Our family is in decline

Chapter 202 Wilderness

"Great! What's the name of this sword?"

Lance returned to the two of them with the giant sword on his shoulder. Seeing how relaxed he was, the negative state of exhaustion had been eliminated.

It's just that this is not his refreshed state, but the effect of his super physical fitness. His body recovered in just a few breaths.

"Not yet, please give me your name."

"Name..." Lance raised the giant sword in his hand, and his expression couldn't help but become entangled.

If he really knew how to name, he wouldn't call the white wolf Wangcai. This is really nerve-wracking~

"Just call it [Giant Killer]. This sword is designed to deal with those powerful monsters."

"This is a good name. Your Excellency is really cultured."

"Okay Winston, stop using the polite words." Lance put down the giant sword in his hand and introduced him.

"This is the master of swordsmanship I'm talking about. Now Hamlet's cavalry instructor Leonard, your sword will not be lonely if it is handed into his hands. On the contrary, it will be passed down with his name, and it can even enter the exhibition hall and become a legend. .”

Winston was still a little resentful because of Leonard's questioning of the giant sword just now, but after hearing this, he couldn't help but feel good about it.

The reason is simple. If you can really enter the exhibition hall, then you will naturally leave your name as the person who made the sword.

"Hello, the sword made by the master is indeed very good. It is a masterpiece that can be passed down from generation to generation. I don't know what the name of this sword is?"

Leonard took out the long sword on his back. He was actually not very good at flattering others, but these words were genuine compliments.

"By the way, this sword is the one I'm most satisfied with over the years. It's called [Champion's Certificate] and it comes from the competition at that time..."

The recognition of others always makes Winston feel happy, not to mention Leonard's research on weapons, which gives the two a lot of topics to talk about.

Oh shit! Hearing this name, Lance felt more and more that the name he had chosen was a bit too simple.

He didn't care about them and left with a slight embarrassment. His purpose of coming here had been accomplished once he got the weapon.

In the original game, when the protagonist leads a team to go to a dungeon, he usually has to bring food, torches and other random things. These are all carried on the protagonist's back, which is why the backpack looks small.

But he is different. The showroom contributed by collectors means that he does not need to worry about materials at all, and the logistics is directly filled up.

"Prosperous wealth!"

Lance shouted, and soon there was movement in the backyard, and a white horse rushed out and was about to pounce on him.

But as if Lance expected it, he directly grabbed the two paws of the dog that wanted to lie down.

"Don't lick! You are not a licking dog, you are a wolf. Be serious."

Lance forcibly suppressed Wangcai. Although he kept it so that he could eat and drink, he didn't have time to walk the dog. He would have gone crazy out of boredom just letting such an energetic guy play by himself in the backyard.

Walking out of the gate with Wangcai, you can see several other people beside the carriage.

As soon as Wangcai let go, this guy jumped around in circles towards them, as if he was distinguishing the smell. Fortunately, they all recognized people and didn't bite like a mad dog.

After the wealth came out, Figgus was a little scared and shrank back to William's feet.

But William wasn't much better. He looked a little nervous. He didn't know whether he was afraid of making money or the wilderness he was about to enter.

Boudica was not afraid, and even wanted to go up and tease it, but Wangcai did not tolerate her, and he grinned at her in warning.

And this guy also bared his teeth at Wangcai. He subconsciously ran away and smiled when he saw Wangcai. He seemed to be as happy as a child. He was not at all stressed because this mission required him to go deep into the wilderness far away from human civilization.

Only Paracelsus calmly arranged his things, including various bottles and jars, as well as the sharpened flaming dagger.

"Set off."

Lance did not hesitate, and after arranging everything, he directly led the team and quietly left Hamlet.

After getting off the carriage, we came to several tent laboratories built on the edge of the wilderness and working farms.

"Come on, let's take a look at the enemies you will face later."

The main reason why Patton lost such a huge advantage was because the intelligence could not keep up, and the higher-ups hid the information from the people below, so that they did not know the enemies they were facing on this trip, thinking that they were just simple refugees.

