Our family is in decline

Chapter 388 What era are you in?

"I will be with you in this battle."

"After this battle, I will choose my personal guards."

It was not unusual for the lord to fight with them, and every time the lord would charge forward as the leader.

But what the latter sentence meant was exciting enough for them, and the Guards, which had been rumored for a long time, finally started recruiting.

There is no need to talk about financial benefits at all, because the lord has already arranged it. The real key is the qualification to join the Guards.

Facing the fears of a knight?

That was not the case at all. On the contrary, the soldiers began to become a little restless, and they were eager to prove themselves.

Leonard was silent on the side, and just the gesture of holding the sword tightly represented his attitude.

Wherever the lord pointed, that was the direction in which he charged.

"Mount your horse! Prepare to fight."

Feeling the sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer, Lance stopped talking nonsense. No matter how much he said, it would not be as effective as the educational effect of the facts.

The cavalry mounted their horses and followed Lance and Leonard out of the farm to face the menacing enemy...

For Alvin, this journey was too frustrating. He was teased by barbarians but did not dare to go up and attack with all his strength. He was attacked by cultists inexplicably, and even those untouchables dared to attack them.

And as the charging speed became faster and faster, Alvin only felt that his heart became more and more happy. Now what kind of lord should be trembling when he sees this kind of battle?

He couldn't wait to rush in, drag the hiding lord out of the arms of the maid, humiliate him and then kill him, telling those untouchables that they were loyal to such a loser, otherwise it would be difficult to vent his anger at being blocked by the untouchables.

Alvin couldn't help but get excited as he seemed to think of something exciting.

But at this moment, he saw a troop on horseback running out of the farm building, directly interrupting his fantasy.

The baron also noticed this, and his expression became solemn.

Can ordinary people afford to keep cavalry? As a baron, he could only raise ten knights and ten retinues.

Doesn’t it mean that Hamlet has declined? Why is there actually a large number of cavalry here? What happened to Hamlet?

When these cavalry appear, it means two things. The barbarians are either dead or have run away.

And obviously, based on the Baron's understanding of Wolf Warriors and the others, there is a high probability that they would have withdrawn. Otherwise, they would have remained organized even after being attacked by that group of barbarians. That would be something that he would not be sure of.

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

"Be careful!"

"Hahaha! The teacher is too cowardly." Alvin was stunned for a moment at first, but when he saw the tattered equipment on the cavalry, he immediately laughed out loud and roared with a strong sense of superiority.

"Just dozens of cavalry, let me defeat them with one strike!"

To a certain extent, Alvin's attitude also represents the attitude of these knights. They all grew up step by step from the knight's retinue. It is natural for them to face these cavalry who seem to have pieced together secondary armor and do not even have a lance. Disdainful.

Why do you dare to confront me?

Watch me kill you in one round.

"Change the lance! Prepare to charge!" Alvin roared a command. To be honest, there are indeed very few nobles who dare to lead a charge now, let alone him going into battle to kill the enemy at such a young age.

Changing weapons before the battle is a very difficult action. Generally speaking, you should stop to change weapons, but they were able to complete it in an orderly manner with only a slight slowdown. At the same time, they completed the transformation of the charging horizontal array, which shows that these knights are highly skilled.

The previous battles were actually affected by various terrains and did not show their true strength at all, but now the charge on this flat ground has become more and more fierce.

No wonder he has the confidence to dare to say that he wants to defeat the enemy in one round.

On the other hand, the cavalry on Lance's side stopped after rushing out of the farm. The horizontal array began to deform. Lance in the middle did not move, and the cavalry protruded orderly to both sides.

They formed an unusual V-shaped array towards the charging knight, as if they were opening a pocket and waiting to put the knight in it.

But the thin layer of the pocket might be directly punctured, right?

Seeing the charge coming, Hamlet's cavalry on the opposite side were still able to hold their own in the face of this situation. When the baron saw this situation, his expression under his helmet became even more solemn.

Even the most elite barbarian warriors in the mountains would be confused when faced with a knight charge, but why can these guys be so calm?

