Our family is in decline

Chapter 233 The Ancestor’s Conspiracy

Crazy wolf attack!

Wangcai Lang jumped up and bit the right hand holding the sword, making a "squeaking" metal friction sound. The sharp teeth actually bit through the iron armor, bleeding out.

Without this wrist guard, the entire palm might have been bitten off.

The smell of blood made Wangcai excited, and he shook his head crazily. The knight wanted to struggle away, but he had already spent a lot of energy. Now it was difficult to resist the huge force, and his whole body could not help but follow the rhythm and was thrown to the ground. The long sword in his hand had already been taken off his hands and fell aside.

Wangcai took the opportunity to let go of his wrist and pounce on the knight, his wolf eyes locked on his throat, and his palm-sized wolf claws slapped the helmet, making several scratches directly on the metal helmet, as if he wanted to pull the helmet open. .

A huge beast can be seen salivating through the helmet, and the huge tremor caused is directly transmitted to the head, causing dizziness, making it difficult to resist, and falling into despair...

"Come back." Lance had a headache seeing Wangcai's silly behavior. He couldn't even open a can, so it seemed he still needed to be taught.

Wangcai did not lose control due to excitement. When he heard the order, he ran back to Lance, looking like he was asking for credit and seemed to be waiting for a reward.

Lance raised his hand and stroked its head, took out a piece of dried meat and handed it over.

On the other side, Leonard stopped playing. He went up and swung the knight's sword away from the sword, and then hit the hilt of the sword hard on his head, knocking the person unconscious and flipping him to the ground.

"Take off the armor and take it away, tie it up and send it to a nursing home." Lance waved his hand, naturally someone would do this kind of thing.

Lance looked calm. If these three guys dare to hit his people and shake his authority, they must be severely punished.

These two were professionally trained knights, and it would be easy for them to get into trouble if they were left on a farm. Paracelsus happened to apply for experimental subjects every day, so wouldn't this be sent over?

The two strong knights must be able to survive those experiments for a longer time.

There was no surprise. It was difficult for ordinary people who had lost their strength to struggle. What's more, when they heard that it was a sanatorium, they thought they were treating them, so they just lay down and let them be dealt with.

Lance's eyes were focused on the dull fat man on the other side. It seemed that he had not fully accepted the situation. No one cared about him at all during the hysteria just now.

"Catch him and take him to the hall. I want to see who dares to pretend to be the heir." Lance waved his hand and turned around, "Close the team!"

The soldiers were already unhappy with the fat man and went to arrest him. When he resisted, they took the opportunity to kick the fat man hard.

Before he could cry out, he punched him and told him what he should say and what he shouldn't say.

The fat man had never been treated like this before. He cried and fell into fists and kicks.

When he was taken to the hall, his face was bruised and bruised, but he looked honest at last.

"Tell me~ The clearer you speak, the higher the chance of survival." Lance spoke slowly and leisurely.

Leonard and the others were also curious about where this guy who dared to pretend to be a lord came from.

"I am an imperial noble, you can't kill me..."

Lance was a little tired of hearing these words, "Disma, teach him what to say~"

"Do you want to keep that finger?" Disma immediately drew out his dagger and gently scratched his cheek. The coldness of the blade made the fat man tremble.

The fat man is not a tough guy. He couldn't bear the beating just now. After being frightened, he couldn't help but wailed: "No! No! I said..."

At this moment, he said everything like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, saying that he was brought here by a letter.

Lance did not interrupt him, but was even more convinced that he was telling the truth, because the process he used to get the letter was the same as his own at that time.

He took the letter from him and opened it, and as expected, the first sentence made him fall into a trance.

【Our family is in decline...】

But he came back to his senses in an instant, and after taking a quick glance, he couldn't help but complain in his heart: Ancestor, this lazy dog, they all have the same template.

"Tell me, is the man who calls himself the butler bald and wearing glasses? He is about sixty years old and looks like a ghoul?"

Lance gave a rough description of the butler's appearance, but he didn't expect to get Fatty's confirmation very quickly.

