Our family is in decline

Chapter 237 Serving Hamlet!

In this era, there is actually no shortage of nighttime entertainment options, and some of them are even very entertaining.

For example, the Lantern Street in Totnes is very large, with men and women of all sizes, tall, short, fat and thin.

This is only a small part. The entertainment venues in Totnes are all streets and even the entire area. Various entertainment methods directly drain the "wallets" of those who break into them.

But the prosperity of Totnes does not mean that it is the same in other places. Even if you go out a little bit, you will not find more nighttime entertainment in the outer cities or suburban farms. Most of them curl up in cramped spaces to sleep.

Not to mention other towns far away from the city. Most people can't even afford the cost of lighting at night, let alone have the money to touch those. Workers only have some commercial activities, such as ports.

People living in urban and rural areas usually go to bed at seven or eight o'clock, so they get more sleep than most people in modern times.

But the situation in Hamlet is a little different, because there will be public lectures in the square in the evening to teach some simple knowledge.

Originally, Lance promoted this to promote numbers, and also to teach three to five vocabulary words a day to popularize knowledge.

But as the number of people increases, this position becomes more and more important. In addition to basic education, it is also responsible for promoting some policies and collecting public feedback...

This job is still not possible for ordinary people. It requires people who are literate and have clear thinking.

After Lance made the selection, it fell on the principal, Rosa.

Being able to come here to listen to classes is already considered a relatively progressive person. Most of the townspeople have already gone home and gone to bed. For them, whether they are literate or not does not affect the speed of moving bricks.

Follow the process to review yesterday's three vocabulary words and learn today's three vocabulary words.

The relevant policy we want to learn today is the public security regulations. Hamlet strictly prohibits hurting or killing people. If there is any situation, please notify the security team immediately...

After the process was completed, people soon started asking about the news circulating today.

Where has the lord gone?

Mrs. Rosa explained the situation without hesitation, and the people who received the confirmation felt a sense of security from the news.

The family members of the patients who had been waiting for a long time could not help but cry and choke, but this was not negative, but grateful for everything the lord had done for them.

Rosa noticed the reaction of the people. She grew up in the city and lived in the city. She actually had little contact with the aristocracy and lords.

There has even been a trend of boycotting the aristocratic system among schools because students are progressive in the city, the city is open, and the school is civilized.

But when she saw those students struggling for this, she found it ridiculous, because as an adult she had her own understanding of the city's bureaucracy.

The so-called aristocratic system has always existed around me, but it has been renamed bureaucracy in the city.

She didn't care when her life was going well, until the disaster broke out, destroying her last bit of confidence in the empire. She originally thought the world would usher in despair.

But now she feels that she is different from the imperial aristocrats and the city bureaucrats.

From seven o'clock to nine o'clock, nearly two hours later, the workload was not easy, and my throat was a little hoarse.

After class, the people called Principal Rosa and Mrs. Rosa, and they also had nice words to say.

At the same time, he brought up the berries he picked, some of which were wild vegetables dug from nowhere, and the sea fish caught this morning...

It's just that Rosa rejected them all. The purpose of these people is not simple. Their children are in the school, and they do this in the hope of being taken care of.

She knew that the lord would not like this, and she was very satisfied with her current life and would not ask for trouble.

As a reward for her maintaining order in the town, even though Rosa did not ask for it, Lance finally gave her a larger masonry house.

There are not many in the town, because the construction time and cost are simply not comparable to those of private houses. Not many were built during this period, and most of them are still left over from that time.

But when she got home, Rosa discovered something was wrong. Her daughter, who was sitting in front of a candle copying books, could see a little moisture at the roots of her hair, and there were tiny beads of sweat on the tip of her nose.

Although the weather is hot now, the temperature at night is not so high that I sweat even while sitting.

At this moment, she couldn't help but frown and asked sharply: "You didn't listen to me?"

As a teacher, Rosa was very strict. This sound made Joan subconsciously straighten her back and turn her head to look over.

How could a mother not know about her daughter? Just by looking at her, she knew she was exercising again.

Originally, my daughter was very well-behaved and smart, and I planned to train her to be a decent scholar.

However, after encountering such suffering, my daughter began to pursue strength and focused on exercise instead of studying.

