Our family is in decline

Chapter 241 There are still many good people

"If I don't like seeing blood, I won't behead them. I'll hang the foreman, the person in charge, and all the murderers in the square. Don't feed them, just give them water. I'll give them the feeling of famine before."

If the person is exposed to the scorching sun for seven days, he will be sent to a sanatorium for treatment if he dies. If he is not dead after seven days, he will be sent to a sanatorium to slowly 'recuperate'.

All the property of these people was confiscated, and their families took back their Hamlet household registration and demoted them to serfs. They were first starved for three days and then sent to labor farms for indefinite reform.

The same goes for those directly involved in the case, who recovered their losses and were deprived of their status as freedmen, reduced to serfs and sent to be rehabilitated.

If any of them have family members in government departments, schools or the military, they will all be disqualified, and all preferential policies will be cancelled.

Those guys who were onlookers, gave false evidence, and stormed the police station were all sent to the labor farm for reform. The specific labor reform period started at least three months, with no cap, and the sentence for poor performance was doubled.

Tell them what they should do and what they shouldn't do! "

The weight of his chips has always been based on ability. Aren't those people always emphasizing their identity?

Now directly depriving them of their identity, who is the authentic Hamlet?

There were only 800 people in Hamlet before, so Lance was forced to give those positions to them because there was no one available.

In Susan's case, it was because the refugees had not yet been effectively resettled, and he did not make excessive layoffs for the sake of stability.

These people have occupied many important positions due to their previous first-mover advantage, but some of their abilities are simply not enough to shoulder their responsibilities, and they are not smart enough to dare to use their identities to discredit him.

This violated Lance's biggest taboo. He needed reputation to unite everyone, and any stain would give the ancestor an opportunity.

If it weren't for the fact that the ancestor would benefit from seeing blood, I'm afraid he would have killed him long ago.

The lord produces all things to feed the people...

Nowadays, most of the perpetrators in this incident are locals. We just take this opportunity to clean up and let those who are capable go up.

Moreover, the project to develop the wilderness is short of manpower. This wave of replenishment will eliminate the need to mobilize more people, and it is free. It is estimated that thousands of gold coins can be saved.

Those people knew that he didn't have enough development staff, so they took the initiative to send it to his door. Hamlet still has many good people, and everyone is so enthusiastic to help others.

Lance briefly explained how to handle the matter, and William could tell that he didn't mean to stop at all.

Logically speaking, he should be happy that the lord did not protect those people because of their status as locals, but when William heard this, his face did not show much relaxation, but on the contrary, he looked a little entangled.

"Sir, is this a bit... too harsh? The laws of the Empire are far from being so serious in these cases."

William hesitated and expressed his opinion, but Lance just smiled.

"Do you want to use Imperial law to uphold justice?"

"Isn't the law a weapon of justice?" William asked directly in return. Judging from his firm expression, it was obvious that he had his own understanding of this.

You must know that William has a family education, otherwise how could he be literate and know how to train dogs?

The literacy textbook he used at that time was not the church's holy book, but an imperial law written in an unknown era.

Even the empire has to pull out legal documents to cover up its shame. Now the lord is judging those people with just one sentence. Isn't it a bit extreme?

"Who made the law?" Lance was not in a hurry to argue with him, but asked calmly.

"Of course it is formulated by the rulers of the empire."

"Isn't that right? As long as it is made by people, there can be no justice, because everyone has their own position."

"But!" William wanted to speak, but was stuck in his mouth, and seemed to realize something.

“Okay, even if we assume that the law is absolutely righteous, who is going to enforce the law?

We are still human, and as long as we are human, we will have a stand. "

Some of William's ideas are indeed more disciplined than most of the empire's bureaucrats and politicians, but who sets the rules?

Imperial law has never been something that can be called justice. It is just a rein used by the aristocratic ruling class to maintain the stability of the carriage.

The reins will only be put on the horse. They are the people sitting in the carriage. Do you still want those guys to put the rope around their necks?

Anyway, Lance doesn't know how to do it. If you want to fight against your ancestor, you must use strong and powerful means. Now is not the time to limit yourself with laws.

