Our family is in decline

Chapter 24 A gold coin for a farm

"Of course~" Lance noticed his reaction and added unhurriedly, "Seeing that you are still cooperative and have a good attitude of pleading guilty, I decided to give you another chance."

"Sir, do you want to attack the farm?" the captain asked knowingly. No matter how stupid he was, he knew what the previous questions meant. He asked this because he wanted to judge the lord's strength.

"I like smart people." Lance could see that he didn't really surrender, but he had to bow his head due to the situation, but he didn't care at all.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to cooperate with us tomorrow to hijack the convoy transporting food, and then take us into the farm."

"But I can't bring so many people." The team leader looked helpless, but Lance's words directly frightened him.

"Plus the four on my side, that's five people, just a defensive team."

"Huh!" The team leader was stunned, as if doubting whether his ears heard correctly, and quickly asked: "Only five people?"

"I think that's enough." Lance nodded affirmatively, "Too many people can't enter the farm and get close to the manor."

When the team leader received a positive reply, he emphasized immediately: "The farm has more than fifty guards and hundreds of serfs. There are more than five servants in the manor alone. What can the five of us do if we go in?"

As he said this, the captain was a little doubtful whether the lord understood this?

He looks like a weak scholar, but he really may not understand anything~

"Then who do you think is stronger between the mayor's security team and the farm guards?" Lance asked calmly when faced with doubts.

"Of course the mercenaries." The team leader didn't hesitate much. There were also thirty people, but of course the mercenaries were stronger.

"We all killed the security team last night, and the person in front of you was the one who did it."

Lance said the most terrifying words in the calmest tone, which scared the squad leader and turned his head suddenly to look at Disma.

"Are you questioning the lord's decision?" Disma asked him cooperatively, almost scaring the captain to the point of peeing.

"No...don't dare..."

"You should know that David doesn't trust you old people at all. If you continue, he will definitely suppress you. Soon you won't even be a squad leader, and you will have to train and patrol all day long and be beaten and scolded.

And as long as you listen to me, when the farm is taken over, I will not only pardon you, but also make you the captain of the guard. You will no longer have to look at David's face. You can choose this matter yourself. "

Lance revealed the crisis that the team leader was facing at this time. He also felt that David was ostracizing them old people. If he hadn't only brought three militiamen to join, he might not even be the team leader.

But if he continues, he will definitely find someone to replace him, and then he will really become his grandson.

"It's done! Sir, just tell me how to do it." The team leader knew that it was time to give it a try.

"You just need to take us in. After entering the manor, you contact the former guards and tell them that David killed the farm owner and now wants to kill them old people and seize the farm, and encourage them to attack those of David's faction. The rest is up to us.”

The team leader listened for a while and found that he didn't have to face any danger directly, he only needed to encourage a few people. If that was all, it wouldn't be unacceptable.

"My power is stronger than you think. Even if I attack the farm head-on, I can definitely kill them all. But what I need is a complete farm, not a pile of ruins. That's why I want you to assist me. You can kill people. But don’t destroy the farm, you know~”

Lance's words were all full of domineering. That kind of confidence made the captain feel the aura of nobility, and his original thoughts were completely hidden.

"Lord, don't worry, I will definitely follow your instructions." The team leader looked very submissive. He already knew his position.

"I like smart people." Lance casually threw an object and dropped it in front of the team leader. When he saw clearly that it was a gold coin, an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face and he quickly picked it up and looked at it. , keep repeating it in your mouth.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

I have been following the farmer for so many years and I have never even seen a silver coin, but now I am rewarded with a gold coin when I meet the lord. As expected, the noble master is rich and wealthy, so it is definitely right to follow him.

"As long as you do well, there will be plenty of rewards~"

Lance stood up and left. As soon as he left, Disma couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't it a waste to reward him with just one gold coin?"

"A gold coin is exchanged for a farm. I think it's worth it." Lance waved his hand casually, seeming indifferent.

The professor gave him an initial capital of ten gold coins before coming over, plus the money he had saved and those found in the cellar. Anyway, he was not short of money, but the team leader was very critical for tomorrow's operation.

In addition to threats and warnings, you have to give him a taste of something sweet, otherwise it will be troublesome for him to run away temporarily under high pressure.


The room originally used for the office of the mayor was occupied by Lance after his death. At this time, he was looking at the information left by the mayor.

According to previous statistics, there are at least 1,300 people in Hamlet Town, and those registered here only add those serfs, beggars, ruffians and other gangsters to at least 1,500.

In this world where tens of thousands of people are called cities and thousands of people are called towns, this dilapidated "small fishing village" can indeed be called a town.

However, in the past two days, there were 821 people who came to eat porridge. It was definitely not all the people in the town, but it could not be too different.

In other words, the bandit invasion and famine killed more than 500 people, which was nearly one-third of the population, and most of them were young adults.

They are all his people!

Heartbroken ~ but more angry.

My field was blown to pieces. How much money and time will it take to rebuild it?

Not to mention that the strong leeks in the field were uprooted, and the remaining mayor knew how to cut them, and did not fertilize, leaving a pile of wilted seedlings.

Lance had already decided in his heart to give those bandits the death penalty.

They must pay the price!

But the issues plaguing him now are population and construction.

Most of the more than 800 people are old, weak, sick and disabled, and their occupations are at most fishermen and farmers. These people's fields were purchased by farmers at low prices, and now they have become unemployed and homeless.

Lance shook his head and stood up to put the tax account book back on the bookshelf behind him, but suddenly he seemed to feel something was wrong.

When he stepped lightly on the floor, there was a dull sound, but when he sat down and stepped on the floor, he suddenly found that the sound became hollow.

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