Other students have little interest in this exercise course. They prefer to study, and are even very greedy to acquire knowledge.

Joan of Arc, on the other hand, became interested in exercise and spent her spare time on these things, which was unacceptable to Rosa.

This was one of the reasons why Rosa wanted to send her daughter to the lord.

The atmosphere brought about by the silence became heavier, and Rosa scolded her with a stern face.

"Why do you put your time on these things? Do you still want to go to the battlefield?"

"I want to protect my mother..." Joan of Arc is not weak in character. She hesitated and said this, "I want to protect everyone like Lord Lance!"

The scene when Lance took Boudica to save herself and her mother was deeply imprinted in her mind.

If you are that strong, can you protect others?

At that moment, she felt a thirst for power. She wanted to use her power to protect those who needed protection!

"When you were a kid, you would cry for a long time even if you fell down. Do you know that fighting is not training, it is about getting hurt? It is about killing people?"

"I know!" Joan of Arc stood up loudly, "But someone has to stand up."

Rosa was stunned when she heard this, her expression became relaxed, then she fell silent, and then she spoke after a moment:

"Oh~ do what you think is right."

As mentioned before, as a mother, Rosa doesn't understand her daughter's thoughts.

But she is more afraid that something will happen to her daughter. She just wants her daughter to be protected by staying with Lord Lance safely.

After her husband disappeared, she couldn't accept her daughter leaving her, and her protectiveness was even a bit overwhelming.

Only now did I realize that maybe my daughter was not that fragile after all.

Thinking of the Lord's words, Rosa understood that her daughter had grown up and it was time to let go.

Joan of Arc was a little surprised. According to the past, she would have been scolded, but why was her mother's attitude like this today?

"I have talked about you with the lord before."

Before that, Rosa didn't say what she and the lord said at that time. She still didn't want to let go, but now it seemed that there was no need to hide it, so she told the conversation.

Joan of Arc did not resist the lord, but to be honest, she was still a little uneasy and uneasy. Now after hearing this, she understood why her mother changed.

"I will definitely work hard to become a person who contributes to Hamlet!"


It was still dark, probably around four or five in the morning, but the whole Hamlet had already begun to come alive.

The man woke up early. Although he had a tiring day yesterday, he remembered to report for work this morning. Going early might leave a good impression on the foreman.

The one who got up earlier than him was his wife. She pushed the door open and held a clay pot and a cloth bag in her hands, which contained their family's rationed breakfast.

But looking at the smile on the woman's face, you knew it was not that simple. In addition to a few multigrain breads, there were two eggs in the cloth bag.

"I deliberately went early today to cook the eggs over the fire of the pot." The woman was quite proud of saving the firewood for cooking the eggs.

As he spoke, he thrust an egg into the man's hand and put the other aside, obviously leaving it for the child who had not yet woken up.

"Why are there only two? Isn't there more?"

"You are too tired from doing all those physical jobs. Eat some meat to make up for it. I don't have to do any heavy work, so just eat this." The woman didn't care at all, but instead showed off to her husband with the clay pot, "Look, go early. You can catch a lot of fish.”

Everyone knows that the north is dangerous. In fact, men are also a little worried. But looking at the smile on his wife's face and feeling the warm eggs in his hands, the uneasiness and fear in his heart are eliminated.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to work hard to make his family's life better.

"I will definitely work hard to make more money, and then we can eat as many eggs as we want."

"I'm very satisfied now, as long as our family is together safely."

But as she spoke, the woman couldn't help but think about it and began to plan for a better future.

"In just one more year, we can officially become a member of Hamlet and return to the lord. Our fields will harvest a lot of food, save some money to buy some livestock, and when the children grow up, they will be sent to learn a trade... "

The man felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of being separated for a few days. He couldn't help but hug his wife and murmured: "It will happen..."

The wife's words were interrupted. After a moment of silence, she slowly spoke and warned her tirelessly.

"Remember to be careful and run away if you encounter a wild beast. I can't lose you again."

"Thank you Lord Lance, life will get better." The man couldn't help but hugged him tighter after hearing this. He knew that his wife was talking about the seven-year-old daughter who was lost during the escape. No one knew what happened, or They knew it, but there was really nothing they could do.

What they face is always the problem of survival, not the problem of life.

