Our family is in decline

Chapter 392 He did it!

In fact, after the Wolf Warrior was killed by Lance, the actions of the cultists began to subside. When Bastia's knights were defeated, they disappeared.

The Ascension Sect is actually not stupid. They originally wanted to use the Wolf Warriors and the Knights of Bastia to not only destroy, but at least suppress the development of Hamlet.

But now the Wolf Warriors failed to kill Lance, and the Knights were defeated by the cavalry.

When Lance, the top combat force, and Hamlet's only mobile force were liberated, no matter how stupid the Ascension Sect was, they understood that their opportunity had quietly slipped away.

So for the people in Hamlet Town and Outpost, those cultists appeared inexplicably and disappeared inexplicably, leaving only the mess.

But they held on, and the bodies lying on the ground proved they were worthy of the lord's trust.

However, the Ascension Sect is not at a loss, all the sacrifices are worth it, because God is very satisfied with this grand sacrificial ceremony.

All the Ascended Cultists have received rewards, their strength has been improved, and they are one step closer to ascension.

If there are victims in this conspiracy, they are only the Wolf Fang Tribe and Bastia.

And where is Lance?

He chased back the cultists who were killed by the Knights, and then rushed back without stopping.

At this time, Leonard also led the cavalry to inspect two other farms and was attacked by some cultists. However, because of Lang Yan's vigilance and not being in the main attack of the Ascension Sect, they were blocked by the militia organized by the soldiers who stayed behind.

The two sides then reunited and returned to the town of Hamlet with news of their victory.

The situation on the frontline battlefield spread throughout the town with the shouts of those cavalrymen.

The Knights of Bastia and the barbarians invaded Hamlet, but were defeated by the lord's cavalry.

The chaos they bring will be ended by the lord!

The people burst into intense excitement, and the joy of victory dispelled the gloom that filled the town.

However, Lance did not indulge in the cheers of the people. After confirming that everything was okay in the town, he continued to head north without delaying at all.

Lance went to the outpost alone, while Leonard led the cavalry to two camps.

Then when he arrived, he saw the high wall that had been destroyed by something. You must know that although this is not as thick and strong as the city wall, it is also a war fortress left over from Hamlet's heyday.

It was a thick wall made of large pieces of masonry, with gaps filled with filling material. Even a trebuchet might not be able to break it open in one or two hits.

But now there is such a gap. What kind of terrifying power is this? Anyway, Lance knew very well that he was not capable.

The arrogance that had arisen from killing the wolf and being promoted to the champion instantly dissipated, and he felt an inexplicable awe of the world, and even more awe of the extraordinary.

But even this outpost was not breached, and Lance could see the soldiers stationed in the distance.

What loyalty this is!

Lance did not take the main entrance, but walked directly up through the gap and stepped onto the ruins of the battlefield.

The corpse should have been roughly cleaned, but some pieces of meat could be seen still stuck in the gaps between the collapsed masonry and difficult to remove. The blood spilled on it almost dyed the entire gap blood red, and as it dried and solidified, it turned dark red.

There were also many black spots caused by explosions and fires, and the stench of burning mixed with the strong smell of blood was still difficult to dissipate.

When Lance walked up to the ruins, he saw the soldiers busy among them. Their faces were haggard and visibly weak. They had a strong smell of gunpowder smoke due to repeated shooting, and even half of their faces were blackened.

There was no time to clean up the blood stains on his body, both from the enemy and his own. He simply wrapped a bandage and returned to the position.

"I...I..." Lance opened his mouth to tell them that he was finally here, but looking at them, his lips were trembling and it was difficult to say.

Lance didn't know what happened here, but he knew the price they paid to keep it here.

He knew the battle was over and he was too late...

However, his figure was quickly discovered by the soldiers.

"Lord Lord!"

"It's the adults who are here!"

"grown ups……"

Lance's mood was quite heavy when he saw the situation here, and the pressure caused by a series of events today made him particularly agitated.

