Our family is in decline

Chapter 393 Flesh and Flesh Casting

Barristan, who was sinking, suddenly felt something strange, as if a hand suddenly grabbed him, and then fought against the sinking force, and even gained the upper hand.

The heavy body no longer sinks, and the strong pressure from all directions gradually disappears. There is no longer that sense of suffocation...

Barristan opened his one eye suddenly and took a big breath of air. Blood flowed through his body like a torrent, constantly flushing his brain, bringing unprecedented clarity.

"You did it, you held the position and led the soldiers to victory!"

"I did it..." Barristan came back to his senses after hearing the familiar voice. This time he finally did not disappoint everyone.

"But it's not time to rest yet. Hamlet needs you, and I need you too." As he spoke, Lance stretched out his hand towards Barristan.

When Barristan saw the lord reaching out to him by the bed, he raised his hand to grab it, and a firm force pulled him up from the bed.

In the past, this old bone would have been a little painful when getting up, but now there was nothing strange.

An unspeakable expression appeared on Barristan's face, and he felt that his body was no longer dilapidated, but instead filled with unimaginable vitality.

The young and wasted physical talent seems to have been awakened, and the energetic body can finally support the experience accumulated in countless battles.

"We may die, but not today because our mission is not yet complete."

"That's right!" A determined look appeared on Barristan's slightly older face, "The big plan is not over yet, I can't just fall down like this."

Barristan recovered quickly. When he picked up the shield and the Morning Star Hammer, the unyielding veteran was back.

The repair and strengthening of the body only affects the body. Without the support of faith, no matter how powerful it is, it is nothing more than a walking corpse.

When he reaffirmed his faith and took up arms again, it was at this moment that Barristan, who stood firm on the front line, truly stepped into the realm of a master!

They are not a feudal army of nobles. There is no such thing as a noble who will become a headless fly once he dies.

There is a formal process in Hamlet's army. When Barristan falls, there are still two squadron captains to take over. When the two squadron captains are gone, there are still squad captains to take over. All subsequent processing does not fall into chaos.

And Lance also got the current situation of the outpost from those soldiers.

Eleven soldiers died and 86 were injured, of which more than 20 were seriously injured and had been rescued by Lance.

But there are only a hundred soldiers stationed here. Basically, excluding the sacrificed ones, most of the living people are injured.

These were not simple data for him. Lance had just come from the temporary hospital. He saw with his own eyes the soldiers groaning in pain under the torture of their injuries. When the wounds were sutured, they screamed in agony because there was no anesthesia. Wailing, and some are now in nightmares because their brains are not very clear due to the influence of evil magic.

They are just ordinary people, they get hurt, feel pain, and have fear.

And those eleven soldiers who died, whose sons were they? Whose brother? Whose lover? Whose father?

Hamlet's safety and stability did not come out of thin air, but the soldiers used their bodies to block threats.

Their sacrifice should not be forgotten... That would be the greatest betrayal to him and to Hamlet.

"I understand...get ready, I will bring them here, I will take them home..."

Lance's emotions were a little heavy, and he didn't know how to face the families of those soldiers who sacrificed their lives.

It wasn't a matter of money, he just felt the growing pressure on his shoulders.

When he chose to develop, it was purely to better fight against his ancestors. These people were the pawns in the game between him and his ancestors, no different from the heirs in the game.

But as things develop, things get more and more complicated...

Compared to his ancestor, this desperate world puts more pressure on him.

Lance didn't know if he had the ability to change the world, but it was clear that his ancestor was in front of him.

From the follow-up report, Lance learned that several outstanding soldiers emerged from this battle.

Sharpshooter Barrett and Bomb Boy Sobret performed particularly well, and both had a clear impact on the battle.

"Okay!" A smile finally appeared on Lance's face as he looked at the battle report.

Very good, the seeds that have been planted for so long have not only sprouted, but there are also a few plants that are growing very well. It is not in vain that he invested so much.

