Our family is in decline

Chapter 230 Inspection

Greendale found Boudica as soon as she left Reims. She was frightened by being imprisoned by a witch before. In this strange and weird place, only Boudica, who is also a barbarian, can bring her a sense of security.

It was obvious that neither of them had any intention of resting. One did not dare to sleep, and the other had had enough sleep. Their similar backgrounds made the two of them closer to each other in a foreign land.

Naturally, the conversation between the two couldn't help but shift to Lance.

"How did you get here?"

Boudica was lying on the bed, her eyes covered with gauze because of the medicine. The medicine greatly alleviated her pain, allowing her to finally lie down safely.

Since she contracted the disease, the pain and blindness tormented her at first. For someone as energetic as her to become like this, it was simply worse for her than killing her.

But out of trust in Lance, she did not risk life and death. On the contrary, she slowly got used to it after overcoming the anxiety.

During this period of time, the suffering did not take away her mind, but the loss of sight allowed her to see herself clearly.

The mania and irritability caused by being expelled from the tribe gradually faded from her body, and she seemed to have returned to the time when she lurked motionless in the forest for two days in order to kill the beast.

Calmness is what a hunter should be like.

When faced with Grendel's question, Boudica might not have answered in the past, or even become furious and scolded her back.

Because whether she was exiled by the tribe or captured by the slave master, these were memories that she wanted to escape and never wanted to touch.

But now she didn't do that. Instead, she accepted herself and slowly talked about herself after a moment of silence.

"It was a war..."

It was obvious that Greendale spoke first, but soon it turned into Boudica's own account.

Greendale couldn't help but sigh that the fate of the two was so similar.

He is also a genius who has emerged at a young age.

He also ran away and survived alone in the brutal war.

Also dazzled by guilt and hatred, he takes revenge blindly.

He also fell into trouble and was finally rescued by that man.

The almost overlapping experiences gave Greendale a feeling of sympathy for each other. It seemed like some kind of unspeakable fate for the two to meet together here.

The emergence of trust gave her the greatest comfort since the accident, and her tense nerves could not help but relax.

"What about him? What kind of person do you think he is?" Greendale asked, indicating that no one knew it without telling him.

But what's more important is that she didn't use common language like before, but spoke the language of the barbarians in the mountains.

Although she had long known that the pharmacist who treated her was a barbarian, Boudica still felt a little close to her when she heard the familiar language.

But she remained silent when faced with this question.

To be honest, she had never thought about this issue before, and now that she talked about it, she couldn't help but think about it.

"Are you talking about the boss?"

As she spoke, Boudica couldn't help but recall the time when the two met, and it still feels a little strange when she thinks about it now.

At that time, the boss seemed to see through me at just one glance, as if he had no clothes on in front of him.

"The boss is a very strange person. Unlike those Imperial people, he has never looked down on me and is very kind to me..."

Boudica had no scheming at all, and just told Grendel about her feelings for Lance.

Lance did beat Boudica several times, and not lightly.

But to her, isn't fighting just like eating?

Not to mention that she was the one who started the trouble three times, so she had no hatred towards Lance at all.

Boudica is just too lazy to use her brain. She is not stupid. On the contrary, she is very sensitive to other people's feelings.

Although Disma and the others didn't react much, it was just that the relationship between the two parties was usually very distant.

In fact, she knew that they looked down upon her status as a barbarian at all, and it was just because of the presence of the boss that they did not show it too much.

Even the look in Tiffany's eyes, who was taking care of her injured self, was pitiful, and she didn't need sympathy.

Even if she defeated all her peers in the tribe, some people would still question her identity as a woman.

Sometimes care does not mean respect. Boudica is not one of those weaklings who needs sympathy from others.

Among these people, the only one who treats her very well is the boss. She does not look down on her because of her status as a barbarian and a woman. She treats her as she treats others, and treats her equally.

