Our family is in decline

Chapter 355 Greetings from the Wilderness

Wangcai was running in the wilderness. The previous battle with the Wolf King had almost drained his life force. He had never suffered such a serious injury since he was born.

The road to the wilderness that was originally as smooth as walking on the ground has become difficult to walk. Every time you take a step, you can feel severe pain everywhere in your body, as if your limbs are to be torn apart. Now you are still leaning on it. That tenacious will drives the body.

But it can't stop, it wants to go back...home...

A raised tree root suddenly emerged from the darkness, like a long-awaited trap eager for the arrival of prey.

This is not surprising in the wilderness, but the tree roots that used to be jumped over with a light jump are now as out of reach as a natural chasm.

That huge body brought not strength, but a burden. It couldn't even take a big step.

Will can break through the limits of reality, but there are limits to reflection.

Wangcai tripped over a tree root and his huge body rolled to the side.

The body that had been in pain just now became limp and weak instantly after it stopped. Strong fatigue hit its brain, and even a strong sense of crisis was difficult to resist.

It just feels so tired... so tired... I really want to sleep like this...

The once vibrant Wangcai could now only gasp, but it was getting weaker and weaker.

The consciousness became increasingly blurred, and the pupils began to slowly spread...

Now, the real test has come... Should we hold on, or will it just fade away?

Suddenly there was some noise from the surroundings, the sound of something stepping on the leaves.

This made his distracted eyes condense a little, and then he saw the gray wolves approaching.

Wangcai forcibly subdued those gray wolves and gathered a wolf pack in a short time. Now that he is weakened, it is hard to say who is more dangerous than those enemies.

The gray wolves surrounded them, but Wangcai was unable to resist. The movement just now woke it up from the embrace of death, but it also drained the last bit of its vitality, and it was unable to care about them anymore.

It's just that those gray wolves did not launch an attack, trying to devour Wangcai to obtain extraordinary blood. Instead, they were licking the exaggerated wounds on Wangcai's body.

In the language of wolf behavior, this action is treatment. When they are injured, they lick their wounds.

The ceremony was interrupted and the wolf king was not competed for, so now Wangcai is still their alpha wolf.

But what's the use?

What he was licking was nothing more than a withered corpse.

Wangcai's vitality was still passing away, and he seemed to realize that it was useless. The gray wolves couldn't help but stop, and then gathered around Wangcai sporadically. As if they were inspired by something, they raised their heads and spoke out almost at the same time. Wolf howl.


A pack of wolves howls at the moon!

The sounds echoed in the wilderness instantly, even reaching into the sky, as if they were bidding farewell to Wangcai's death.

Wangcai's brain couldn't support thinking for a long time, and it didn't know the situation in the outside world.

My eyes slowly closed, and the only thing I was thinking about was that figure...

But at this moment, a gentle force flowed from the exhausted blood to nourish the extremely decayed body.

The wound torn open by fangs and claws stopped bleeding, the weak breathing gradually became calmer, the heart that was so weak that it was unnoticeable was beating again and became stronger and stronger, and the brain was nourished by blood pumping and gradually became clear.

A lot of fragmented memories keep rolling around in my mind,

This feeling... seems to feel the warmth of the big hand gently stroking my hair...

Because Lance loved the [Blessing] he used on their litter of wolf pups, the extraordinary power remained in his body.

However, Lance was also very poor at the time, so the power of blessing was not strong. He just hoped that these children who were as fragile as Hamlet would not die young, which was considered a blessing.

But in fact, these white wolves are not ordinary beasts, but extraordinary creatures stained with extraordinary blood.

You must know that the alpha wolf once served as the leader of the tribe and had a wolf king beside him. Although he was later killed and devoured by the wolf king, the wolf king's bloodline was still left behind, even though Wangcai's bloodline was very thin.

The power of blessing awakened its bloodline, and when the full moon sprinkled its favor, it began to follow its instinct and devour its other brothers, sisters and the she-wolf, completing its bloodline promotion and successfully awakening.

The strangeness left by the extraordinary bloodline also affects it. This is not the power of the so-called "Wolf God". A natural spirit that cannot even come out of the mountains does not have the authority of a god to control the distant Hamlet.

