Our family is in decline

Chapter 232 Go up and slap him twice

"Damn it! I'm Hamlet's lord!" When had the fat man been insulted like this? Coupled with his extreme emotion of being looked down upon by others and a certain inferiority complex, this completely exploded him.

"Knight, take him down! I want him to taste my power!"

The fat man pointed at Disma and yelled furiously at Leonard.

There was just silence, no one responded to him at all, and the place fell into a strange silence.

In his opinion, the surprised expressions on the faces of those soldiers were in awe of his status. He was a noble!

The silence of the soldiers was largely due to the shock caused by him saying that he was the heir, but this did not mean that the soldiers were afraid, on the contrary, it was the beginning of anger.

This guy dares to pretend to be a lord and is still acting recklessly here.

"This is blasphemy!"

"kill him!"

"Hang his head in the square!"


I don't know who shouted something, and the soldiers immediately went crazy. The crowd was furious and shouted that they wanted to kill these people.

If it weren't for the strict military regulations, I might have rushed up and killed them long ago.

The sudden riot finally made Fatty realize that something was wrong with the situation, and he quickly hid behind the two knights, but with the people surrounding him, no matter which way he turned, he saw faces full of anger and wanting to kill him.

The two of them were knights trained by Fatty's father. They were somewhat competent, and they were willing to come here because they had a pioneering spirit.

I was a little happy when I saw these capable soldiers, because when the new lord took over, the old knight would definitely have to retire, and they could only take over these soldiers.

But when the conflict broke out, they also realized that the situation was getting out of control. If these soldiers took action, they might not have a way to survive...

To say who is the angriest here is definitely Leonard and the others who started their careers with Lance.

Who is my lord?

No matter what happens, he remains calm and at the forefront every time. He is kind to others and majestic to the enemy.

How does he look like this guy?

If you get flustered when something happens and let others take over, you will only yell and curse, without any ability at all.

Looking at this guy's appearance, Leonard and the others couldn't help but have a look of disgust on their faces.

Sometimes after following the lord for a long time, I actually forget what the nobles of the empire are like, and today I will help them remember it.

But they did not act rashly, but controlled their soldiers well.

The clothes on those people don't look fake, and ordinary mercenaries can't afford such expensive knight armor.

They were still a little wary of the nobles, and rationally told him that it would be better to inform the lord to come and deal with it.

"Quiet! How did I teach you?"

"You forget the rules when something happens?"

"What if this is a trap set by the enemy to provoke you?"

Leonard spoke, using this incident to rectify the army, warning them that anger will make people lose their minds and make soldiers blind.

The restlessness in the army was calmed down, but it was still difficult to stop the angry expressions of the soldiers.

Even the two knights, let alone the fat man, couldn't bear the pressure from this kind of siege but not attack.

But this kind of attitude gives the fat people a wrong signal, that is, they dare not touch themselves.

Yes, he is a noble. If these untouchables dare to touch him, they will die.

For a moment, the fat man, who thought he had seen through the untouchables, began to yell and curse again, venting his panic.

"You damn untouchables, I am a noble, how dare you do this to me? Put down your weapons now, or I will kill you all!"

"Who are you going to kill?"

A voice came, and everyone in the army couldn't help but look over, and then greetings rang out one after another.

"Lord Lord!"

This sound made Fatty feel strange. The lord here was obviously dead and he was the heir. Why did these people call them lord?

Damn it! Someone must have pretended to be himself and seized the identity of a noble. No wonder these untouchables dared to doubt him.

The fat man looked over, his eyes full of hatred.

I saw that the dense military formation separated in an orderly manner, and a tall and majestic young man walked out of it, and beside the young man was a tall white wolf.

Fatty had never seen such a ferocious beast before, and the fat on his face trembled the moment he looked over.

When Leonard saw the lord approaching, he quickly dismounted and came to the front to give a quick report with a few words.

And Lance's eyes withdrew from the fat man and focused on the beaten soldier.

