Our family is in decline

Chapter 467 The contract is concluded!

Chapter 467 So far - the contract is reached!

Because the laws of nature do not allow the existence of a vacuum, the vacancy must be filled.

His empty heart, stripped of most of his emotions, uncontrollably calls out to the endless void of unknown space.

Alhazred thought he was ready at that time.

Because he who passed the test has been distinguished from countless corpses on the ground and has crossed the door to power.

Until the call of the void attracted some guy, he was dragged into the void by the terrifying power. If he were not protected by the power of the psychic platform, his soul could be torn into pieces in an instant.

The visitors from other worlds attracted by his empty soul are the limp people wandering in the void, trying to break into the dimension of reality through Alhazred as a medium.

At that time, Alhazred had just given up on human nature, and he didn't even have the concept of fear, so he went straight to work.

In this place shrouded in temple rituals, he will draw life force from the followers gathered on the Ouija platform, resist the attack of the alien creature, and take part of its power as his own through the rituals left by the pyramid temple of the ancient civilization. .

The battle was very fierce, and Alhazred was unsurprisingly at a disadvantage at the beginning, but he stabilized the situation by absorbing the vitality of the medium, and gained precious time through the difficult pull.

In the process, his empty soul was infiltrated by the strange energy from the abyss, and he was able to transcend the limits of mortals.

Finally, he mastered the power of Abyss Purgatory. Just like the limp he encountered in the beast's cave, even the Void Demon could not resist such terrifying power.

Alhazred reversed the situation with a move of Fire Sea Galaxy and killed the limp man.

At this point - the contract is reached!

Although this journey of wandering in the void abandoned humanity, it successfully broke through the bottleneck and entered the [Championship] as expected.

Logically speaking, this is all over, ending with his success.

Just like countless heroic stories, taking the treasure and then killing the evil enemy.

Alhazred, who was just telling the story in reality, couldn't help but sigh at the turning point.

"I paid a lot, but I also got more, but..."

When Lance on the side heard the word "but", he knew that the matter would not end so easily. Fortunately, the scholar did not give in. As he continued to speak, the scene from that year resurfaced.

When Alhazred returned from meditation, the first thing he saw was the charred corpses of his followers.

He didn't feel any guilt at all for losing his humanity.

Completely forgetting that it was the power transformed from their life force that protected his soul so that he could travel in the void.

He also forgot that it was under the protection of their power that he passed the test of the pyramid temple.

Not to mention that if it weren't for the constant life force protection of these followers, he would never have survived in the hands of the limp.

Alhazred was indifferent then, but what about now?

Lance couldn't help but look at his appearance. The tangled look on his face was obviously filled with regret.

I don’t know if it’s the price of regret itself or the price of regret…

However, Lance noticed something wrong from his words.

That's the charred body.

Lance had a guess about this.

Although the previous rituals and the fight against the limp had drained their life force, what really killed them was probably the power manifested as "black flame" controlled by Alhazred.

Otherwise it would definitely not be this charred corpse.

This guess is even bolder.

The real reason why Alhazred was able to survive instead of turning into withered bones like the other corpses on the spire platform was that these followers were used as a buffer to merge with the magical power of the abyss and purgatory.

It was they who shared the negative side of the black flame that allowed Alhazred to successfully fuse, and the price was the burned corpse.

Simply put, it is a fuse.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Alhazred could so easily contain the power that even a limp could not withstand.

Lance felt that Alhazred himself knew these things.

It would be rude to ask further at this time. The burnt ones had no objections, so it was hard for him to say anything.

Refocus your attention on the story of the past.

If there's anything worse than experiencing something unpleasant, it's forcing yourself to remember the not-so-good things.

No one knew better than Alhazred what he was thinking at that time.

Stripped of his humanity, he killed the limp in an extremely rational state to complete his promotion. At this time, he saw the charred corpses.

The first thing that comes to mind is that as a transcendent, you should be aware of the dangers of occultism. It is normal for those who cannot adapt to be eliminated.

