Our family is in decline

Chapter 236 Disease Resistant Mushrooms

Lance and his party traveled deep into the wilderness and wandered in the Corruption Land.

The three have different goals.

Lance came in mainly to plan this area, archaeologically examine the buildings, and find out the masonry roads that were once paved.

He needs to re-build roads and re-excavate and re-activate those historical outposts, which will be used for transporting troops and stationing troops. He needs to continuously expand the scope of control to the north, so as to reduce the scope of activities of his ancestors.

In addition, the cleanup of corrupted areas also needs to be demarcated, which areas are suitable for felling wood and burning charcoal, and which areas can be burned directly.

After burning, where should be used to cultivate farmland, and where should be used as medicinal fields?

These all need to be inspected personally. He knows that development is not a matter of just one sentence. It must be adapted to local conditions and cannot be developed blindly.

Paracelsus was here to collect samples. She was curious about the changes in the animals and plants growing in these corrupted areas and what impact they had on people.

Greendale's purpose is simple and clear, that is, the medicine field left by the witch.

Of course, if you know the location, you will give priority to going to the medicine field to get the herbs, but this time there is no reason to march in a hurry, and the journey that originally took a day and a night has been slowed down.

Lance and Paracelsus continue to gain new progress in their goals...

At night, three people and one wolf stayed in one place to clear out a camp. It was difficult to find a slightly cleaner place in the Corruption Land.

An iron pot was set up on the campfire to simmer vegetable stew, and the sea fish caught just this morning and marinated in fine salt was grilled on a grill net woven with wire.

The fat is roasted out and makes a squeaking sound. This is the fat that only sea fish has, and it tastes delicious when eaten.

No matter the time of year, food always soothes the soul.

The firelight brings warmth and security.

I just don’t know what the two of them are doing.

Greendale looked at the bubbling chowder and frowned, showing no interest, but ate a lot of grilled fish.

Paracelsus did not drink water after dark, and even stayed away from soup. He only ate soft white bread and a little grilled fish.

Lance didn't know why the two of them were so picky about food, or maybe they just didn't have much appetite in this corrupt land, right?

Lance didn't care, since there was no need to worry about logistics anyway, so he and Wang Cai finished the big pot of chowder.

Even Lance seemed lazy after eating, but he didn't want to make the atmosphere depressing, and chose to talk about his ideas about new medical treatments.

At the same time, we are also throwing out the common diseases today to discuss the related pathogenesis and treatment options with the two of them.

This world is filled with extraordinary power, and some of these pathogenic principles cannot escape the influence of extraordinary power.

Therefore, Lance could not directly apply the modern medical theories in his mind, not to mention that he was not a doctor, and he was only at the level of ordinary people's understanding of these.

But in any case, for this era that uses body fluid balance as its basic theory and likes to engage in bloodletting therapy, the pathogen theory he proposed is still quite novel.

Greendale is also very interested in these topics. If you talk about other topics, she may not join in, but when it comes to diseases and injuries, as well as human body structure, she still has some research on these.

It is only through research that she can understand that many of his theories are very novel. She originally thought that this lord was just powerful, but she did not expect that he was also knowledgeable and had unique insights into these diseases.

Paracelsus was a college student in any case, so it is not surprising that he could understand his words.

But Greendale, as a mountain barbarian, could actually understand it, which made Lance a little curious. It seemed that not all tribes were as conservative as Boudica and the others.

Moreover, Lance also found that Greendale did not speak with a strong accent and all kinds of strange tribal words like Boudica. What she said was very clear in common language, and some uncommon words could also be used. Very natural to use.

All kinds of behaviors made Lance curious about her, but he didn't show it too obviously, so as not to scare her away.

"Okay, it's getting late. You can rest. I'll keep watch."

Lance didn't intend to tell everything at once, because he didn't know much, and it might be exposed if he continued to talk.

"No, I'm here to keep watch." Greendale stood up, took out a few seeds from her pocket and threw them to the ground. At the same time, she inserted the antler staff into the ground and muttered something.

