Our family is in decline

Chapter 213 Wolf Smoke

In Hamlet Town, Leonard did not lie on the hospital bed. Instead, he walked out of the training camp to patrol the sentries in various places after recovering a little. The [Championship Certificate] was never left behind.

Then he met Patton who was also patrolling. When several of them were injured, he was mainly responsible for the management of the training camp.

"Brother Leonard, why don't you take a good rest? I'll take care of the things here."

"There's nothing wrong with me. The injury is almost healed." Leonard raised his hand to indicate that he was fine, but instead became concerned about the current situation.

"Have you found any trace of those cultists?"

"No, the entrances and exits of the town are blocked, and all entrances and exits are checked. Statistics have also been conducted on those farms. There are no more or less people, and no problems have been found for the time being.

Moreover, I have sent some additional manpower to the three farms. Even if there is a problem, they can withstand it for a while and send us a signal. "

Patton's ability to manage these is naturally arranged in an orderly manner.

"Hmm~" Leonard nodded and confirmed Barton's arrangement, but he still couldn't help but remind him.

"Be careful in the past few days. Those cultists cannot do anything after suffering such a big loss. They will definitely take revenge.

No matter what happens, if the Lord hands Hamlet to us, we must return it completely. There must be no mistakes. We cannot afford to lose. "

"Of course I understand."

It was not easy to find a foothold again and gain the appreciation of the lord, not to mention the deep hatred between myself and those cults.

Although the monster is terrifying, this victory is enough to show that the monster is not invincible.

Regarding that matter, a blockade was ordered. Walking on Hamlet, the two could see that the normal operations of the town were not affected. Everything was still in full swing, everyone was working hard, and the town showed a flourishing vitality.

Seeing this scene, Leonard felt a little more at ease.

This kind of tranquility until a column of smoke slowly climbed up in the sky. This phenomenon attracted the attention of most of the townspeople working in the open air, and they couldn't help but put down their work and look into the distance.

But this smoke column looked like it had some kind of power to Leonard and the other two, and it instantly made them nervous.

"North! It's the labor farm."

"Quick! You gather the troops, and I will lead the cavalry to conduct reconnaissance first. Be careful not to fall into the trap, and leave manpower behind to protect this place."

The smoke rose, indicating that there was an attack over there, and neither of them could think of a hurry.

Leonard didn't care that his injuries meant he shouldn't exercise strenuously. He strode back and then rode his horse to summon five cavalrymen to rush over first.

Patton rushed back to the training camp to ring the alarm bell and gather the soldiers.

There is no need for everyone to talk nonsense. Under the management of their respective captains, they all receive equipment quickly and orderly, waiting for the order to set off.

Disma and Barristan also ran back, obviously noticing the smoke in the distance.

"We must let one stay in charge of the town's defense." Barton looked at the two people who came and said.

"I don't understand this. The Musketeers need me to lead them." Disma expressed his attitude.

"I'm almost feeling better too." Barristan moved his left arm, and it was obvious what he meant.

"Why are you looking at me?" Patton looked at the two men and quickly expressed his opinion, "I am the only one who can use artillery."

Upon hearing this, Disma couldn't help but say:

"Brother Leonard is seriously injured, so it's most appropriate for him to stay."

"That's right, there's no need to argue with him."

What they were fighting for was not about a good thing, but to go to the battlefield. On the contrary, it would be safer to stay. There was no doubt that the two of them left this opportunity to Leonard, who had been injured the most before, and chose to go to the battlefield on their own.

"But he has already led the cavalry and set off first!"

Barton's words were not surprising to the two of them, and they seemed to have somewhat expected this situation.

“The situation is still unclear, and the artillery is a troublesome to transport heavy weapons, so it is temporarily left in Hamlet as the last line of defense.

The labor farm is in the far north, still quite far away from the town. Even if the enemy comes, there will be a certain buffer, and we can be ready to lead them to evacuation at any time.

