Our family is in decline

Chapter 229 A Visitor from the Old Road

"I understand." Greendale thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Indeed, there is still some time before treatment is completed, so there is no need to rush into a decision.

“I don’t know how much you hear about Hamlet from witches, but these things are completely within my control.

After all, three months ago I was just an ordinary scholar in the university. I didn't even know that Hamlet existed, and I didn't know that I was actually the heir of a noble family. But now Hamlet is thriving. "

Lance reminded her at the end, what this meant was obvious, you think the conspiracy the cult weaved in Hamlet was terrifying.

But I am not an ordinary person, there is someone above me!

Greendale watched him fight with the witch with her own eyes. Others may not know how they could not feel the witch's strength, and almost killed themselves with a casual blow.

As for Lance, who could fight against and even kill witches, she thought he was an elite cultivated by the imperial aristocratic system that had spent countless resources and more than ten years.

But he didn't expect that he was an ordinary person three months ago. To have such strength in three months is more terrifying than to pacify and develop the territory in three months.

This is beyond the scope of genius. Is this something normal humans can do?

At this moment, Greendale couldn't help but have doubts. Is the person in front of her a human being or a monster in human skin?

Lance originally thought he could pretend, but found that Greendale's eyes were more wary than before, and the hand holding the staff seemed to be ready to take action.

Lance didn't understand for a moment, but he still added.

"I am confident and capable of pacifying Hamlet within five years, and your help will speed up Hamlet's development. The better the development will be, the faster it will be to avenge you."

If the word "science" is the keyword of Paracelsus, then the word "revenge" is the keyword of Grendel.

Greendale's expression was calm when she mentioned this, but the fear hidden in her eyes could not be avoided. Just thinking of that figure made her tremble slightly. The strength of the wolf warrior put great pressure on her.

That's right, only this kind of terrifying growth can help him kill that guy.

As long as he can avenge himself, it doesn't matter what he is, and it doesn't matter what he asks himself to do.

It has to be said that Greendale, who was driven to her head by hatred, had already half-stepped into madness. If she had not met Lance, it is hard to say what the consequences would have been.

In other words, it is normal for few people to come to Hamlet on their own initiative...

Greendale left with full of thoughts, but Lance didn't pay much attention.

She couldn't escape from his grasp, because everything he said was true and the conditions he gave were also true.

Hamlet's territory is not limited to the current area. When he completes the recovery, it will definitely be bordered by the mountain branches, and he will definitely have to deal with those barbarians.

And Boudica knew from his mouth that these guys like to fight against the autumn wind. Although they are forced by the environment, they cannot rob him.

So when the time comes, we must pick a leader to deal with it, and it is obvious that the Yalang tribe that is attacking everywhere is very good as the chicken that kills the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Because the Yalang tribe has almost offended all the surrounding tribes, killing him will not cause any other implication. On the contrary, it can calm the chaos on the mountain branches.

At the same time, the most powerful and uncontrolled tribe in this area must be eliminated to achieve stability.

When the time comes, show your strength, calm down the chaos, delineate a trading area, and start to smooth the resource gap between the two through transactions.

He needs resources such as furs and herbs, while the mountain barbarians need food for the winter. We all benefit from each other and calm down the war.

Lance doesn't like war, because war will definitely kill people, and logistics also requires money, and transportation also requires mobilizing people. No matter what it is, a large amount of money is spent.

As for earnings?

What good things can barbarians have? Nowadays, they are still in the form of tribes. Small tribes have a few hundred people, and large tribes only have a thousand people. The productivity is too low.

If there was really something to be gained, the empire would have fought long ago after all these years, so why would it be able to wait for him?

If he prefers the Eastern Expedition to the Northern Expedition, he can see that those barbarians are just a bunch of poor people, and they will lose him to death in a war.

It was a fight that Yalang had to fight in order to show his strength, and as he said, there was a grudge between the two, and he wouldn't be able to sleep well until Yalang was exterminated.

It’s just that it’s still too far away to think about these things now. As long as the ancestor doesn’t die, he won’t have any more energy to expand...

