Our family is in decline

Chapter 214 Defeat

It is a wild beast with hair and phase loss, dark eyes, and tragic scars on its body, but it is not dead. On the contrary, it can still move violently.

The whole body was skinny and charred. Although it was humanoid, its limbs were bent and crawling. There was a strange infected body with enlarged red bacteria growing on its abdomen.

The human form stands, but the head is replaced by a giant mushroom. The skin on the body is sallow and wrinkled like dead branches. The body is covered with mushrooms. It is a shambling monster.

Various monsters distorted by germs are constantly advancing...

Those soldiers relying on the front line looked at the approaching enemy in the distance. It was a monster they had never seen before and could not understand.

Not to mention that these monsters can't even be seen at the edge. There are at least tens of thousands of monsters.

This scene cast a shadow in everyone's mind.

The pressure in the soldier's heart is also building up, but fortunately, he has seen monsters with stronger impact before, which can be regarded as a foreshadowing to some extent.

"Artillery ready!"

Patton shouted, and the three artillery in the position had all been loaded. When the monster got closer, there was no need to aim at all and they fired directly.

The roar of the war machine sounded, and three projectiles of different sizes flew out and smashed into the monster's formation. Even the monster's inhuman body was unable to stop it wherever it went. The shells penetrated directly and broke the monster in half. , even if the projectile falls on the ground and rolls, it still has a strong force, and it will break off the hands and feet even if it touches it.

The powerful power displayed by the artillery directly tore three obvious traces into the enemy's dense formation.

But in an instant, it was filled with a huge number of monsters and was instantly healed, as if there was nothing there.

"Reload! Hurry!"

Barton looked at this scene, and the scene that had haunted him for a long time seemed to reappear in his mind.

It's an inhuman monster again, and it's this intensive offensive that is not afraid of death...

The pressure in his heart rose rapidly until the shouts from the other side brought him back to reality.

"Damn it! Look at what you're capable of. We've even killed those monsters, and you're still afraid of these mushrooms? Have your eggs turned into mushrooms and grown on their heads?"

Disma shouted words at the musketeers, joking and yelling. This seemingly vulgar joke actually relieved the pressure on the soldiers.

That's right, I've even faced that kind of monster, so how could I be afraid of a few mushrooms?

"Wait a minute and aim at their balls, kill them, and you'll have mushroom soup to drink when you go home tonight."

Disma looked at the approaching enemy in front. He controlled the distance very well and gave direct orders after the monster entered the shooting range of the musket.


As soon as he finished speaking, the gunpowder smoke exploded, and the lead bullets flew out and shot into the enemy's formation driven by gunpowder. However, they did not cause much damage. Even if they hit the body, they would only make the monster stagger and fall to the ground.

However, those fallen monsters can trip up the monsters behind them, and it is difficult to stand up again after being trampled.

In some cases, it can be said that the greatest damage caused is to the monster itself, but this number is still too small. Most of them just take a hit and then move on. The monster will not die unless it is hit in the head.

After the Musketeer was in a daze last time, several people discussed and studied it, knowing that it would be difficult to react to the tedious reloading when their heads were empty.

The solution is to separate the steps of loading ammunition. The first row to shoot will pass the gun to the back, and then take the loaded gun to continue shooting. The following ones are each responsible for one step, which greatly improves the loading speed.

It also greatly increases the shooting speed, thereby forming a powerful fire network, which does not seek to kill, but continuously shoots to block the enemy's attack rhythm.

Patton, who reacted on the other side, continued to fire, and the two of them weakened the enemies as much as possible within a hundred meters.

But even if they try their best to squeeze the performance of the human body and guns, fire more guns, and fire more cannons, the damage to the monsters in these 100 meters may not even be a few hundred.

On the contrary, those monsters seemed to be attracted when they met people, becoming more active, and even gathered into dense waves without guidance.

The densely packed enemies can't stop them at all...

"Quick! Retreat to the second line of defense."

The artillery had already overheated and was pulled back. Even the muskets could not withstand this frequency of shooting and had problems.

Fortunately, these batches of guns were all new and they were manufactured without a few explosions, otherwise the already low morale would have exploded as well.

