his face-saving character, Lance also understood what he wanted, so he naturally praised him without hesitation.

"Of course it's not easy, otherwise I wouldn't have left it in the hands of a forging master with your skills. I believe you won't let me down."

"Hahaha!" Winston laughed excitedly, patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, sir, I have been thinking about it on the ship for a few days. I have been building this weapon these days, and the finished product is now complete."

As he spoke, he led the two of them to a table covered with cloth. He raised his hand and opened it, revealing a simple broad-bladed giant sword placed underneath. There were grooves on the spine of the sword to reduce weight and increase strength.

"This..." Leonard frowned upon seeing this.

He was a master of swordsmanship and had used many swords, but the weapon in front of him was completely beyond his knowledge.

It was more like a piece of iron than a sword. It was not a sword shape that he could understand at all, and it was very rough.

Maybe it was Leonard's reaction that made Winston have some opinions, and he couldn't help but explain himself.

"This is the best steel Totnes can find, made exactly according to the Lord's requirements."

Lance noticed Leonard's reaction and said in a joking tone: "Try?"

Leonard naturally would not refuse the lord's request, and directly stretched out his hand to hold the sword hilt. However, his face looked a little strange as soon as he exerted force, and he stretched out his hands to pick it up.

As for cold weapons like swords, the average one-handed short sword weighs about one to two pounds, while the two-handed long sword only weighs four to five pounds.

It sounds very light, but once you get started and swing it, it can exhaust a person's physical strength in just a few strokes, so the legendary heavy weapons that often weigh dozens or hundreds of pounds are somewhat unrealistic.

Similarly, even the most exaggerated two-handed long sword is generally no longer than one meter and three meters in length, because weapons are meant to serve people, and beyond that, they will be difficult to control by ordinary people.

Only some extremely tall people would customize weapons beyond the specifications of ordinary people, such as the large shield used by a wolf.

But this giant sword definitely weighs more than 30 pounds, and the blade is 1.6 meters long. With the hilt, the entire sword is almost 1.8 meters long. The width of the sword is also very exaggerated. This is not like a normal person at all. weapons used.

Leonard is confident that his strength is not too bad, otherwise he would not be able to wear armor every day and still kill people, but this weapon is not under his control at all.

Let alone cutting people, even picking it up feels tiring.

"how do you feel?"

"My lord, is this a training sword?"

Putting down the giant sword, Leonard then answered.

As for the only use of this sword, he probably only had the Ultramarines plan mentioned by the lord in his mind, using this sword to exercise their strength and endurance and create super strong special soldiers.

Under normal circumstances, what Leonard said is indeed correct. This sword is only used as a training tool.

But this world has extraordinary power...

"No!" Lance grinned and reached out, "This is my weapon."

There was a heavy and solid feeling when he started to hold it. Lance originally felt that those weapons were too light and light in his hands, but even he felt the pressure from this weight.

He had never been very good at using the weapons in his hands before. They were too light and seemed to swing like a tree branch. If it is too soft, it will break or become distorted if you apply force.

So after finding Winston, we discussed it with him. Originally, Winston recommended using a war hammer, but Lance knew that those cultists knew the magic of flesh and blood, especially those who planted [seeds]. The damage caused by blunt weapon attacks was basically It's hard to threaten them.

Not to mention some indescribable strange monsters, a weapon that can be cut must be more suitable. Finally, the style of the giant sword was decided on, and it was made by Winston.

This is a weapon that far exceeds the limits of human beings. Of course, only this kind of weapon can kill those inhuman things.

"Ha!" Lance dragged the giant sword to the open space, shouted with force, and the giant sword that was sluggish in Leonard's hand started to move in his hand.

Chopping and stabbing... Using heavy weapons requires skill, which means knowing how to exert force and how to utilize the weight of the weapon.

These seemingly simple swings, even though the speed is not fast, can still hear the sound of breaking wind and make people feel a strong pressure.

No one knew what the consequences would be if this sword came into contact, but Leonard knew that even Knight A would have no chance of surviving in front of this sword.

It can be smashed to death even if it is not chopped to death. This is the advantage brought by weight.

Seeing this, Leonard couldn't help but be surprised. How exaggerated is the Lord's power?

All the craftsmen couldn't help but stop their work and look over. The figure holding a giant sword and waving it was really shocking!

Winston, the forger, was even more excited when he saw this scene. Being able to forge weapons for such a heroic figure is a recognition and an honor for the craftsman.

Lance didn't use blessings to strengthen himself and maintain his physical strength. He was testing the limits of the weapons in his hands and his own body.

But even his exaggerated strength can only last for two or three minutes. If there is a more intense fight, he will be exhausted in just one minute, because in a real fight, all the muscles in the body will be activated.

But I have to say that this feeling gave him a good sense of security. If he had had this sword at that time, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed when dealing with the collector.

A sword passed over and broke it directly at the waist. Yes, it could be broken if it kept cutting.

Thanks to Brother Fu [Clement001] for the 2000 reward; [Foxtail's Tail] for the 100 reward.

I also wanted to collect a good name for the protagonist's main weapon, the giant sword. I originally wanted to use [Giant Killer], but all the guys in the group were bad, so I had to put it aside.

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