"That's right, it was him. He broke down the carriage on the way here and left alone, taking all my money away." Speaking of this fat man, he became very angry and kept cursing the butler.

It's no wonder why he beat up the soldiers who stopped him before.

When it is clear that one is unable to resist at all, the individual will actively look for someone to vent to, which is referred to as bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

But Lance didn't care about what the fat man said at all, he was thinking about another thing.

Didn't he kill the butler and sacrifice him?

Why does it still appear?

Lance looked at Disma and the others, and he could also see doubts.

The only explanation is that the butler is the incarnation of the ancestor, and the ancestor has conquered the cloning technology. It is not difficult for the ancestor who controls the extraordinary power of flesh and blood to do this, and this is also reflected in the game.

Every step the ancestor takes is a kind of pressure for him, but he can still withstand it. Now it is more important to find out why this guy arrived at this time.

"Go on, I want to know everything."

Lance continued to explore and collect more information based on the fat man's words.

At the same time, the situation of the fat man can also be roughly constructed.

He was indeed a noble. His father was a baron who was defeated in the political struggle. However, he knew how to assess the situation and change sides, and he got a big official position in the local area.

It's just that the nobility has become a title and no longer has an actual territory. In this environment, the fat man who was arrogant and domineering before he was more than ten years old suddenly lost everything and fell into control.

In fact, he had an older brother before him, so he was not trained as a successor. It was just that the fight without warning led to the death of the eldest son, and the price of letting go soon became apparent.

His father at least has some ability to represent the nobility, but he is a pure waste and cannot hold on to the remaining family property. Everyone knows that once his father dies, he will lose everything.

Even if his father turned around quickly, losers are losers. The distribution of these resources made some new nobles dissatisfied, and countless people were coveting his father's position.

Under tremendous pressure, he just gave in. His father also knew his son's abilities and had to let him have fun, just like raising pigs waiting to give birth to offspring and raise grandchildren.

It doesn't matter if others look down on him. Even his father looks down on him, which leads to the fat man's inner deformity. Madness has long been filled in his heart, but he never had a chance until the arrival of a letter that changed his destiny.

His pig brain was directly overloaded, and he deceived his father on the pretense of going out for fun, and even coaxed his two fathers into arranging escort knights to protect him and come here together to inherit the territory.

"So you received the letter seven days ago?"

"I was really deceived by that guy. If you let me go back, my father will give you a sum of money."

After receiving the affirmative answer, Lance didn't pay attention to what he said next, but fell into thinking.

Seven days ago, wasn't it the time when I discovered the fungal parasite and organized a team to enter the wilderness?

Could it be that the ancestor thought that the witch could kill him, and that the parasite army created by the witchcraft could cripple the town and make Hamlet, who had just developed somewhat, return to the way he had just taken over?

Thinking about it this way, it was true. After all, it was the bandits who destroyed the town and left a mess when I came here.

So the ancestor found the next heir in advance and planned to seamlessly connect?

But it's a pity that Lance is not the other useless heir. He resisted the pressure, but the witch died and the parasite was exterminated. This wave helped him clean up the wilderness.

Lance could probably guess that the butler didn't know what was going on here. He was driving and singing when he suddenly realized that Hamlet was fine, so he quickly abandoned the three fat guys and ran away.

It's so funny, it turns out that my ancestor also opened champagne at half time...

After sorting things out, Lance understood something, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

The others didn't understand why Lance was laughing, but he didn't mind sharing the fun with them.

"It's very simple, this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy spun by the Ascension Sect. They think they can kill me, destroy the town, and return this place to the time when we first came here.

And this guy was the one they chose to replace me, and use his name to launch more killings, so as to cover up the purpose of those Ascension Sects and provide him with more power. "

Lance pointed it out directly, and his words also made Leonard and others return to the scene they saw when they first stepped into Hamlet, and they couldn't help but look solemn.

"There are not two suns in the sky, but in my heart Hamlet has only one lord!"

"If the guys from the Ascension Sect dare to come here, let me shoot them to heaven!"