Lance put down his study of the witch's notes. Compared with this, dealing with the impact of the witch is more urgent now.

Of course, he got rid of all the negative ones. The emergence of the plague did cause panic among the people, but it was also an opportunity.

An opportunity to keep the two policies of drinking water health and personal cleanliness alive.

In fact, Lance has been promoting these two things, but the public's response has not been great.

Putting aside the difficulty of execution, no matter how powerful he is, he can't control whether they drink hot water or not.

That's why he has always advocated rather than enforced it. Only in the training camp can he rely on his strength to implement it.

As for cleanliness, the streets in the town are now very clean and tidy. There are no scenes of urine and feces flowing everywhere. All excrement, even that of cattle and sheep, is taken to compost.

But now people are still very dirty, and all kinds of lice are one of the very common problems.

Lance really hated their habit of not bathing, but it was also difficult for him to implement bathing. He couldn't be beheaded without bathing.

Originally, Lance thought they were unruly people, but after careful study, he found that the matter was not that simple.

First of all, people discovered from simple life experience that frequent bathing can lead to illness at worst and death at worst.

After Lance discovered this, he began to investigate, and then he realized that the bath he understood was different from the bath that ordinary people understood.

In the summer, they would jump directly into the river to wash themselves. There was no more detailed method. They just went into the water and splashed a few times. It didn't matter whether it was clean or not, but at least they were gone.

Moreover, they did not have the habit of drying their bodies, but let them dry, or simply shook off the clear water droplets on their bodies before putting on their clothes.

Now Lance understood that with the physique of an ordinary person, if you were exhausted in the middle of the summer and suddenly jumped into the water, it would be strange if you didn't get cramps. If you were unlucky, it would be possible for you to sink directly.

Can I let it dry or suffocate after washing without getting cold? Can you not get sick?

As for the winter, almost no one takes a bath, and it’s hard to get water in the cold weather.

This is still a man, at least he can bathe in the river, but what about women? The problem is even more serious.

They didn't have many places to bathe. As for being outside in the open air, they would be criticized. In this era where religious concepts dominate, feudal ideas are very powerful.

After visiting around, Lance found that people were not unwilling to take a bath. Who wouldn’t want to wash away the sweat after doing farm work in the summer?

Who wants to smell bad? Who thought that dead skin on the body could form scabs? Who wants to be driven crazy by lice bites?

The real problem is that they don't have the facilities to take a shower.

Lance has a special bathroom, with people carrying water, boiling water, and even spreading fresh flower petals on the water, but what about them?

It was already dark after they finished their farm work, and they were so exhausted that they hurriedly finished their meal and went to bed.

Do you want them to fetch water and boil it for bathing?

Are you kidding me?

Before Lance arrived, they all lived in longhouses. They even had to live with livestock. Where was there a place for you to bathe?

Moreover, all that water and firewood require labor force, and they simply cannot afford such luxury.

As for changing clothes, they may only have one set of clothes each, so what should they change?

Lance still remembered that he was investigating this matter in depth. When he asked them why they didn't take a shower, their eyes were very profound, just like asking someone why they didn't eat meat.

That was a luxury that only nobles were entitled to enjoy. Poor people like them could only live without enough to eat, so they didn't dare to ask for it.

Similarly, if you let them drink hot water, they spend most of the day working, so where do they have time to boil water? Where did the firewood come from?

At this time, Lance, who had never had any experience in governing, understood that reality is not something that can be perfectly executed with just a click of the mouse in the game.

What the implementation of some policies really requires is to understand the problems and then solve them, rather than making decisions and then throwing all the problems to the people, otherwise good things will turn into bad things.

It is very simple to promote the popularization of bathing. Keep the cost of bathing down so that everyone can enjoy it.

Bathhouses still need to be built and managed centrally, and Lance also needs to provide soaps, scrubs and other supporting facilities.

Also build a drinking water station in the town to provide hot water for free, but you need to bring your own containers, so the pottery pots, iron pots, and glass cups made by the town's craftsmen will also have channels for consumption.

At that time, we can get money back from the people, and when the cleaning policy is rolled out, it will also reduce a lot of illnesses caused by mess.