That is the price of extraordinary power, a kind of indescribable weirdness.

However, Wangcai was still too weak, and was violently conquered by Lance later on.

The strange influence around Lance was suppressed on it, and even if it had a bloodthirsty desire, it was suppressed by the man's force.

But as he grew older, the strange influence of his bloodline deepened day by day, and he finally left that person's side driven by desire.

The life of wolves in the wilderness greatly stimulated the power of its bloodline, and the hidden weirdness was devouring its soul.

The wolves in the Langya tribe are guided by the power of the wolf god to suppress the weirdness, but Wangcai who is wandering in the wilderness does not. This is why the war wolf thinks that its bloodline has not been developed when it sees Wangcai.

If it continues like this, it may truly become an extraordinary creature, but its soul will also be swallowed up by the weirdness and turn into a powerful but crazy monster.

One day he might be targeted by a demon hunter like Geralt, or he might be targeted by a bounty hunter like Tardif, or he might provoke a powerful wilderness creature and be killed, but it would not end well anyway.

It can be seen from the fact that it actively approaches the Wolf Warrior and does not hesitate to jump out to challenge the Wolf King.

It's a pity that its power is still too weak. Even if it faces the weak Wolf King, it is still difficult to defeat, and it can only become a sacrifice for others.

If the ritual continued, Wangcai would surely die, but by chance, an arrow in the darkness interrupted the ritual and gave it a chance to escape.

With the final burst of power, driven by the instinct to survive, he escaped a certain distance, but he was now on the verge of death.

However, the worship of more than thirty wolves has inadvertently formed some kind of ancient...even ritual originating from the wilderness era to activate the power hidden in its body.

Yes, Wangcai has been with Lance for so long, and he has experienced many [blessings], even if it is just to refresh his status, but the weak power has been accumulated time and time again.

Previously, it had been suppressed by the strangeness of the bloodline and had to fall silent, but in the ceremony just now, the wolf king greedily devoured its bloodline and at the same time extracted the strangeness from the bloodline.

Now the incomplete bloodline is filled with the power of [Blessing]. Although this power is very weak, it is enough for the current wealth to get rid of the dying state.

Maybe its life is in someone's hands, and even the God of Death can't help but retreat.

Wangcai, who was on the verge of death just a second ago, suddenly opened his eyes, but those eyes no longer had the madness, instead there was a touch of coldness like moonlight.

Wangcai survived because the ritual was interrupted, and then the gray wolves followed him without abandoning him, and happened to call the ritual to activate the power in his body.

If there is any mistake in these situations, the wealth will be dead in the ceremony.

But is it really just a bunch of coincidences?

It can be said that if the wolf had not slaughtered the eagles, it would not have incurred the hatred of the woman, and there would not have been that arrow to interrupt the ceremony.

If the ceremony was not interrupted, the Wolf God would not backlash and hold back the Wolf Warrior and the Wolf King. It was also because the Wolf Warrior did not give the order immediately after the backlash that the woman pulled the barbarian warrior.

If Wangcai had not led the wolves on a wild hunt and fed them before, these gray wolves might not have followed him at this time, let alone followed the ancient ritual.

If Lance had been stingy in blessing it before, it would have been a pile of withered bones when its blood was taken away, and it would have no power to resist.

It seems like countless coincidences, but in fact it is just a feedback of reality.

It's just that some things will not appear immediately, but will have to wait for time to be revealed.

Wangcai felt the state of his body, and it did not recover much. Whether it was the fierce battle or the ritual of extracting blood, his body suffered heavy injuries, and the wounds and injuries still tortured it.

But fortunately, at least his physical strength recovered a lot, and he stood up after a little struggle.

Those gray wolves did not have the wisdom to make money, so they all looked dull when they saw this scene of resurrection from the dead, obviously not understanding this power that transcends death.

But that's not what Wangcai cares about. After its brain started functioning, it quickly accepted this state, because it had received a lot of power from its master before and felt this kind of magic.

After waking up, it realized that it was those weird enemies it needed to worry about now.

