Our family is in decline

Chapter 242 Cure the Plague

The central square of Hamlet was filled with crowds of onlookers. William stepped forward to read out the cause of the incident and the progress of the related cases.

Explain clearly what they committed, why they should be punished, and how they should be punished.

Let those who are unclear about this matter have an accurate understanding so as not to be deceived by rumors again.

Not only should he speak out, but the victims should also be asked to speak out about the unfair treatment they suffered.

Some people told that their points were bought by others.

Some people said that they were used by their leaders for personal affairs.

The family members of the deceased even cried out, saying that their family members resisted oppression but were killed by them, and it was said to be an accident...

Nothing resonates quite like this, and when the situation is explained it immediately arouses the ire of those people.

The accumulated negative emotions were directly transferred to those criminals, and William's evaluation among the people was immediately reversed, becoming upright and upright, and his image was instantly established.

"Bring the prisoner!" William was wearing a Hamlet Sheriff's suit, and the police badge on his chest was polished.

"I have shed blood for Hamlet, and I have done merit for Hamlet. You can't do this to me. I want to see the lord! I want to see the lord!"

The former person in charge was pressed down by two police officers. He was seen struggling and shouting words.

Following him were the same guys who had committed crimes to a certain extent. Struggling and calling for help had no effect at this time, and no one cared about their reactions.

As for their family members who care about them, they are probably still starving and waiting to be sent to labor camps.

William read out his charges loudly, but the people in the audience shouted fiercely.

"kill him!"

"Damn guy!"

"You betrayed Hamlet!"

"Execution!" William shouted.

The executioner tied his hands and hung him on the newly made rack by dragging the rope in his hands.

One by one, only a few of the most heinous people can be sentenced to this kind of punishment, and they will be tortured by the scorching sun for seven days.

To most people these people are dead.

As for those who survived and fell into the hands of Paracelsus, I'm afraid the nightmare has just begun...

Several people were hung high, and William once again emphasized the scope of the security team's functions. This time, no one dared to question the authority of the security team.

The people watching on the square did not cheer too excitedly, but breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone has a psychological limit to what they can bear. During this time, the town was in a state of turmoil, and everyone was under a huge backlog of pressure.

And now with the end of the public trial, it means that this matter is over, and the dark clouds that have been lingering in the town for several days have finally dissipated.

Lance let go of these things and showed them to others, gradually sharing his burdens with them. The operation of Hamlet cannot involve too much of his energy.

However, there are some things that cannot be left to others. He has to continue to accumulate reputation.

Lance went to the victim's home to express condolences. Seeing that the injured was still unconscious, he took out a prepared potion and drank it to him.

The man who had been in a coma for many days actually woke up after just a few seconds, but his memory seemed to still remain before the coma, and his whole person seemed a little sluggish.

The woman actually took her son to thank Lance.

"It's no big deal, I just need to cultivate myself."

Lance put away the potion bottle in his hand with a smile on his face.

In fact, this thing is filled with clean water, and the real therapeutic effect is [flesh and blood reconstruction].

But Lance hopes that people will believe in potions rather than illusory supernatural powers.

Soon the man also reacted. The moment he saw the lord, an unprecedented sense of security filled his heart.

Lance was not in a hurry to leave. He was not here to go through the process, but to communicate with the family in a casual manner.

Get feedback on the running of Hamlet through situations the family encounters.

There are some things you don’t know when you sit on it. Without contact with ordinary people and knowing their lives, all data becomes meaningless.

Just like when he went out for a trip, the Ascension Sect and the witches in the wilderness occupied most of his attention when he came back. The compact process made him ignore the problems accumulated by the barbaric development of the town.

The core problem is that the people's thinking cannot keep up with development. To solve this problem, we must not only use tough measures to crack down on illegal crimes, but also save them from feudal thinking through education.

Only absolute rationality can fight against this crazy world.

There is still a long way to go...

Policy reform was Lance's main job after the trial. He went deep into the grassroots and spent most of his time talking to the townspeople.

