Our family is in decline

Chapter 301 Internal Fighting

"Who!" The old woman looked a little frightened. Why would the Roma people spread this kind of information?

But being old is always being old. After thinking about it, the old woman roughly guessed who was spreading the news through Roma news channels.

The only teacher who has this ability and a reason is Amanda's teacher. As the head of a department, he naturally has some internal channels.

"What does she want to do!"

This is not a question, but a question about her behavior.

"The message was sent before the psychic network was paralyzed. According to the information at the time, the man's danger level was not high. She did this to introduce external forces to disrupt the local situation without direct contact, so as to obtain the sacred object. It is very suitable for deployment.”

It's strange that the woman didn't add insult to injury, but instead defended her opponent. But sometimes speaking is not so simple, and the real important thing lies behind.

"Now that the news in the empire area is cut off, even if we arrange for people to notify it, it will take at least a month to fully cover it. I'm afraid it is impossible for us to stop the spread of the news."

The woman first confirmed that the plan was correct, but then turned around and nailed the matter, indicating that the impact of this matter was irreversible.

"Oh, you're ruining my life..." The old woman was a little helpless, as things were developing more and more out of control.

I originally went there in person with the prediction that it would probably fail, but now the possibility of reaching a settlement is probably even slimmer.

"Forget it~" the old woman waved her hand, "Go and get ready."

"Is there any need over there..." The woman did not forget her opponent, so she reminded her when the elder didn't say anything more.

"She will know about it, I don't need to tell her."

"Yes." When the woman saw that the old woman didn't want to talk about the matter, she hurriedly left and began to make arrangements for the trip.

The old woman was the only one left in the huge room at this time. After a slight hesitation, she took out her divination equipment to divine the outcome of this trip.

This is their habit, and in some cases even forms a dependency.

But this time the result made her fall into panic and uneasiness, even the omen of great disaster did not make her so.

Because the three divination results were different, everything seemed to be obscured by something.

When facing that man, the ability that Roma was proud of lost its effect, and he seemed to be shrouded in fog.

Also in the headquarters of the Omen Seeker, another conversation was taking place at the same time using the newly restored psychic network.

As the old woman guessed, the elder who held negative opinions in the elders' meeting had already approached Amanda's teacher, the head of the Omen Seeker's secret department.

"What I used was not the direct channels of the Roma people, but the secret channels within our department. Even if the news spreads, we may not be blamed."

"But you forgot that both Tamara and Amanda are in his hands, can you guarantee that the channels for spreading the news will not leak out?

Even if you don't guess, you will probably blame us directly for this matter, and we are one of the few organizations that can deliver information on a large scale.

And the timing is so coincidental, do you think it would be impossible for just one person to guess it? Don't think too stupid of your enemies. "

"is teacher."

"Calling your job title when working~"

"Yes, elder."

Yes, this elder was the woman's teacher, at least once, but this relationship was severed after she became an elder.

Because according to regulations, the moment you become an elder, you must abandon all secular relationships and be responsible only for the Roma group.

But how could it be possible to end this kind of thing at the drop of a hat? Even if you don't admit it, it is still somewhat related. Otherwise, how could this elder appear here?

"I'm very disappointed in you..." The elder paused for a moment to say the key question.

"Although this matter is not directly related to you, the intelligence you collected has no effect at all. On the contrary, it led to a misjudgment and caused this incident. You activated it without verifying the accuracy of the intelligence. It must be necessary." responsible."

The woman was also a little speechless. She was at the headquarters, and the person collecting intelligence was Amanda, but she was wrongly caught.

The elder was disappointed with her, and she was also disappointed with Amanda. In some cases, this was really the same thing.

"Don't think about taking the elder seat. First think of a way to keep your current position."

"Is there really nothing we can do?" The woman was a little reluctant. Ordinary members didn't know that the elder was planning to retire, but those with channels already knew about it.

There were only two or three people who had the conditions, but now she was directly pulled out.

"It's not impossible. The higher-ups are attaching great importance to this incident. If you can get the support of that man, you may have a chance."

The woman frowned when she heard this. Now that her own people are still in his hands, and if she directly destroys the psychic network by confronting the elders, she is probably going to die instead of negotiating.

Suddenly she thought of something again and tentatively asked the elder.

“What is he saying about the survival of the Roma people?”

But he never expected that when the elder heard this, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he scolded him with a cold face.

"This is not something you need to worry about!"

"Yes." The woman immediately lowered her head. As humble as Amanda was in front of her, she was similar in front of the teacher.

But when the teacher didn't deny it, it meant that the situation really existed, but he didn't know what it was that made the elders so nervous.

When the channeling ceremony was disconnected, the woman fell into thinking. She understood that the key to everything was not Tamara, but the reason why the elders reacted like this was because of the man.

He has offended him by taking this step now, and it is probably impossible to get support.

But what if the other person doesn’t get support either?

If the talks completely collapse and war starts, then my weight as a secret department will naturally increase...

I have to say that this is a terrible idea, and I am afraid that the teacher will not support me.

This is the terrible thing about internal fighting. She does not consider the impact her actions will have on the entire group. She only focuses on her opponent and cannot do any good, even if it harms the interests of the group.


"She hasn't gone out at all in the past two days. She's been messing around all day long, but I think she won't be able to last much longer." Tamara said with a smile on her face that couldn't be suppressed, and she didn't hide her gloating. .

Lance, however, still looked as usual and was checking the notes he had just taken. He waited until she finished speaking before asking.

"Why do you think she didn't choose to leave here?"

Speaking of this, Tamara became a little more serious and thought for a moment before explaining.

"First, she is not sure of the situation, and her character will not act rashly. It is safest to stay here before getting more accurate information.

