Our family is in decline

Chapter 335 Bone Altar

The pig knight was crippled and could only barely support himself with one pig's trotters. A knight who couldn't run was no longer a threat to Lance.

But Lance didn't just look down on it. Instead, he walked around the broken pig's trotter, took out a long sword and stabbed it hard into the pig's butt to open its eyes.

The pigman felt a chill in his back, followed by unspeakable severe pain, and he jumped up uncontrollably and howled in agony.

This time, Lance inserted it so deep that it jumped up before it could even be pulled out, leaving the sword inside.

But this time it fell back and smashed down, the injured leg could no longer withstand the fracture and fractured along the wound, leaving only some skin and flesh connected.

The pig is huge and difficult to move, but it is also difficult for it to move, let alone now.

If you move, he will move, and he will follow you in circles. No matter how powerful it is from the front, it is impossible to touch Lance who is in the blind corner.

Finally, there was a shrill wail, and the pig knight was afraid and wanted to run away, but it was already this time, how could he let it run away.

"Hmph! Want to escape?" Lance said with a cold face, raised his hand, took out a musket, put it against the joint of another pig's foot and fired.

The lead bullet tore through the fleshy Achilles tendon, causing the pig knight to run away. The entire rear half of the pig was dragged directly to the ground, leaving only the two pig feet in front to hold it up.

Lance didn't say anything nonsense and pulled out the long sword that was still inserted, but this time the excrement was also left out, which made him feel disgusted for a while.

Damn it, I can’t have this sword anymore.

Inexplicable anger rose, Lance picked up the sword and thrust it in hard again, not forgetting to yell: "Poke me? Poke me? Why don't you poke me..."

A brutal and inhumane killing began, and as expected, no one who offended him had a good ending~

Lance took control of the situation, and Disma and the others also solved the little Karami. When they turned their attention, they saw Lance cursing and poking at the Pig Knight.

At this time, the Pig Knight was already dying, and it could be seen that the Pig Knight's fat back was already bruised and full of wounds.

When he fell to the ground, he didn't have the strong sense of oppression that he had at first. He didn't even have the strength to resist, and could only scream like a wail.

Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their backs.

As if he noticed their gazes, Lance also put down his sword and took the initiative to draw their attention away.

"You have also seen that although this monster is huge, its weaknesses are actually very obvious. It is difficult to resist as long as its legs are disabled.

It's just that the Pig Knight's power is so exaggerated that even I can't withstand it, so I must not confront it head-on. "

Lance also explained his behavior, but it's hard to say whether they believe it or not.

"Huh~" Lance let out a bad breath, and didn't bother to torture it, and just gave it a good time.

But what to do with the body?

Lance knew that this was a rare elite monster, and she would be very happy if she could bring it back to Paracelsus.

But the problem is that it’s too big, and I can’t fit it in my showroom…

Forget it, there are already several relatively well-preserved corpses stuffed in the showroom, enough for them to study for a while.

If you are prepared in the future, you won't be afraid that you won't be able to catch a better one. This pig's butt was smashed by him and it won't look good when you take it back.

"Everyone, check if you are injured." Lance said, raising his hand to sacrifice the scattered corpses on the ground.

The pig knight's huge size did not bring him any special gifts, but it only gave him more spirituality than other pigs, and this was exactly what Lance needed.

The void swallowed up the corpses on the field, and Lance felt the spirituality filling his body.

Only dead pigs are good pigs.

While he was disposing of the corpse, several other people also made sure that they were not injured. In fact, they fought all the way in. They were all probably familiar with the methods of these pigmen, and they also knew how to deal with them.

It is impossible for ordinary teams to be injury-free, but the team led by Lance is so unreasonable.

"Everyone is fine." Lance pulled out the torch plugged into the wall, and then raised it high to let the firelight illuminate a wider area. "There is something special marked here on the map. Please be careful."

The space here is not too big, and Lance soon found a very strange thing.

