Our family is in decline

Chapter 338 Market Behavior

"Okay!" Gene looked at their argument and seemed to have found the answer, so he stopped immediately.

The two parties who had been arguing fiercely just now also fell silent, and couldn't help but look over and wait for Jean to confirm the subsequent transaction.

“The war fragmented the empire, but it also brought many opportunities. This is a rare opportunity. It is an opportunity for us to get rid of a small business group and grow.

So I decided to go all out to transport food and use the money I got to enhance the strength of our business group. By then, Walter would be just an ant that we could crush at will. "

Jean's ambition is actually greater than he said. After seeing the strength of those really big businessmen, he no longer regards the affairs of the Ovendo area as a priority.

Neither Walter nor Ovendo was taken seriously by him.

Now he just wants to take this opportunity to jump up, and for this he will do whatever it takes.

Everyone didn't feel surprised when they heard this, because Jean was always radical, and the clues could be seen from the two things he arranged after taking over the business group.

But he succeeded, leading everyone to make a lot of money twice in a row. Now Gene's prestige is at its peak, and no one wants to fight against him.

The opinions within the Jean Merchant Group were unified, and grains were continuously drawn from the warehouses to form larger convoys and transported to the front line.

At the same time, they increased their purchase of grain from surrounding areas and directly drained the grain from several farms near Owendo City.

This move caused Ovendo's already exaggerated food prices to rise again, causing intense turmoil...

At the same time, the Walter Business Group seemed a little quiet, without any strong actions, and everything was proceeding step by step.

Walter sat in Ovendo and was responsible for management, while Vic controlled the fleet and placed personnel in towns on the trade routes to collect intelligence according to the lord's requirements.

Of course, the most important thing is commercial activities. At this time, Vic is escorting a large amount of goods back, but this batch of food does not go directly into the city, but is transported to a farm in the suburbs first.

Walter has been operating in Ovendo for many years, and he has some foundation anyway. This farm outside the city is his property.

This was not the first time for Vic to come to this farm. He probably knew that this place was originally used by Walter to house the families of members of the business group and find a place for them to live.

After all, not everyone can gain a foothold in the city. Only farmland can give them peace of mind. This can be regarded as a way for Walter to win people's hearts.

Otherwise, Tiffany made many mistakes and almost dragged the business group to death, and there were still people supporting her, which would be somewhat useful.

At the same time, this is also a base for Walter. It can be seen from the layout here. There are large areas of farmland on the periphery, and masonry buildings, rammed earth walls, sentry towers, and arrow towers in the middle.

On the other side, there were militiamen carrying spears and wearing leather armor who were patrolling.

This is not a simple farm, but more like a simple castle. Anyone who wants to capture it by force will probably have to pay a high price.

Vick didn't care about this. After completing the handover of the team, he found Walter who was here.

"When I first came back, I heard that another demonstration broke out in the city? Several factories also went on strike? There were even problems at the docks?"

It was not that Vic completely lost control of the information here after leaving, but he only had a rough idea of ​​what was going on in the city during this period of time.

"Yes, this is the fifth time that food prices have increased significantly. It is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people. Many people cannot even afford black bread.

If these grains were seen by them when they entered the city, they would probably be robbed immediately, so it was no longer safe to store the grains in the city. "

Vic couldn't help but fell silent when he heard this. When Walter saw him like this, he roughly explained the historical situation of Ovindo.

"There are some things you don't know..."

In fact, the drought in the central plains began two years ago. There were signs of local grain harvest failure, and grain prices rose slightly. However, Hamlet is also considered a grain-producing area, and there was no increase in grain supply when the grain supply was sufficient. Impact here.

But when the disaster spread on a large scale last year, some places with serious droughts no longer had a bad harvest, but had no harvest. It was at this time that Walter felt the changes in grain prices and began to plan to store grain, but he was unlucky enough to fall into his ancestor's trap. .