The second is that if the organization decides that she is a traitor, she knows that she cannot escape without a sacred object or special means, so she might as well stay here. With the help of the rules, at least no one will attack her directly.

The third thing is..."

Tamara's expression turned sinister as she spoke, adding another possibility.

"Also, she is preparing to kill me these days and take away the sacred objects. At that time, whether it is to return to the organization or use the power of the sacred objects to avoid detection, it will be the best solution. If I stay here, she will not be able to Walk."

When Lance heard this, he didn't get the clarity he felt after getting the answer. Instead, he sighed.

"Oh~ why bother..."

After saying that, he stood up and walked outside. Tamara was a little confused.

When she followed him out, she happened to watch Lance enter Amanda's car. He hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether he should go in or not.

"What did you come in for?"

Amanda showed resistance to the intrusion of Lance. Although she did not dare to show it directly, her disgust was difficult to conceal.

Lance looked at her haggard face and her spirit that was overdrawn by anxiety. Her whole person was completely destroyed, and she couldn't see the confidence and composure she had at that time.

When Lance walked forward, this action seemed to touch her sensitive points, and she became excited immediately.

"What are you doing! Don't come here! If you come here again I will..."

As he spoke, he began to take out strange props in his hands.

But he was not afraid of Amanda's hidden methods at all. He approached her with steady steps and said something at the same time.

"Do you think I ruined everything for you?"

Not to mention that it was okay, but once Amanda's spirit, which was already on the edge of its limit, collapsed, she threw the thing towards him and shouted loudly.


Lance did not dodge and let some debris fall on him without being moved. He raised his hand and directly grabbed her wrist to control her.

"Enough! Is it really me who caused all this? Who broke into Hamlet? Who was the one who fought? And who designed to imprison me?"

Lance held her chin with one hand and raised her in front of her, raising her head and asking heavily: "Am I the one who did all this?"

"Just do it!" Amanda looked away. Even if she didn't want to admit it, the fact couldn't be denied.

Amanda, who had been resisting fiercely just now, calmed down, but she looked more like she was in a bad mood because she knew that she could not possibly cause harm to the man in front of her.

"Ha!" Lance smiled when he saw this and let her go. "I have said many times that I don't like killing people. If I really want to kill you, I don't have to wait until today. I came here today just to ask you something."

"Are you planning to attack Tamara and snatch the sacred weapon from her hand?"

Amanda said nothing and rubbed her wrist with one hand. From these words, she could tell that Lance planned to protect that bitch Tamara.

Originally, he relied on the organization to hunt down the helpless fugitive Tamara, but he didn't expect that he would now be helpless, and that guy Tamara would actually gain a backer.

This role reversal was a huge blow to Amanda.

Obviously I didn't do anything wrong, why did it become like this?

"If you don't kill me, then why are you here for me?" Amanda looked at Lance with downcast eyes that looked a little sad. With that delicate face, I don't know how many men would feel pity for him.

But the way Lance looked at her was about another thing, knowing that Tamara's guess was indeed correct, that these two people really understood each other.

"I don't like to fight, I like to resolve fights." Now that the conversation has begun, Lance does not hide his purpose, "The purpose of coming to you is still the same as the beginning. I hope you two can put down your conflicts and coexist peacefully. "

"Impossible!" Amanda didn't give in at all at this time, "You might as well kill..."

But before she could finish speaking, Lance's hand was already on Amanda's neck, and the smile on his face did not fade away. He said in a calm tone: "I love peace and have a kind attitude, but that doesn't mean I'm a soft persimmon." , it’s best to continue when I’m giving you face, do you understand?”

Amanda still didn't speak, but from her tense body and frightened expression, it could be seen what she had experienced in the moment just now.

She clearly realized that just now he could break her neck with just one force. Sometimes the fear of death is this pure.

"Now that you have been abandoned by the organization, why bother persisting in that meaningless mission?" Lance leaned close to her ear, and the movement of his hand became gentle and caressed her neck, but it made Amanda's hair stand on end. The discomfort made her swallow repeatedly and her face began to turn red.

"Understood~" Lance seemed to have noticed something and joked, but when he spoke, he blew hot breath on his ears intentionally or unintentionally, causing Amanda to tremble violently.

"Okay! I promise you to ignore that guy Tamara, but you must ensure my safety." Amanda couldn't bear it anymore and took a step back to distance herself.

"Okay, I hope you can abide by the agreement. Nothing can be done more than three things. My patience has its limits."

Amanda looked at the man in front of her with an indescribably weird expression.

To be honest, since she is a prosecutor, she is naturally prepared to be tortured to extract confessions, or to be tortured in various ways after being caught.

But the problem is that Lance neither forced a confession from her nor tortured her. Instead, he tolerated his behavior in every way. This kind of softness made Amanda a little overwhelmed, and even gave in step by step.

But there was still one thing that she couldn't figure out no matter what, and finally couldn't help but shout out.

"Why don't you kill me?" Amanda was full of confusion. "Don't tell me about peace-loving. I'm not that idiot like Tamara."

Amanda blocked Lance's perfunctory excuse in advance. To be honest, no one would believe this reason, but she still didn't forget to say something about Tamara.

Lance didn't pay much attention and explained with a smile.

"Both you and Tamara are geniuses to some extent. Human genius can die on the road of fighting evil, but it should not die in the ridiculous internal fighting of human beings.

The enemy is too powerful. I must unite everyone to fight against the real enemy of mankind. I can't control other people, but I am trying my best to do this within the scope of my control.

This is my responsibility, the responsibility of a lord, the responsibility of a human being..."

Amanda was stunned when she heard this, thinking...

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