Soon, the man carried the warm eggs in his arms and headed to the square to gather, as if carrying the hope of the future. People who were earlier than him had already gathered in twos and threes waiting for the foreman to come, so he could only hurry up.

"Brother, why are you so slow?"

"Hee hee! My wife was afraid that I would be hungry at work, so she boiled eggs for me." The man took out the eggs in his arms and was not willing to eat them. It was probably to show off.

Several acquaintances around him were also making noises, or similarly bringing out things prepared by their families.

Soon the foreman came over and called the names according to the list, but after waiting for a while, the man didn't hear his name.

The more he got to the back, the more panicked he became. Even when he signed up, the names of the two people following him were already called. Until the end of the reading, the man didn't even hear his own name.

At this time, he felt that his legs were shaking and he couldn't stand firmly.

He had just resigned from his job at a construction site. If he lost this, he would lose both ends. When he went out in the morning, he vowed to his wife that he could not lose this job no matter what.

When he hurried forward to find the foreman and told him his name, the foreman raised his head strangely.

"Your name is not on the list."

"Ah! It's impossible. You were the one who registered it for me yesterday, brother." Hearing this, the man was startled and quickly reported his name again, as well as the registration number at that time.

"No, if you don't believe me, see for yourself."

The foreman raised his hand and pointed the paper towards the man, but the man was illiterate, so how could he understand this?

At this time, he was a little confused. He obviously completed the registration yesterday, why was his name not there today?

But what can he do about this? I can only say good things and sincerely ask the foreman to see more clearly.

"No means no, please go away quickly and don't block my work."

The foreman looked a little bored, but the man didn't care about his face, so he could only bow forward and keep pleading.

"I must have registered it yesterday. If I look for it again, my name will definitely be on it."

"Go away!" The foreman couldn't help but feel bored when he saw the man, and raised his hand to push him away.

This hand pushed the unprepared man to the ground, and his subconscious action also slapped the egg in his hand to the ground.

The man realized that he quickly knelt on the ground and picked up the broken eggs with a distressed look on his face.

This completely attracted the attention of the people around, and everyone saw what happened.

The foreman also realized that his behavior was a bit inappropriate, but he quickly realized it and pointed at the man and scolded him in a righteous manner.

"You actually want to bribe me with eggs to get a place. Let me tell you, I'm a Hamlet and I won't do this!"

When this sound came out, everyone couldn't help but focus on the man, and most of their expressions had a negative meaning.

We are all workers here, and no one likes people who want to use the back door, because it will harm their own interests.

There were a lot of accusations for a while, but the foreman was praised by everyone.

"Why is this person like this?"

"This is what outsiders are like."

"Well done, Brother Foreman!"

The foreman didn't expect this to be the case, and he couldn't help but show a serious look when he heard the flattery from others.

"The lord has said that we will resolutely refuse to offer or accept bribes, and we will strictly crack down on those who exploit the public for private gain. We must serve the townspeople."

"Okay! Well said!"

More and more people gathered around to watch the excitement. They didn't know what happened specifically. They only knew that the man on the ground had refused the bribe.

"No! I didn't!" The man held the broken egg, his face full of confusion and horror. He didn't know what he had done wrong, he was just fighting for the rights he should have.

The man tried his best to explain himself, but how could he speak to so many people on his own?

"You still don't recognize it?"

"This kind of person should be beaten hard."

"Disqualify him and banish Hamlet."

There is a lack of entertainment in this era, and the long-day work makes people accumulate stress, so this farce is just fun for others. It has nothing to do with their own interests anyway, and the words they speak become more and more excited, spreading strong malice wantonly.

Under the booing of more and more people, it has even spread, and the suppressed madness seems to be a little out of control.

It is impossible for a man to admit it, because he has never done such a thing, and he does not think he is wrong in this matter.

Once they can't bear the pressure, their family's efforts will be in vain, not to mention the possibility of being expelled from Hamlet due to infamy.

But looking at the ferocious and twisted faces around him, the foreman’s contemptuous eyes and mocking smile.

At this moment, his heart was as broken as an egg in his hand - broken.

Thanks to [20230116114205722] for the 500 reward.

Thanks to [Foxtail’s Tail] for the 100 reward.

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