"Be careful." Disma also understood what Tardif meant, and immediately nodded to him in response, then picked up his dagger and crossed the two entangled pigs, and went directly to the pig drummer.

The musket in his hand had just been activated and turned into waste, but Disma himself was not a waste. He still charged at the ugly monster with a dagger in his hand.

The pig drummer hiding behind lost its barrier. When the figure of Disma appeared, it also caused a little panic, like a frightened beast, and even the drum beat became chaotic.

Disma didn't hesitate at all, and stepped forward quickly, piercing the dagger in his hand to shorten the final distance between the two, as if he was about to duel with the pig drummer.

A duel-like thrust that risked life and death seized the opportunity of its panic, and inserted the dagger in its hand into the pigman's body. When it was pulled out, blood spurted out.

But to survive in such a harsh environment, these pigmen are not simple things either. Madness and ferocity are almost engraved in their souls.

He made ferocious pig noises like a madman, completely ignoring his injuries and swinging the bone stick in his hand. It had the power to beat drums and break human bones.

Otherwise, guess whose bone this bone belongs to?

Disma is also brave. The blood blessing from the lord gives him great strength, and he also has the courage to win in danger.

His face was cold, his sharp eyes fixed on the attack of the pig drummer, and he seized the opportunity to fight back with a dagger.

In the darkness, only a flash of silver light was seen, and the pig drummer's attack was seen through. Instead, it was a bloody wound on its hand.

And this was just the beginning. Disma swung his dagger and slashed at the joints of its lower limbs, and pulled hard to cut off the hamstrings.

Sometimes height is not a good thing, especially for monsters whose body proportions have not been filtered by nature and have been forcibly integrated by humans.

It was already difficult to support him, but now that he was unable to support himself, he lost his balance and tilted his body.

And Disma finally found an opportunity. He aimed the sharp blade in his hand at the neck and cut it with full force, causing a large amount of blood in an instant.

Finally, the pig drummer couldn't bear it any longer. He threw away his two bones and instinctively stretched out his hands to cover his neck in an attempt to survive, but he couldn't stop the bleeding. The slightest struggle was nothing more than dying.

Disma stopped in front of it and watched the pig drummer collapse completely, gasping for air.

Just now, everything happened in a blink of an eye, but Disma launched three attacks in succession. This intensity was very consuming.

Of course, the effect was also very obvious. He killed the pig drummer three times in a row.

These pig drummers seem to know some weird shamanic skills and are very troublesome.

However, in fierce close combat, there is always a collision and confrontation of forces. No matter how powerful the little tricks are, they can't escape Disma's sharp blade.

And when Disma turned around, everyone killed the enemies individually, leaving only corpses on the ground.

The originally noisy passage returned to silence again, leaving only the heavy breathing of everyone.

Thinking back to the battle just now, Disma and the others still had some palpitations. No one expected that the pig drummer could have such a trick, and they almost overturned.

"Are you okay?"

The sound of Lance's voice drew their attention, and they saw that the Lord's side had also resolved the battle. The corpses of the pigs were lying on the ground in a mess, and they could not be seen clearly in the darkness.

Counting them together, each of them only had to face one enemy, but the lord on the other side, holding a shield and ax, chopped down the opponent directly, guarding their backs, and even solved the battle faster than them.

Tardif was actually a little dissatisfied before the mission began.

He didn't understand that a noble lord would take the initiative to participate in such a dangerous mission even though he knew there were monsters.

I'm afraid that I will have to take care of the lord when the time comes. After all, if something happens to his employer, my bounty will be gone.

But I didn't expect the lord to be so fierce. He even served as the main force along the way and rushed to the front when facing the pigs.

In the situation just now, if you can deal with so many pigs in an open place, it will be difficult to kill them in a short time, let alone being forced to confront the pigs head-on in these small places.

This time he was convinced, at least he knew very well that he couldn't face several pigs at the same time and kill them in a short time.