He thought the soldiers would be disappointed in him, but what Lance expected did not happen.

When they saw him arriving, they all had smiles on their faces, pure and simple, and even a little silly when paired with their embarrassed looks... cute and silly.

That's not the innocence of not having read a book, but trust, firmness, and hope...

They were very happy that they had defended the outpost, lived up to their trust in the lord, and did not let those enemies harm Hamlet.

They did it, and no one regretted it even if they paid a huge price.

After seeing this scene, Lance suddenly understood something.

It's not that you need me, it's that I need you.

The negative emotions accumulated in his heart quickly dissipated, and Lance couldn't help but smile on his face, and shouted encouragement to them.

"You guys did a great job talking!"

"You are my pride!"

Lance's appearance brought encouragement to the solemn atmosphere at the outpost. Amidst his shouts, everyone felt their fatigue subside, and instead strength emerged from their bodies.

However, Lance did not stay here too long, but came to the temporary field hospital immediately.

He guessed that the casualties here would be serious, but when he really walked in, he realized that the situation was worse than he imagined.

There were no more hospital beds. Only those who were seriously injured were entitled to lie on the bed. Those who were lighter could only sit on the side. Soldiers were constantly busy and even they themselves were injured. The strong smell of blood lingered in it and was difficult to dissipate.

At this time, the medical soldiers were making a judgment on the serious condition of a soldier. The high wall collapsed and broke his right leg. The fracture was comminuted. If it was not cut off, it might worsen and kill him.

When the soldier heard this, his pale face, which had lost too much blood, became even more ugly. He was not afraid of death, but once he became disabled, he would probably be a cripple. It would be better to die in battle.

"Let me come!" Lance shouted, striding into it, "Now is not the time to give up."

This sound brought hope to many injured people. Lance didn't waste any words and took over the place.

These serious injuries can be treated easily in front of him, and even comminuted fractures can be healed as long as they are still alive.

When he finally finished all the processing, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lance uses practical evidence to prove that Hamlet has not given up on them and will not give up on them.

However, several problems exposed here are still serious.

First of all, the medical conditions are still too poor. The supply of various medicines cannot keep up. There are no life-saving medicines and no medical equipment for surgery.

There are too few skilled medical soldiers and their skills are relatively poor. After all, they don't have much experience yet, which is understandable.

But these problems must be solved. Greendale can no longer waste time helping him deal with government affairs. At this stage, her time should be put into using medicine to use her talents. Anyway, the framework has been set up, just like another person. Do.

And these medical soldiers also need to strengthen their training. If they don't practice surgery, they will always be able to amputate their thighs. Fortunately, so many knights were injured this time, so they have to practice surgery.

Lance seemed to feel something, and then he realized that Junia, who was holding a torch, had come to him at some point, but she was visibly weak and pale, as if she was overdrawn and looked like she was about to collapse at any time.

"Thank you. Without you, I'm afraid more people would be unable to wait for me to come."

Lance raised his hand to help her, and activated [Blessing] to replenish her spirituality that was overdrawn due to spell casting, and at the same time relieve her fatigue.

In fact, I noticed Junia's figure when I first came in. Those who were seriously injured had some traces of her magical treatment.

It's just that her current healing ability is still very weak, and there are too many injured people who are forced to continuously use healing magic, so it's no wonder she is so weak.

"This is what I should do."

Junia answered directly. She seemed to feel that her body was recovering quickly. How could this be better than divine magic?

"Let's go. I guess Barristan and the others have been waiting for a long time."

Lance let go of her and walked outside. On the way, he briefly asked Junia what happened from her perspective.

After roughly understanding the situation, Lance couldn't help but sigh with admiration for Leonard and Barton's sophisticated eyes. They noticed the situation at the outpost so early and hired Geralt and Junia to come over in advance.

Without this trump card, he would probably be unable to bear the cost of holding on.

But the key to holding the outpost is the soldiers led by Barristan. Listening to the description, even Lance felt his blood surge.