He was not just gathering information, but also reassuring the people.

Governance is like cooking. If the fire is too high, it will become mushy. If you are too tough, it will lead to collapse. You need to have a certain degree of tightness. If William plays the bad side, then he should play the good side.

He not only met the people, but also the criminals. Lance made a special trip there before being sent to the labor camp.

These people dared to be arrogant in front of William, but in front of Lance, they were as docile as a little sheep, not daring to hide anything.

Lance listened to these people describing the process of his depravity. After hearing this, a look of disappointment appeared on his face and he slowly shook his head and said:

"I trust you so much and entrust my most precious people to you. Is this how you treat my trust? It really disappoints me..."

Those people were stunned when they heard this, their mouths opened slightly, but they were trembling and unable to say a word.

They could cry and plead for mercy in front of William, but they couldn't say a word when facing the lord.

Lance's aura has been so thick along the way that he is a god to most people.

These people were greedy, but they never wavered in their loyalty to the lord.

Lance didn't care about their reactions, he just raised his head and glanced at the guys waiting to be sent to labor camps with a firm gaze.

"I will not forgive you, because this is blasphemy to all loyalists. You are not qualified to stand by my side, nor can you step into the new world we built together with me. Remember, you gave up all this yourself."

After saying that, Lance left here, leaving only a cry behind him.


"My lord, I was wrong!"

"Don't leave me..."

In this crazy world, they have suffered too much malice, and it is precisely for this reason that the lord's favor is so important to them, and even supports the beliefs of many people.

When facing the lord's denial, it is equivalent to erasing them from the spiritual level. Sometimes physical death is not terrible. Only when faith collapses will you know what true despair is.

On the contrary, the security team members who were guarding could not help but puff up their chests when they heard this. They were loyalists and would follow the lord on his journey to the new world.

But the matter was not over yet. Lance took this opportunity to figure out Hamlet's existing system and announced reforms.

It mainly improves the personnel appointment process, points system, identity certificate, and feedback channels.

The previously delegated personnel appointment rights will be taken back, and promotions will require multi-faceted inspections. At the same time, a public notice period will be added to post personnel changes, during which they will be subject to public supervision.

As for the points system, it is no longer reasonable to implement this when there are so many people now, because there are not so many manpower to take care of this matter.

Lance did not write it off directly, which would greatly damage his prestige.

Instead, after all the points have been verified, money will be used to clear those points at once. The townspeople who got the money will not care too much about their efforts being wiped out, they only think it is an exchange.

Next, the recommendation system will be tightened. Unless it is a major meritorious service, or the work is particularly outstanding and achieves major results, it will not be recorded in the file.

The weight of these merits will also increase, involving various priority policies and ratings.

This saves a lot of manpower and material resources while retaining the role of positive incentives.

For identification, he plans to use "dog tags", a method that has already been implemented in the military.

It's just a small piece of iron with a name, number, and basic information stamped on it.

And give them a channel for feedback to avoid the backlog like before and then suddenly explode.

Sometimes dangers are full of opportunities. If someone is kicked out of this purge, someone will join in.

A large number of brand-new "parts" were promoted after testing and added to the Hamlet machine.

For these people, their efforts received feedback, and the power that burst out after the ascending channel became clear allowed the machine to run smoothly and faster than before.

The stopped work was restarted and Hamlet quickly resumed.

Humanity as a whole has never lacked fresh blood. As long as it is injected into it, it can survive. Of course, the prerequisite is to cut off the carrion.


In the injury isolation camp, Greendale fed Boudica the specially prepared medicine.

Lance and Paracelsus watched the reaction.

"What does it feel like?"

"It's nothing, I thought there were ants crawling on me...ah!" Just saying Boudica seemed to feel something strange in her body, her tone suddenly changed, and she couldn't lie still and began to twist her body and keep lifting her body. His hands were scratching his body, which became more and more intense.

Her reaction made Lance frown and couldn't help but look at Greendale.