But in Lance's eyes, he could see the lingering green light on her body, which was somehow connected with the antler-like sprouts on the staff.

Then the seeds on the ground began to germinate, and slender thorns grew out and stretched out, directly forming a circle of thorns to surround the camp. I am afraid that no one wants to get close to this place.

Those who can live in a place like the mountains where ferocious beasts are rampant will naturally have some means to prevent night attacks.

Lance had nothing to say about this. It was a good thing to be able to sleep. He was just forced to work overtime during the night vigil...

After spending a peaceful night in silence under the protection of thorns, the team tidied up and headed deeper into the wilderness.

"How come there are such big mushrooms!"

The mushrooms at the witch's stronghold are the most exaggerated. Seeing the large number of giant mushrooms that are taller than a person and covering the sky, even Paracelsus' cold personality can't help but exclaim.

As long as you have a little understanding of structure, you will know that a fungal structure like a simple mushroom cannot support this kind of body shape.

Just like pure muscles cannot make a person stand up, they need the support of the skeleton, otherwise they will be as limp as a piece of deboned pork.

Paracelsus was curious about the internal structure, so he drew out his dagger and inserted it to cut it open. It looked like she was obviously busy.

"Wangcai, follow her and be careful around you." Lance left Wangcai behind to protect her, while he and Greendale came to the medicine field.

Herbs that can be left behind by witches and carefully taken care of are basically rare in the wilderness.

It's a pity that after just a few days without anyone taking care of it, the fungi spread. I'm afraid it will touch the medicinal field within three days and complete the devouring within ten days.

Even though the witch is dead, the corruption left behind is still poisoning the wilderness.

We must act quickly, otherwise the corruption will continue to spread.

Lance didn't know much about these herbs, but Greendale was very familiar with them. She could recognize them at a glance, which made him understand that some things still require professionals.

"What difficulties would I have if I wanted to transplant these herbs?"

"It's very difficult. After many plants here are transferred, I estimate that the survival rate is less than half."

Greendale didn't know that Lance was planning to burn down the area, so she naturally wondered why Hao Duandui wanted to move these herbs.

"That's enough." Although Lance said this, there was still obvious pain on his face. After all, these were his assets.

But when I thought that if I didn't do anything, I might be killed by my ancestor, I instantly felt relieved.

Seeing his ancestor making money was more uncomfortable than losing money, and he would rather burn it.

"Pick what you need and transplant away some precious ones first."

Lance took the opportunity to learn from helping to pick herbs, and Greendale could also feel it, but she did not hide it, but explained it very generously.

"We call this plant [Bloody Poisonous Weed]. It looks like a weed overall. Its characteristic is that the buds in the middle of its flowers are bright red, half of the petals are white at the base, and the ends look like they are dyed red with blood.

The warriors of the tribe would pluck the flowers, tan them and smear the bright red juice on their weapons for hunting. After a hit, the blood from the prey's wound would continue to bleed until death, but it would become ineffective after being cooked. "

"...The sap of this plant is highly poisonous and corrosive. It is not used during hunting because it will make the prey inedible. This highly toxic herb is only used when dealing with enemies. Witches cook corrosive soup. This is what I use when taking medicine..."

After visiting several medicinal fields, Lance understood the value contained in them under Greendale's explanation, and discovered that the plants in this world are very interesting.

In other words, Lance didn't know much about plants and herbs in his previous life, but he was forced to get in touch with them now.

The necessary herbs were picked quickly. With these, Greendale was confident enough to complete the treatment of the plague, but she couldn't help but secretly look at the man who was observing and recording in the medicine field.

She still remembers the agreement between the two, and the time for the decision is getting closer and closer...

"Hey! Come here, you guys!"

The voice of Paracelsus came from a distance, interrupting her thoughts. Out of alertness to the surrounding environment, Greendale instinctively clenched the staff in her hand and observed the surroundings vigilantly. Her right hand had already been retracted. In the sleeve.


A sound of comfort came, and Greendale turned back to look at Lance who stood up, feeling a sense of security inexplicably, as if she didn't have anything to worry about around him.