This is definitely not a quality that ordinary soldiers can have. The baron didn't know why he had a bad feeling in his heart.

However, the distance between the two sides had already reached fifty yards under the charge, and he could only hold on to the lance as he could not catch the enemy in an instant.

But the next second he saw that all the cavalrymen raised their muskets...

baron:? ? ?

"One hundred and fifty...one hundred and thirty...one hundred!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Lance estimated the distance and shouted when the knights stepped within a hundred yards.


The cavalrymen directly took out their long-loaded muskets from the side and raised their guns to face the knights.

You don't even need to aim, just roughly determine the location and pull the trigger. Instantly, a series of gunshots and smoke rise.

Why choose this V shape? It is to cover the knight formation in front with cross fire and maximize the power of the musket.

The whizzing projectiles crashed into the knight's formation, and there was a dense crackling sound like fried beans, which was immediately covered by the sound of horse hooves.

But it cannot hide the results.

Several of those indestructible knights fell down directly. Some were hit, but more often those war horses suddenly went crazy after being hit, and their charging momentum was interrupted and they were shaken down.

Those who were lucky enough to roll over and unload their strength stood up again, but most of them were hit hard on the ground, and some who were unlucky enough to be kicked by horses made them howl in agony.

Alvin only felt a heavy blow on his chest, but fortunately the armor on his body was not ordinary equipment. Although it left an obvious dent, it successfully blocked the lead bullet.

Lance put down the gun calmly, as if he wasn't surprised that the target he was aiming at didn't fall.

He took the knight's armor to test the power of the musket. The knight's armor with a thickness of two millimeters could easily withstand the musket at a distance of 150 yards. Within 100 yards, the probability of penetration depends on where it hits.

You must know that although these muskets are standard guns, they are also produced by the Totnes College workshop, and they themselves are equipped with this type.

Lance has improved the gunpowder. After the gunpowder is granulated, its power increases. Only then can it be sure to penetrate armor and cause damage within a hundred yards.

But if it encounters extraordinary power, its power may be greatly reduced.

The Cavaliers suffered some losses, but the formation was still intact. Before Lance could react further, the charge had covered fifty yards.

And the baron couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The musket only needs a long time to load once it fires, and this distance obviously won't.


Following Lance's call, the soldiers put down their muskets and drove their horses to spread out from the two wings.

Lance led one group, and Leonard led the other group, directly moving out of their charging position. It seemed that they had no intention of confronting them head-on.

The heavy knights, who were fully armed and weighed perhaps a ton in total with their horses and men, were hard to stop when they charged forward. Faced with Lance's sudden change of formation, those knights had no time to turn around in a short period of time and were already caught between them. .

At this time, when the knights wanted to turn their horses, the soldiers on both sides took out their pistols.

baron:? ? ?

However, Lance and the others didn't care about this, and there was another round of gunshots. The power of the short barrel was destined to be inferior to that of the long barrel, but if they were hit within a distance of twenty yards, even a pistol would be powerful enough to tear the armor.

However, the charging knights were not defenseless. They put up shields with their left hands to block them. After the bullets tore through the shields, they no longer had the ability to cause more damage.

But Marco had no shield, and the armor he was wearing was pierced by bullets and he struggled violently. Several unlucky guys also fell in this round.

At the same time, the remaining charge still took them away from the situation where the left and right wings were surrounded.

The baron was not shot at the beginning, but the series of shootings made him feel extremely aggrieved.

The knight can die on the way to charge, but he must not fall like this.

It can only be said that these are indeed elites. This situation has not been able to defeat them, but they have begun to spread out to both sides to find soldiers for a decisive battle.

But at this time, Lance and Leonard gathered together to bite the tails of the knights and charge. It was absolutely impossible for them to turn around easily.

Then a very strange scene appeared. Alvin and the others were originally charging towards Lance, but now it was Lance who was chasing Alvin and the others.

The positions of the two were reversed, as if they were chasing the fleeing enemy.

It's a pity that not many people saw such a funny scene, because Alvin and the others finally opened a wide arc in the open space and attacked Lance and the others.