But before that, he had one more important thing to do.

Lance, led by Junia, quickly found the corpses piled together and sacrificed them directly without any ceremony.

There were hundreds of corpses of cultists, and many elites were mixed among them. There were no special surprises in the sacrifices, only a steady stream of spiritual returns.

And this is the best gift for Lance, who is about to be hollowed out.

After a moment, Lance smacked his lips and said, "Normal~"

Now this little bit of spirituality can no longer satisfy him. An unfilled treasury cannot allow the hamster to spend the winter with peace of mind.

However, these spiritual powers temporarily relieved his urgent need.

Lance soon saw Barristan. Why didn't he see him just now?

Because now he's lying in bed.

That battle also left serious injuries on his body, but these were not visible from the outside, but internal injuries.

At the cost of Barristan's blocking the monster's charge, his entire arm, or even half of his body's muscles were torn apart due to the overloaded force, and the blood vessels burst and leaked out, leaving the entire arm with a weird purple-black swelling, but it was soft and soft. It's a piece of rotten meat.

This is just a symptom. The real trouble is the series of problems caused by this.

According to Junia, not long after the battle ended, he was still arranging things one second, but he fell down the next second.

She once tried to treat him, but he refused and asked her to treat the soldiers instead.

"'Hold the position' were the last words he said when he lost consciousness." Junia looked at Barristan and couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration.

If he had withstood the monster's charge and then retreated, instead of continuing to hold his position and fight the enemy, the injury might not have been so serious. He actually persisted with the injury for so long!

This is a willpower that is difficult for others to understand, and even goes beyond the limits of the physical body.

But the consequences are also obvious. An explosion without extraordinary power is like water without a source. This behavior overdraws the body. Aging and the hidden injuries accumulated over the years explode at this moment. The body has lost consciousness and started to have a high fever.

If Lance hadn't strengthened him before and repaired some injuries, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to survive now.

Whether it is Leonard, Disma or Barristan, these are people who have been fighting and injured for almost half their lives, and they are constantly switching between injuries and fighting.

Moreover, they are all mercenaries who are living outside without any support. Naturally, the environment is not good and they cannot recuperate, nor do they have access to any good medicines. Most of them just rely on their lives to survive.

Therefore, although he has recovered, he still has accumulated many hidden injuries that are difficult to detect.

These hidden injuries are really consuming their vitality, and they accumulate at the same time, waiting to reach their limit one day and then explode.

Lance had treated them before, but the human body was a very complex system. At that time, his skill level was too low, and his understanding of the power of flesh and blood was not enough to support his complete cure.

This kind of injury is very difficult, but fortunately, the ancestor raised a hand to help, and the flesh and blood power returned from killing the wolf deepened his understanding of the human body. Now it is a matter of consuming spirituality.

Barristan himself couldn't remember how many times he had been seriously injured. His body became heavier and heavier, and he couldn't even feel the pain. His consciousness gradually became blurred, as if he was drifting outside his body.

Sinking, he seemed to be dragged into the dark abyss that could not be seen clearly. He seemed to see the ghosts of those soldiers...

Barristan seemed to realize that his death was imminent.

I leave with a clear conscience, I have given my all...

"He did it, didn't he~" Lance grinned and raised his hand to him, "But now is not the time to rest."

Flesh and blood reconstruction!

The muscles that had almost turned into mud under the strong impact became plump and strong again, the overloaded internal organs were relieved, the severe inflammation was calmed, and the accumulated hidden injuries were also erased by Lance's careful combing.

This body is like a rusted sword, the power hidden in it can be rejuvenated under Lance's polishing.

Lance did not stop like this. He activated the blessing and completed the final strengthening to quench the sword.

When he chooses to persevere, when he chooses to stand up and fight against the monsters, when he stands in front of those soldiers and takes on the responsibility that belongs to him...

He deserves such treatment, Lance will never treat his own people badly.

Come to life! My companion!

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