You will stay here first, gathering the townspeople to appease them, while Disma and I will go over to see the situation. "

Barristan's arrangement did take into account the current situation. Barton wanted to go to the front line, but the problem was that those artillerymen had just learned to load, and he was the only one in Hamlet who knew how to aim the artillery.

Because the troops were divided to garrison several other farms, there were now more than 300 soldiers in the town. Disma and the others took away 100, 50 spearmen, and 50 musketeers directly.

The transportation of troops is also a very embarrassing problem. The road to the north can only be marched, and only the logistics can be equipped with a carriage to transport supplies such as ammunition.

When organizing forces in the rear, Leonard had already led the cavalry to the farm, but the smoke was not coming from here, but from the sentry tower set up further north of the farm, on the edge of the wilderness.

It was a tall tower made of wood. It was built by the Lord before he entered the wilderness. I didn't expect it to be effective so quickly.

"What did you find? Why lit the smoke?"

"Report! Monsters, many monsters are coming towards us!"

The soldier raised his hand and pointed to the wilderness, and at the same time handed over the telescope. Leonard took it and looked out.

Because the requirements for urban construction required a large amount of wood, and the heavy work of logging was directly left to the people in the labor camp, that's why only the lumberjacks discovered the strange corpses at that time.

Similarly, logging has also cut gaps in the originally dense forest, and among these gaps, some strange and unknown creatures can be seen passing by. It seems that they are obviously coming in the direction of Hamlet.

And if you estimate the distance, you will be able to get closer quickly.

This sight made Leonard feel stressed, because the monster army was endless and vast, and no one knew how many more were hidden under the cover of the wilderness.

"You go and inform the farm management to gather all the people, take the cattle and sheep and retreat towards Hamlet.

You rush back to Hamlet immediately and tell Instructor Barton to respond to the level one war state. "

The soldiers below were stunned when they heard "level one state". You must know that the monster had not entered this state before. What kind of enemy is this time?

"What are you still doing? Hurry!"

Leonard watched the two people leave with an expression that was still very uneasy. The two arrangements he made tended to be conservative, and even had a tendency to lose before fighting.

Unable to defend, Leonard has been fighting in the Crusaders for many years. It's hard to say anything else, but his judgment of the situation is very clear.

Based on the situation seen so far, unless all of Hamlet's five thousand townspeople are soldiers, it is impossible to defeat such a number of enemies.

The only choice given to him was to use this distance to continuously consume the enemy, then rely on the farm to set up the first line of defense, then use the distance from the farm to the town to continue to exchange, and finally use the town to divide the enemy to complete the annihilation.

Leonard had the idea in his mind to use strategic depth to consume the enemy, and then...

But suddenly he realized something, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

All of Hamlet's remaining food this year is on the farm, and the fields around the farm grow the next year's food.

If something goes wrong, the consequences will be that the town's 5,000 residents will not have food for the next two years, not to mention the war outside. Trying to buy food to alleviate the situation may bring down this emerging town.

You can't hide, you must defend!

"Quick, let the farm management leave a group of serfs to build protection on the farm, let Barton transfer all the soldiers, and mobilize the militia at all costs!"

A new order was issued, and all the cavalry brought over were sent out. Leonard kept watching the monster army and couldn't help but fall into huge pressure.

Soon the entire town was mobilized, and news about the monster army spread among the townspeople. At the same time, the recruitment of militia only intensified the panic of the people.

Patton, who was guarding the town, was ready to use the army to suppress it, but what he didn't expect was that the people were afraid, but they had no intention of making trouble at all. On the contrary, some people responded positively.

This situation is entirely due to a series of arrangements made by Reims. Most of these people are refugees. They have nowhere else to go. They enjoy Hamlet's policy and are reluctant to leave.

On the contrary, many people who want to fight take the initiative to join the militia, whether to protect their families or to gain some military exploits and exchange better conditions for their families.

The troops received their equipment and then set off one after another.

Patton only knew a little about the situation on the front line from those orders, but he also knew the dangers involved.

If it cannot be defended, let alone development, Hamlet’s survival is another matter.

