Our family is in decline

Chapter 340 Merger of Showrooms

Of course, Lance couldn't let go of this opportunity. He took heavy but firm steps and charged with his sword, and bumped into the collector before he could react.

As long as the force is strong enough, regardless of sharpness, the collections that make up the collector's bloated body simply cannot withstand being penetrated by the giant sword.

Under the exaggerated power accumulated during the charge, this blow penetrated the stars!

The pig knight's huge body cannot withstand an ordinary long sword, and the exaggerated shape and length of the giant sword are not something that everyone can bear.

The collector's skull head was about to be smashed on the hood, and the blue light on his body became brighter and brighter, and even tended to dim, and the melted collections on his body also showed signs of disintegration.

Lance didn't know what this meant, but he also knew that it was definitely not a good thing and could not be delayed any longer.

He used his arms to drag the collector down from mid-air with the help of the giant sword that penetrated his body. He inserted the giant sword into the ground with his backhand and pinned the collector.

Abandoning the giant sword, he rushed directly to the collector's head, raised his hand, took out a musket, put it to his head and fired instantly.

At such a distance and without armor, even a copper-headed iron brain would be unable to withstand it, but the strange thing is that the bullet was actually withstood under the blue light, and the skeleton was not exploded.

But the huge impact still made the collector feel dizzy and lose control of his body.

Lance took out the ax and chopped it towards the neck without caring about anything else. The feeling that fell was not a hard bone, but a bit soft, like some kind of flesh and blood.

This startled the Collector, and several tentacles of different sizes stretched out from its neck in an attempt to sneak attack. However, Lance had chopped one down before and knew where their core was, so how could he not be on guard.

The ax had no intention of stopping, but instead sped up a bit and became heavier. In a few strokes, it killed the true core of the Collector, a monster that looked like a brain but had weird tentacles.

Finally, everything calmed down, and the collections that were fighting with Boudica and the others fell to the ground as if they had lost their power.

Lance looked at the collector who was completely unresponsive and then breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it should be done easily, but I didn't expect that it took a lot of effort. As expected, different collectors have different strengths.

But those things were no longer in Lance's mind. Now he only had one thing on his mind.

The collector last time gave himself a core piece of equipment, so what will this stronger one explode?

A bigger showroom?

Lance didn't even wait for Boudica and the others to come over and directly launched [Sacrifice] on the collector's corpse.

The collector's twisted and monstrous corpse was swallowed by the void, but its spirituality was not directly returned. This was actually a good thing for Lance, and he couldn't help but look forward to it even more.

Soon the gift emerged from the void, and the indescribable power was directly attached to the [Collector's Showroom] in his hand.

You can see a small tentacle wrapping around the spine that forms the ring. You might not notice it unless you look carefully.

At the same time, Lance could feel that the attached space in the showroom had more than doubled, and there were many more things that were cluttered and difficult to distinguish in a short time.

It feels like this collector's showroom has been annexed.

And now Lance breathed a sigh of relief. There was nothing more practical than this. His spirituality could be replenished from other places, and he could not go to the beast cave to "eat pork".

But the storage space cannot be directly exchanged for ordinary flesh and blood.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay. The battle just now may attract the attention of some guys. Let's get out of here first."

Boudica's call made Lance come back to his senses. He raised his hand and threw the messy things into the showroom. After a brief cleaning, he led the team back to Hamlet.

They didn't stop for a moment on the road and hurried on quickly. Fortunately, with the continuous advancement of the wilderness development process, many passages were opened, so soon they could return to Hamlet with the help of the carriage transporting supplies at the outpost...

"Phew~ I'm finally alive." Lance took a few deep breaths and finally couldn't smell the disgusting smell anymore.

When he came back, Lance still wanted to take the team to the newly opened bathhouse and experience taking a bath.

But he miscalculated one thing, that is, the bathhouse would not be open until evening.

So the first thing he did to appease everyone went wrong.

