Our family is in decline

Chapter 360 Farm Daily

In fact, the team of about ten people, including the carts, does not take up much space. There is still more than half of the old road. If the cavalry really wants to pass by, there will be no problem at all.

But the problem is that this group of people has just suffered a loss, and there is a lot of resentment in their hearts. Moreover, they are used to being domineering. Everyone else avoided them all the way here, but you didn't avoid them. What does this mean?

The young and energetic Alvin couldn't bear the slightest grievance, and immediately rushed over, raised his hand to rein in his horse, showed his superb riding skills, and stopped directly in front of the team.

"Stop them!" Alvin raised his hand and shouted to stop the team. The stopped cavalry and horses instantly surrounded the group on the old road.

It's just that they are used to blocking old roads directly, but these refugees are unlikely to cause trouble for this reason. They would rather wait than provoke these people.

"Why don't you avoid us when you see us? Are you cultists?" Alvin rode on his horse and looked down at the strange guys, his face undisguisedly irritable.

However, when he called out, the team didn't react much. Only the leader of the cart spoke up and let out a hoarse voice.

"Because we can't see or hear..."

This may be a very ordinary statement, but to Alvin's ears, it sounded full of ridicule.

You must know that Alvin was stabbed with a pitchfork by the most despised farmer just now. Although he was not injured, his noble face was trampled under his feet. This was a slap in the face.

Now even the refugees dare to ignore me?

"Damn untouchable!" Alvin said directly to Wen Wen, raised the riding crop in his hand and swung it hard at the man.

This was not a light whip for the man in the eagle group. Alvin almost pushed himself off the horse with such force.

Not only will the skin be torn apart by this whipping, at least it will be...

But before the whip he whipped could land on the man, he was caught in the air.

Alvin didn't even react and was stunned for a moment, but the next second he burst into even more rage.

He was going to beat him to death and tell them how they should face the nobles.

But when he tried to pull back the riding crop, he found that it didn't move at all, which made him anxious and anxious.

He couldn't let go due to the issue of face, but in the confrontation of strength, no matter how hard he tried, he could not pull the riding whip back, and it was even harder to shake the person on the other end of the riding whip.

How can this be?

Alvin felt more and more that what happened after he entered Hamlet was getting weirder and weirder.

And now his strength is not as good as that of a refugee?

Young people with little social experience can easily get into trouble, but the Baron has always been calm.

Although he also had problems with not avoiding these people, after all, he was also a noble.

That's why Alvin was allowed to run wild, and it was better to let him vent his temper on other people than on himself.

But after observing, he immediately realized something was wrong, and quickly drove his horse forward to find steps for Alvin to ease the weird atmosphere.

"We are also tracking down cultists, so we naturally have to inquire about unusual people when we encounter them."

The baron stretched out his hand to hold down the horsewhip, seemingly trying to stop him, but he was also exerting force secretly, but he didn't expect that neither of them could shake the other.

Realizing that the baron's attitude suddenly changed again, his seemingly thick-browed face was also full of smiles.

"There may be some misunderstanding between everyone."

He turned around and comforted Alvin again.

"Forget it, adults. I think they really just didn't find it, and they are not cultists."

"Hmph! I'll let you go this time." Alvin was always riding a tiger but it was hard to get off, so he naturally had to get off when the Baron gave him the steps.

The man didn't dwell on the matter and let go of the riding crop, and the originally tense atmosphere seemed to relax.

But at this moment the man said something else.

"Bullying the weak by force is against the way of chivalry. If you want to go further, you must first maintain an upright mind and do good deeds..."

But before he could finish speaking, Alvin roared like a roar.

"What is your identity? How dare you teach me how to do things!"

This sentence was also a humiliation for Alvin. He was a noble, but he was lectured by a refugee.

While shouting, he wanted to pull out his sword and slash this guy.

Although the baron felt that the man's words were quite right, he could only agree with them in his heart. When he saw this, he quickly stopped Alvin and approached him to warn him.

"My lord! My lord! They are infected with the plague, don't go near them."