And he would also give himself wine, which would be perfect if he didn't force himself to learn how to speak.

If Greendale knew that Boudica's kindness to her was to give her wine, she would probably be speechless.

But speaking of this, Greendale also remembered that when the two met for the first time, he actually trusted her to drink the antidote.

And when he rushed back later, he could clearly feel that several other people, even the one he saved, were vaguely wary of him. Only that man seemed very calm, and he trusted him very much in the following series of things.

I have to say that this kind of inexplicable trust is indeed easy to gain favor, but I didn't notice it before because I was eager to leave here as soon as possible.

Now that I calm down, I have not revealed any discrimination from the moment they met until just now, not even when I rejected him just now.

Coupled with Boudica's words, this cannot be faked.

Suddenly, she became more and more interested in Lance, and couldn't help but keep asking Boudica about the experience between the two.


"Those medicines are indeed effective, and the patient's condition has stabilized, but I feel it contains anesthesia..." Paracelsus flipped through the records in his hand and reported the situation to Lance.

Although she didn't want to admit it, the miko did control the worsening of the plague.

But the competitive Paracelsus didn't think it was that simple. She could solve it if she was given more time.

To this end she made another request.

"I want to apply for human experimentation."

Lance had a headache when he heard this. No matter how many prisoners you do, there won't be enough for you.

However, Lance also understood that if you want to conduct research, you must consume materials. He added after a few seconds of silence.

"Do you remember the experimental rats I told you about? Let's use those little rats first, and then use people to verify the situation after finally confirming the situation."

Lance had the foresight to know that the consumption of experimental subjects would be huge no matter what, so he had arranged for people to catch rats near the granary.

It's just that the virus carried by the mice has the risk of spreading to humans.

Those are definitely not allowed to be used for experimental mice. They need to be domesticated to obtain pure white mice.

But now that Paracelsus is like this, let's leave this matter to her and draw her attention.

However, we must also find ways to replenish some experimental subjects. There are not many in the sanatorium now.

After sending her out, he looked up and looked outside. The sun had already risen, so it should be past seven o'clock. According to the time he usually got up at five o'clock, he had a late sleep today.

After running for several days, his teammates changed. Although they were tired, they had some rest, but he didn't rest at all. After finally getting rid of the witch, things calmed down a little, and he dared to sleep for two more hours.

It means that he can control his body at any time, otherwise he would have died suddenly due to such a high-intensity work.

Now that everyone is up, there is no intention of continuing to be lazy.

I saw Wangcai chewing a bone and grinding his teeth. He eats a whole chicken every day, or five pounds of fish. Sometimes he kills pigs and sheep and mixes in a few bones to improve the taste. The food is even more delicious than He's okay.

"Let's go outside for a while."

Lance shouted, and Wangcai immediately dropped the bone stick and ran over.

Lance wandered around the town, inspecting and wandering around.

Wangcai followed him, his wolf eyes scanning as if inspecting his own territory.

When the two of them got together, they were like a dandy letting a vicious dog run rampant.

However, the surrounding townspeople did not respond much to this, and had long been accustomed to the existence of wealth.

The people were also very scared when they first saw the white wolf. The wild beast meant danger to them.

However, after knowing that it was raised by the lord, he was not so scared. In addition, it had never bitten anyone, so he got used to it.

Lance came to the school, which was partially converted from a church.

The prayer hall in the front was converted into an auditorium, and the supporting buildings in the back were converted into schools and student dormitories.

Most of the orphans he rescued and the children of other townspeople are here.

Kindergarten is for children aged three to six. In fact, it is to centrally manage those children, free up the labor force of parents, and provide simple basic education.

From the age of six to nine, they go to primary school, where they begin to learn characters, numbers, and simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Of course, physical exercise is indispensable.

From the age of nine to thirteen, that's what really matters. You start to divide into subjects, and the intensity of study increases. At the same time, you need to be an apprentice, work, and exercise.