He wanted to use this reason to persuade himself to stop paying attention to these corpses.

Until he discovered that the power to make up for the empty soul was not pure. The evil existence in it was hidden in his consciousness, probing for his weaknesses.

At that time, Alhazred thought he had paid a "price" and dismissed the followers who were burned to death.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized that I was the real price.

Everything found in the ruins of the ancient civilization was a trap set by the evil god in order to invade reality.

Use power as bait to let those who chase power take the bait.

Those so-called rituals are more about shaping a conductor connected to the unknown realm, and the unknown existence will use him as a beacon and come to reality by corrupting this node.

So after killing the limp man and completing the ritual, he had transformed into a lighthouse, guiding the way to the monsters lurking in the darkness.

It is equivalent to holding a torch high in the dark forest and actively revealing one's position. It will definitely attract the attention of countless strange beings.

And those things will invade reality through him, which means that he will always be attacked by the power of blasphemy until death.

"I am enveloped in the endless night where they linger, whispering all the names..."

Alhazred specialized in studying these things anyway. After this incident, he realized that something was wrong and started a long confrontation that could never see the end.

But at that time, he had already fallen into a very dangerous situation, with uncontrollable murmurs ringing in his ears, constantly tempting you to hear clearly.

Once you have this idea, it's over. The more you want to hear it clearly, the more you will sink into it. This is the beginning of your temptation to fall.

The best way is to ignore those voices, but this thing is poured directly into the mind. If you want to ignore it, you must spend a lot of energy to maintain it at all times.

At the same time, he needs to bear the ubiquitous gaze. As long as his consciousness relaxes a little, the corrosive erosion will be closer.

He may collapse at any time and become a medium for extraterrestrial evil gods to invade reality.

This situation destined him to basically fight against these for the rest of his life, never sleeping again, not even daring to take a nap.

The only way to maintain his will is through long-term meditation. When he is awake, he is always looking for a solution to this situation.

But it is easier to ask God than to send him away. That power is hidden in the consciousness and entangled with the soul, and has even become a part of it. It can't be that simple.

This situation has been going on for more than 20 years, and the fact that he has been able to hold on until now without breaking down shows how strong his will is.

No one knows how he resisted the corruption of that terrifying power, and no one knows what he was going through. In the process, he began to become crazy, sensitive and fragile.

The fact that he has not been corrupted means that he is still persisting, grasping the last straw called "rationality", and even making it his mission to recover the evil things that have flowed out.

This is how we come to Hamlet.

And having this kind of atonement, or sense of mission, is enough to show that the lost humanity was gradually restored in his fight against corruption...

Lance listened as Alhazred transformed from a genius with an unlimited future to the crazy person he is now.

Alhazred said a lot, but to Lance, the story was actually very simple, and could be summed up in just a few sentences.

A young man who has not been severely beaten by society is very confident that he is a top student in a prestigious university and will not be deceived. After hearing about the high returns, he invested all his wealth in it.

When I saw the people on the rooftop next door, I thought they were unlucky and that those who couldn't adapt to society were doomed to be eliminated.

Even after getting a taste of the benefits, they borrowed money from relatives and friends to increase leverage. As their returns became higher and higher, they also sucked up their money.

Until suddenly he found that all the relatives and friends who once trusted him were far away from him. He originally wanted to lie to himself and pretend not to care.

Then... the debt collector came to find him, and he couldn't get the money out. Then he suddenly realized that he had been deceived into a pyramid scheme. It was a scam from the beginning.

Alhazred was burdened overnight with debts that could last a lifetime.

The death of all followers is equivalent to severing ties with all relatives and friends.

Those murmurs poured into your mind are equivalent to being called for debts by various creditors every day, bombarded with text messages, and bombarded with phone calls. You don't dare to turn on your mobile phone at all.

As for the prying eyes and endless malice.