This was started when we returned from Totnes, but now we are taking advantage of the fear brought by the plague to further promote these things.

The emergence of Greendale also brings a direction to Lance. Not only can she improve Hamlet's medical system, but she is also proficient in herbal medicine and can further develop more formulas.

With her help, Lance can do medicated baths to strengthen the body, saunas to soothe the mind, these are more high-end and more expensive items.

It can be said that Greendale is very important. Her existence can solve the illnesses of some townspeople. She also needs to prepare the formulas for medicinal baths and fumigation.

The emergence of bathhouses can boost the economy, provide a large number of jobs, and consume wood.


It is true that some forests in the wilderness are corrupted, but some of them are not deeply corrupted.

Although it cannot be used directly, it can be cut down and used to make charcoal. He understands the principle, which is to isolate the air and heat it, so that the wood will not burn completely, and the gas and liquid in the wood will volatilize the remaining products.

This method is not difficult, and it can also collect the by-product wood tar, which is a good thing. It is anti-corrosion and moisture-proof, and is useful for making ships.

With more charcoal, ordnance can be manufactured faster. At the same time, a batch of charcoal can be stored for heating in the winter, and you can even sell it to make a fortune.

Lance is not a civil engineer, a biochemical environmental engineer, or an industrialist, but he likes to read novels and play games, and he knows a little bit about anything.

No one can know everything at the beginning. What people really need is learning and research.


Late at night, a carriage was galloping on the old road. Looking at the exquisite carriage and strong horses, you can tell that this is not a carriage for ordinary people. Only nobles will spend money to decorate the appearance.

But what is even more peculiar is that the pattern on the carriage that symbolizes the symbol of nobility is actually the emblem of the Hamlet family, a shield-shaped castle pattern.

It's just that Hamlet's lord is still in Hamlet, so what's in this car...

Through the blue light emitted by the lanterns hanging on both sides of the car, three people could be seen inside the car.

A man in his thirties, dressed in decent aristocratic clothing, but in an era when aristocratic men were pursuing a slim figure and had to tie their waists, his protruding belly looked particularly greasy.

But he didn't care about this at all, his plump face was full of excitement, because after tonight he would inherit a territory and become a lord.

Although he himself was a member of the aristocratic system, his family was in bad luck during the nascent stage of the empire's urbanization wave. The fiefdom was taken back, leaving only a title and some bureaucratic positions in the local city.

Even their family is doing well, because some nobles who didn't react have been turned into spoils of war and redivided in the invisible war.

After the empire reaches its peak, it can no longer accommodate so many nobles. When new nobles rise with the help of cities, these old nobles must face challenges. Apart from going to war with foreign countries, only internal fighting can alleviate this resource allocation problem.

Under the strong pressure, the future of a noble like him with little ability can be seen at a glance.

In the end, all he could inherit was the title. If he was incompetent, he might not even be able to keep his father's position as a local bureaucrat.

That is to say, real things will be cut off in his father's generation, and all he can get is a little money.

When there was no hope, things began to deteriorate. I thought I would just spend my whole life eating, drinking and having fun, until the arrival of a letter a few days ago changed everything.

A distant relative of a nobleman whom he had never heard of passed away, leaving behind a rich inheritance and vast land for him to inherit.

He was born during a time when the old aristocracy and the new aristocracy were fighting each other, and he experienced the benefits brought by the powerful aristocracy. He was able to kill and plunder in his own territory, and the emperor could not control him.

Although it is located in a remote area and is not as wealthy as the central part of the empire, the central part has already been in chaos due to drought.

Not to mention living such a frustrating life now. There are countless pairs of eyes staring at me in the city, but if I kill a pariah, I will be attacked by those guys.

After enjoying that kind of treatment, it was impossible for him to go back. On the contrary, he was even more eager to inherit the territory and start his aristocratic life again.

He directly took the two remaining knights from the family and set foot on the road to Hamlet.

The horses neighed amidst the bursts of whipping, and the speed continued to increase...

Thanks to [Funny Black Rider] for the 300 reward.

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