Although it doesn't know why, it feels like those guys will definitely catch up.

The wolf howl just now has exposed his position, and now he has to find a way to escape.

Wangcai withdrew his gaze and focused it on the wolves.

The wolf's night vision is very good, but what is even more powerful is its sense of smell. If the wolves run together, they will know that they will not be able to run away, so they must run separately.

But before that, some preparations need to be made.


Wangcai looked at the blood that had just fallen and dripped on the ground. It showed the cunning of a wolf and howled at the pack of wolves.

There is no language between wolves, but having been a wolf for a while, they can naturally drive them.

The gray wolves were shocked by the miracle of Wangcai's resurrection from the dead, and soon they obeyed and rolled around on the ground stained with Wangcai's blood, and then everyone dispersed and ran into the wilderness...

Wangcai's guess was correct. As soon as they left, the war wolf came here with his people.

"The blood is still very fresh, it just left." Wolf Warrior's huge figure squatted down like a hill, raised his hand and wiped the remaining blood on his fingertips.

The one-eyed wolf king also came over and sniffed the blood, then looked up into the darkness.

The effect of the potion was very obvious, and although the ritual was not completely completed, it did rob Wangcai of the wolf god's bloodline.

Its pure blood gives it a stronger recovery ability. The injuries on its body have even scabbed, and it will probably recover within a few days.

But...it is basically impossible for the right eye to grow back.

I'm afraid it will have to be known as the "One-eyed Wolf King" in the future.

Hatred fills its heart and can only be relieved by killing Wangcai.

"Don't worry, no prey can escape our pursuit." War Wolf felt the wolf king's emotions and raised his hand to stroke the wolf's head.

The ritual must be completed, and only by killing Wangcai himself can he proceed and be promoted to become a legend.

"Let's go!" War Wolf didn't stay where he was for too long, and Wangcai's arrangement was only delayed for a few minutes.

Soon Zhanlang noticed Wangcai's little move, but he couldn't hide it from him.

Because the weight is different, the footprints are different, and not only the smell of blood, but also the wolf king who has fought Wangcai can smell the smell of Wangcai.

He is not only the leader, but also the most powerful hunter in the tribe, and is also very experienced in tracking prey.

Likewise, no prey can escape One-Eyed's nose.

This was originally an unequal hunting. Wangcai, who was stopping somewhere to take a breath, quickly noticed the message coming from the air, and he knew that his plan had been seen through.

Wangcai stood up and walked towards the darkness, but after taking a few steps, he noticed something and turned around to see those guys chasing after him.

Not caring about the others, it quickly rushed into the dense forest on the side to cut off the sight of both parties. However, its footsteps suddenly slowed down at this time, and it tiptoed for fear of disturbing something.

The enemy was behind him, but Wangcai slowed down his pace. Such strange behavior revealed a strong sense of strangeness, but the dense forest provided cover for it.

War Wolf walked at the front to clear the way for the team, and he had already seen the figure of the sacrifice fleeing in embarrassment at a glance.

The one-eyed wolf king was blinded by hatred and immediately rushed forward, while Zhanlang and the others followed without hesitation.

Originally they thought it would be an easy hunt, but they overlooked one thing.

That is, there are not only robbers, bandits and cultists in the wilderness of Hamlet, but also some very interesting creatures.

When they rushed into the dense forest, the strong movement immediately alerted the "aboriginals".

These are all excellent hunters in the mountains. They felt something was wrong the moment they entered, and the wolf warriors with stronger senses also noticed something.

When they looked up, they saw countless eyes lighting up on the canopy of the dense forest, densely packed like stars.

It's just that these strange-colored "stars" reveal something bad.

In this kind of scene, even those who have seen many weird wolf warriors can't help but feel a chill.

"Get out! Get back!" Wolf Warrior had realized that this was a trap, and the expression on his face had become crazy.

It's just that it's easy to get in, but if you want to get out, you have to ask these big guys who have been thirsty for a long time.

Those giant spiders with the size of a basin and half a man's height crawled out, raised their huge tail glands, and gave a wilderness greeting to the group.

Welcome to Hamlet!

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