It was a thick stone pillar with strange carved textures on it. Several heads were hung on it by a rope, rotting in this dark environment, but it was already empty inside.

At the same time, there were piles of heads under the stone pillar, most of which had long been turned into white bones. Some of them had been dried in the shade, leaving only a layer of black dry skin. It looked like they should have been hung on it before, and after the new heads were added, Take it and throw it over here.

In fact, we can still find obvious traces of blood on the underground circle of the stone pillar. It should be the blood dripped on it by the hanging heads, which accumulated over the years.

"What is this?" Disma frowned, and as he spoke, he picked up the dagger and tried to pick apart the heads.

With so many heads, I don’t know how many people were killed.

"Don't move!" Lance shouted immediately when he saw it, and reminded: "There is a problem up there."

When Disma heard this, he paused and retracted angrily, then turned to look at the lord and asked, "What's wrong, sir?"

Lance didn't speak, just waved his hand to make him move away, brought the torch closer, and then walked around the stone pillar, seeming to be studying something.

Ordinary people can only see the surface, but Lance can see more with his unique talent. There is a supernatural power lingering on the stone pillar, which is enough to make him more cautious.

"I thought this was a sacrifice." Boudica commented casually, "I have seen killed enemies being sacrificed to the ancestors in the tribe."

Not to mention, for this professional counterpart, most of the mountain tribes believe in the spirit of nature, which is the concept of shaman, and sacrificial rituals such as killing enemies, using human sacrifices, and living sacrifices are very common for her. .

"Boudica is right, this is a dark altar with the skull prominently displayed and a strange power can be felt in its presence."

Of course Lance knows what this is. This is a [Bone Altar], a scene prop in the Beast Cave copy in the game. After the hero touches it, he will get a very powerful increase in a short period of time.

It is precisely because he knows that Lance does not want Disma to trigger the power above, because if he touches it, it will be one-time, but if he can master the method, he can obtain a controllable and continuous increase.

The silence just now was about studying the extraordinary power contained in it.

In fact, Lance has also collected a lot of things related to extraordinary powers so far, whether it is the inheritance of witches or various strange props left by the bald wizard.

Later, I also discussed occultism and various strange rituals with people like Greendale and Tamara, so I have some understanding of these.

Lance soon understood something. Just looking at the slightly disappointed look on his face, he knew that his idea of ​​​​duplicating this increase was naive.

Because the source of its power is not the stone pillar itself. This stone pillar is actually the stone used for support here. The rough patterns on it are just for decoration and there is nothing magical about it.

The reason why it has extraordinary power is entirely because of the evil ritual, and the stone pillar just happened to be chosen as the carrier of the ritual.

In fact, the gods of the mountain tribes also came from this way. Maybe these pig people might give birth to a god of their own after thousands of years of sacrifice.

but now……

Lance raised his hand and touched the bone altar, and instantly activated [Sacrifice], and the spirituality lingering on the stone pillar was directly stripped away and turned into a gift.

The spiritual fluorescence in his sight also dimmed and disappeared, completely losing its power and turning into an ordinary stone pillar again.

That is, he may have killed the birth of a "god" among the pigs.

After finishing processing, he turned around and spoke to Disma and the others.

"This thing is called a bone altar. It is a very primitive sacrificial ceremony. Its origin can probably be traced back to primitive worship..."

Lance roughly explained the situation of this thing, and finally gave a warning, "It's best not to move around if you see something too strange in the future, because no one knows whether there is evil power on it."

After Lance finished speaking, the worry on his face did not disappear, and he still looked a little solemn.

Disma and the others can kill people, but when it comes to thinking about the situation, it's a bit difficult for them.

But Lance saw some useful information from this bone altar.

He was sure that this kind of thing was not from the Ascension Sect, because their flesh and blood rituals would never be so primitive and rough. On the contrary, most of the rituals were very "exquisite" due to the continuous improvement of the ancestor's research.