"This group of Ascension Sect members are truly lawless!"

Fatty didn't understand most of this, but he was stupid and not mentally retarded, so he probably felt that he was being used and involved in something.

Only now did he realize that there is no such thing as free cake in the world...

"Well, the Ascension Sect's conspiracy has become a joke thanks to our efforts, otherwise we wouldn't have left them running away."

Lance waved his hand, turned his attention to the fat man, and added.

"This matter is not that simple. What I just said is just the most superficial conspiracy of the Ascension Sect. There is a bigger trouble hidden in him."

Originally, everyone's attention was on the Ascension Sect, but when they heard the lord's words, they couldn't help but look at the fat man.

"I'm not...I didn't..."

The fat man who originally thought he had escaped death was suddenly stared at and was stunned. I didn't do anything!

There are too many heirs scattered around the family to count, but why him? Everyone can see that Fatty is a waste and has no ability to become a lord of a place.

Lance knew very well that the ancestor did not choose Fatty randomly, but had a special plan.

Because he is useless! A waste that can be looked down upon by everyone, even his own father gave up on.

What's more important is that after the test of time, he is just a waste with no ability at all, and there is no possibility of turning around.

By letting him take over Hamlet, he can easily control him and thus cover the ancestor's existence.

The ancestor was also afraid, so the reason why he chose such a waste was because of himself.

I'm afraid he didn't expect that a weak scholar who looked easy to control at random would be so ruthless, and use strong methods to control Hamlet in a short period of time, changing the rotten situation.

Just thinking about it made Lance feel like he could see his ancestor smashing the table like he was eating shit.

But just by seeing this, I'm afraid I'm looking down on that guy, the ancestor.

Compared with stupidity, Fatty also carries a more important label, that is, he is indeed a noble.

Moreover, his background is very embarrassing. His father is rich and powerful but has no foundation. To a certain extent, he is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

If he knew that something happened to his son here and the last heir was cut off, he would probably go crazy and use all his resources to cause trouble for him.

The wealth accumulated by an imperial noble, even a baron, cannot be underestimated. As long as there are gold coins, countless people will come to Hamlet to cause trouble for him.

The ancestor's meaning is obvious, it is a conspiracy.

Either he replaces himself as Hamlet's new lord, and then I'm afraid his father will do his best to support him and bring Hamlet a steady stream of "corpses" to nourish his ancestors.

Either he fails to become Hamlet's lord, then the blame will definitely fall on Lance, and Hamlet will usher in a war, and people will die as well.

Lance had no intention of hiding anything and explained the situation to them directly.

"Let him go back?" Disma frowned. He wanted to shoot him, but killing him would cause trouble.

"That's right, let me go, I will never come back here again." The fat man nodded excitedly when he heard this. Although he didn't quite understand what these people said, he heard this sentence clearly.

"Sometimes the dead are more useful than the living. If I guessed correctly, there are countless ascended cultists waiting outside. Do you think the three of them are strong enough to get out of Hamlet?" Lance grinned and looked at the fat man with a look in his eyes. There is a hint of playfulness.

"Then shall we send him away?" Barristan asked tentatively.

"Yes, yes! Send me home and I will give you a lot of money." The fat man tried his best to persuade them. It's just that no one cares about his opinion.

"It's useless." Lance shook his head helplessly and briefly analyzed the current situation.

"If there are too few people, we can't protect him, and if there are too many people, the town's defense will be empty, and I'm sure those evil witches can easily take his life without telling you.

Unless I escort him back, but apparently that's what they want, and as soon as I leave they'll attack and massacre the residents of Hamlet. "

Before Hamlet had not developed enough, he could go out and hang out without telling his ancestors. Now if he dares to leave for too long, something will definitely happen in the town.

Don't doubt the ancestor, this guy has no humanity, he can kill anyone in order to carry out his plan.

Everyone can understand the meaning of these words, even the fat man no longer wants to leave here.

"Is there nothing we can do?" Leonard couldn't remain silent any longer.

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