After the order was issued, the army responded quickly and evacuated in an orderly manner. If it were a swarm, it would be called a rout. Disma even organized two rounds of shooting cover, which was a slight delay.

The shallow trench dug out worked. The first one to fall in the dense team would cause a chain reaction, and even more monsters would be killed in this instant than they had just killed with guns and guns in a long time.

But this trench took hundreds of people working hard for half an hour to dig. Where can we have such time now?

After a delay of less than five seconds, the trench was filled in, the stacked fences were knocked open, and the mighty army could not be seen to be less than a hundred meters across.

Leonard has been paying attention to the movements of the monsters. It was not obvious before, but during the retreat of the team, they seemed to be chasing life, and they actually gathered together without guidance.

Logically speaking, this is a good thing, because there are only so many soldiers. If one's own front line is lengthened, it will become weak, and if the front line is shortened, one's side will be in trouble.

The current situation is both a good thing and a bad thing for them, because there is no way that only about two hundred spearmen can withstand these waves of monsters that generally have no sense of pain and fear.

"The cavalry will follow me to divert the enemy and cover the large force!"

Leonard found that the attraction of these monsters to the army was very clear. Combined with what the Lord had said before, the thirst for flesh and blood of those infected by this virus was an almost instinctive pursuit.

But just now I led the cavalry to lure away a group of monsters from the flanks but failed. This shows that there must be something guiding these monsters, otherwise it would be impossible to unify the route and resist instinct.

Leonard was forced to stay on the periphery and watch the monster, trying to find the key to breaking the situation.

But the number of monsters is too huge, and there are all kinds of weird things. It's not easy to find the leader among them?

As the monsters and the army collided, Leonard's expression could not help but become more solemn...

"Oh~how many are there!"

Patton also became anxious. In the previous battle, there were at least 3,000 troops and dozens of artillery pieces, but now there were only three, and they were overheated, making him feel helpless as he wanted to do something, but couldn't.

The tremendous pressure almost drove him into despair.

Give me more artillery...I want to change this situation...

"That's enough. You've done a good enough job. Leave the rest to us."

Barristan noticed Barton's reaction. When he passed by, he raised his hand and patted the young man on the shoulder, and then walked forward.

"Hamlet will win!" Barristan raised the Morning Star Hammer in his hand, then put the shield full of battle marks in front of him and roared at the incoming monster.

This shout immediately resonated with the soldiers, and they rushed to shout the slogan first.

Barristan's attitude slightly improved the low morale, and the pikemen relied on the simple fortifications built by the debris to prepare to hold on.

The musketeers were transferred to the farm buildings to occupy the high points and continue to kill and weaken monsters as much as possible.

However, the artillery at this time was not of much use and was dragged behind to wait for cooling. At the same time, the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the farm gate, ready to be used by monsters if it could not be defended.


They rushed forward without waiting for the spear to pierce the monsters. The spear was indeed the most suitable weapon for infantry in the cold weapon era. As long as you had a little strength and could stand firm, you could repel the enemy.

But it is a pity that even if the soldiers thrust out with all their strength, it would still be difficult to cause direct casualties.

The infected beasts that rushed over wanted to bite and scratch the soldiers, and the mushroom heads staggered and stretched out their mutated claws covered with germs.

These can barely be resisted temporarily by the gun array, but the approaching four-legged fungus cannon directly spits out a large number of strong spores and attacks the military array.

It's also a problem of information asymmetry. Most of them don't know what it is, and their understanding of the monster is still limited to the previous information.

When caught off guard, many soldiers inevitably inhaled the spores and fell into negative states such as nausea, vomiting, and weakness in coughing.

At the same time, these spores caused the infected bodies to go berserk. Under their crazy impact, the previously invincible gun formation was rushed away in an instant. If it were not for the blocking effect of those debris, it would have collapsed immediately.

At this moment, an explosion sounded among the monsters. The monster at the center of the explosion was shattered into pieces. Its arms and limbs were broken within a radius of three meters. Even five meters away, it was pushed down by the shock wave caused by the explosion, directly opening a huge gap. , can't even be filled in less than two seconds.