When Alvin heard this, a look of fear and disgust suddenly appeared on his face, and his brain, which was filled with stress and anger, gained some clarity.

Looking at those people again, he realized something. If they were really refugees who were surrounded by him, they would have cried for mercy.

But what about these people? There was no reaction at all, just like twisted and weird pieces of wood wrapped in rags, and the slightly exposed skin was twisted and fester like bark.

There is no fear or other emotions in the eyes of these same people, only deep numbness, as if they have died long ago, and what drives this "corpse" is only the pain of being tortured but not being released, and being imprisoned.

Alvin subconsciously pulled the reins and retreated. Looking at the riding crop in his hand, he quickly reacted and threw it away, as if he was afraid of contaminating something.

"Bad luck!" Alvin turned his head and greeted the cavalry, "Let's go, let's go quickly."

This anticlimactic farce ended with Alvin and the others leaving. Under certain circumstances, the disease actually became their talisman.

But no one cared, there were too many similar things along the way.

To him, those sick and weak people were far less disgusting than the malicious dislike and whispers of those nobles.

The man just silently picked up the cart and continued to move forward, as if those ascetics were carrying all the suffering in the world on their shoulders.


Hamlet's territory currently controlled by Lance actually includes the small town, three large farms cultivated outside, and the wilderness development area that continues to expand to the north.

From the beginning, the design was not a kind of barbaric development, but a large-scale farm that was planned accordingly. The three reclaimed farms were located in several directions of the town, integrating agriculture and animal husbandry, and could accommodate a thousand people.

According to the plan, the output of these farms will support the town of Hamlet, allowing it to get rid of the shackles of food and develop handicrafts, industry and commerce into a city.

But this is just a plan, and there is still a long way to go before it can be realized.

Driven by Lance's strong hand, these farms are now developing very rapidly.

The wilderness originally occupied by trees was opened up, and everyone was assigned their own tasks and managed as a team.

Logging, plowing land, herding cattle and sheep, water conservancy, composting... there are too many jobs waiting for them.

Lance also specially asked them to pay attention to some fruit trees and berry bushes, and set aside a special area for transplanting. Those that could not be moved were kept.

Many livestock were evacuated from the labor farm before it was destroyed by a fire.

After the war, these things were transferred to three farms, which further promoted the development of animal husbandry. Livestock such as chickens, pigs, cattle and sheep eat various fresh and juicy forages obtained from the cultivation, as well as some vegetables and fruits.

Lance also improved the feed formula using fishery waste, and these nutrient-rich feed supplements allowed rapid growth.

In particular, the number of chickens with a relatively short growth cycle has increased sharply after breeding. The prices of eggs and chicken have been reduced, making them affordable to everyone.

Some families can even choose to add vegetables between fish and chicken, which is something they never dared to think of before.

Select high-quality reserved seeds for cattle, sheep, and pigs for breeding, while those raised specifically for food must be fanned out. This will allow them to grow fat quietly, sleep when they are full, not go into heat and consume energy, and will not be irritable and troublesome. It can also reduce the risk of That fishy smell.

In order to promote a policy, Lance even personally taught them how to castrate those animals and provide postoperative care.

At the same time, the excrement produced by livestock cannot be used directly. It contains various eggs, bacteria, and viruses. Only after fermentation can high temperature kill the various things inside, and at the same time, the fertility is released.

After the construction of the road between the farm and the town was completed, the exchanges between the two parties became more frequent, and bullock carts continued to pass through it.

Wood, stone, wool, eggs, milk and other materials flow into the town through this road, and the town also exports some such as salt, cloth, fish, and agricultural tools.

The development of the farm is also booming!

The summer sun always wakes up very early, and there is a glimmer of light in the sky at four or five in the morning.

But earlier than the sun are the hard-working farmers, and the farm begins to come alive before dawn.

Wake up in the assigned house and eat freshly baked bread and boiled fish porridge. If you perform well at work, you will also get snacks such as eggs and milk.

After eating and drinking, another day of work began, but they all showed a very positive attitude, without the numbness and haggardness of the serfs at all.