Lance didn't talk nonsense about this. He gave them a gold coin and let them go back to take a shower, eat and sleep.

To be honest, Tardif didn't pay much attention to what he said at the time, but he didn't expect his employer to actually mean it and give him a subsidy.

Disma and Tardif slipped away and fooled around somewhere, but Boudicca was caught by him.

"Go on, it's your turn. Remember to wash your hair, especially your hair." Lance looked at Boudicca, who was sitting on the stone steps holding his halberd in a daze.

"Oh~" Boudica stood up and sighed after hearing this, looking a little downcast.

"I didn't go fooling around with them either, don't do that." Lance joked with a smile.

How could Lance not know what this guy was thinking? Wasn't he just trying to take the opportunity to drink?

The promised abstinence from alcohol for one month must be implemented, and if you don't obey, you will be severely tortured.

However, she didn't complain at all about her life and death this time. Lance didn't want to be too harsh on her little hobby, so he immediately added.

"Behave better, and I'll ask the winery to leave a bottle of good wine for you when this month is over."

"Really!" Boudica immediately became energetic after hearing this.

"When have I ever lied to you?"

"It's better that the boss is nice to me~"

Boudica wanted to come over, but Lance was so frightened that he quickly stopped her.

"Don't come over here, go take a shower quickly, or else we won't wait for you until dinner is served."

After finally sending Boudicca away, Lance thought about how to make soap. Isn't it just the saponification reaction of fat and lye?

We have quicklime, we have lard...

Lance thought about walking back, but as soon as he left the hall, he saw Greendale waiting. From the looks of it, he must have come here after hearing that he was back.

"The environment in the den is really too bad. Without the props you prepared, we wouldn't have been able to come back safely this time." Lance praised the props she prepared, whether they were anti-disease and refreshing masks, or The zombie spores have specifically reduced the difficulty of the task.

"It's okay, I can help you best." Greendale did not show any pride because of these words, she still maintained her gentle attitude.

She also saw Boudica's state when she came in just now, and she knew that this trip was not going to be easy.

"What's the problem in the town recently?" Lance quickly got into the mood. He enjoyed the treatment of a lord, so he must bear the corresponding responsibilities.

"Most of the situation is normal. The biggest problem is that the workshop's productivity is not enough..."

Lance had only been away for a few days, and Greendale had a [messenger] on hand. If any serious problem really happened, he would have been notified long ago.

Even the questions she specifically raised were just commonplace questions.

Of course he knew that the workshop's productivity was insufficient, so he set about improving the hydraulic forging hammer, deploying apprentices, and improving the division of labor, standardization, and encouragement systems.

However, these are all temporary solutions rather than permanent solutions. If you want to expand production in a short period of time, you need more skilled craftsmen and supporting resources to keep up.

But skilled craftsmen are inherently skilled workers, and they can make a living anywhere except in places like Totnes where the market is full.

There are no mines around the town of Hamlet, and all metal materials have to be transported back from outside.

For these two reasons alone, it is clear that expanding production is not easy.

In fact, Greendale also knows these things. There is basically no way to solve them in a short time, but it still needs to be mentioned. After all, all parties are urging it every day.

"There is another situation that I need to tell you, that is, the situation in the bathhouse may not be so optimistic."

Greendale saw that Lance was not willing to talk about this issue, so she took the initiative to change the subject and talked about the situation in the bathhouse.

In fact, it has been two or three days since the bathhouse started operating, but it can be said that basically no one goes there, but the cost of operation is real. Even Greendale is not optimistic about this project.

"Why do you think no one goes to the bathing place?" Lance suddenly asked back, which made Greendale fall into silence.

She really hasn't delved into this yet. There are too many more important things in the town than this, so she doesn't take this matter too seriously at all.

Seeing her reaction, Lance knew that she had not thought about this problem, but he did not embarrass her, but said it on his own.

"First of all, many people don't have the concept of taking a bath. They don't know the benefits of taking a bath and the disadvantages of not taking a bath. Some religions demonize bathing in order to fool people. They make up a lot of far-fetched reasons and describe illness as being possessed by the devil. body.