"The pain is normal. It means that the body is clearing the virus. It will be fine after a while." Greendale's reaction was calm. The medicine prepared by the tribe's secret method is usually so powerful.

Either the germ dies or the patient dies. The unbearable indicates that the spirit of the wilderness is calling.

Lance didn't know much about this, but he thought Greendale wouldn't harm her, so he could only wait and see what happened.

"It's okay, it'll be fine in a minute..." Lance moved forward and held Boudica's hands tightly, while constantly talking to her to divert her attention.

Even in an injured state, Boudica's power cannot be controlled by ordinary people. Only Lance can easily suppress it.

It took about three to five minutes for Boudica to gradually calm down from the painful torture. It was not that she was completely fine, but her body began to gradually adapt after enduring the first wave.

Lance had been monitoring her body and waited until it was almost done before using [Flesh and Flesh Reconstruction].

The diseased and withered organs flow into the blood again, the atrophied muscles stir, and the slightly dry and wrinkled skin regains its former elasticity and luster.

Under Lance's powerful power, the most difficult step in the treatment plan was completed in the simplest way, and Boudica's condition finally improved.

Lying limply on the bed, panting heavily, her body wet with sweat, Boudica's current state seemed a bit strange.

It looks good, but there is still one very critical step.

Lance helped Boudica sit up, and then personally removed the gauze wrapped around Boudica's head.

As the gauze was removed, Boudica's closed eyelids continued to tremble, until they suddenly opened, revealing her big bright eyes.

But in the next second, he blinked wildly as if he couldn't adapt, and at the same time, tears flowed out of his eyes uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, Lance couldn't help but raise his hand and wave it in front of her.

"Can you see it?"

This sound brought Boudica back to her senses, and she actually jumped up from the bed and hugged Lance who was right in front of her, with a look of ecstasy on her face.

"I can see it! Boss, I can see it again!"

Lance could only smile helplessly at this, raised his hand and patted Boudica hanging on his body, "Okay, okay, it's okay."

Greendale couldn't help but feel a little moved when she saw this scene. Logically speaking, it was rare or even impossible for this kind of trusting interaction to appear between a barbarian warrior and an imperial noble, but now it really appeared in front of her.

Greendale didn't know whether she should believe him or not. Her choice was...

"Their physical constitution is not as strong as Boudica, and the reaction is expected to be more intense. They should tie their hands and feet and fix them in bed before taking the medicine."

"I think it can assist with drug addiction to complete the treatment and help patients get through the most painful stage."

"It makes sense, maybe we can give it a try." Lance couldn't help but look at Greendale after listening to something from Paracelsus, "Miss Greendale, do you think this will affect the treatment effect?"

Greendale reacted suddenly and quickly joined in the discussion of the treatment plan...

In the midst of this reform-driven process, something that could be called good news finally spread in the town—the plague treatment was successful.

This news was injected into Hamlet like a shot in the arm, and it also showed that the plague brought by the witch was completely defeated by the people of Hamlet under the leadership of the Lord!

The joy dissipated the remaining bad luck in Hamlet, and the townspeople all had smiles on their faces, because it foreshadowed that they would not be harmed by this plague.

"Go ahead, go home and rest for a few days before we talk about work."

Lance directly gave those people three days off. The illness had tortured them for so long. If they were not allowed to go back and relax, they might have mental problems.

And their families need them, too.

When the last recovered patient was sent away, only Lance and Greendale were left in the camp.

It was agreed at the beginning that when the treatment is completed, it is time to make a decision.

Greendale was still a little confused, and Lance also saw her reaction, but he didn't mean to urge her. Instead, he tried to persuade her.

"There is no need to make a decision in a hurry. You have been busy with the plague since you arrived. Maybe you have heard something from the witch, but all I can tell you is that the truth may not be that simple.

Now why don't you take a walk and get to know Hamlet before making a decision? I've been waiting for you. "

Lance doesn't like force, he wants Greendale to stay willingly, and he has this confidence.

Thanks to [Shelter Boy] for the 1000 reward.

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