Our family is in decline

Chapter 239 There is only one truth!

William only sees the law of justice, and crying miserably is of no use to him. Is it just you? Isn't it worse than you when someone else is injured and falls into a coma, leaving behind his wife and children?

"Tell me the truth now and you will be punished. I will report to the lord for you and reduce the sentence at your discretion. Otherwise, you are ready to leave here. Hamlet does not welcome people like you."

What else could be said now? The man quickly told the matter and did not dare to hide anything.

"So the injured person has completed registration?"

"He was walking the fastest at the time and signed up before me."

"That egg isn't a bribe either?"

"He showed off to us that his wife had prepared it for him on the road and kept it in his hand."

The man did not dare to say any more positive words, he only said what he saw and heard at that time.

However, these words were enough to confirm William's suspicions and overturned the previous testimony.

The matter is very simple, so simple that the situation can be explained clearly in just a few sentences, but it has been delayed until now due to pressure from the foreman.

It's just that William is not in a hurry to clear the injured person's suspicion, he still needs to continue the investigation.

Soon the people from the shop and the foreman came.

"I definitely remember that not many people would buy so many eggs at once and have every transaction recorded in their account."

"He did tell me yesterday that he signed up."

"Then there is only one truth!" William stood up and issued an order, "Control the foreman immediately!"

When verified by these two people, William understood that the evidence chain was more complete, but one more key piece of evidence was needed, which was the list.

But at this moment, there was suddenly some noise outside.

Then a person broke into the security team's station without his consent.

"What happened? Why were my people detained?"

As soon as the man came in, he questioned him in front of everyone. He looked like he didn't take William, the police chief, seriously at all.

William recognized him as the person in charge of the town's projects.

It's just that this attitude doesn't seem appropriate to appear here at this time...

"You have nothing to do with the case, so you don't need to know too much. A report will be posted on the bulletin board in the square afterwards."

"You detained my people, and now you have seriously delayed the Lord's arrangements. You must give me an explanation." The person in charge stood up and did not back down just because of a word.

"I will report to the lord, you don't need to worry about these things."

Although the clues all point to the foreman, the case has not yet been completely characterized, and it is difficult for William to directly identify it, so too much cannot be revealed yet, and more detailed investigation is needed.

But William's refusal provoked the person in charge.

“You are undermining the construction of Hamlet by detaining my people for no reason.

If you catch one today and another tomorrow, do we still have to work?

If you don't give me an explanation today, then just arrest me too. "

William looked at the person in charge and couldn't help but frown. Everyone knew that the Lord attached great importance to this, and even William couldn't stand it now.

But it was also a good explanation and asked him to find another person to replace the suspected foreman.

"A vicious wounding case occurred in the square this morning..."

After listening to William's words, the person in charge's reaction was not as excited as it was at first.

When a series of evidence was placed in front of him, he seemed to realize that something was wrong and fell silent.

But soon, what William didn't expect was that he was interceding for the foreman.

"I guess he made a mistake when recording it. Although he was at fault first, the man was the one who bumped into him and was not injured by him. Let him pay some money to his family and let the matter end here. "

"No! This matter must be investigated to the end."

William directly vetoed it without any hesitation. He explained that he wanted the person in charge to take over the foreman's work so that he could investigate without affecting the construction, rather than letting it go.

His tough attitude made the person in charge a little dissatisfied, "Let me tell you, the project to develop the Western Wilderness has been arranged for a long time. It is impossible to transfer people from other places to disrupt other projects. Is it necessary to delay the entire project just because of one person?" Engineering?"

"This is not something I am responsible for. I am only responsible for finding out the truth and giving the criminal the punishment he deserves. If he has no problem, he will be released after the investigation is completed." William is immune to these threats.

He was even worried that the person in charge would affect the investigation of the case and went out to control the suspect himself. He had no intention of continuing to waste time. He only knew that the longer it was delayed, the easier it would be for the smell of the criminal to disappear.

