Our family is in decline

Chapter 387 Paper Tiger

"Yeah!" Alvin slashed off a cultist's head with his sword, and the blood splashed on the helmet's mask and even dyed the eyes underneath red, revealing a touch of extreme madness.

After a burst of killing, the battle gradually subsided. When he looked up and looked around, another wave of mobs turned into corpses and fell to the ground. The chaotic and bloody battlefield was disgusting, but for these knights, they had long been accustomed to it.

What they need now is not to think about those things, what they need is to rest.

Because this was not the first time they had been attacked, both men and horses looked very tired after repeated battles.

Some were quite particular, while some who were dragged off the horse sat directly on the corpse, opened their helmets, and gasped for air. Some horses even tried to chew the flesh and blood, but no one stopped them at all.

As the intensity of the battle increased, the real leader of the team, the Baron, was running around. After he finished handling the matter, he found Alvin to report.

"The situation is not serious. No one died. A few fell off their horses and were slightly injured. It's just that everyone is in a bad state. I suggest it's best to find a place to rest."

After all, these are all knights in full armor. Once they are on guard against these ordinary people, they are simply killing indiscriminately. Moreover, the number of these mobs is only twenty or thirty in one wave. Although there are many times, they cannot cause too much damage. .

But they were not afraid of death. Just after fighting the last wave, they encountered the next wave before they had gone too far. They didn't feel it at first, but after a few more attacks, they couldn't withstand it.

No matter how good the equipment is and the quality of the personnel is better, they are still human and will get tired. If this continues, the situation may slip out of control.

But Alvin's attention was not on this, instead he yelled angrily.

"Damn it! Why were our whereabouts exposed? Why do these mobs seem to be waiting for us? How did they come out? Why did they die for that lord!"

Alvin roared wildly to vent the anger in his heart, but what made him even more unbearable was that those untouchables who should be honest would actually take up arms to resist him and stop him.

The determination of those mobs to defend Hamlet to the death plunged him into the vast war of Hamlet's people.

At least that's what he felt.

The Baron remained silent. It would be better not to provoke Alvin now, and wait until he vents his anger first.

To be honest, he had a similar feeling and couldn't understand how these civilians dared?

And how could his intentions be revealed?

Or was it that the news that the cult and barbarians were attacking Hamlet had been released, and they all came to the rescue spontaneously?

The confusion of various thoughts made it difficult for him to sort out for a while...

That's right, because the main attack is in Hamlet Town and the outpost, the cultists who can come to trouble them are ordinary believers, and they have not identified themselves, which makes it easy for Alvin and the others to misunderstand.

In fact, it is very simple. In the eyes of the ancestors, they are all outsiders. It is not good to know too much. The Ascension Sect will not be able to see the light after all.

What's more, the senior leaders of the Ascension Sect are eager to bring hatred to Lance and make him take the blame.

The best thing is to let a fight between the two territories delay Lance's pace and buy more time for the Ascension Sect's actions.

"Do we really have no chance?" Alvin gradually calmed down after venting. He looked into the distance and found that the smoke column had long since dissipated.

A sense of frustration suddenly emerged in my heart: "I want to kill the thief, but I can't save him."

They saw the plume of smoke rising into the sky early in the morning and knew it was a sign of Hamlet's attack.

They are eager to rush over, whether they want a piece of the pie or for whatever reason.

However, they encountered so many suicide attacks along the way. Although their losses were not serious, their combat status was completely exhausted.

And it has been so long that they are not sure of the specific situation.

"We will rest first, and then send a small group of flexible troops to collect intelligence ahead. We will make a decision based on the situation anyway."

Seeing Alvin calm down, the Baron quickly found the most reasonable solution to the current situation.

He knew that Alvin would never give up just like that, but it would be good as long as he could be persuaded and everyone could take a break.

Alvin was anxious, but he also knew that if he continued, the team's condition would break up.