In addition, there are elite pig knights guarding here, which is enough to illustrate the importance of this place to the pigs.

So this place can only belong to those pig people, which means that there are actually the most primitive signs of religious worship among the pig people. This is really...

"Come on, this place should be very important to the pigs. We will probably get into trouble if we stay here."

Although the team seems to be in good shape now, Lance understands that it has reached its limit.

No one said anything, they just followed the lord outside silently.

Lance's super strong physique gave him the ability to remember photographs, or it could be said that he had a very strong mind, and he could memorize the places marked by their exploration without even referring to the map in his hand.

He needed to explore slowly when he came in, so he took many wrong paths, but when he went out, he knew the shortest way.

Everyone was moving very fast and they desperately needed a breath of fresh air.


Lance, who was leading the way, suddenly exclaimed, which made Disma and the others stunned for a moment.

Almost at the same time, there was a chaotic sound from the opposite side, but it was not the familiar pig squealing.

"Flesh and blood soars!"

"Lord, give me strength!"


The fanatical figure finally appeared, a cultist they were extremely familiar with.

"It's the Ascension Sect!" Lang suddenly discovered something. All kinds of messy sounds echoed in the narrow passage, making it very confusing.

But this unexpected encounter did not prevent the battle from breaking out, or in other words, it had already started when the two sides discovered each other.

The cult warrior staggered with stiff steps, and stabbed at him with the specially made sharp claws in his hand.

Because he was so close, Lance could even see the fanatical and fearless face that couldn't be covered by half of the helmet.

Lance was not polite. He raised his hand and waved his shield to block the claws, and at the same time struck with the ax in his right hand. However, he did not expect that the cult warrior could react and wave his claws to block it.

The collision of steel made a crisp sound, but Lance's strength was still far greater than that of directly pressing the sharp claws and hastily drawing a bloody gash on its body.

But the injury did not make it wail in pain. Instead, it laughed wildly. The wounds on its body actually sprouted granulations between breaths, and it was visible to the naked eye that they were intertwined and recovered.

But instantly Lance felt something was wrong. He had killed countless cultists before, and he knew a little bit about these guys.

The general level of cult warriors is actually that of stronger ordinary people.

The stronger ones have endured more flesh-and-blood rituals, which means they have better physiques, greater strength, and stronger recovery capabilities. They are not too far beyond human concepts.

Only those cores implanted with [seeds] can be considered threats.

But the ax just now should have been able to cut off its head, but it only caused this little damage, and the recovery speed was not right.

"Be careful! They are not ordinary cultists. Kill the cult wizard first."

Lance reacted immediately and gave them a warning, but the battle with the cult warriors did not stop at all.

In just two or three seconds, the two sides exchanged blows many times, and the sounds of metal collisions continued.

Boudicca couldn't care less. He raised his halberd and charged towards an enemy. He quickly crossed Lance and advanced from the second position.

The enemy crossed its arms and folded its claws in an attempt to block the blow, but it still underestimated Boudica's strength and the power of the charge.

Both claws were directly knocked away by the tip of the halberd, and then stabbed hard into the chest.

Although Boudica is usually careless, she is very powerful in combat.

The moment it was inserted, she took a heavy step forward, feeling the feedback from the earth. The muscles in her whole body tensed and exploded with powerful force. The muscles on her exposed arms had clear lines.


The halberd was lifted up, and he actually picked up the cultist, and then threw him out hard with his backhand.

Just now she had seen that most of the cultist's chest had been cut open. Such an injury would result in loss of skin even if he did not die.

Boudica was at the point of exhaustion after the explosion, but within two or three seconds of her gasping for air, the guy got up from the ground again, with no wounds visible on his chest except for the blood.

Boudica also understood at this time why the boss had shouted those words just now...

"Be careful!" Disma suddenly shouted.

Only then did Boudica realize that he had gone too far, and the cultist on the other side also waved his claws at him...

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