It could be seen that the soldier had been kicked hard on the head, and his face was bruised by the friction from being pressed to the ground. His nose was bleeding, and his eyes were bloodshot. He was so dazed that he could not concentrate at all, and he was obviously concussed.

Lance hurried over and reached out to help him sit up. At the same time, he took the opportunity to activate [Flesh and Flesh Reconstruction]. The powerful force healed his most serious injuries, leaving only a few superficial wounds.

The soldier inexplicably felt the pain subside, and the blurry scene in front of him slowly recovered, and what appeared was the face of the lord.

"Are you okay?"

"Sir...I failed to complete the mission..." Xiao Bing's eyes couldn't help but get a little wet at this moment.

He was actually only fourteen years old, and he tried his best to stop the people rushing through the barrier alone, but it was obvious that he was no match for the two guards.

"It's okay, you did a good job." Lance raised his hand to wipe the shoe prints on his face, and anyone could see the love and care.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of everyone, the fat man looked even more inferior in comparison. The soldiers knew that this was the lord they were loyal to.

The soldiers also became quiet, and there was no anger in their eyes. Their eyes fell on the lord, and any negative emotions were smoothed away, leaving only determination.

But this scene deeply irritated the fat man. What was more unbearable than the insult was the disregard. The guy just glanced at him and went to find the untouchable. Who the hell is the master here?

I was looked down upon by the nobles in the city, and I was looked down upon by the untouchables when I came here, so wasn't it a waste of time for me to come here?

Sure enough, these untouchables on the border are barbarians!

"I am the lord here! You, a pariah, dare to pretend to be a noble!"

Hearing the ugly shouting, Lance glanced over, helped the wounded soldier stand up, then raised his hand and pointed at the fat man, "You, go up and give him two slaps."

Everyone on the field didn't react to his command. The wounded soldier actually walked towards the fat man. Not to mention asking him to slap him twice, even if he was asked to die, there was no hesitation at all.

"Knight protect me."

The fat man yelled and hid behind the two knights. The two unlucky guys didn't know what to do, but they could only prepare to stop the soldier and signal at the same time.

"There must be some misunderstanding. Your Excellency is a noble of the empire. Do you want to challenge the empire?"

"The person who beat me, even if the emperor comes today, it will be useless." Lance questioned with a cold face, raised his finger, "The Musketeers are ready, if those two guys dare to move, I will shoot them. "

The soldier did not hesitate for a moment because of the opponent's noble status, but hundreds of guns were pointed at him in an instant, which directly frightened the two knights.

Putting aside those arrogant words, what's more important is that their armor is just ordinary knight armor, which can't stop bullets. It will definitely turn into a sieve after one round of shooting.

In the face of the fear of death, there are people who can burst out with superhuman strength, but it is obviously not the two of them.

The wounded soldier walked directly between the two men, and the fat man could feel the two guards suddenly freezing, retreating hurriedly, and shouting at the same time.

"Damn it, why do you listen to him? I am the lord, please save me!"

The two knights remained motionless. They didn't believe that these people really dared to kill the nobles. The most they could do was give them a beating. It's better for you to get beaten than for us to get shot.

They were not this guy's cronies in the first place. They only guarded him to obtain the status of knight and the fief. Now it seems that it is normal to make a choice when there is no benefit and danger.

Looking at the wounded soldiers who were approaching, they seemed to realize something and kept retreating, shouting at the same time.

"No! What are you going to do? I am the lord here, I am a noble!"

This sentence seemed to anger the wounded soldier, and his pace suddenly accelerated, scaring the fat man to subconsciously speed up and retreat. However, his physical fitness was ridiculous. As soon as he stepped aside, his fat body fell heavily to the ground, wearing exquisite clothes. Stained with dirt.

The wounded soldier also rushed over and slapped the fat man in the face twice.

He has never beaten a nobleman before, but now he feels that it feels really good, and he will be able to play it for the rest of his life.

"Report to your lord! Mission accomplished." The wounded soldier turned around and reported.

"Now do you know who is the lord here?" Lance looked very casual, looking at the fat man with a contemptuous smile.

