Our family is in decline

Chapter 240 Strike hard!

But William couldn't see the situation getting out of control, so he ran out quickly, called Figgus back immediately to avoid accidental injury, and at the same time withdrew the sheriff who was guarding those people.

There are only a few people in total, and you cannot use violence when facing the townspeople. The only way to be stable is to retreat.

Anyway, those people are all registered and there is no way they can escape.

Sure enough, after the restrictions were lost, those who were temporarily detained outside the door all stood up and mingled with the people, causing an even more intense quarrel.

"Let them go! Let them go!"

William pushed everyone back, then closed the door of the police station, as if he was guarding it.

"Someone is using innocent and ignorant people to put pressure on us. This is a challenge to our security forces by corrupt forces. This is blasphemy to the lord." William looked at the police officers and said solemnly: "Are you ready? Fight for justice, fight for Hamlet?”

"Hamlet must win!"

These people are all from the military and have undergone rigorous training. Their ability to withstand pressure is not comparable to that of ordinary townspeople.

After facing the out-of-control Ascended Cultists and the army of corrupt parasites, this small scene is not enough to shake their loyalty to the Lord.

"Protect witnesses immediately! We will never give in!"

William quickly mobilized and arranged internal matters.

However, the controlled guys had mixed reactions. When the foreman heard the noise outside, he realized that the superiors were starting to rescue him, so he persisted and even started to scream.

"If you are wise, let me go immediately, otherwise none of you will be able to escape if this matter continues!"

William just glanced at him lightly, not wavering at all from his threat.

It's just that the family members of the injured were filled with grief and anger when they saw this situation, but they could only cry and wonder why suffering always happened to them.

When William saw this, he couldn't help but frown, and he felt a little cruel in his heart, and he scolded sternly.

"No one can escape the justice! No matter who is behind you, I will make him accept the punishment!"

William said this, but the noise outside became more and more intense, and even the door shook in the impact.

"Hahaha, what can you do?" the foreman laughed arrogantly, "Hamlet is the territory of Hamlet people, not you stinky foreigners!"

Seeing this guy's arrogance, William tightly held the rope in his hand, fearing that he would lose control and let the dog bite him...

Across the street, on top of the government building where the original mercenary guild was now located, the person in charge smiled condescendingly as he watched the entire police station being surrounded by angry people.

Fight with him? Still too young.

You must know that he controls the projects in the town. Most of the people in the town are related, and the workers detained by the police station can just arouse the anger of their families. Just letting out a little news is enough to influence them to attack the police station.

The commotion here soon alerted the army. Although some were sent out to garrison, one or two hundred people could still be pulled out.

As they continued to respond to reinforcements, they soon saw that all the passages around the square were blocked by soldiers. The crowds surrounding the police station were directly surrounded by soldiers who kept advancing.

The person in charge couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this scene. A guilty conscience appeared on his face but was suppressed in an instant.

He didn't believe that these people dared to attack ordinary people, and there were so many of them.

As long as they wait until they are in trouble, and when the time comes to mediate, the matter will be over, and I will keep the foreman, give those outsiders a show of strength, and naturally become the leader of the locals.

He thought well, but it was a pity that Leonard and others who had experienced the war showed an extremely tough attitude when facing this situation, and it was also a sensitive period when the lord was away.

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of gunshots started, and as the smoke rose, the entire stadium was suddenly filled with silence. The crazy people reacted and began to gradually break away from their crazy emotions.

who I am?

What am I doing?

Where is this place?

But Leonard and the others don't care so much. They only need to be responsible to the lord. Anyone who threatens Hamlet's safety is an enemy.

Must hit hard!

"Everyone, listen, squat down. Anyone who dares to resist will be shot to death."

Leonard stated that he did not care at all that this sentence would have a negative impact on his reputation.

The powerful deterrent brought by the army instantly controlled the situation. No one dared to resist. Even the one who had shouted the most excitedly just squatted down. Even the fastest was him, trying to hide himself in the crowd.

After completely controlling the situation, Leonard began to investigate the cause of the incident and what happened.

"Tell me what happened here? What are you doing here?"

The person who was called was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke tremblingly.

"Those police officers arrested my family members for no reason and asked them to work in the most dangerous places. They would not let them go unless they agreed."

Leonard couldn't help frowning when he heard this and scolded him sternly.

"Idiot! Didn't you read the announcement in the square? The places where you work have been cleared of dangers by the military. Who told you these things?"

He may not know other things, but the development of the Western Wilderness requires coordination with the army, and he knows this very well.

Right now, Barton and Barristan are leading the team to clean up outside. The team will come back to rest tomorrow, and then it will be his turn to lead another team.

This kind of thing has never been spread on a large scale, and the weird argument instantly aroused Leonard's vigilance.

Leonard's scolding made the man panic, and he had to change his words and speak intermittently.

"I heard what others said, and the vigilantes actually detained people."

Leonard doesn't know the specifics about this matter, but he has come into contact with William, who values ​​justice above all else, and it is impossible to do such a thing. There must be something wrong with it.

The situation at the scene was under control and could be known inside the police station. At this moment, the door of the police station opened and William walked out.

"I will give you an explanation for today's matter!" William shouted and raised his hand to wave, "Bring the criminal to trial!"

After the words fell, the two peace officers came out pressing the foreman.

He was still shouting crazily just now, but now he was dragged out like a dead dog. When the situation was forcefully taken over by the army, he realized that the situation was over.

What is a public trial? That is to announce this matter directly.

William's meaning is simple, don't some people want to cover up this matter?

Then I will expose this matter in front of everyone!

William has the spirit to sacrifice everything for justice, and he doesn't care who is behind the foreman.