What's more, the law can only achieve a certain degree of fairness. Its main function is to maintain social stability, and this is what ordinary people need. They just want to live a stable life.

And this is all Lance can give them.

William had never thought about this problem before, and he fell into some kind of thinking.

And Lance obviously wouldn't let him waste time here, so he quickly gave him chicken soup and let him go to work.

"So don't worry about the endorsement of the law. Justice is never in those boring provisions, but in the hands of you, me, and all those who yearn for justice - I am justice!"

William came back to his senses, and couldn't help but hear these words echoing in his heart.

I am justice...

It's just that the lord's next sentence made William a little confused.

"But I won't get involved in this matter. I'll leave it all to you to investigate."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"The reason why you are hindered in the investigation process is because the security team has just been established and the public does not know you, so your deterrent effect is even weaker than that of a foreman.

Also, because the person in charge of the engineering team can really control them directly, but the functions of the security team are not reflected, they think it has little relationship and naturally choose to hide the truth. "

Lance stopped as he spoke, with a strange smile on his face, as if he was smiling but not smiling.

"I will not be involved in this case now. It will be handled by you. When this matter is over, they will understand what a security force is."

To put it simply, just like Greendale, he wants to build momentum for William and the security team, and establish the majesty that a violent institution should have.

The price is those who are caught, they will become the victims to establish William's authority.

As for whether the punishment is reasonable or not, it has nothing to do with Lance. These people can't blame him.

Because they made the mistake first, and it was William who came forward to deal with the matter.

As the territory grows, Lance can no longer be involved in everything.

It must be made clear that he is the lord, sitting behind and controlling the overall situation, not standing in the front to show off.

"If this matter is thoroughly investigated, nearly four hundred people will be implicated. Isn't the impact on the town too great and will it cause opposition from the townspeople?"

William still expressed his concerns. There were more than two hundred people who attacked the police station. If they really did this, they might cause turmoil.

"Is the baton in your hand just a decoration?"

But those guys are obviously not in his consideration range. If he dares to attack the police station today, he can't even think about what he will do tomorrow. He must hit hard!

Lance wants to tell them who is Hamlet's master.

Some things are theirs only if you give them to them. If you don't give them to them, they can't ask for them.

"Go ahead and investigate thoroughly. Don't let any pest go. Of course, don't wrongly accuse any innocent person. You must speak with evidence and cannot use violence to extract confessions."

Lance signed a warrant giving him the authority.

Some things must be restricted from the beginning, otherwise it will easily get out of control. You must know that people in this era do not have the concept of quality and morality.


William took the investigation order and left. When he stepped outside and looked up at the sky, he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Sure enough, if he were still living in that remote town, it would be impossible for him to understand what justice was.

Stride out, if he had reservations before, then he will go for it after getting the lord's acquiescence!


"You should know what's going on. Just pack your things and go."

In the Government Affairs Building, Tiffany looked at the group of people standing in front of her and shook her head helplessly.

Most of their family members were involved in this case, and Tiffany carried out the order and fired everyone working in the government system.

I don’t know whether they were arrested or what happened after they walked out of this door. It is not within the scope of her work.

Jobs in the government system definitely pay well in Hamlet and are relatively easier, but now these have nothing to do with them.

If you lose your job here and be registered in the file, you will basically be insulated from good jobs in the future.

Some were aggrieved, some were uneasy, some were frightened... To them, it was like the sky suddenly fell.

Some people are aware of the family members' behavior and have even provided help, but they are afraid that they will be arrested if they leave home.

But most of them were unaware and did not participate. They obviously did nothing wrong. Why?

Some people wanted to ask for mercy, but Tiffany didn't have a good look on this matter.

"No one else is to blame for this matter. Isn't the lord good enough to you?"

They had no choice but to leave in the end. As soon as they walked out of the door, they were taken away by the security team to investigate whether they knew anything about it.

Other people who were not affected also had different expressions when they saw this scene.

It must be said that this incident greatly shocked other people, and many people planned to warn their families after going back to avoid being dragged into the water.

In Hamlet Town, in a private house, there was a middle-aged woman with a frown on her face.