When he walked outside, the sun had risen, and the sunlight shone on William, making the police badge in front of him shine brightly.

"It's your turn, come in."

The foreman looked over and subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes, lowering his head to avoid the dazzling light. It took him a while to react, but he lost the confidence he had before and looked a little uneasy.

When he saw the serious face of the person in charge who followed him, the foreman could sense that something was wrong, and his anxiety intensified even more.

But William didn't give him time to resist, so he raised his hand and waved.

"Bring it in!"

Two peace officers went up to control the foreman and then dragged him into the bureau.

"Sir, save me, these outsiders have wronged me! I didn't!" the foreman shouted to the person in charge.

But when the person in charge saw this, he had no choice but to leave angrily. It looked like the matter was not over yet.

In the interrogation room, William started the interrogation directly, but the foreman didn't say a word.

William knew that his reaction was unrealistic, thinking that the person in charge could save him.

But the testimony is only a small part, and the next clues have already begun to be investigated when William gets the registration form.

While controlling the foreman, William checked the list and noticed something was wrong just by looking at it.

There weren't that many literate people in the town, so Lance used a trick to complete the record.

That is to give everyone a registration number, similar to an ID number. Only four digits are needed to cover nearly 5,000 people in the town.

Everyone's names, numbers, fingerprints, and other more detailed information are all filed in a register and can be retrieved.

That's why he wants to promote numbers, to be able to complete a lot of registrations without having to know a lot of words.

However, this simple registration method simplifies the work, but it brings difficulties to the investigation.

There is indeed no number of the injured person on it, and there are no clear traces of alteration, so how was the forgery accomplished?

And why this person and not someone else?

In this regard, William directly found the number of the person behind the injured person, and went up to determine the location where the injured person was registered at that time, but it was replaced by another number.

And you can naturally find that person by getting the number.

"Check! Find this person."


After the person in charge came out, he also knew that the matter could not be calculated in this way. Isn't it obvious that outsiders were bullying the locals?

What's more, he knows something about it. If we can't investigate this matter further, we might find out something.

"A foreigner threatened to commit suicide without getting a spot. Now those guys from the security team have detained my people and seriously interfered with our engineering team's western development work. How can we complete the tasks assigned to us by the lord if this continues?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

Susan looked at the visitor strangely. She had long since resigned from those positions. Now she was just an ordinary town citizen. She was only responsible for the lord's daily life and had no other powers at all.

Although Susan is an ordinary person on the surface, she is as the so-called "third-rank official in front of the prime minister". As a person who takes care of the lord's daily life, no one in the town dares to look down upon her.

The person in charge understood this, so he approached Susan, and when he thought of this, he emphasized it even more.

"They are deliberately stirring up trouble and want to replace our people through this method. If this continues, these outsiders will sit on our heads and shit on us. We cannot back down."

Originally, most of the offices in the town were controlled by Hamlet people, but after the arrival of these outsiders, a large amount of power was dispersed, making them feel dangerous.

In some cases, he approached Susan because he had no one else to turn to. Basically, the supervisors of other departments in the town were not native to Hamlet.

"You should know why I was removed. I can't control you."

This sentence directly put the person in charge into a very embarrassing situation.

Susan was removed because of her personal abilities, but the more problematic issue was that there were many dirty guys among the people she was responsible for managing, and she was implicated to some extent.

Susan was also heartbroken. Could it be that the life brought by the lord was not enough?

So she was instinctively wary of these guys.

Susan may have been just an ordinary farm woman before she met Lance, but people have the ability to learn, and after being exposed to those things, her thinking will no longer be so short-sighted.

She probably feels that this matter is not that simple, and now she is looking for her and wants to drag me into the water?

"It makes sense for your lord to hand over the security of the town to Sheriff William. If it is really not that person who did it, I believe the security team will give him a fair explanation.

Your task should be to reduce the impact of this matter as soon as possible and devote your energy to work instead of wasting time here. "

After saying that, Susan had no intention of continuing the communication and retreated directly into the room, obviously not wanting to have too many interactions.

