Our family is in decline

Chapter 300 Information

"No way? No matter how you say it, it is an extraordinary organization with a worthy name. Are you giving up now~"

Lance had no idea what kind of trouble he had just caused to the Omenseeker organization.

Anyway, he waited for a while and saw no new spiritual feedback, so he probably guessed that the other party was timid.

How can you become a great person in the future if you can't stand it after just a little hardship?

The whole body felt uncomfortable without the wool, so it was no wonder that Lance looked like he hated iron.

However, the attitude of the old guy just now also made Lance understand that his current strength is still too poor, and it is undoubtedly his wishful thinking to seek cooperation with those large and powerful organizations.

People don't look down on my own strength at all.

Lance had always been wary of the empire and the church because they both had strong territorial demands and had a deep-rooted rule base in the local area.

In addition, I had a shallow foundation at the time, so seeking cooperation with them was undoubtedly inviting the wolf into the house and seeking the skin of the tiger. Instead, I was working backwards.

And he fell in love with the Omen Seeker simply because of the wandering characteristics of the Roma people, which did not conflict with his core interests, and he was somewhat confident in his growing strength.

But it's a pity that reality slapped him in the face and told him that his strength was still not enough.

Lance was not discouraged by this, but both the Roma and the Omen Seeker organization were noted by him.

This account must be settled!

Under certain circumstances, Tamara's talent was indeed too strong. Even with the isolation of the carriage, she could still capture strange spiritual fluctuations.

She is very knowledgeable about psychic rituals and would never experience such intense spiritual outbursts under normal circumstances.

The only possibility for this to happen is...

The uneasiness gradually made her anxious. It was obviously her car, but she couldn't get in and could only pace outside.

Fortunately, Lance didn't let her wait long before he walked out. His welcoming smile gave her an unrealistic illusion for a moment.

"How is it going?"

"The talks have broken down. They look down on you, which is actually reasonable. No organization can accommodate a traitor."

Lance said this with a smile, obviously feeling quite relaxed.

His words were emphasizing Tamara's current identity, which was equivalent to inserting a thorn in her heart that could not be removed. That thorn was called "reality".

Now that she has broken up with the Omen Seekers, Lance will not coddle them. He will directly start to cut her identity with strange ideas and kill her remaining goodwill towards the organization.

"Yeah, I guessed it~"

Perhaps she had expected this, but Tamara didn't show any strong abnormalities except for being slightly depressed.

He could even squeeze out a smile and echo, but that smile was full of bitterness.

After finally seeing the hope of liberation, I became a fugitive again...

"That's right, so you are mine from today on."

Lance smiled and said something, but Tamara was stunned. She didn't react for a moment and just looked at him stupidly.


"There's no reason. I promised to help you solve this matter, but I didn't expect that their attitude towards you would be so tough. They even attacked me directly when I mentioned this just now.

If the negotiation fails, since I can't do what I promised you, I have the responsibility to take responsibility for you. "

Lance's few words completely put himself in the victim's perspective.

It’s not that I didn’t try to solve the problem, it’s just that they didn’t agree.

And now I am willing to take responsibility even if I am attacked by them.

I have to say that Lance's attitude directly hit Tamara's heart.

However, the continuous blows in the past two days also made her a little discouraged, and she shook her head with a wry smile in the face of this situation.

"That's enough. It's all because of my willfulness. It should all end." Tamara shook her head with a wry smile. "I will return the things and face the punishment. I can't implicate any more people."

If she had fantasies before and put the main conflict on Amanda, now it's time to understand what the real conflict is.

Grief is greater than heartbreak. She used to avoid it, but now she doesn't want to struggle, let alone drag Lance into the trouble she caused.

"No, you are mine now, no one but me has the right to touch you, that's what I said.

If they want to touch you, they have to get through me. "

Lance was domineering and his words were extremely strong and he directly rejected Tamara's words.

How could he just let her give up on herself like this?