The impact brought by the monster and the huge psychological gap defeated their reason, causing them to flee without fighting.

Lance would not do such a stupid thing, so he instructed Paracelsus to find out the way the germs spread in advance and understand the enemy's physical weaknesses, and then inform them of this information to give them a psychological foundation.

This trip was also a reconnaissance mission to obtain information.

He needs to know what exactly happened in the wilderness and to what extent, before he can judge what the next step should be.

This is the responsibility of the commander, not to rush blindly.

The tent was opened, revealing the experimental body inside to everyone.

"I wonder if this is Mushroom Boy?"

"Oh~evil witchcraft."

It must be said that the disgusting and distorted scene made even the heartless Boudica feel uncomfortable and frowned.

Not to mention William, an honest man who has been staying in the town, now he understands what the lord is fighting against.

As for Wangcai, he seemed to feel the threat, bared his teeth at the parasite, and roared in warning.

Their reactions were different, but fortunately no one wanted to quit. It was impossible for anyone who could be favored by him not to be able to withstand this.

"Don't be surprised, there are even stranger and more powerful monsters deep in the wilderness, and these are our enemies.

I would add that this fungus-controlled parasite feels no pain, and although its movements are stiff and slow, its body is stronger.

The only way to kill this fungus-controlled creature is to attack the brain. Once attacked and injured by a monster, you need to notify me immediately for treatment, otherwise it will become like this. "

William regained his composure, drove the dog forward to sniff, and only spoke when the dog turned back.

"Feggus has memorized the taste."

"Okay, let's go!"

At the beginning of Boudica, she originally lived in the mountains and forests and was very familiar with this environment.

In the middle were William and Paracelsus. To be honest, they didn't know much about this wild environment and needed time to adapt.

Naturally, the one following at the end was Lance, who was in charge. Wangcai was running around, and he was very happy to see how excited he was. There was not such a big place for him to move around in the town.

Although the wilderness is called this, Lance found someone to find out that when Hamlet was prosperous, this area was dotted with many villages, towns, farms, and manors.

Just like those seen in Totnes, it is responsible for supporting the large city that has not yet declined in its original location.

It's just that I don't know what exactly happened back then. The city was captured during a catastrophic disaster, and naturally these gathering places scattered in the wilderness were also affected.

Those who could escape ran to what is now Hamlet and other parts of the empire, while those original gathering places were abandoned.

When people disappear, nature will return these places with an extremely tolerant attitude.

The land here has inexplicable vitality, and the plants supported by it are exceptionally strong. As far as you can see, almost all of them are dense forests. The tree crowns are connected to block out the sky and block the sun's brilliance. Even during the day, it looks like evening.

I just don’t know why the crooked plants here rarely grow upright. The tree trunks have enlarged tree tumors that look like human faces. The branches are twisted and weird like tentacles. Thorny thorns as thick as wrists grow wantonly, even destroying the entire tree. The roads are blocked.

This situation coupled with the dim environment makes it feel inexplicably depressing.

Those who believe in the Holy Light might complain, "Even the Holy Light is difficult to penetrate. Has the Holy Light abandoned us?"

The disorderly expansion of the forest engulfed them all. Even the ancient roads paved with bricks and stones were arched by spreading tree roots, and covered with mud and dead leaves. Only the ruins of the walls told visitors the former glory of this place. and prosperity…

It takes a lot of energy to stay alert all the time, so after just walking for a while, the team's mental state became relaxed.

Only Lance's expression became more solemn as he walked away.

Driving Sam's family into the wilderness, he knew without thinking that they would not dare to go deep, and they would probably be operating on the edge. His guess could be confirmed from the location where the parasite was found.

But it was also infected in the fringe area, and the scars on its body could confirm that it was attacked by wild animals and then spread.

Originally, he thought that the plague had spread in the wilderness, and he planned to encounter many crazy infected beasts after entering.

