Our family is in decline

Chapter 347 Anatomy (please vote)

Hamlet, sanatorium.

The thick masonry walls and airtight weird structure of the sanatorium cut off the outside sunlight, but they also cut off the summer heat.

Even in such hot weather, you can feel the cold inside the sanatorium. Yes, it is not cold but uncomfortable cold.

This is the case above, but the underground floor looks a bit colder. It is precisely this environment that is suitable for temporarily preserving corpses, so it is used as an autopsy room.

It was easy for Lance to leave the pig corpses here and not worry about anything, but Paracelsus needed to deal with them as soon as possible.

Anatomy is an ancient science, but its origin is not in the empire, but came from areas outside the empire such as Kemet, Misri, and the Levant.

After all, dissecting corpses under the influence of the church is a kind of blasphemy and must be judged. The entire empire can only have a little room for development in Totnes, a place with a strong business atmosphere, frequent exchanges with other parts of the world, and a relatively open place.

There was an anatomy course in the medical school where Paracelsus studied, but it was quite bold and cutting-edge in Totnes, so it was difficult even for schools to find corpses for classes.

In order to promote her research, she can only do some strange things. Fortunately, there is no shortage of corpses in the outer city of Totnes.

Therefore, Paracelsus considered himself far superior to most physicians in the empire in theory and practice.

But after coming into contact with the lord, I was still affected a lot.

The weird elemental theory was overturned and replaced by biological systems theory, which divided the functions of the human body according to systems.

Anatomically, the human body is composed of eight major systems, namely the motor system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, endocrine system, nervous system and circulatory system. (Junior high school biology, unknown, I wrote my own textbook)

What's even more strange is that many of these new theories obtained from the lords can find tangible evidence from research to complete the logical loop. On the contrary, there is something wrong with the elemental theory and weird theories of those schools.

Although she began to doubt it very early on when doing her own research, even because of these things...

Paracelsus came to his senses and focused on the corpse in front of him.

According to the habit of starting with the easier and then the more difficult, the more commonly used anatomical procedures are abdominal → pelvic → thoracic → neck → cranial cavity.

Regional anatomy is a supplement to systemic anatomy, which generally targets local areas, usually reproductive organs, spinal cord, low back, buttocks, limbs, etc.

There are several methods of incision, including straight incision, T-shaped incision, Y-shaped incision, and inverted Y-shaped incision.

There are no advantages or disadvantages to these methods. They are simply to deal with different situations of corpses. However, these methods are designed for humans, so they need to be adjusted based on experience when facing aliens.

Although these pigs have a strange structure, they are not difficult for the experienced Paracelsus, so she directly uses the one-line cutting method.

The biggest advantage of this anatomical cutting method is that it is trouble-free, fast, and can handle the vast majority of autopsies.

A sharp scalpel is placed against the midline of the pig's mandible, and the skin and subcutaneous tissue are incised along the midline of the neck, chest and abdomen to the upper edge of the pubic symphysis.

Below the skin is the subcutaneous soft tissue, which is fat and muscle.

Paracelsus discovered something interesting here.

Obviously, it was impossible to conduct experiments on humans from the beginning. These anatomical studies also started with small animals such as frogs and mice, and she had actually studied the physiological structure of pigs before studying humans.

The most intuitive difference between pigs and humans is that pig fat is white, while human fat is yellow.

After cutting it open, you can see that the monster with the pig's head has yellow fat under its skin. At the same time, you can see that the distribution of internal organs is very similar to that of humans, but it reveals something strange.

This discovery made Paracelsus even more excited and couldn't help but get more involved.

The steps of dissection are very cumbersome, and the same tools cannot only be scalpels, but also tweezers, pliers, saws, etc...

When peeling off the soft tissue and muscle layer of the chest wall, use tweezers to lift the peritoneum and make a small incision. Use a knife to carefully cut the lifted peritoneum. During this operation, you need to use tools to hold up the abdominal wall to avoid cutting and damaging the organs in the abdominal cavity. Then the muscles connected to the lower edge of the chest wall are cut along the bottom of the ribs to expand the abdominal cavity. At this time, the abdominal cavity is considered to be open.

Next, first observe the positional relationship and surface condition of various organs in the abdominal cavity, check whether there is fluid and blood accumulation in the abdominal cavity, and check the structure of the internal organs in the abdominal cavity one by one.