Susan is just an ordinary person, but she can speak to him like this, and the person in charge has no temper.

This is not because Susan herself has this strength, but because her identity carries the aura of a lord, and no one in Hamlet dares to have an opinion against the lord.

The person in charge actually understood that Susan's words were the most practical solution now. As long as the progress of the project was stabilized, it had nothing to do with him whether the foreman had problems or not.

But he can't do that because some things are not as simple as they seem.

The plan to develop the western region was approved and then delegated to him, but he arranged the manpower to form an engineering team, so it was impossible to put the blame away.

Not to mention that this person can become the foreman, and winning this project has something to do with him.

Sometimes when a person does a very stupid thing, it is not because he is stupid, but because some things cannot be decided by his brain.

Fortunately, there was no immediate thunderstorm when the lord was out. As long as the people were fished out before the lord came back, there was still room for saving.

At the same time, when Susan retires, she may be able to use this incident to overwhelm those outsiders and become the core uniting the locals in Hamlet.

The person in charge had already made plans and took immediate action.

He shoulders the important task of saving Hamlet from those outsiders.

We can no longer let those outsiders mess around. Hamlet has his own way of controlling things here. How can we do a good job in construction with such insects?


"My lord has found it!"

A sheriff brought a man in, and William looked at the timid ordinary man in front of him.

"Your affairs have been discovered. Speak for yourself. Don't waste time."

Even the foreman was caught, and he, a guy with no background, quickly explained the situation.

The thing was very simple. The people who had signed up had already been recruited, and the salary of this job made him reluctant to part with it, so he approached the foreman and agreed to buy a place for one silver coin.

Then naturally one person will be replaced, and it is obvious that the injured person is this unlucky guy.

Based on his testimony, William probably understood the whole story. It was a simple bribery transaction, but it was only exposed due to the resistance of the injured person.

But William didn't understand how the foreman could modify the list without leaving any traces of modifications.

He took out the list again and looked at it carefully. He flipped through the three pieces of paper many times before his eyes fell on the number at the end of the second piece of paper.

The sun hadn't fully risen just now, but now it was already bright and there was enough light. Soon William discovered something was wrong.

"I understand!" William said and immediately got up and brought a piece of paper and a pot of water.

The reason why he was so excited was because he found that the color of the paper used for the list was wrong and the feel was a bit stiff.

You must know that these are all purchased by the lord from Totnes. The craftsmanship is mature and they are produced in the same batch. There will not be much difference.

The Sheriff under his command still didn't understand why the Sheriff was suddenly so excited, but after seeing him immerse the paper that he had just written on but not completely dry into the water, and then the water sucked up and slowly spread the words.

Then he brought it up and printed it carefully with his clothes. He did not care about the ink staining the clothes, and dipped the paper into the water again with his backhand.

As long as you master it well and go back and forth several times, the words on top will be washed away, while the words on top will not be affected.

After cracking this technology, I now understand why the injured person was selected, and also understand what method the foreman used to complete the modification without obvious traces.

Because when the injured were registered, they happened to be at the end of the second sheet of paper.

Whether it is writing or fingerprinting, it is just ordinary ink. As long as the paper is sandwiched and the bottom is immersed in water, the traces can be quickly washed away, and then dried and written on again.

"Now if you go to the foreman's house, you should be able to find the corresponding equipment, and it will definitely leave traces." William looked quite high-spirited about the key clues he had in solving this case.

At this moment, fierce barking suddenly sounded outside, and a police officer rushed in to report.

"Sheriff! Suddenly many people came outside and surrounded us!"

"What!" William realized something was wrong and quickly turned to the window to look out. More and more people were gathering.

Originally, the security team detained so many people, and as time went by, this matter had been spread throughout the town. Why didn't it happen before, but now it suddenly came up as if it was an appointment?

William felt like he was in some kind of trouble...

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