"Take a rest! Send out a reconnaissance." As he said this, Alvin seemed to remember something and his temper exploded again and he yelled: "Damn guy, ruined my big job!"

The baron just breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing the way Alvin picked up the sword, he felt that he was going to kill someone if he didn't leave.

Knowing that he was talking about the little leader of the Eagle Group, he acted rashly, resulting in the death of one member of the Eagle Group.

Otherwise, how could they be attacked if the eagles were arranged around them?

But just when he was about to give instructions, a hovering figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

The baron couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw this. He finally persuaded him...

"Teacher! Look!" Alvin shouted quickly as if he had grasped something key.

This forced the baron to take out his bird whistle and call the falcon down.

"No information." After checking the falcon, the baron was a little strange. Logically speaking, there should be a subpoena before releasing the bird.

He soon realized something, "Did something happen too?"

"Is it possible that the situation is too urgent? For example, the barbarians have captured the town?" Alvin had a thoughtful look on his face, but he made a judgment hastily without any calmness, "No, I have to go there!"

Alvin was never willing to give in. He did not allow himself to fail. Young people always refuse to admit defeat. They want to seize every hope.

"In this way, teacher, you can take the large army to rest here, and I will lead the small team to go up to reconnaissance."

"No!" This was the first time the baron refused forcefully when he heard this. If something happens to you, we will all be buried with you.

"Teacher, let me rush again!"

Alvin didn't care about his identity at this moment. The young man's arrogance was clearly displayed in him. He didn't want to go back in despair.

"Alas~" Of course the baron knew what he was thinking, and he also knew that he could not stop Alvin. In the end, he could only sigh helplessly, turned to look at the knights and issued orders.

"keep going!"

After hearing this, the knights felt a little depressed, but in the end they didn't complain, they just silently put on their helmets and got up on their horses.

They have been selected and trained since childhood, and their families are all in Bastia. It can be said that the relevant interests are also bound to the Bastia family, and they can be called die-hard loyalists.

This is the core of the imperial aristocratic system. Binding with interests is the most stable. It makes sense that it can run for so many years.

But things were not that simple. The evil baron did it, and then whispered a reminder in Alvin's ear.

"Adults should encourage brothers."

Alvin is an orthodox knight, and he has systematically learned fighting as part of his training. When morale is low, there are many ways to do it, but he prefers the most direct one.

"Everyone will be rewarded with ten gold coins when they return home. I will personally deliver the pension for those who died in battle to your doorstep. Your children will also be able to join the family's training camp and become knights' retinue."

Alvin knew that it would be impossible without bleeding, and it was impossible to make others sacrifice their lives with empty words.

Although he did not hold power, he was still the son of the Earl, and he had some channels for getting money. Five hundred gold coins seemed to others to be an exaggerated sum of money, but Alvin didn't care about this.

How is money as important as territory? Moreover, these are his own team members, and he must win them over.

The hard work on the mission is rewarded handsomely.

Driven by the gold coins, the team quickly regrouped, and although their morale was not very high, it also recovered a lot.

Although the smoke had dissipated, the team continued to set off in that direction.

I don’t know why, but there were no more mob attacks on the rest of the way. This made Alvin even more excited to think that this must be Hamlet’s emptiness, and now is the time for them to appear.

The cavalry's agility was shown without stopping them, and soon they passed through the forest and arrived at the outskirts of the farm.

Looking across the clearing, he took in the entire farm.

"Humph! Is this Hamlet?" Alvin's expression showed undisguised disgust after seeing the farm, "What kind of lord is a shabby place like this?"

"That's not right... isn't Hamlet at the beach?" The baron was a little confused. Even if the map was inaccurate, it shouldn't be so far off, right?

However, he still found something. Logically, there should be farmers going out for activities at this time, but now he didn't see anyone going out. This familiar feeling was evidence of the attack by the barbarians.

But before he could react, Alvin rode out.

