Our family is in decline

Chapter 468 Do you think the spiritual ascension has begun?

Lance almost stiffened when he heard his somewhat abstract words. There was uncontrollable amusement underneath his serious face, so he had to purse his lips to hide his embarrassment.

But Alhazred was not at all embarrassed about this, because the reason why he was willing to mention these things was actually very simple.

It's because the saint summoned the limp.

Although he had defeated the limp before and was even promoted to [Champion] with it, he was so high-spirited at that time.

But after years of torture, he had already lost the arrogance and self-confidence that belonged to genius, and was instead wrapped in vulnerability and sensitivity.

He has been trying his best to avoid contact with the power of the abyss, locking himself in a high tower full of seals, meditating for a long time to resist the erosion of corruption.

It's a bit funny to say that his reason for recycling evil objects is not as noble as Lance thought. It was for atonement or something.

It was entirely because he wanted to cut off that power from invading the real world through other channels and thus finding himself.

He just wants to let reality become a barrier to protect himself. This is a kind of escape mentality.

But all this was completely overturned when he came to Hamlet.

The boundary between void and reality here is as fragile as a piece of paper, and the corruption that has spread has turned his long-standing escape into a joke.

The moment he glimpsed Hamlet's secret, he almost went crazy. If Lance hadn't given him a blessing in front of him last time, he might have gone crazy.

But the flaw has appeared, just like a crack in an eggshell. Bacteria and viruses will enter along the crack, and corruption will spread uncontrollably.

Likewise, Alhazred suffered deeper corruption during this time in Hamlet, and staying here was a forced choice.

In fact, he was somewhat desperate, especially when the appearance of the limp completely broke his psychological defense.

So when facing the limp with its own aura of fear, Alhazred, the guy who had defeated and killed the limp, was the first to collapse.

Because he knew that this time without the constant vitality of his followers to protect him, the abyss would swallow him.

But the problem is that in that situation, he thought it collapsed, but in fact it just didn't collapse.

It was that man who single-handedly stabilized the situation.

What was outrageous was that the two men he led not only held back the limp, but even became more courageous as the battle progressed.

What makes a barbarian warrior dare to charge towards the Void Demon?

What makes a disgraced Roma man keep fighting and not back down?

Alhazred didn't know much about this. He only knew that the moment the man waved, a surge of power emerged, and the strangeness that was about to devour his soul was directly dispelled.

And he also gained a moment of peace. He had experienced this feeling before, but most of it was fleeting, and what was suppressed was only the restless spirituality, which was not as strong as this time.

This...is this different from what was promised?

Since he realized the erosion of corruption, he has used all his strength to find a solution. Many props on his body, such as the [Sacrificial Dagger], are a piece of equipment against strange demons.

However, these things can only help him suppress it. The one who really fights against corruption is himself.

It was only at this moment that he finally understood that even the corruption could only retreat in the face of his mighty power.

Poured with unprecedented power of hope, the collapsed consciousness was quickly reorganized.

The occult scholar Alhazred is back on the battlefield facing the Limping One.

This time, I will confront the abuser!

With one move, the Fire Sea Galaxy dragged out a meteorite burning with black flames from the void and instantly severely damaged the limp, ending the battle.

It was a release that I had been holding back for so long, and now I think about it and it still feels so satisfying.

What Alhazred saw in Hamlet was no longer the spreading corruption, but also the hope that remained standing amidst the corruption.

Alhazred's feelings were not very clear to Lance, but when he revealed the dilemma he faced, Lance understood why he gave him such a strong feeling, but his actual performance was so outrageous.

Sure enough, these extraordinary powers cannot be mastered by humans at will, and they usually have to pay a huge price.

But who is Lance?

"Tell me about that ancient civilization, or the ruins, and the evil god belief."

Alhazred's already haggard face couldn't help but twist when he heard these words, but he still spoke after a slight hesitation.

"The objects unearthed from the ruins did not mention the details of that ancient civilization. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the symbol of the evil god is "a thick tentacle twisted upwards and bent into a hook shape."

Records are mostly described with red and black colors, and the symbol of the evil god is also reflected in the statue at the top of the pyramid temple.

Judging from our subsequent research, the ruins are more like the altar of the evil god, a passage from reality into the [Gate of Yellow Sand].

