Our family is in decline

Chapter 23 Farm Situation

"Wake them up. I want to get the number of guards on the farm, their equipment, and their distribution."

Naturally, there were some things that he didn't need to do in person, and Disma was more than willing to do it for him.

Lance picked up the two crossbows and inspected them. By inspecting these guard weapons, he probably understood their equipment. The breastplate worn by the squad leader was just a layer of iron, not a heavily armored knight like Leonard. Armor, the protective effect is naturally average, it can withstand one or two chops, but it may be penetrated by a stab from a long sword, let alone block a gun.

But those two crossbows were not ordinary goods. Although the marks had been smoothed away, Lance's professional knowledge allowed him to identify them as standard ordnance.

It's no wonder that Lance was surprised, because only the regular army can equip this thing. Where can a farmer in a remote fishing village get such a thing?

However, judging from the condition, it has been used a lot, and the markings are polished. It is very likely that the replaced equipment was resold by the logistics and armament management personnel.

"Sir, they've recruited."

Disma's words brought Lance back to his senses, and he looked at the little leader who was hung up. His face was already pale, and he was obviously cruel.

"Put him down."

As soon as Lance opened his mouth, Disma put the man down and escorted him directly in front of him.

"Go on, your next words will depend on whether you survive."

People like them are not knights, and they don't talk about loyalty.

A few hundred dollars a month, what a waste of money~

As the team leader spoke, he quickly learned about the situation on the farm.

Lance sorted out the information. Although the farmer had not been affected by the bandits, he was very afraid of the bandits attacking again, so he had been hiding on his farm. At the same time, a large number of troops were concentrated around him to protect his safety.

The farmer has more than fifty guards, but only thirty are actually capable, including twenty warriors and ten crossbowmen.

The remaining twenty or so are basically ordinary guards. They have no armor, no long-range weapons, or even weapons. They only hold whips. In fact, they are promoted from among the serfs and are responsible for watching over those serfs.

Among the twenty warriors, five were elite squad captains, all wearing breastplates like his.

In other words, there were eight crossbowmen and seventeen warriors left at the farm after Lance captured them, including four elites.

The only good news is that the farmer is still a traditionalist. According to the team leader, the farmer does not trust those muskets that take two or three minutes to load.

In other words, the gunman that Lance was most afraid of did not exist in the manor.

Lance also knew the location of the defense posts and the shift times.

An elite team was formed with three guards and two crossbowmen on duty, and the three shifts were rotated day and night.

There are also three checkpoints on the only way to the outside, and everyone must check in and out.

The sentries are intertwined to form a dense protective net, and it is really difficult to break in.

"Who arranged these?" Lance heard that these arrangements were a little too reasonable, and it was hard to believe that they were something that just a farmer could make~

"It's that boy David."

As soon as the team leader opened his mouth, he meant to hide something. When he mentioned this name, he was somewhat jealous. It was obvious that he had opinions about this person named David.

This actually caught Lance's attention, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Tell me more about this man."

According to the team leader, David's parents died when he was a child. He was usually a street gangster. When bandits invaded, he was selected to become a militia and trained for a period of time.

When the war broke out, I heard that he killed a bandit, but he escaped after the militia broke up. Anyway, he survived for some reason, with a few deserters following him.

After the incident, he did not agree with the mayor's recruitment of militiamen and mercenaries. Instead, he took three of his closest deserters to join the farmer's forces.

As soon as David came in, he defeated the strongest of the guards, not to mention that the farmer married his daughter to him and put him in charge of the farm's defense, which meant he became the leader of the guards.

But David's joining also threatens people like the squad leader who are originally farm guards.

Only two of the five team captains are original, and the remaining three are all David's men.

After taking office, they carried out a major overhaul, requiring these guards to be trained and given various tasks.

damn it! I used to just lie on the rocking chair and watch the serfs, and whip them if they disobey.

Now he is like those serfs every day, either training or patrolling. If he is caught slacking off, he will be whipped.

No wonder they were eating, drinking and having fun as soon as they left the farm. They were so miserable inside.

The squad leader complained about David like crazy, but Lance felt threatened by this man he had never met before.

Both of his parents died, and after decades of living in ignorance, he finally realized that he could kill bandits with simple training, and even gained a few loyalists after escaping from death.

If these are just luck and talent, then the fact that David chose the farmer instead of the mayor already shows that he is not that simple.

The mayor has experienced mercenaries under his command, and even if he joins, it will be difficult for him to get ahead.

Although the farmer who controls the town's food lifeline has some guards, they are all useless. If he joins, he can get more things.

It can be seen from the results that these slightly trained militiamen joined with weapons and equipment and directly crushed the original guards.

And David also changed from a gangster to a farmer's son-in-law and also held military power. It was a direct class jump.

Not to mention that David was not satisfied with this. He trained the guards ostensibly to resist the bandits, but under his operation, the farm power was brought to a higher level. He could even compete with the mayor, not to mention making a lot of money by raising food prices. made a fortune.

This kind of person has brains and ability, and his long-term vision is not limited to the moment. There is no doubt that he is a genius.

It would be fine if it was just like this, but Lance was more afraid that this David was...

Lance was silent, and there was a hint of heaviness in his slightly closed eyes, but he quickly gathered his emotions, showed a faint smile, and said to the team leader:

"The mayor and the farmer took advantage of the banditry to endanger Hamlet's safety. You should have seen his fate. Do you know what you are charged with now?"

"I don't know~" The team leader shook his head, confusion appearing on his face.

"As the farmer's guard, you are equivalent to an accomplice, and it is already a capital crime, do you understand?"

"Hey!" The team leader was shocked. He quickly defended himself and said, "It's unfair~ I didn't do anything."

When it comes to bullying men and dominating women, he admits it, but he doesn't even understand about endangering safety. How come it suddenly became a capital crime?

"I am the lord, do you have any objections?"

The squad leader's intestines were filled with regret. How could he be so unlucky? He would be able to go back tomorrow morning.

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