This is logically true, but the situation is a bit special now. The team has moved forward for a certain distance and has officially entered the wilderness, but there is no sign of any wilderness creatures.

This can't be a good thing. The ancestor can't be so kind to help him clean up those things to prevent the spread of the plague, right?

Especially the few corpses of that family that have not been found. Even if they died and were eaten, there would still be some bones left, right?

The current situation can only show that his enemies are brewing some conspiracy and intend to bring a big one to him.

damn it! What the hell are you doing, old guy...

"The situation is not right. We are expanding the search scope and must find clues as soon as possible."

Lance told a few people his thoughts. This inference also attracted their attention, and the team began to move faster.



The orange flames licked the ferocious devil pattern embossed on the surface of the black cauldron, which also reflected the horrific scene around it. Scattered bones were randomly discarded, and among them were human skulls.

But the fire was nothing more than that, stopping in front of a huge figure shrouded in darkness, curling back to the bottom of the pot as if even the flames were afraid.

What is even more blasphemous than this is the strange thick soup that is constantly boiling and bubbling inside, glowing with fluorescent colors.

Such a terrifying scene is enough to penetrate the hearts of ordinary people, but at this time, there was laughter that penetrated.


Then a handful of unknown stuff was sprinkled into the pot as a decoration. "

Seeing this scene, even the ascended cultist wrapped in a black robe could not bear it. Why was he so unlucky to receive such an errand? He couldn't help but urge him.

"What you want has been given to you, and people have been given to you. When will you do it?"

"He owes me this! When will it be your turn to talk to me like this?"

A sharp and mean voice sounded, along with the thick soup being poured over.

Of course, the skill of being sent to perform such a task is not bad, but the cultist suddenly found that he couldn't move, as if he was pinned down, he could only stand in place and let the water fall.

When the thick soup fell on the believer, an extremely weird scene happened. It actually corroded the black robe and fell on him.

However, the power of the thick soup was not reduced. The moment it came into contact with the skin and flesh, plumes of thick smoke rose up, and the flesh and blood were melting. And what fell on the head melted half of the face like wax, revealing the white bones and the missing eyelids. The eyeballs are also directly waxed.

"Ah!" The cultist struggled hard and let out a miserable cry. His body was directly corroded into spots, and his flesh and blood turned into pus and flowed down.

It's so terrifyingly corrosive, but it was drunk by the guy in the darkness just now. What kind of monster is it?

However, this ascended cultist was not simple. The power residing in his body broke out and broke the strange curse. The flesh and blood squirmed to reveal the inhuman limbs, and soon the skin and flesh grew again.

The first time he left, he had no intention of staying. He dragged the remains of his body and left the place without waiting for complete recovery.

After running for a while, the cultist looked back in a panic and found that no enemy was following him. Then he stopped and tore off the black robe on his body. However, at this time, he had a complete humanoid body, and all the weird limbs had disappeared.

It has to be said that the Ascension Church's methods are so powerful that even such a serious injury could not damage the key. In just a few breaths, those scars disappeared, but that one eye was difficult to recover.

However, he couldn't care less about this. There was a price to pay for using his ability. At this time, he had to grit his teeth to suppress the strange restlessness in his body, and it took him a while to recover.

Only after he was far away from that stronghold did One Eye dare to show his anger. When had he ever suffered such injustice?

It's just a town, he can solve it even if he takes action. This guy will regret it when the time comes!

One Eye was so panicked, but the creature in the darkness didn't pay attention to him at all, but continued to tinker with the pot of soup.

"Wait a minute...how can the soup be delicious before it's even cooked...I can't wait to enjoy it..."

Thanks to Brother Fu [Bingqing Yujie Nurgle Father] for the 2000 reward.

Thanks for the reward of 200 with the tail number [9790].

I really hate the name. I struggled with it for a long time. I have read everyone's suggestions. This is just an ordinary weapon for transition. Your name is too fancy, so I am a little afraid to use it. I will use it later when I change it to an extraordinary giant sword.

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