When you reach adulthood at the age of fourteen, Lance selects outstanding talents, and the rest naturally fills the town's labor force.

Yes, in this era where the average person is thirty or forty years old, one becomes an adult at the age of fourteen.

It's just that not everyone can come to the school. It costs 30 copper coins a month, which translates to almost one copper coin a day, but they are responsible for three meals, including eggs and milk.

To be honest, he lost a lot on this price, and even the teachers' remuneration required him to subsidize the operation.

But he didn’t do this to make money, but to get rid of the church’s ideological control over them...

Then switch to your own control.

All the teaching materials were written by him, and it is Hamlet's hope that these people will grow up.

Of course, only the children of those craftsmen can enter. The two parents can only afford it if their combined daily income is six or seven copper coins.

Those orphans need to work for him as adults to repay the loan.

As for those farmers, Lance has actually opened up student loans, lending them money to go to school, and also providing boarding options.

It's just that not many farmers can make up their minds. Only a few choose to take loans and send their children to school, and all of them are boys.

As for most of them, they prefer that their children grow up quickly and help them farm, and that the women get married quickly to avoid wasting food. There are even outrageous cases of marrying off at the age of ten.

Don't overestimate the ideological logic of the people at the bottom of this era. The church and the empire taught them only obedience, but never thinking, let alone vision.

Lance knew, but did not stop him, except that he had to be at least fourteen years old before he could get married.

If you want to change the concept, you have to start with this generation, not to mention that he needs people to help him farm, and there are not so many jobs for graduates in the town.

Sometimes a person's future has been determined as early as the previous generation...

Lance didn't eat breakfast when he came out. He happened to be at the school for lunch after morning exercises, so he could eat here and make a surprise inspection to see if those guys dared to deduct food from the students.

There was some commotion when he walked into the dining hall. All the students knew Lance, and they all knew that it was the Lord who saved them from their misery.

Lance didn't have much airs, he just sat among them and ate the same food as them.

Suffering has permeated their childhood, making these children more precocious than their peers. The innocence of children has long been gone in their eyes, but cautious, cautious eyes, as if they are afraid of offending adults.

Lance had gone through hardships as a child and knew the price of being sensible. This was not a good thing worthy of praise at all, and even he couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart.

too bitter……

But under the current conditions, it is impossible for him to do anything special. Everyone must do their part for Hamlet.

Not in a hurry to leave, but to stay here and talk to them as gently as possible.

"Let me test you. What is one thousand minus seven?"

"Nine hundred and ninety-three." A child answered.

"Very good, correct answer." Lance looked over and found that it was the child named Isaac whom he had rescued in Totnes.

The reason why I remember that is because this was a child with extraordinary talent. He immediately smiled and waved to him, "Come here."

The child walked up to Lance slightly cautiously, only daring to raise his head slightly to peek.

"I remember your name is Isaac, right? You should study hard in the future." Lance smiled and raised his hand to pat his shoulder, then took out a copper coin and handed it to his hand, "Remember, mathematics analyzes everything .”

Isaac didn't expect that the lord would remember his name. He was stunned for a moment. When he reacted, he looked at the copper coin in his hand. The next second he clenched the copper coin, looked at the figure, and whispered Talk to yourself.

"Mathematics analyzes everything..."

Lance kept asking various questions to test them, and the children became active. They felt the power brought by knowledge, which made the lord notice them and made others look envious.

When they discovered that the lord was not that kind of aristocratic gentleman, they slowly relaxed and the scene seemed to be chattering for a while.

But Lance didn't show any signs of irritation and communicated with them gently.

It doesn't take any skills to talk to them. Children are the simplest. Even those who have suffered hardship can gain their trust and give them correct guidance by calming down.

Talk about any difficulties in their lives.

Talk about whether they have any difficulties in learning.

Talk about whether the school staff treats them well and whether they beat or scold them...

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