Our family is in decline

Chapter 228 People controlled by revenge

Greendale was a little surprised that Lance put the matter on the table so directly, but she still shook her head slowly.


"Okay, then what are your plans? Where are you going next?" Lance didn't seem to care too much, and instead of continuing to pester him, he took the initiative to change the focus of the topic.

This time, Greendale was a little confused. She had given up like that before.

But after listening to his words, I couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

That's right...where can I go?

"There is no exact destination, so what do you want to do?" Lance asked, and he understood something when he saw her look.

Originally, Lance only knew that the Lushou tribe was attacked, but it was not clear to what extent the tribe had reached.

It’s not clear whether she came to find the witch to bring reinforcements back, or whether she had no place to seek shelter.

And now Greendale's reaction also confirmed his suspicion. The Deer Head Tribe must have become history, otherwise she would not have needed to hesitate for so long.

According to Boudica, Lance knew the philosophy of the barbarians. They valued tribes very much, because only by gathering together as a collective could they survive in the harsh conditions of the mountains.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, barbarians will not leave the tribe and wander alone. Even if they become a mercenary group in order to make money, it still has roots. They are still a collective.

Only people like Boudica who were expelled from the tribe would live outside the country. There was also another reason, that is, if the tribe was gone, there would naturally be no place to return to, so there was nowhere to go.

This is why Lance dared to say those words, just to test her retreat by retreating.

But now she didn't say a word about the specific battle situation, but she revealed her trump card with one sentence.

Now that he had figured out her escape route, Lance's attitude became more casual.

"If you have nowhere to go then stay, Hamlet welcomes you."

"No, I can't stay..." Greendale slowly looked up at Lance, gritted her silver teeth and said in a deep voice, "I want revenge on the Yalang tribe!"

The only reason she's alive now is revenge, and she will do whatever it takes to do so.

"What revenge do you want?"

Lance frowned slightly. He seemed to know what she wanted to do when she came to find the witch. It turned out that she wanted to use the power of the witch for revenge.

It's just that her abilities are obviously not meant for fighting, and the fact that the Yalang Tribe can massacre them shows the gap in strength.

Unless...she wants to be the next witch...

"We have nothing to do with each other. You don't need to worry about the rest. As a reward for destroying [White Wolf's Claw], I will help you cure the plague for free."

Greendale suddenly said something while he was thinking. It seemed that he got what he wanted and planned to end the conversation.

Just for a moment, Lance's attitude suddenly became tough.

"No! I have to take care of this."

Such highly professional talents are not warriors that can be found everywhere. If she really takes that path, she will lose a talent and gain an enemy. No one will be able to detoxify her next time.

Absolutely not allowed!

"I don't need others to question me when I do things."

Lance's domineering aroused Greendale's dissatisfaction, and a trace of anger could not help but appear on her gentle face.

She is not a little girl who can be manipulated by others.

Looking at her reaction, Lance knew that he was going too far, but after understanding her purpose, it was easy and he immediately said something strange.

"What if I help you take revenge on the Yalang tribe?"

Greendale was speechless when she heard this. She didn't believe what this man said, but her strong desire for revenge still drove her to ask.

"How are you going to help me?"

"I will send troops to help you bulldoze the Yalang tribe."

This frivolous sentence further aggravated her distrust of Lance. Rather than dealing with this weird lord, she wanted to cure those patients quickly and leave this weird place.

"I've seen your soldiers. They don't even have the ability to enter the mountains."

"Hmph! Those soldiers followed me to suppress bandits, destroy pirates, and protect Hamlet from the tide of beasts driven by witches. You should not question my power, let alone my soldiers."

Lance also changed his gentle attitude and his tone became serious.

Only then did Greendale realize, yes, this man was no ordinary lord, otherwise he would not have been able to destroy the White Wolf's Claw and kill the witch.

Greendale has seen Lance's power, and I am afraid that it can really help her complete her revenge.

"And what's the price?"

"You." Lance met her eyes, "I will help you get revenge. You stay and help me."

After hearing this, Greendale couldn't help but frown in thought, and finally wanted to stay by herself. She could always feel Lance's strong desire for her...

"When will you send troops?"

"When I pacify Hamlet."

When she heard this, the meager hope in Greendale's heart was extinguished. She knew some things about this place from the witch's mouth, and knew that no matter what, he could not compete with the cult, not to mention that even the witch would feel desperate. , not even daring to mention existence.

"you do not believe me?"

Even a fool could see her disappointed look, but Lance seemed very calm when faced with doubts.

Greendale couldn't help but sigh when she saw Lance's confident look. Sometimes not knowing anything is happiness, but not everyone can bear the consequences of blind confidence.

Just like at the beginning, many people in the tribe did not think that the Yalang tribe dared to violate the agreements of all parties and initiate a war.

But the result was also tragic and unbearable. She was the only one in the entire tribe to escape, and she was still under the desperate cover of her companions.

If he knew about the terrifying existence lurking in his territory, I'm afraid he would be frightened to death, which is not something ordinary people can bear.

But this person rescued her. Although she didn't want to fall into this quagmire, she still gave a vague reminder out of good intentions.

"Witches have never been the biggest threat on this land. There is a bigger conspiracy hidden here. If you want to survive, you should find a way to move away, or ask for help from the church."

"Hmm~ You mean the cult and the evil god?" Lance couldn't help but look amused when he heard this, "How much do you know? Did the witch tell you?"

Surprise appeared on Greendale's face. Why did his reaction seem to know those things?

But if you really knew those things, how could you dare to stay here?

"Don't look at me with that look. I know what's going on here better than you, witches, and everyone else."

Lance just mentioned it in one sentence, unwilling to disclose more information before completely taking her down, and directly brought the topic back to before.