The reason is simple, just like the preferential treatment just now, the more they work here, the better the treatment, and the faster they can become real Hamlet people and get their own land.

This cannot be false, because the number of trees is the number of trees cut down by the lumberjack, and the number of pounds of milk is the number of pounds of milk milked by the milker. These are all recorded.

Thanks to the lord's unremitting literacy campaign, everyone can still recognize simple numbers. Some policies can be understood even if they can't understand them. They cannot be distorted by others when they are preached by a dedicated person.

Anyone who wants to commit fraud will have the Ministry of Internal Affairs come to them if the numbers don’t match up.

At that time, it won't be about Daole, but about invitations to the sanatorium.

The reputation of the sanatorium has even spread here.

Of course, you can also choose to resist violently, and the troops stationed here will tell you who is the real owner here.

There is a camp built on the edge of the farm far away from the center, as well as a wooden sentry tower for sentry.

Fifty soldiers are stationed here, and they are responsible for the security of the farm, rotating every seven days.

In fact, the farm itself also has a police constable. Although the strength is definitely not comparable to that led by William in the town, the situation on the farm is actually similar. At least I haven't heard of any problems for so long.

Now everyone is on track in their lives, life is getting better day by day, and there will be no trouble or trouble under any circumstances.

So all they need to do is patrol the surrounding area, man the guard tower, and tell those on the farm who the real owner is.

The real frequent battles are those troops on duty in the northern development zone.

But in reality, fighting breaks out in the wilderness all the time, especially among crazed cultists.

The common townspeople don't know, as they are well protected by the lord and his army.

On the contrary, there were not many fierce battles on this farm. At most, there were wild beasts that came out of the wasteland, or some sporadic giant spiders.

In comparison, it's like taking a vacation, so there are only fifty people stationed in these places, while there are two hundred people in the Western Development Zone, with high-level officials in charge.

People in the military camp also woke up early to go out and complete some basic training to ensure their condition.

Then they will have breakfast in the canteen of the camp. Their food is much better than that of ordinary people.

The breads are all the same, but they are paired with large pieces of salt-fried fish, and there is unlimited supply of eggs and milk, as long as you can eat it without wasting it.

Not many people can afford this kind of treatment, even the emperor's royal guards may be at this level.

High-intensity training makes them have a bigger appetite than ordinary people, but everyone usually eats 60 to 70% of the food, because they are not new recruits anymore, and after they are used to the treatment in the military camp, they will not think that this is their last meal.

What's more important is that there will be patrols later. They must maintain their condition. Eating too much will affect their combat effectiveness.

After eating and drinking, there is still a little time. When people gather together and have nothing to do, they inevitably chat.

"I heard that they have all put on new equipment. It will be about time when we go back, right?"

"That's right, it seems like you need to put a knife on the front of the gun. How do you put it on?"

"Whatever, I heard the cavalry guys seem to be carrying pistols."

"The fucking cavalrymen are the sons of their own mothers, and all good things are given to them first. We spearmen are the sons of our stepmothers, and we are still holding this broken wooden stick."

One of the soldiers complained. It was obvious that he was a spearman and the musket was only used during daily training.

It's not that there are no muskets for them to use, but that a spear formation composed of spearmen must be used to block the enemy in order to ensure the safe output of the musketeers.

"Just be content with yourselves. The artillery has been established for so long, and they still only have one training gun."

Hearing this, the soldier who just complained about this thought that at least there was someone worse off than them, and his face suddenly laughed, and he nodded in agreement: "That's okay, at least we have a guy in our hands who has fought with the enemy. .”


The other soldiers couldn't help but laugh when they heard this, which made everyone laugh, and the camp was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

It’s really not surprising that they have such great resentment. It’s just that the horses were given to the cavalry, the armor was given to the cavalry, the new sabers were also given to the cavalry, and now they also need to be equipped with pistols.

The musketeers also have fixed ammunition, and I heard they also have bayonets.

They see that it is always their turn to update equipment. The other brothers have almost finished changing their outfits, but they are still holding the worn-out spears. When will it be their turn to get new equipment?

Thank you [If you are not crazy, you will not survive] for the 500 reward.

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