"Boss, I'm injured."

Boudica's words brought Tardif back to his senses, and he immediately realized something. How could he be truly unhurt in a fierce battle?

When he realized it, he had to forcefully stop the pig man in order to let Disma pass, and he was hit and stabbed.

But fortunately, that guy was shot in the arm by a gun, and a sword was thrust into his waist. He couldn't use his full strength at all. Most of the direct damage from those attacks was blocked by his scales. You can see the deformation and dents on the scales. Mark of.

But no matter what, he was hit. He didn't feel anything during the fight just now, but when the effects of adrenaline subsided, he couldn't help but feel some pain in his chest, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.

Boudica's words immediately made Lance react. He directly held up the torch and walked over. When he saw Boudica standing there with his halberd, looking uneasy.

A slap-long wound could be seen on her right arm, with blood dripping down her fingertips.

It looked like he couldn't dodge and was scratched by the serrations on the butcher knife.

Injuries during battle are inevitable, but what Lance said before is disturbing. Most of the weapons of these monsters are contaminated with various filth and carry various germs. It would be troublesome if they really get sick. .

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Lance didn't waste any time, and casually put the torch into Tardif's hand next to him, and then took out clean water to clean the wound.

The water carried away most of the dirt and blood, and also exposed the wounds.

The skin and flesh were tumbling, and the bones were visible. It was indeed fierce for Boudica to be able to kill the Pigman Slaughterer with such an injury. Even now, her face was so painful that she could not read a word.

Lance didn't waste any time and carefully cleaned the wound, then raised his hand to activate [Flesh and Blood Reconstruction].

The flesh and blood were healing, and the dirt and blood were squeezed out of the wound. It healed in just a breath, not even a scar was left, only the new white and tender skin.

Tardif was standing by and was stunned when he saw this scene.

If he didn't care about [sacrifice] before, it was because he didn't understand and didn't care.

But this was different. He had gone through life and death to get to where he was today. He couldn't even remember how many injuries he had suffered, big and small. Didn't he survive that time by force?

The injury just now won't heal within two or three months. It has to be recovered well and there is no infection. If it is infected, then you can only cut out the flesh and scrape the bones. No one wants to taste that taste.

But now the wound has healed in just a breath. No wonder the lord is so relaxed despite repeated warnings to be careful not to get hurt.


Divine magic?

"This world is very big, and some abilities that are beyond comprehension are actually not magical. It's just because you haven't been exposed to it before, so you don't know much about it." Lance reached out to take back the torch from Tardif's hand. He seemed to notice something and looked at it. On the damaged and deformed scales in front of him.

"Are you injured too?"

After saying that, without waiting for Tardif to say anything, he raised his hand and pressed it, directly healing the small internal injury.

"It's nothing serious. It's just a little contusion that causes shortness of breath. But I said you should speak out when you're injured. If your injury drags on, and you fight a few fierce battles, it will turn into internal injuries and the root cause of the disease."

Why didn't Tardif say anything?

In fact, he is not good at words, or he has the instinct to isolate himself. The task is the task, just complete your own part, and don't want to communicate too much with others.

Because that betrayal made it difficult for him to gain a sense of security from his companions.

In addition, if he had not hesitated just now, but had chosen to go forward firmly, Boudicca would not have been injured if he had entangled an enemy by his side.

And Disma, the gunner, did not need to waste that shot to save himself, but was forced to risk his way through the protection of the two enemies to fight closely.

His own injury was also retribution for him. In addition, it was not serious in the first place, and it would be over after just one fight, so he was too embarrassed to speak.

But today he felt something he had never felt before. No one accused him of being distracted and losing the fighter plane, but...

That...indescribable emotion is spreading.

Lance warned him, but did not continue to talk to him. He turned to Disma and asked.

"Is Disma you okay?"

"Don't worry, sir, how could those monsters touch me?" Disma grinned, and the bloody dagger in his hand looked quite ferocious.