Her family is better off than most. Although the escape was hard, there was no loss of family members.

Later, because her husband was a craftsman, the family could join Hamlet, and her son was also selected to join the army.

But this morning her husband was taken away for investigation and has not returned until now. This situation reminded her of what happened in the past few days and she couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Until the door opened, what came back was not the husband who had been taken away for investigation, but the son who should be in the army.

"Why are you back?"

But the woman quickly realized that her son must have rushed back after hearing the news that his father had been taken away. Without anyone to rely on, the woman couldn't help but focus on her son.

"Your father was taken away by those security team members. You should quickly find a way to rescue him."

"How can I save you?" The young man looked very surprised after hearing this, and it seemed difficult to understand why his mother would say such a thing.

As parents, we always have an inexplicable sense of superiority towards our children and are never allowed to question them.

"Aren't you from the army? Why are you afraid of those police officers? How dare they stop you when you go to rescue your father?"

The traditional and old feudal thinking has taken root in the woman's mind. In her understanding, the army is stronger than the sheriff, and she is not afraid of crime. It all depends on whether the relationship is strong or not.

However, young people in the army not only participate in training, but also have to attend classes at night. After being exposed to the thoughts of the lord, the thinking logic of the two is not at the same level.

So when he heard this, the young man was stunned. The expression on his face changed several times, and finally he had to speak.

"I was kicked out of the Army."

After finishing speaking, the young man slowly let out a long breath and felt his whole body relax.

When the woman heard her son's words, she was stunned for a moment, her expression became panicked unconsciously, and she quickly asked.

"How could this happen? Did you not work hard enough? Are those preferential treatment for family members gone?"

As soon as he said this, the young man almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, his hands clenched into fists and veins burst out.

Originally, he didn't know how to face his family, nor did he understand why he was implicated.

Now he understands why he was fired.

At this moment, my heart was occupied by grievances, which finally broke out.

"I got excellent grades in all the military! I could have joined the lord's personal guard to fight for Hamlet.

But it’s all because of you! It was because of your crimes that I was expelled from the army, and all my efforts were in vain..."

He didn't shed tears even when he was fighting with the enemy and was wounded, but at this moment he couldn't help crying.

Everything about him was ruined, he lost everything from a glorious warrior, and lost the qualification to stand beside the lord.

The woman was also stunned for a moment, realizing that her son had changed and the last pillar of support was lost.

"No... God has abandoned our family..."

"Fuck God!" the young man yelled, "It's obviously you who betrayed Hamlet! You betrayed the lord and took everything away from me."

After that, the young man left angrily. He would rather sleep outside on the street than stay here any longer.

The woman faced the open door and slowly fell into regret.

"What a sin..."

Similar scenes keep appearing in Hamlet, with people constantly being fired, taken away, and investigated...

The turmoil did not subside because of Lance's return. On the contrary, it became more intense.

But Lance didn't care about it. This great purge would bring new life to Hamlet, and what he needs now is to take this opportunity to abolish the crude and dilapidated system and let more capable people replace those vacancies. Location.

It’s long past time for a picture…

In this small town of only 2,000 people, there are nearly 400 people involved, which is almost one in five people.

But in fact, only about 200 people committed serious crimes, and only five were sentenced to death. Most of them were thrown into wilderness labor camps.

As for those family members who were implicated, although they were included, they were not sent to forced labor camps, but were only given their jobs.

Thanks to [20210526190404506] for the 100 reward.

Thanks to the brothers who voted monthly.

To be honest, the recent data is not very good. This word count still hasn’t waited for the invitation letter (recommended). It seems that it has been abandoned by the empire.

Don’t ask for rewards. Your money doesn’t come from the strong wind. Please support if you can.

Please give me a monthly vote. I won’t mind if you vote again when it is doubled at the end of the month.

The more chapters and comments the better, and it’s okay to increase the activity level.

Alas... The family's decline seems unstoppable... Maybe this is Hamlet, a world that is destined to be destroyed in the end no matter how hard we try...

And I haven't stopped yet, even if there is only one person left, I will carry everything forward until the end...

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