“They look down on you, but you can’t look down on yourself.

You should work harder to realize your talents and tell them that it is not you who are wrong, but them. "

Lance pried open her mouth and poured chicken soup into it. Just a few words aroused Tamara's evil fire.

The more talented people are, the higher their spirits will be. Once they fall, they will not be dissipated. Instead, they will accumulate in their hearts, waiting to explode one day.

Now being provoked by Lance, Tamara's attitude has gradually changed.

"Then what should we do?" Tamara looked at Lance, and her words indicated that she and Lance were in the same group.

"I won't hand over the sacred objects, I won't hand over the carriage, I won't hand over any fucking thing!"

"But I promised them..."

"You promised me but you didn't. Now you are mine, and your things are naturally mine. If they want it, they can come to me and ask for it."

Lance is not a kind person, he has a temper, and he is not young at all.

Just the elder's condescending attitude and his attitude of actively attacking him.

That is to say, there is a certain distance between the two parties, otherwise he will definitely go up and give her a few slaps to see if she is still crazy.

"But this way we will definitely be hostile to the Omen Seekers. They will never allow these two things to leak out, let alone let me go."

Tamara said and sighed, "I know too many things..."

No organization will allow traitors to exist and will definitely try their best to deal with them.

Not to mention a central figure.

"I know, but as long as you don't give up on yourself, I won't give up on you."

How could Lance not know?

But he wished that the Omen Seeker would send out a few more killers. If he couldn't kill her, it would only push Tamara to his side.

At that time, the secret skills of those omen seekers will eventually fall into their hands.

He wants people, he wants things, he also wants knowledge.

Tamara was now confused by Lance's tough attitude, and the powerful sense of security made her feel like she was in the clouds.

She thought she could tell her teacher about the pain of being homeless for many years, but she didn't expect that she would turn around and fall out.

Instead, Lance accepted and protected himself because of a promise.

"Does that mean we can kill Amanda?"

Even though she was a little unconscious, Tamara was still committed to her ultimate goal.

Lance looked at her and didn't know what to say.

Is this the first thing you think of when you recover?

However, Lance did not agree directly and rejected the proposal after thinking for a while.

"None of the omen seekers acknowledge her existence, which means she has been kicked out just like you. Think about how you felt at that time when she was not understood and acknowledged."

A sinister smile suddenly appeared on Lance's face, and he reminded: "Go and tell her that you are the same now, and letting her live will be more uncomfortable than killing her."

"That's right! I'll tell her now."

Tamara, who was still very disappointed just now, started to get excited when she heard this.

It seems that Amanda is more important to her than anything else, even whether the organization denies it can be put aside for now.

These two are really enemies...

Lance asked her to take the props of the psychic ritual and return them, and she went there in a hurry.

Tamara didn't think so much, she just felt happy when she thought about Amanda's deflated appearance.

It's hard to be unlucky by myself, but if someone is unlucky with me, it's acceptable and even fun.

Lance smiled without saying a word and quietly pulled away.

Amanda is a talent no matter what, and it is best if she can use it to her own advantage.

Driving Tamara to provoke, to break her spirit, to plunge her into self-doubt.

When the time comes, I will lend a helping hand to her when she is in difficulty, so that I can follow this flaw and replace the organization's position in her mind.

The human heart is for my use!

The only people who can't be used by him are dead people...

In just a few steps, Tamara walked forward quickly and knocked on the window of the carriage. When Amanda's face appeared, she could see that it was no longer as decadent as before.

Being able to heal the damage caused by the previous conflict with Lance in such a short period of time shows that Amanda's professional quality is still strong.

"I'll return the things to you. It's a pity that the higher-ups don't acknowledge your existence at all and don't care about your life or death. Now we're the same~" Tamara threw the things back with a smile. Her attitude was predictably yin and yang.

Seeing Tamara quite proud made Amanda feel strongly disgusted and closed the window without giving her a chance to say more.