The fat man covered his hot face. No one dared to hit him at his age, let alone the untouchable he had just beaten.

What made him even more unbearable was the disdainful looks from those around him. Anger and frustration lingered in his heart, and he fell into madness under the tremendous pressure.


"I am going to kill you!"

But Lance didn't pay attention to what he was doing. Instead, he turned his head and asked the wounded soldier who returned to the team loudly.

"It's impossible for this kind of thing to hurt my soldiers. Tell me what happened?"

The wounded soldier briefly explained the situation. He and another soldier were on duty at the intersection. When these three guys came in, they naturally stopped them.

When they heard about the noble status, they couldn't make up their minds, so they could only ask them to wait while the other one went back to report.

But it was obvious that Fatty's character did not allow ordinary people to provoke him, and he directly encouraged the two guards to knock him down.

"You were knocked down so easily. Tell me how you usually train? Go back and recuperate yourself and do two sets of basic training." After the performance, Lance started to be tough. The right way is to use kindness and power at the same time. Being gentle will make others Feeling weak.


The wounded soldier didn't think it was anything, he had indeed embarrassed the adults.

"Return to the team." Lance waved his hand, and then turned his attention to the two guards wearing knight armor, and those two people also realized that something was wrong.

After sizing him up, Lance said directly, "I know what your responsibilities are, but if you dare to attack my people, you have to pay a price.

Now I will give you a chance. I will pick two people to fight with you. If you win, you will survive. If you cannot win, you will stay forever. "

Lance said this not to discuss with them, but to declare that they had no right to choose.

"Reynard, teach them how to attack knights; Barristan, teach them how to defend against knights."

Lance had no intention of taking action himself, and it was not his turn to take action on this trivial matter.

Leonard walked up with his sword, and Barristan also raised his newly replaced shield. From the looks of the two of them, they didn't react much, as if the person in front of him was not a knight, but a fish.

Before Leonard and the others could move first, the two knights started to move, waving the knight's sword in their hands, showing solid fighting skills.

But it is a pity that his opponent is a warrior who survived a hundred battles during the brutal Eastern Expedition, a veteran who has wandered between life and death countless times.

When the two sides formally confronted each other, the two realized the gap, but what was even more frightening was that their opponents did not rush to solve themselves, but instead slowly forced them, or even played with them...

"Look carefully, this class is rare." Lance stood on the periphery and made a few remarks from time to time, explaining the fighting styles and weaknesses of the knights to the soldiers. This clearly meant that they were used as teaching tools.

Two imperial knights serve their group of soldiers. Is that a small blessing?

In any case, the two knights have been training since childhood and have climbed up step by step from knight's retinue through hard work, and their reaction is a kind of humiliation in the ears of the two knights!

A more powerful attack suddenly broke out, and he tried his best to reverse the situation of the battle.

The idea of ​​humiliating a subject to death is not very popular nowadays, but now they are fighting for their own lives.

It's just that they are not the explosive believers of the Ascension Church. If they are really strong, they will not serve as guards for this waste.

If Leonard and the others hadn't deliberately delayed the fight, they would have ended the battle as soon as they met.

In less than five minutes, the two knights were exhausted, and this was also the level of normal people.

But the two knights understood that there was actually another way to get out of the current dangerous situation, and that was...

After a sword fight, one of the knights pretended to be defeated and quickly retreated, but instead charged towards Barristan, forcing him to divert his attention, while the other knight also reacted and quickly got rid of Barristan.

These two people were not trying to escape. On the contrary, their goal was obviously Lance who was standing aside.

They could see that this man was the actual controller of the entire field, and they could reverse the situation as long as they could hijack him.

"Do I look easy to bully?"

A strange look appeared on Lance's face when he saw the two people attacking him. He raised his hand to press down the musket raised by Disma beside him, "Wang Cai!"

I just don't know why the others have no intention of stopping him.

This man couldn't care less, he burst out with the last strength and rushed over, holding the sword tightly in his hand, ready...

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