The lance is indeed very powerful when charging, condensing nearly a ton of power on one point. If it is poked, it is basically hopeless. Even the elite barbarians led by the warriors are overwhelmed in an instant.

This is why Lance did not confront them. He knew that the cavalry on his side could not bear it.

But with the operation just now, their charge was resolved, and once they were not given a chance to charge, the bulky lance would be a burden because it was difficult to attack at close range.

So basically those knights put down their lances and drew out their swords.

And the knights among them, even the calmest baron, are filled with anger. They want to give these country bumpkins a taste...

Then the baron saw the soldiers insert the pistols into the gun bags on the horse's back and draw out the sabers with their right hands.

Just when the baron thought there was going to be a battle between knights, he saw the soldiers pulling out a new gun in their left hand.

baron:? ? ?

No...are you still coming?

What about the promised Cavaliers duel? You actually don’t respect martial ethics!

Lance noticed that they were gaining momentum, and seemed to guess their mood and couldn't help but grin an arrogant smile.

What era are you in, and you are still playing traditional charge?

He took out the bone knife [Wolf Fang] with his right hand, took out a pistol with his left hand and rushed forward.

These cavalrymen learned tactics, formations, and riding skills from Leonard.

Learned the saber from Patton.

Learned to fight with two hands from Disma.

Lance equipped each of these cavalrymen with two pistols, a long-barreled musket, and a saber suitable for chopping.

When encountering enemies, shoot them with spears first. The barrage formed by fifty people is enough to take away some enemies. Even if they cannot be killed, they can only be weakened by being injured.

Wait until you get within fifty yards before using the pistol. There is basically no need to aim at this distance, and ordinary knight armor cannot withstand it. If it can withstand it, the kinetic energy carried by the lead bullet will interrupt the action.

After these two rounds of gun fire, the enemy's rhythm has basically been disrupted. Only at this time did he draw his saber and charge into the formation.

The third shot on the left hand was shot close to the face. No one could withstand it. Basically, one shot at a time.

These three axes were specially designed by Lance for cultists to concentrate their firepower to weaken the enemy, and then go up to kill them.

This series of tactical arrangements directly weakened the knights by at least a dozen, and at the same time interrupted the rhythm of their charge.

Hamlet's cavalry, who was waiting for work, faced the heavily armed knights, and the two battle formations collided instantly...

Lance, the bone knife obtained by sacrificing the wolf, only had two characteristics: [sharpness] and [armor-piercing] visible on the panel.

But the real power shown shocked him.

Faced with a knight who rushed toward him angrily, Lance raised his hand and fired a shot, and the man raised his shield directly in front of him.

These shields are covered with a layer of two millimeters of iron, with wooden boards behind them to provide support and cushioning. Some of the more delicate shields also add leather as padding. Only shields made of these composite materials can be lightweight and have sufficient protection. force.

The bullet fired by Lance penetrated the shield, and the wood behind it smashed into pieces and scattered, but the bullet also lost its power.

However, while the knight was raising his shield to defend, Lance also took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward.

As he passed by, the blade fell on the shield and cut into it effortlessly like chopping leaves, directly cutting the knight off his horse.

Lance glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that the shield in the man's hand was cut open, the arm holding the shield was also cut off, and the knight armor on his body also revealed a huge gap, almost cutting off the whole person.

Damn it! How terrifying!

Lance had guessed that this legendary weapon would be very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

But in the next second, the [Wolf Fang] disappeared from Lance's hand. At the same time, the musket in his left hand turned into a shield, and the one held in his right hand turned into a war hammer and entered it.

The shield deflected the incoming sword, then approached and struck the knights with a hammer.

Those knights tried to raise their shields to resist, but it was useless under Lance's violent power.

The shield exploded the moment it came into contact with the hammer head. Unable to stop it, it hit the armor and sunk inward. Even after withstanding such force, the whole person flew straight away from the horse as if he had been hit by a dump truck.

This is the power of becoming a champion!

Additional updates (4/5)

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