But all he can do at this time is to stabilize the rear and mobilize more people to go to the farm. He can only rely on their front line to handle it well...

To the north of the labor farm, some serfs were selected and were working hard to dig some traps and trenches, while others were stacking various improvised horses to form a barrier.

This was land that had just been reclaimed some time ago, and no crops had been planted on it. It was chosen by Leonard as the first line of defense to block the enemy and delay the transportation of supplies to the farms behind.

Even if you can't hold on, you should try your best to recover some losses.

Those serfs naturally knew that the enemy was coming, and they did not want to risk their lives here, but the equally busy soldiers made them think that digging the ground was good sometimes.

Not to mention the two decapitated corpses over there, tell them to either dig the ground, or someone else will dig your grave.

The really old group of serfs had been liberated by Lance and returned to the town long ago. Now these slaves came here only after committing crimes, so Leonard didn't care about their life or death at all. There is no mercy in war, and everyone's life is worth nothing. It is a pawn in the battle.

He won't make the same mistake again~

Leonard stood on the guard tower holding his sword, with Disma and Leonard rushing over beside him.

"Fortunately, the sentry tower set up by your Excellency discovered the enemy first, otherwise we would have been in great trouble if we were attacked by the enemy."

"I led the cavalry to get closer and check, and I found that most of the monsters were not humans, but mostly beasts. Their movements were slow and stiff, and they looked very similar to the infected people you mentioned."

"If you are told like this, try not to get too close. If you can wear armor, wear armor. If not, wrap the key parts with cloth. If you are injured, wash it with water immediately and then bandage it to avoid infection."

"Everyone has a spear. If you don't have a gun, you can just use a wooden stick. You can't fight alone. You have to form an array. You have to be vigilant about all monsters that fall to the ground. They can only be killed by attacking the head or dismembering them."

"The only good news is that these monsters don't move very fast. If we can use these three lines of defense to weaken them as much as possible, then we can rely on the farm to completely annihilate them in the end. This is the most ideal situation."

During the discussion between the three men, the battle situation was arranged. It was not until Patton settled in the rear that he took refuge with the artillerymen.

"How is it going?"

"See for yourself." Leonard gestured to the telescope placed aside.

Although the monster was powerful before, there was only one. But when Barton saw the infected bodies coming out of the wilderness, his expression changed somewhat.

Looking at these monsters reminded him of the war at that time, with the overwhelming ugly monsters and the rout of the army...

"Are you okay?" Leonard noticed Barton's heavy breathing and couldn't help but ask.

"Can we really win?" Barton put down the monocular and expressed his doubts with a solemn expression.

"I don't know." Leonard calmly raised the sword in his hand and pointed it outside. "I just know that if we don't fight, we will definitely not win."

"I understand." Barton looked at the other two people and seemed to have made up his mind, nodding in agreement.

Looking at his determined expression, Disma thought he was asking him to die, so he quickly comforted him with a smile.

"Don't be like this, we are not going to die. These monsters look like many, but in fact they are just wild dogs. Anyone can be killed."

"As long as the lord comes back, everything will be fine."

When Barristan mentioned this, everyone immediately fell into silence. What did the Lord go through in the wilderness, and why hasn't he come back yet?

"Dingle! Dingle! Dingle!"

The fast horse in charge of reconnaissance rushed back from the front line, shaking the bell violently in his hand to sound the alarm, "Hurry! Hurry! The enemy is coming!"

This sound made the serfs who dug the trap panic. In fear, they couldn't help but drop their tools and try to escape. Chaos had already appeared.

This naturally attracted the attention of the people above. Barton raised the telescope again, and sure enough he found that the slow-moving monster just now was still behaving strangely, but it was approaching at an increasing speed for some reason.

The telescope was passed among several people, and soon Leonard determined one thing.

"Quick! Immediately move the serfs to the second line of defense. Soldiers will be mobilized to rely on fortifications to stop the enemy and save themselves as much as possible."

As he spoke, Leonard swept towards the crowd and said in a deep voice:

"The war has begun!"

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