It's obviously a creditor who is looking for you to pay back money, and once you show up, the creditor will come to your door. It's strange that you don't have any malicious intent.

It’s normal to be under pressure. Whoever has a debt that can’t be repaid will be under pressure?

Fortunately, he didn't mess it up, and then embarked on the road of repaying debts. At the same time, he also did not forget to track down the escapees and get his money back.

Although it is a bit outrageous, if not similar, at least they are exactly the same.

Lance's focus was different.

The question he was thinking about was why did the evil god's power appear in Hamlet?

Why is the limp man, who also represents the power of the evil god, summoned by the saint?

The shadow behind the evil god can be vaguely seen through the evil spells used by the saint, and even the priests of the Ascension Sect.

Could it be that the ancestor is the evil god?

That's definitely not the case. The old guy would have destroyed the world long ago if he had lived from ancient times to now.

In fact, this can be explained very simply. There was a long gap between the discovery of the ruins and the control of the seal by the Destiny Council, and Alhazred himself said that a lot of evil spirits leaked out.

More than twenty years ago, around the same time that the ancestor started his research and became interested in these things, he asked pirates to plunder all kinds of antiques and curios.

The evil object that should contain the ruins fell into the hands of the ancestor.

Ordinary people would probably be played to death by these evil things, just like the bald wizard who lost control just by being touched.

But who is the ancestor?

I'm afraid the evil thing fell into his hands before he really understood it. From some of the current situations of the Ascension Sect, it can be seen that the ancestor has gained a lot from it.

One is played by the evil god, and the other plays with the evil god.

The strength of the ancestor is evident, and he is definitely not some incompetent noble playboy.

As the heir, Lance was not simple. After hearing these words of Alhazred, he did not mourn for him for a moment. The first thing he thought of was the space left by the ancient civilization, known as the "Desert Gate".

Lance has always had a pessimistic attitude towards the real world, because he has seen the ending of this world.

No matter how many people stand up and how many times they try to stop it, it will inevitably lead to destruction in the end.

Because this is an unpredictable chaos model. The difference is tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... or a thousand years, ten thousand years...

Anyway, there will be a day of destruction. According to the ability of human beings to commit suicide, perhaps human beings will be exterminated by themselves first at that time.

Lance knew that his pessimism was actually a very ridiculous idea, like an ant worrying about when a house will be demolished, because the ant nest he lives in is above the house.

What is the lifespan of an ant? Maybe he won't be demolished until he dies of old age, but this is beyond his control.

What's even more troublesome is that the problem is the planet itself. Even if he wants to wander around the planet, there is nothing he can do.

Just like he had no ability to change the location of the ant nest, it was just like that when he arrived.

So it was natural for him to focus on these spaces opened up by powerful forces. If he could master a space, would he be able to preserve humanity?

This kind of thing is something you can do without, but you can't live without it.

At the same time, he was even more curious about the temple and the evil god behind it.

Seeing Alhazred being tortured into this crazy state, you know that the evil god is very difficult to deal with.

If you could sacrifice the evil god, what would you gain?

I am greedy when others are fearful, and I am even greedier when others are greedy.

But before that, Lance felt that he needed to deal with the matter at hand first, and turned to Alhazred to ask a question.

"Have you heard of the story of Hamlet?" Lance vaguely recounted Hamlet's past glory, then changed the topic, "It all happened until the Ascension Cult discovered the secret of Hamlet's underground..."

Lance's words were very vague, and did not match what Leonard and others said about what the Hamlet family had done to fight evil.

Rather, it illustrates the harm done to Hamlet by the cult and his tenacious resistance.

The more detailed you speak in front of such professionals, the more likely it is that there will be flaws. On the contrary, the more confusing you speak, and the more you talk about it, the more they believe it, because what they see is what they have made up in their own minds.

Hearing that Hamlet's suffering was similar to his own, Alhazred couldn't help but feel deeply, and he couldn't help but sigh:

"It turns out that I was already a pure Hamlet man many years ago..."

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