Greendale finally realized the change in her feelings towards him and couldn't help but frown.

When was it?

"I went over to see what happened." Lance didn't pay attention to her. He said something out of habit to stabilize the situation, and then walked towards Paracelsus.

Greendale just suppressed her thoughts and hurried over.

"Look." Paracelsus raised his hand without any nonsense and pointed to a small area under the cover of the giant mushroom. If she hadn't investigated deeply, she wouldn't have been able to see inside.

When I saw this Lance, I understood why she was so surprised.

In this fungus-ridden place, there is actually a small piece of land that is not polluted by corruption.

Such anomalies often represent interesting findings.

And Lance's eyes instantly locked on a cluster of mushrooms in the center of the area.

Yes, there are mushrooms in it too, but the shape of these mushrooms is a little special.

The cap is pointed, like a half-folded umbrella, and the stem is slender and slightly light green.

The overall body shape of this special mushroom is very normal, and it looks out of place with the surrounding huge mushrooms that are as thick as an arm at least.

Lance has cut down most of the parasites along the way, but they usually have yellow caps and white stems, or red caps, and the caps are all raised round umbrellas.

This was the first time he had seen this special mushroom, and Lance could feel that its appearance would have a special effect.

Lance didn't waste any time and asked the two of them to back away. He took out his giant sword and chopped off the giant mushrooms around them.

Sure enough, Lance could still see the traces of erosion on the tree trunks on the cut surface. These giant mushrooms were indeed trees.

Only when the spores dispersed all over the sky did Lance and the others really get close to that small place.


As soon as he squatted down, Lance seemed to notice something. He raised his hand and moved the top of the special mushroom. His nose was slightly twitching, and a thin special aroma was sent into his nostrils.

The mushrooms on the parasites that he had encountered before were good enough if they didn't smell bad. They still had fragrance. This made Lance even more sure that they were extraordinary, so he couldn't help but turn around and ask.

"Does Miss Greendale recognize this fungus?"

Paracelsus couldn't smell it with his beak mask, but Greendale could also smell the fragrance. To be honest, she had started to recognize the plants in the mountains since she was a child, but she slowly shook her head when faced with the problem.

"I haven't seen mushrooms like this in the mountains."

Even professionals are stumped, which further proves that this kind of mushroom is not simple. Lance thought for a moment and then expressed his opinion.

"These giant mushrooms are selected by witches using witchcraft. They will devour anything, but this kind of mushroom is only such a small group, and it can actually resist the erosion of germs.

Judging from this performance, this mushroom may be naturally selected and naturally has disease resistance. I don’t know the specific impact on humans. Will it cause other diseases? "

Even the plague germs created by witches using witchcraft can be eliminated, which only shows the miraculous power of nature.

Paracelsus was very interested in this. She was the first to come into contact with the modern medical logic conveyed by Lance.

She knew that the reason why she could not cure the plague was that it was difficult to observe the germs at a microscopic level under the current system, and Lance did not allow herself to try radical treatment methods, so naturally she lacked a deep understanding of the plague.

But if special medicine could be extracted from this ready-made mushroom, would it be possible to treat those soldiers?

She was definitely unwilling to face this inexplicable witch, but the fact that she was able to control the deterioration of her condition made Paracelsus feel dissatisfied, but it was difficult to resist the influence of the fact and fell into entanglement. .

In fact, she was young and energetic, and the people of the Empire had a habit of treating barbarians with a superior mentality. When she met a barbarian who was better than herself, she felt a sense of crisis. Geniuses usually have some minor flaws.

The discovery of this disease-resistant mushroom gave her hope, proving that she could also cure blight, and that she could not be worse than these barbarians!

Lance knew what she was like. He was happy to see competition, but now it was even more necessary to deal with this mushroom.

"Mission accomplished, let's go back now."

Greendale collected the necessary herbs, Paracelsus obtained the desired sample, and Lance also roughly grasped the scope of the corrupted area.

Overall, this mission is accomplished.

Thanks to [Dream into Dusk] for the 100 reward.

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