"In fact, regardless of whether you join or not, I will eventually clear out the Yalang tribe."


"Let me ask you, how does the Yalang tribe treat its enemies?"

"Slaughter, merciless slaughter, they will kill the men as sacrifices, the old and the weak will be fed to wolves, and the women will become slaves, and some will..."

Greendale didn't know why Lance asked, but she still said it with a solemn expression.

The wolf bite punishment of the Nayalang tribe is considered vicious even in the cruel and savage mountains.

However, in order to let her escape, the tribe directly resorted to the method of death together. I am afraid that there will be no one alive except her.

To a certain extent, there is indeed no need to suffer more pain, but all the pain is accumulated on her body...

"Isn't that right! I will destroy the White Wolf's claws and kill the alpha wolf. Even if I don't look for him, they will look for me for revenge.

Similarly, the White Wolf Claw is an affiliate of the tribe. The wolf led the White Wolf Claw mercenary group to attack Hamlet. Isn't it the attack launched by the Yalang tribe?

It stands to reason that I am a victim of the Yalang tribe's attack just like you. They have killed so many of my people, and I will not let them go either.

So my interests and yours are the same, and I can feel relieved only if the Yalang tribe disappears. "

Lance directly stated the pros and cons, and at the same time used the Yalang tribe's infringement on them to draw the relationship between the two closer.

It is undeniable that these words really moved Greendale, and their interests were indeed consistent.

Seeing that she was beginning to waver, Lance did not continue to strike while the iron was hot. Instead, he opened his mouth to cool down and explain his difficulties.

"But you should know that if those cults are not solved, the whole world will eventually end up in nothingness, and revenge will be meaningless. This is why I chose to solve the most serious problem in front of me first.

Similarly, Hamlet is still too weak now and needs more development to grow up, and a more powerful army can complete the annihilation of the Yalang tribe. "

Sure enough, Greendale felt dissatisfied after hearing this, and now the only thing supporting her survival was the overwhelming hatred.

Every time he closed his eyes, he could see images of familiar tribesmen being brutally killed, and endless wails and screams could be heard in his ears.

Strong hatred is a double-edged sword. This state supported her escape from the mountains, but it also made her exhausted, and she was already tortured to the point of going crazy.

Lance could guess what she was thinking. She was helpless and wanted revenge as quickly as possible. Any extra second of her enemy's survival would be torture for her.

But Lance had his own plans, and it was impossible to give up more important things for her. He had to make it clear that killing the ancestor was the first priority, and everything else had to give way.

But Lance was definitely still reluctant to let Grendel go, and those words he said were just bargaining.

"Five years, during these five years you help me, I protect you, provide you with resources, and pay you wages.

If I do not solve Hamlet's problem within five years, then I will allow you to lease my soldiers, and I will give you all weapons, equipment, logistics and food at cost price, and you can take revenge yourself. "

If you directly say five years, she will definitely not agree. Even if she agrees, it will be reduced to two or three years.

But if you give an inaccurate time, drag out various reasons, and finally give five years, then her psychological acceptance will be much better.

Greendale did not refuse, but was thinking about the conditions given by Lance.

After five years of improving his strength and a well-equipped team of soldiers, he might actually be able to take revenge.

"Apart from me, do you think you can find a second person to help you avenge you? They have no hatred against the Yalang tribe, so why should they spend manpower and material resources to help you?

Not to mention that you are still a barbarian. You can ask Boudica yourself how you will be treated in the empire. They will never value you as much as I do. "

Lance continued to encourage her, and in fact Greendale was indeed moved. Although she was a barbarian in the mountains, she also knew that the empire's discrimination against barbarians was deep down.

Even the serfs who didn't even have enough to eat looked down on the barbarians. She knew this well and didn't need to ask others.


Greendale looked at Lance, her face full of distrust.

The people of the Empire looked down upon the barbarians, and the barbarians also did not trust the people of the empire.

Not to mention that things here are not that simple. Whether the territory will still exist in five years is still a question mark.

And I have been trapped here for five years, not to mention what will happen to the Yalang tribe in the mountains?

According to that exaggerated attack, I am afraid it will grow rapidly. How can I defeat it then?

"How can you guarantee that the territory will be enough to support a war in five years? How can you guarantee that the promise can be fulfilled in five years?"

The meaning of this is very simple, that is, Greendale does not believe that Lance has this strength.

Faced with doubts, Lance confidently spoke out.

“When I took over the territory, Hamlet was plundered and massacred by bandits, leaving less than 800 old, weak, women and children, leaving behind a broken town, hungry townspeople, and enemies attached to the mayor and farmers.

It has only been three months since we have pacified the inside and outside, opened up sea and land transportation, and promoted urban construction. The number of residents in the territory has increased from 800 to more than 5,000, and the number of soldiers has increased from 30 to nearly 500 now. Everyone can have enough food and clothing.

You can ask about these things casually, you can also see these things, I can lie to you, but the truth is not. "

Greendale is not the kind of barbarian warrior in the tribe who only knows how to fight. As a witch, she was trained as the next priest and the actual manager of the tribe. Naturally, she understands what Lance said. strength.

To be able to achieve this level in three months can no longer be simply described as a genius.

Greendale remembered that the townspeople she saw when she first came in, indeed all showed respect, not like they were pretending, but sincerely.

Not to mention that as soon as he came back, he cleared away the tension and depression caused by the witch. When she was treating those soldiers, she could feel the determination of the soldiers to dare to die for this man. That was unconditional trust for someone who could gain such a reputation. There's no way he's an idiot.

"It's normal that you don't believe me. I can understand it. You don't need to make a decision in a hurry. Anyway, there is still some time before the treatment is completed. You can walk around the town these days and see if you still don't want to stay. I won’t embarrass you, we are still friends, and Hamlet will always welcome you.”

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