The second is that it is summer. Except for some special needs, who would want to take a hot bath?

The third and most critical issue is that most people don’t have the habit of spending money to bathe. Do you think ordinary people spend money to go to bathhouses? "

"So most of them go to the river to take a bath, which is cool and free of charge." Greendale also understood. Now it is already as hot as a steam oven. After you take a bath, the hot water will come out as soon as you dry your body. I can wash it all over again.

And it's free to go to the river, so you can wash as much as you want, but you have to pay for the bathhouse.

Lance heard it but didn't care much and continued to express his opinion.

“I had already conducted research on this matter before finalizing the bathhouse project. If I want to solve the problem of no one in the bathhouse, I have to start from these aspects.

First, post the investigation report I compiled before, and then let people scientifically promote the benefits of taking a bath and the disadvantages of not taking a bath in a lecture in the square at night. The other step is to remove religious restrictions and smash the rumors they fabricated.

Second, we must find a way to let more people try the effect of the bathhouse. It will be free for three days at the beginning, and then those who have outstanding work and excellent performance will be rewarded with free times. However, no one can resist the expiration of the setting as long as it takes. Don’t take advantage, develop more goals first, and then slowly cultivate their consumption habits.

Third, we need to adjust the situation of the bathhouse. If no one wants to wash in the open air, we can also separate several cold pools or even cold well water outside the hot spring pool; we can set up segmented charging prices. Different, three times, five times, monthly subscription, etc..."

Lance talked eloquently, and at the end he boasted.

“If you want to solve a problem, you must not just discover the situation, but also explore the reasons for the problem and see through the phenomenon to see the essence.”

But when he finished speaking, he found that Greendale looked a little strange, so he couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong? Do you have any opinion?"

Greendale hesitated, but still expressed her opinion.

"This may require a lot of investment. According to my understanding, the easiest way is to collect a bathing tax, or prohibit people from going to the river to bathe..."

Lance couldn't help but fall into silence for a moment when he heard this, but soon he understood what Greendale really meant.

The meaning of her words is very simple, that is, she is complaining about the rough methods of those imperial nobles.

If ordinary imperial nobles encounter this situation, they will directly impose heavy taxes, or prevent them from entering the river, forcing those people to either pay taxes or not wash.

Even if they knew about Lance's plan, they would not implement it because they would need to invest a lot of money in the early stage, and they may not be able to recover it.

Thinking of this, Lance immediately laughed and joked.

"Hahaha! Your idea is very good, just do what you said."

Greendale couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when she heard this. When she looked at Lance's smiling face, she was sure that he understood what she meant. This was teasing her. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, but a smile also appeared on her face.

Lance didn't feel offended when he saw Grendel's look, but instead felt a girlish agility.

That's right~ She was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was burdened with the hatred of genocide when she was young. Revenge became the pillar of her survival.

At the same age as him, he was supposed to be picking up girls in school and enjoying his youth, but he was inexplicably burdened with Hamlet's fate, and killing the old guy became his only goal.

In a way both are...

"What's wrong?" Greendale was a little surprised why Lance was suddenly stunned.

"I find you have a beautiful smile." Lance said it directly without any intention of hiding it.

But Greendale was a little at a loss and could only restrain her expression.

Lance had no intention of continuing this, but took the initiative to change the topic.

“If a ruler only considers his own interests, then there is no need for him to exist, because anyone can replace him.

I invest in bathhouses not to make money, but to improve the health of residents, reduce medical burdens, develop and explore while stimulating related industries, and create more jobs.

What I want to bring is peace and stability, and better living conditions. Only these are worth fighting for and sacrificing for. "

Lance spoke righteously, and his body seemed to glow with golden light.

"For Hamlet!"

Greendale was a little surprised when she heard this, as if it was just an illusion, but she also agreed.

"For Hamlet~"

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