Her reaction immediately stunned Tamara for a moment, but she was not angry but instead had a smile on her face.

Because she could see the panic and anxiety underneath Amanda's tense face.

"Hahaha, you deserve it. Who asked you to chase me all the way?"

Amanda couldn't hear this, but it was undeniable that she was panicked.

Although there is a high probability that the organization will not admit its actions of collecting intelligence, but it stands to reason that it is only an action. It is impossible for the organization to give up its identity like this.

That's right! There is no way the organization would give up on me like this.

After getting the props for the psychic ritual, she quickly wanted to contact them.

Logically speaking, ritual props taken from others must be inspected. This is the common sense of all extraordinary people, and it is also the first lesson they learned back then.

But Amanda no longer cares about this. She wants to hear an explanation from the person above, not that she has really been abandoned.


The psychic network that could be sensed through the ritual seemed to have disappeared, cutting off the ability to communicate with it.

Amanda's first reaction was that Tamara had tampered with the props, but after checking, she really didn't find anything unusual.

As for the destruction of the psychic network, she had never thought about it. In her mind, it was impossible.

Then there is only one possibility, which is to remove yourself from the psychic network.

Have you really been abandoned?

The prop fell from her hand but there was no further reaction. She was stunned on the spot...


"The psychic network hasn't been repaired yet?" The old woman faced Tamara's teacher, with a hint of worry in her words.

The Presbyterian Council has ended, and many issues on this matter have been voted on one by one, and she is finally responsible for implementation.

So she paid attention to this matter as soon as it came out, but the news was not very good.

"We have reconnected with couriers from other places, and the situation is getting better. However, the courier who was originally responsible for the empire area has disappeared, and we can't contact him. In a short time..." The woman's face also looked a little ugly, but she could only continue, "We Business in the Empire State area will be hit hard."

Transmitting information across thousands of miles is not something humans can do at this stage. The Roma people do this because they rely on the power of a supernatural being called a "Messenger".

The existence of the [Messenger] is an absolute secret among the Roma people. Ordinary Roma people and even omen seekers only have permission to use it and have no idea of ​​the real secret of the psychic ritual.

Those who have the authority to know the existence of the [Messenger] can only count the number of hands. As for what the [Messenger] is, that is a secret that only the elders know.

"Thank you for your hard work." The old woman's face became even older when she heard this. It was precisely because she knew what the [Messenger] was that she felt even more powerless.

The Roma have only found a few of these things over the past thousands of years, and each time they paid a huge price. Every loss is unacceptable to the Roma.

The psychic network was paralyzed, the messenger disappeared, and there was a strong man's hostility... My own impulse caused so much trouble to the organization and even the Roma people.

The old woman knew very well that she had to withdraw from the Presbyterian Church after this incident, otherwise no one could bear this responsibility.

But before that, she needs to resolve this matter first. If not, at least replace that person.

That’s right, for an organization to survive in this world for so many years, it’s impossible not to be ruthless enough. Some secret techniques cost a lot, but they are also very powerful. At the cost of oneself, even a fellow legend cannot resist them.

Consider it your own atonement. In the end, it is the responsibility of their elders to support the Roma people.

"I'm going to the northern part of the empire in person, so make some preparations."

"Elder, it's better for me to go. After all, Tamara is still my student. I should be able to help if I try to persuade her."

"No, my old bones are not too old to move." The old woman smiled and shook her head, "If you want to take charge of the affairs here, I will step down soon. Please solve this matter properly. I am very optimistic about you."

Of course the woman heard what these words meant, but she understood that her opponent also had the support of other elders, and after a little hesitation she still said an important message.

"Elder, we received some strange information in the re-communication area."

"What is it?"

"Before the psychic network went down, someone sent a message about the man to all Roma convoys.

The message called Hamlet a place of refuge, a gathering place for the extraordinary, and asked to be disseminated. "

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