"Kill the barbarians and save Hamlet!" After saying that, he drew his sword and roared, "Follow me!"

At this time, the baron didn't care so much and could only lead the knights to follow.

To be honest, neither he nor the cavalry came from Bastia, so they naturally didn't have much fear of the rural-like place ahead.

They might not be able to attack a city, but attacking a small village like this that doesn't even have an earthen wall would be easy.

Fifty heavily armed cavalrymen did not hide their presence on the plains, and charged directly towards the farm.

The sound of the horses' hooves hitting the ground became more intense, and even the ground felt trembling. The formation was also very neat, proving that they were all well-trained cavalry.

At this time, everyone in the farm also noticed the cavalry coming.

"Sir, let's let them in and arrange them on the street..." Leonard wanted to replicate Lance's tactics of exterminating bandits at that time, introducing those knights into the farm, and then restricting their movements.

"The bandits don't have horses. They charge on horseback. And why did I choose the central square of the town in the first place? It's because there are strong enough masonry buildings there. On the other hand, here they are all made of wood and soil and will collapse in a rush. If I fight them here, no matter whether I win or lose. All I get will be a ruin.”

Lance looked at the knights rushing over without any fear, "They are cavalry, and so are we. Why don't we dare to go up and fight?"

Leonard didn't know what to say when he heard this. Although Hamlet's cavalry killed those robbers and bandits, cutting melons and vegetables, it was based on the advantages of equipment and training.

But once faced with these heavily armored knights, who even wear armor on their horses, they are obviously inferior to each other in terms of experience and equipment. If they go head-to-head...

Reason tells him that he cannot win.

But if the lord says to do it, then do it!

"I see!"

"When I said we had a chance to fight with them, I didn't tell you to go head-to-head with them and use our advantages." Lance was not stupid. How could he not see that these tin cans were difficult to chew? "This battle is not easy to fight. It seems I have to get out!"

Leonard quickly summoned the resting cavalry, and Lance looked at them.

What he wore was just a simple breastplate that could only protect his body. It was actually just a few pieces of iron riveted on the leather. The helmet he wore on his head was even more crude. The rough surface didn't even have time to be polished carefully.

Their body shape and height also appear to be thin, and the rigorous training has made their skin tanned, making them look unremarkable at all.

The quality of those horses also varied, and they were allotted to them first after many selections.

When the two stand together, they look very different, and the formation looks even more serious.

Compared with the exquisite full-body armor and tall and strong horses of those knights, the cavalry that Hamlet put together with so much effort looked like clowns.

But Lance didn't think so. He felt the strength in these soldiers. No one whispered to each other, no one was awry, they all straightened their bodies, showing their high morale.

"I can tell you that this time the enemies are not robbers and bandits, nor those cultists, but real knights. They were selected by the nobles at a very young age to become knight retinues. After a long period of training, they are qualified to wear those knights. A suit of armor.

They are experienced, they are well-equipped, and they are powerful, but they are our enemies! They want to invade Hamlet, they want to kill us, take away everything I gave you, and make our family, friends, and companions familiar people into slaves.

I will never allow this to happen again in Hamlet's land. Even if the enemy is more powerful than us, I will never give in! "

Lance's words aroused their anger. Who here has not been bullied?

They finally lived alone, and now someone wants to take everything away from them.

But anger wasn't enough, Lance needed them to wake up.

"Many people think we can't win, but I disagree. I will use this battle to tell you that those noble armies are not invincible. They are paper tigers that look scary, but they will fall if we blow hard."

Lance's true intention was revealed in these words. It was not the fifty knights he wanted to charge towards, but the aristocratic system they represented behind them.

Sooner or later, Hamlet's development will have to confront those guys. Lance must break the invincible reputation of the nobles, tell the army with reality, and tear off this layer of tiger skin.

He will lead these guys, whom they call untouchables, to defeat them today!

Thank you【20200616092418658】100 reward

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