At this time, there was actually enough food in the Hamlet area, but changes in the situation still caused food prices to rise, but they were still within the acceptable range of ordinary people.

In the first half of this year, continuous drought completely devastated several central provinces. The explosive barrel exploded and refugees began to flee. That was the time when Lance came to Hamlet.

The same influx of refugees into the Hamlet area caused food prices to rise again. At this time, ordinary people complained about the food prices, but they were still barely acceptable.

But now that the war has broken out and food prices have soared again, ordinary people have to grit their teeth to bear it. Even some decent workers have to live a tight diet.

Others couldn't tell the clues, but Walter was in this business. He just took a look at the situation in the market and realized that Owendo City was not short of food at all.

In fact, the warehouses of major grain merchants were full of grain, but Jean took advantage of the situation and united with grain merchants to provoke a wave of harvesting of ordinary people.

And now the large-scale transfer of food by the Jean Merchant Group to the front line has really caused food shortages.

The large-scale actions have made the already serious situation even worse. The current food prices are completely beyond the affordability of ordinary people.

Those in the middle class who have some savings can still survive, but the people at the bottom have long been unable to afford black bread mixed with sawdust, which has caused the current chaos.

"Doesn't the consul care?" Vic frowned. If something like this happened, the lord would have taken action long ago.

You must know that the farmers of Hamlet used similar methods at that time. They were directly killed by the lord, and all those guys were thrown into the labor farm for labor reform.

"Whatever!" Walter agreed with a smile, "Those guys were very determined. They sent out the city defense army and killed many people, and many others were driven out of Ovendo. This temporarily calmed the chaos. "

"Are they crazy?" Vic just wanted to criticize, but seemed to understand something and quickly calmed down, complaining with a slightly mocking expression:

"I'm afraid the money earned by the Jean Business Group is a share of those guys. They can't stop the transaction, and they can't even wait to increase the transaction.

After all, there are many ordinary people, but they are not their own. People will be reborn after death. Only gold coins are theirs. "

Walter nodded in agreement. It seemed to him that Vic, a young man, finally understood that not everyone was that lord.

And the life of ordinary people is not as stable as Hamlet's lord's protection. What is happening in Owendo City now is normal.

"Then what should we do now?" Vic looked at Walter, and the lord gave him great power.

But Vic knew very well that he was still very immature and not capable enough to see the undercurrent under the water, so he needed to be taught by his seniors.

"Tell me about your trip first."

"The chaos has isolated most places. Some towns that are close to each other are okay. At least they have some information about the situation. The price of local food has also increased a lot.

But some remote areas are not clear about the situation outside, because most of the caravans have not left, causing prices to rise, but food is still cheap, and we also made a lot of money on this trip..."

Walter was not surprised, because Hamlet had a direct lack of aristocracy since the Cataclysm, and later the lords did not even show up, which led to further divisions, and various places turned to autonomy.

This is how their caravans can move to different places and make money by taking advantage of the price difference.

This is even more true now, taking advantage of the lack of information to buy these grains almost for free.

“How is the safety situation on the road?”

“There were three raids, but we were better equipped and were quickly repulsed with basically no losses.

The remaining scattered ones were just refugees. They didn't even have weapons and equipment. They just blocked the road and begged for food and drink. I sent them to Hamlet. "

Vic said it easily, and Walter understood why he could do this.

Because the combat effectiveness of the retired soldiers who joined the guard is really strong and well-equipped.

The militiamen in the manor are now trained by them, and their condition has improved to the naked eye, but the consumption is a bit high.

But now is the time, combat effectiveness is the most important.

He had also been a soldier of Hamlet, and he understood this simple truth to some extent.

Vic's words actually explain why those refugees can continue to find Hamlet. This is also one of the plans.

Walter sorted out the current information and quickly made a plan, then asked Vic a question.

"Do you know why Jean and the others dare to give up Owendo directly?"

"Because people's money has long been squeezed out, that is, the market has no value, and business behavior always changes in response to changes in profits."