This is not artillery, but the power of explosive bombs.

"Retreat! Bring all the wounded back." Patton continued to throw bombs, and the continuous explosions actually blocked the monster's progress, giving those soldiers on the front line precious time to withdraw.

Patton's hand grabbing the box was empty and he found that the bomb had long been used up.

Originally, they didn't take out a few boxes in total when they fled, but the previous consumption and now they were completely consumed.

And without the bomb, those monsters surged in again.

Barristan led the team in front, either slapping or pushing the shield in his hand to resist the attacks from the monsters. The Morning Star Hammer swung out again and again, hitting the monsters.

The veteran used all his abilities to stop the gradually collapsing situation, and the soldiers who are still following him to buy time for his companions are also heroes who have transcended fear.

But the reality is that they are just fine sand on the seashore, which cannot stop the waves from beating at all.

Sometimes reality does not depend on will...

The army resisted resolutely and tried to delay the monster's actions, but it had no effect at all. The monster undoubtedly swallowed everything.

More and more soldiers are injured, their defense lines are shattered on a large scale, and the collapse is unstoppable...

At this time, Disma, who had been shooting from above, seemed to notice something. The explosion just now ignited the piles of debris. Although there were only sporadic fires, there was a clear space, and the monsters seemed to avoid it intentionally.

This discovery made him extremely excited, and he couldn't help shouting to mobilize the musketeers.

"Monsters are afraid of fire, so light those things on fire!"

The farm lacks everything, but the most indispensable thing is fodder, which is dry and flammable.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Everyone, get out of the way."

The pallet truck was piled with hay and ignited, and blazing flames rose up. With the efforts of several people, the train crashed out.

Barristan was already close to exhaustion, and the soldiers around him fell one by one. The monster's circle was close to forming, and the fear of death enveloped the last few soldiers who resisted tenaciously.

At this time, the veteran did not panic, but tried his best to cover the retreat of other soldiers, leaving himself in the most dangerous place.

A wolf-shaped infection bit his leg like crazy. Even though he had leg armor, it couldn't stop the wolf's teeth from penetrating into his calf.

"Ah!" Barristan did not scream in pain, but gritted his teeth and swung the Morning Star Hammer in his hand directly on the wolf's head. The sharp tip also pierced the wolf's head and flattened it.

Although the monster was killed, the next one rushed up again, and so on, some could even penetrate the armor, constantly squeezing his life force.

Barristan looked around and found that everyone who could leave had withdrawn. He had finally lived up to the lord's trust.

But he could no longer walk, and was surrounded by monsters. However, facing the surging monsters, Barristan was not afraid of death. On the contrary, he seemed somewhat relieved.

"Am I finally returning to the peace of death?"


There was a gunshot, and the monster that rushed towards Barristan was directly shot in the head.

Barristan looked back when he heard the commotion, and saw that three burning trains were rushing directly into the monsters. The monsters dodge in fear as they passed by, and at the same time, the spore mist that filled the surrounding area was dispersed.

"Let's go!"

Under the cover of three trains, Disma led a team of people to snatch the soldiers back, and Barristan was naturally among them.

After discovering the restraint of flames on monsters, a new line of defense was built around this. The fodder and wood in the farm were piled up, and even the troughs for feeding the cattle were moved out and thrown on the ground and set alight.

Under the threat of the rolling fire, the monsters in front did not dare to move forward at all, while those behind were crowded, and riots broke out inside.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw this scene. No matter what, the crisis was temporarily alleviated.

But at this time, the commotion among the monsters actually subsided. At the same time, the monsters that had only been rushing around before didn't know why they knew how to bypass the fires and attack from the other side.

You must know that the farm only has low earth walls, the kind that could collapse with a strong kick. How could it withstand the monster's impact?

Sure enough, the earthen wall was knocked down, monsters poured in, and when the battle line was stretched, it was impossible for the soldiers to defend this point. It was too late to even start a fire now.

The farm can no longer hold on...

Thanks to [Wang Tiezhu’s Leather Picker] for the 500 reward.

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