What makes Paracelsus interesting is that this set of internal organs is almost the same as that of humans, but there is something wrong with the proportions. Do pigs occupy more proportions of humans or pigs?

But she felt that it was more like a fusion of the two. She probably heard from the lord that the origin of these pigmen was the inhumane and evil experiment of the Ascension Sect.

The reason for choosing pigs is that their structure is close to that of humans.

Paracelsus did not dislike it at all, and directly reached down to inspect the structure, size, and position of the internal organs.

I have to say that it is quite well preserved and has no damage.

After the abdominal cavity is completely dissected, prepare to start studying the chest cavity.

The usual approach is to peel off the skin, fat, muscle and other soft tissues from the ribs to both sides along the midline of the incision to expose the chest.

Here you can see that after peeling off, the soft tissue layer is everted to both sides to completely expose the rib surface, and then the chest cavity is prepared, that is, the ribs are opened.

This is a technical job. You need to use a scalpel to cut off the costal cartilage and intercostal muscles one by one, and then cut off the sternoclavicular joint and the first rib.

Sometimes the knife can't solve the problem, so you have to use other tools, such as knives, axes, pliers and saws. Anyway, you can find a way to break the first rib.

After the ribs are completely cut off, the rib arch is lifted close to the sternum and the posterior wall of the costal cartilage to separate the transverse sternal and mediastinal connective tissue. At this time, removing the sternum will expose the chest.

Check the thymus, lungs and chest wall, mediastinum, pericardium and heart, paying attention to the position and proximity of each internal organ.

It was found that the soft tissue of the chest had puncture wounds, the heart was ruptured, and the lungs were punctured and collapsed. However, the sternum and ribs were not broken, but there were scratches and small clots of blood around them.

The sword killed him, even avoiding the ribs. It can be seen that this sword must have been struck by someone who knew the structure of the pigman very well.

But this sword destroyed a lot of places, and she still wanted to study a complete pig man if she had the chance.

After the thoracoabdominal cavity is opened, the neck is dissected, but from here on, the human structures begin to change a lot, and there are more pig structures.

But the methods are generally universal. Simply put, the skin and muscles are separated layer by layer, and the skin and soft tissues, as well as the superficial and deep muscles of the neck and the blood vessels of the neck are inspected.

Use scissors to cut the diaphragm from the aortic slit, separate the abdominal aorta to the left and right common iliac artery branches and cut them, and separate the abdominal and pelvic organ tissues and their connections with the abdominal and pelvic walls from the posterior abdominal wall, so that It is possible to jointly remove the entire set of internal organs including the neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis.

At this point, the dissection of the torso of an ordinary corpse is basically completed, and the dissection of the head usually begins at this time.

This is not only a technical job, but also a physical job.

She had dismantled many human heads, but today this pig head made her feel a little at a loss as to what to do.

No matter so much, just be a butcher today.

Use a knife to penetrate the scalp directly from behind one ear. The blade of the knife lifts up the scalp to separate the scalp and skull. Peel off the scalp and expose the pig head skull.

It is the turn of the skull, which can be said to be the most laborious. Use the saw, chisel and hammer to lift up the skull to observe the structure and remove the brain.

It seems that the structure does not look like a human. It is basically a pig, but the proportions are larger, and it should still incorporate some human characteristics.

This is not finished yet. The entire set of nearly dozens of kilograms of internal organs that was just taken out needs to be sampled and studied.

These careful extractions of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder collect secretions for more in-depth study.

Observe and record the volume, nature, color and food residues in the stomach, the contents of the large intestine and small intestine, and comprehensively analyze the food sources and diet structure.

In the lower pelvis, observe the bladder, kidneys, and the urinary system...

Dissection is a very labor-intensive task that requires full concentration. It is also strenuous to hold a scalpel for a long time, open a skull, saw bones, etc.

But the faster the autopsy is, the more information she can get. For this reason, she can't rest and has to work overtime to get what she wants before the body rots.

Paracelsus was a serious college student with an academic background, not to mention "rich" practical experience, but he only managed to deal with one corpse after working for a long time.

Fortunately, the preliminary anatomy was finally completed, and the corpse was cut into pieces, revealing the secrets of the body.

At this time, Paracelsus was finally able to take off the surgical gloves, and he could see that her arms were all covered with traces of being strangled to fix the gloves.