"That's right, even if we bring the price of food back to two years ago, it won't help, because ordinary people can't afford it no matter what the price is. So who is collecting food in the market now?"

"Those grain merchants and rich people!" Vic also understood who Walter planned to aim the sickle at.

“This high grain price cannot be maintained for long, because the winter wheat planted last year is about to mature, and when this batch of grain appears on the market, grain prices will definitely be pushed down.

So we must seize this period of high prices now to sell the grain into gold coins, and then use the money to purchase various resources that Hamlet urgently needs, especially gunpowder, steel, and cattle and horses.

Also, the current situation in the city is chaotic and unstable, and many talents don’t even have enough to eat. I will contact them and find ways to bring some outstanding talents back to Hamlet..."

Walter began to lay out what the business group would do next. It was very simple, which was to exchange food for money, and then use the money in exchange for resources to be transported to Hamlet.

That means that the convoy cannot stop during the next period. From here, it takes the supplies back to Hamlet. On the way, the remaining cars of the convoy must be filled with food and transported back.

Then he returned from Hamlet with salt and salted fish, and exchanged money and food with those in towns and villages on the trade route.

This round trip is just a cycle.

The plan was perfect, but Walter was still a little unwilling.

"It's a pity that our strength is still too weak and we cannot radiate our power to the front line. Otherwise, we can make a lot of money from the snowflake salt alone."

People need to eat food, but they are also indispensable for salt. If you don't eat salt for three days, your hands and feet will be weak, not to mention that the war horses can't run without salt.

However, the current size of the business group is already insufficient to maintain commerce in the Hamlet area, and there are simply no more manpower and fleets to go out.

They couldn't take any bigger risks, and even Ovendo didn't dare to put more salt in it, but instead made it an exotic masterpiece from Totnes.

Not to mention, the rich people in Owendo City have already been cut off by him. What would happen if those people knew the true price.

"Alas~ So many people have nothing to eat and are forced to become refugees, but those guys take this opportunity to make a lot of money. Isn't there something in this world..."

As he spoke, Vic also realized that he was too naive. It would be better to let the dog stop eating shit than to expect those people to wake up.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but grit my teeth and reprimand him.

"Hmph! These rotten maggots will one day be eliminated by adults."

Compared to the anger of the young man Vic, Walter was much calmer and even joked with a smile.

"Without them, we would have shed blood if we wanted to regain the territory. Now these people are doing these things to help us regain the territory better."

To be honest, Walter doesn't care, because he is also a businessman and has long been accustomed to such dirty things, and he has even been adding fuel to the fire.

Whether it is following up on raising food prices, or plundering and buying all kinds of supplies, or trying to find ways to take away talents and force ordinary people into refugees.

Everything was done to drain Owendo's war potential and prepare for the lord to regain it.

The situation in Ovendo will continue to worsen. Those bureaucrats will kill more people for the sake of stability, and slowly consume all the people's hearts, and only Hamlet will benefit.

As a person who has seen Hamlet at his peak, he also has some kind of fantasy - to make Hamlet great again!


The fleet, which set off from Hamlet and was loaded with various goods, was very lucky and did not encounter any pirates along the way, and reached its final destination of Totnes smoothly.

Little John who was accompanying the team was stunned when he saw the giant city.

They also passed through several prosperous port cities along the way, but none of them were of this scale.

Sailing into the port of Totnes, he could see all kinds of ships inside. He originally thought that his ship was pretty good, until he saw the five decks, not counting the masts, which were more than ten meters high. The whole person was shocked by the large cargo ship.

But he was soon attracted by other more novel things, and his face was full of excitement.

It's just that Little John didn't notice that there was a strange-looking person looking at him on a cargo ship that also entered the port.

"Destiny is guiding..."

Thank you [Be careful of silence] 100 reward

Thank you [2022053017165969] for the 100 reward

Thanks to [Ascendant Jiang Zenar] for the 100 reward

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