Lance was also very interested when he learned that the monster was not completely dead, but left behind a piece of meat and the strange staff of the cult caster.

Soon he went there in person and saw Geralt and the two things he was guarding.

"Without you, I'm afraid these soldiers would have died. I thank you on their behalf."

If Barristan withstood the monster's charge, the battle line stabilized and did not collapse.

Then Geralt stared at the cult's spell caster and interrupted the key evil spell.

Others may not realize the importance of this, but Lance understands the horror in it. If it is still as powerful as knocking down a high wall, basically one blow can wipe out all the soldiers present.

The only ones left standing at the scene were probably Geralt and Junia, because the others were ordinary people, and without the power brought by extraordinary talents, it was naturally difficult to resist the evil spell that directly hit the soul.

Fortunately, it was interrupted, the power was weakened, and the distance was widened. Most people were just disturbed by the escaping power.

But even so, many of the wounded soldiers have fallen into despair and are still looking sluggish, and they don't know when they will recover.

It makes sense to be in awe of the supernatural, and not everyone can ignore it as directly as he does.

Not to mention that Geralt fought alone among the cultists without getting hurt.

It can only be said that those who are good at fighting have no great achievements.

"This is what I should do." Geralt also felt a little embarrassed when facing such an enthusiastic Lance.

Since he has accepted this task, he will do his best to complete it. This is his creed.

To be honest, compared to this, he was more surprised when he saw the power of the soldiers who held the defense line and drove the cultists out of the outpost.

"Stop talking, add more money. You and Junia will be paid forty plus forty to make up for fifty."

When Geralt heard this, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion for such a straightforward employer. He just added money when asked, and the amount was quite a lot.

The two of them took over this garrison mission, and the seven-day reward was ten gold coins. They split it into five gold coins, and now it has been doubled five times.

"Come on Junia, this is yours, and this one belongs to Geralt." Lance was not short of money, so he took out two bags of gold coins and settled the payment on the spot.

Junia was still in a daze because of the gold coins that were so heavy that she could hold them in both hands.

But Geralt noticed something was wrong. The money was far more than twenty-five gold coins, and he immediately raised doubts.

"Is this too much money?"

"Is your calculation correct? If you two add forty to ten, wouldn't it mean that each of you is fifty?"

Lance's casual words almost broke Geralt's defense.

So is this the ideological gap between myself and Brother Fu?

But Lance didn't care about this. He was rich but not a fool. Geralt's performance was indeed crucial and definitely worth the price.

Not to mention that this trip was very fruitful, and Lance was not short of money.

"Leave this to me, you two go and take a rest first."

After sending the two of them away, the two wooden boxes that Geralt carefully guarded were opened, and the contents inside were revealed to Lance.

An irregular piece of meat almost filled the box. Once opened, there was an unpleasant stench.

The exposed bones were burnt black and tangled in the molten muscles. The charred surface cracked at this time, and fresh flesh and blood could be seen growing out of the flesh seams, as if they were still alive.

Inside another box is a withered arm, only the upper part of which can be roughly seen, because the lower part of the forearm and the palm have grown together with a weird staff, and the flesh and blood veins on the staff are connected to a In a closed eyeball.

There is a very clear boundary between the dry arm and the staff, but they are held tightly.

Both of these things are very strange, so it’s no wonder they need to be isolated and put under Geralt’s guard.

Lance couldn't help but frowned when he looked at these two things. Does this thing have research value?

Maybe, but this is definitely not an area that I should cover.

Knowing the strangeness of his ancestor's power, Lance didn't want others to come into contact with these things, so he simply reached out and sacrificed the two items.

The monster's flesh dissolved in the fire was swallowed by the void, and the gift returned was a trace of flesh and blood power, as well as a large amount of spirituality.

This is not surprising to Lance. It's not like he has never sacrificed these "seeded players" before.

But when it came to the next thing, something strange happened.