Lance didn't care much and instead focused on the corpses.

Pig Slaughterer, Pig Hookhand, and Pig Cripple. These three types have been studied before. Lance directly raised his hand to sacrifice them so as not to be an eyesore.

But the two corpses of the pig drummers were left behind. Of course, he wanted to do some research.

But at this time Disma gave a reminder.

"That monster was beating the drum just now. I'm afraid there will be enemies coming. It's not safe here anymore."

"I'm not afraid of it coming, I'm just afraid that it won't come." Lance didn't care. He was just here to cut leeks. Otherwise, what else would make this shabby place with no oil or water worth it for him to come in?

The narrow passage restricted his army from clearing out, but it also restricted the pig siege.

Just one man, Lance, can stop ten thousand men from breaking through.

He will kill as many as he comes. Today is a good day to eat pork!

Disma did not question the lord's decision. He just did his own thing, reloaded his ammunition, and was always alert to the monsters that might emerge from the darkness.

"Human skin drum...human leg bone..."

Lance checked the equipment on the pig drummer, especially the human skin drum, which had some supernatural power. This was definitely not something a pig could make.

Lance cut open the drummer's body and didn't see many strange organs or mutations. Only the neck had a lot of tumors and the brain was larger than other pigs.

Seeing this, Lance already had a plan in mind. If the previous series of pigmen were a case of the ancestor's experiments being perfected step by step.

So this is an example of the ancestor's further research. He actually tried to create extraordinary things...

"Sir, do you see this?"

When Lance takes action here, Disma and the others will naturally not be idle. Instead, they will explore the path with Tardif in tandem to be wary of possible enemies.

But after just a few steps, Disma discovered something very interesting.

Lance casually sacrificed the two corpses and walked towards what he found expressionlessly.

Boudica held a torch next to Lance and followed the footsteps, stretching his neck out of curiosity.

Lance also saw what Disma was talking about by the light of the fire. It was a small cart filled with flesh and blood corpses.

I don’t know how long it has been there, but most of the flesh and blood in the car has begun to rot and turned into a pile of rotten meat that has been fused together and no specific thing can be seen.

But he could still distinguish the distinctive human skulls, but these pigmen were hiding here, where were the humans hunting?

Not only that, Lance took a look and saw that there were some large pieces of flesh and blood on it that were difficult to distinguish. This kind of thing didn't look like what humans or normal creatures would have at all, because that thing had a very obvious fusion of flesh and blood. Si has only seen it in the hands of ascended cultists who implanted [seeds] to control the power of flesh and blood.

And this is the waste pool where the ancestors studied the power of flesh and blood...

But what could he say? No matter what the ancestor comes up with, I can only wipe his butt. This is the price of bearing the noble status.

In the past, even if Disma didn't speak, Boudicca would definitely say a few words, but now there was only silence.

It's not that they were frightened by the flesh and blood on the car, they simply didn't have the intention.

And Lance also noticed that several of them were in poor condition. Even the most energetic Boudicca seemed a little wilted.

From the moment they came in to the present, they have been fighting continuously. They don't want to have the physique and ever-lasting energy like themselves.

"Everyone is tired. Let's find a spacious place to camp in front."

A few people only reacted when they heard this. After coming in, they couldn't see the sun, they had no concept of time at all, and they even forgot that people have to sleep.

Even if you don’t say it, you still don’t think so. Now when they heard these words, several people were even more exhausted.

But they all knew where this place was, so they were still bracing themselves and being wary of the surrounding area.

Lance raised the torch and led the way forward, and soon found a node the size of a room. What was interesting was that there was a huge stone table in this place.

There were some rough utensils, pots and pots placed on it, and there were bones piled up around it.

Look at the messy situation, and those dining carts piled with rotten meat are probably going to be pushed here too.

The first thing all the teams encountered was the escort of the dining car. One side of the two waves of reinforcements started from here, and the other side should be the pigs who came here to have dinner.

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