The witnesses and material evidence were all there, and the results of this public trial could be seen before it even started. As the clues pieced together the case, the anger of those people began to turn towards the foreman, and each of them seemed to want to tear him apart.

But they completely forget what they have done before, and sometimes their anger is so cheap and meaningless.

However, Leonard would not let the situation get out of control again. After understanding what happened, he realized that the incident was provocative. There were bad people among the crowd, or cultists had sneaked in...

"Seal the entrances and exits of the town and no one will be allowed to pass without a warrant." Leonard gave the order and the soldiers began to take action.

At the same time, after communicating with William, the troops began to divide into two groups. One went to the foreman's house to collect evidence, and the other tracked down the guy who spread the rumors.

William led the team away and Leonard took over the scene.

"Say! Who did you hear it from? What did he say to you?"

Leonard doesn't do anything fancy. It's very simple to investigate. He catches one person and asks him to tell who he heard it from. In a few simple steps, he followed the clues and found the guy hiding in the crowd.

"Everyone is pointing at you. Hurry and tell the truth!"

As he said this, Leonard drew out his sword with his backhand. He was not William. In this era, there was no need to give any evidence.

"I said! Others taught me..."

The person in charge of the observation at the mercenary building was shocked when he saw this scene.

It’s over…

At this time, he couldn't care less about his sweet dreams, and quickly packed up and prepared to run away.

Just as he walked out of the building, two soldiers came towards him. The person in charge wanted to pretend not to see them, but the soldiers stopped him directly.

"My lord, please come with us."

At this moment, the person in charge knew that in order to save the guy, he had been involved.


Unexplainable emotions welled up in my heart. Why would I do such a stupid thing?

The man was soon arrested and William soon ransacked his home and found more clues.

But the matter is far from over. This matter is like a spark falling on gunpowder, implicating a lot of things.

Soon there were reports of similar things happening, and not only that, but more corruption and chaos were reported.

No one said before that it was because everyone was afraid and life was better than when they fled, so they didn't expose it, or they covered it up before they even took action.

Now seeing Chief William acting like this, of course he chose to seek justice and protect his own rights.

Realizing that something was wrong, Leonard simply ordered martial law and asked his soldiers to help handle these cases.


"A vicious case occurred in the square three days ago..."

William raised his head and glanced at the Lord before continuing.

"From this case... we identified... one hundred and twenty-seven people directly involved in the case, including..."

Many situations emerged during William's investigation.

For example, you can change your points by spending money, and add credit to others for yourself, while those who work hard will not.

Some people put all the results of their workers' work on themselves, promoted them to three levels in a short period of time, and threatened those workers.

This investigation even revealed a vicious case, in which someone actually killed a local who tried to resist...

"Okay, okay! Prepare a big gift for me as soon as I come back..." When he heard this, Lance's eyes suddenly became sharp.

He had just returned from the wilderness, only to find that many projects in the town had been suspended, and soldiers were stationed at every intersection.

At this time, he realized that something happened in the town.

But he wasn't too surprised by this, because if nothing happened, this place wouldn't be called Hamlet.

Returning to listening to William's report on the incident, Lance also understood what had happened to Hamlet in the few short days he had been gone.

But this sentence made William feel great pressure. This matter was too involved, and there were too many people involved. The people who were arrested kept confessing others in order to get a reduced sentence, until now it can be said that it is a bit out of control.

Currently, because of his investigation, the project is currently suspended, and the people are in an inexplicable panic. The entire town can now be said to be very depressed.

To be honest, he didn't expect it. After all, under the leadership of the lord, Hamlet's environment was better than most towns in the empire, but he didn't expect there to be so much evil.

"I can't blame you for this. I can only blame me for focusing on other things and ignoring the loopholes left over from the past."

Lance didn't mean to blame William. The root cause of the matter was that he had simplified the promotion process in order to quickly restore productivity, and the points policy to encourage labor had loopholes exploited.

It is easier to accept it now than to delay it and cause more trouble before it breaks out.

Some words were logically not what he should say, but when William saw the lord's attitude, he continued to delve deeper into the topics behind the case.

"Most of the criminals are numbered within 900, especially those in the engineering team who are the most serious. They use their power to promote cronies and suppress..."

What does the number within 900 mean? Just local people.

What William meant by this was to show that the person in charge of the engineering team was nepotistic, suppressed other capable people, and promoted local people without caring about their ability to hold the position.

Lance was not a fool. He naturally guessed something when he saw those reports.

It seems that after the arrival of these refugees, these guys felt a sense of crisis, so they naturally formed a force to fight against the outsiders, and together they safeguarded those ridiculous powers and interests.

Fucking troublemaker! According to their classification, wouldn’t I also be a foreigner?

Lance originally thought that the product of party struggle would only exist at the national level, but he didn't expect that a little Hamlet would engage in such things.

Sure enough, as long as there are humans, there will be internal fighting. What is the difference between a group of guys fighting among themselves for profit, and a group of monkeys snatching banana peels?

However, these locals actually developed an inexplicable sense of superiority towards these outsiders.

This sense of superiority made Lance feel funny. These guys seemed to forget that the real powerful was the lord, not themselves.

In Lance's eyes, everyone is just a bargaining chip for him to fight against his ancestors. The only difference is that some chips are heavier and some are lighter, and there is no concept of locals and outsiders at all.

For him, the broken parts can be replaced.

"Aren't they dissatisfied with the life I gave them? Then I will help them recall the 'good' life before."

This sentence seemed to allow Lance to find an outlet to vent his anger and begin to judge those people.

"You know, I don't like seeing blood..."

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