The power of the void engulfed him, and the eyeballs on the staff suddenly opened open. There was still some movement without the influence of external force, as if struggling to resist the power.

But it disappeared in the end. The strange thing was that the arm holding the staff instantly turned into powder and fell. The arm drained of spirituality was obviously not included in the scope of sacrifice.

Under normal circumstances, gifts are returned very quickly, and there will only be a slight delay when equipment is exploded.

So instead of being anxious, Lance was looking forward to it.

Soon a ball of flesh and blood the size of a child's fist was vomited out of the void. The surface was crisscrossed with ravines and irregularly covered with blood-red nerves and blood vessels. There was also a closed one eye on it, revealing a deep sense of strangeness. breath.

Once it fell into his hands, Lance got the information from the panel, but this thing made him a little uncomfortable.

So much information poured into his mind that even Lance had to sort through it a little to understand what it was.

【Flesh Casting】

A way to make extraordinary equipment. Just hearing the name, you know that the content is full of pictures that cannot be described.

However, just like the special and weird casting ceremony, the equipment cast in this way will also show a very special effect.

That means this piece of equipment is "alive".

Since the equipment created using this method is alive, it naturally has characteristics that ordinary equipment does not have.

It can be shaped according to the user's wishes, has the ability to grow, and can repair itself if it is damaged, etc.

However, growth means that it needs a steady stream of "feeding". As can be seen from the name, what is fed is naturally flesh and blood.

To put it simply, it involves devouring flesh and blood to complete the strengthening of equipment, as well as self-repair. It can be seen at a glance that it is the style of the ancestor.

Now that this staff appears, it means that the ancestor has succeeded, but this thing fell into his hands. All we can say is...

Thank you ancestor for sharing, good people may live a safe life.

And the thing in Lance's hand now is the finished product of [Flesh and Flesh Casting].

It's just that under the power transformation of the panel, Lance does not need to perform those rituals and pay all kinds of messy prices and sacrifices.

He only needs to use this flesh ball to create a piece of extraordinary equipment with the characteristics of flesh and blood casting.

It's just that this big deal is not that simple. Don't forget that the gifts of sacrifice are always equal.

The core that Lance obtained has been modified to remove its growth potential. The basic material used for this prop will determine the quality of the forged weapon.

However, the self-healing characteristic has been preserved, and it also retains certain special abilities.

Lance played with the core in his hand and couldn't decide for a while. He could only put it away and study it slowly when he had time.

As soon as he walked out, he found that Leonard had brought the cavalry over, and at the same time he brought information about the two camps.

In the battle hall of the outpost, Lance was a little surprised for a while when he listened to the reports from the few people Leonard brought back.

This is too loyal!

But no matter what the situation is, there are no major problems at either camp, and the progress of the wilderness development area will not be affected, which is a good thing.

"You did a good job." Lance looked at the four key people, "Tell me, what reward do you want?"

"I want to join the army!" The young man who discovered the cultist's identity didn't hesitate much.

Their family was kidnapped and attacked by a convoy on the old road, so they were thrown here to do a labor camp.

Although most of the people here were implicated, Lance was too lazy to care about it at the time. He just packed it up and took it away when he needed labor.

However, there is also an extra record on these people's files, which makes it difficult to pass inspection.

Ordinary refugees can actually join Hamlet after three to one year of labor inspection, depending on the situation.

But these people don't exist. Lance is kind by letting them live, so even if he tries his best to show off, he can only act like a security guard.

And now he wants to seize this opportunity!

"Why?" Lance did not agree generously, but looked at him and asked.

Their background is not clean. For meritorious service, they can be pardoned, rewarded with money, or given a better job, but if they want to join the army...

"Because the only way to change your destiny is to become a soldier."

This answer made everyone on the field feel a little strange, but people in the army like Leonard and Barristan felt offended.

People who want to use the army as a stepping stone are not qualified to join the army with this purpose!

Thank you【20190630232115919】100 reward

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