But dissection is not about butcher slaughtering, but about observation and analysis of structures during carcass examination and dissection.

So the real work has just begun.

"This structure..." Paracelsus picked up the board and laid paper on it, and then began to draw pictures based on the anatomy.

Unexpectedly, she is also a versatile person, and she can see a concise and clear anatomy diagram coming out from under the pen.

Then continue to improve and write some fragmentary notes, which will be combined to write a report later.

Lance gave her a lot of experimental materials, and she could give her whatever she asked to support her research. One of the requirements was to standardize the experiment, which included the need to write a report.

For Paracelsus, this was something that needed to be recorded. He just wrote it down and showed it to him.

This time the autopsy did reveal a lot of interesting things, which are different from humans and pigs, but a combination of the two. At the same time, there are many lesions and deformities on the body. If you want to study it clearly, you have to continue...

At this moment, there was a noise behind him, but Paracelsus didn't pay attention. He was the only one who came over at this time.

Lance attaches great importance to the research here, and usually comes over after he is done with his work, either to review the experimental reports he has written, or to participate in his own research.

At first she was surprised and disgusted.

He was surprised that a nobleman was also doing this, and his disgust was because he was troublesome and hindered his own research.

But that impression quickly changed when he actually joined.

He can learn anything instantly, and in many cases he can even do it better than himself, and he can often inspire himself. There is no doubt that he is a trustworthy teammate.

If I have his help, I should be able to finish this all night tonight...

"Still busy~"

The gentle voice came, but Paracelsus realized something and turned around.

She originally thought that only Lance would come here at this time, but it was Greendale who appeared here.

Paracelsus did not speak, and no one could see what kind of expression was behind the mask.

"The lord has just returned from a mission. He is probably tired, so he took a rest early. However, he said he guessed that you would work overtime on research, so he specifically asked me to come over and remind you not to focus on work, but also to take a rest.

He also said that there are pigs everywhere in the sewers. You can just catch them if you want. It is not a very rare material, but he will feel sorry for you if you are exhausted. "

The last sentence was obviously not Lance's tone, so it could only have been added by Greendale to take advantage of the situation.

"I know." Paracelsus's answer was a little stiff, and he didn't know how he felt. Anyway, it seemed that she didn't mean to be obedient.

"You haven't tried the newly opened bathhouse recently, haven't you? It's a good time to relax, and Boudica is here too. You might be able to ask her about the situation in the cave. It will probably be helpful to your research."

Greendale was a smart person, and she obviously saw that Paracelsus would never give up his research just because of his words.

But she knew how to complete the tasks assigned by the lord.

Sure enough, Paracelsus had some thoughts. He had never investigated the living environment of the pig people on the spot, which would indeed have an impact on the research.

She didn't speak, but her outward steps showed that she had made a choice.

"Huh~" Paracelsus walked out of the anatomy room and took off the bird's beak mask and took a long breath, but at the same time, there was still a strong stench in the nasal cavity when he breathed.

No matter how you say it, the rot is still going on, and the smell of these pigs is very strong, which directly makes the entire dissection room have a strong stench that is difficult to dissipate.

She had been in there for such a long time and had been exposed to it, so she was already soaked in it.

Even though Paracelsus has adapted, staying here for a long time still makes her head dizzy.

It seems that this beak mask also has its limits.

"I have also made a lot of anti-disease masks there. You can take some back with you and hang some sachets in the anatomy room. They will also help freshen the air..."

The two walked side by side, and seemed to notice something strange about her, before Greendale spoke.

She is also so gentle to Paracelsus, a person who was once hostile to her. It seems that she has a good temper no matter who she treats, and her gentle character makes people feel like a spring breeze.

When Paracelsus heard this, he couldn't help but look sideways, and all he saw was a natural expression.

"What's wrong?"


Even Paracelsus, who had no intention of socializing, could not help but walk with his head bowed.

In order to write this chapter, I studied the anatomy process and found that it is quite interesting. It is not just a matter of just cutting open the corpse and then being done.

The more I write, the more I will write. Let me write it down in detail so that everyone can have an understanding. It may be useful for you in the future when you time travel.

Finally, I would like to ask for a monthly vote. It is almost enough for one thousand. Some brothers can vote. I am here to thank you all.

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