Those who experienced it entered the temple of the pyramid through the ruins of reality, then went through the ritual, and finally became a beacon. "

"Wait!" Listening to Alhazred's description, Lance suddenly had a bad feeling and couldn't help but ask, "What is the name of the evil god?"

"Without a name, it is incomprehensible and indescribable. This is how it is described in the records of the ruins." Alhazred sang a eulogy, "He brought the origin of the world and will also witness the end of the world. He He is the manipulator of probability, the ferryman of endless chaos..."

Lance had a headache when he heard the long murmuring words. It was hard to believe how Alhazred had written them down.

He found that these religious worshippers always liked to give their "gods" various names, just like free pendants.

Whoever's god is not happy if his name is reduced, as if he will be looked down upon.

Finally, Alhazred finished reading that long paragraph, and seemed to know that Lance was not interested in it, so he specially concluded it.

"Those people believe that their god has appeared before the origin of the world, and is even the source of everything, so they call it the God of the Origin. However, usually they dare not call it by name. In order to avoid taboo, they call it the God of Origin."

Lance felt a little weird when he heard this. This world is abstract, right?

Also the fucking Origin God, isn’t it Red Hook?

Can that thing be trusted?

Now he understands why that ancient civilization disappeared, it makes sense.

"Let's just call it 'Evil God'." Lance was too lazy to study and discuss the meaningless beliefs of those gods, and instead brought the topic back to more pragmatic topics.

"What do you think the limp has to do with the belief in the evil god?"

Faced with this question, Alhazred remained silent for several seconds before speaking.

"It doesn't matter. If you insist on saying it, it's a sacrifice."

Lance seemed a little surprised when he heard what he said. What does this mean?

However, he did not rush to question, but waited for him to explain.

Alhazred felt Lance's curiosity, but he dared to say this because he had obviously carefully studied and thought about this issue, and then added:

"The final test I completed at the top of that pyramid temple was to kill the limp and devour its power."

"What does this mean?" Lance really didn't know much about these mystical knowledge, otherwise he wouldn't have tolerated Tamara's nonsense in the first place.

"That sacrificial ceremony was controlled. Everything was prepared. I was the sacrifice, and so was the limp."

When Lance heard this, he roughly understood his logic. Simply put, if the limp was arranged to appear in the ritual and could be killed, it should not have any direct connection with the evil god.

"You can't say that. After all, you have seen it yourself. Human beings often perform various weird sacrificial rituals on their own kind. Those crazy believers will not mind giving everything for their gods. We can also kill them." Those believers."

Lance's words could not be ignored by Alhazred, and the audience immediately fell into silence.

"Currently we have too little information about the limp. It makes no sense to apply human thinking to the Void Demon."

Lance even made up for Alhazred to ease the awkward atmosphere between the two.

However, the scholar's statement is indeed a very interesting conjecture, which gave Lance a new understanding of another matter.

That is, the evil god who is eyeing Alhazred should have nothing to do with the ancestor.

The ancestor mastered the power of flesh and blood, and his goal has always been the ancient god of flesh and blood.

And the tentacles that represented the evil god were obviously different, not to mention the weird black flames.

As for the limp man, as well as those weird sorceries, rituals, and evil objects, these are more likely to be related to the ancient civilization that was destroyed back then. They were all studied out of the evil objects by the ancestors. Then take it and use it yourself.

So since the ancestor can pluck the evil god's wool, why can't he?

You mean evil god? The ancestor is also an evil god, and there is no shortage of one more.

That confidence was even more arrogant than when Alhazred was young.

Thinking of this, there was nothing to hesitate about, so he spoke immediately.

"I need all the information about that ruins. This may help you get out of this situation."

Lance still wanted to save face, and he was too embarrassed to directly say that he wanted to explode his gold coins, so he revealed his meaning in a tactful way.

But Alhazred did not immediately agree to this, but fell into silence.

He is the most aware of the horror of that thing. Although he trusts the lord's strength, he also knows that some things should not appear in this world...

"It's okay, go back and have a good rest."

Lance didn't force him, but his attitude was quite gentle.

The same goes for gold coins that gradually explode in the future. Once you get to Hamlet, you can't run away.

Because the main conflict Hamlet faces now is his ancestor. Even if he gets those things before solving the ancestor, he won't have time to study them slowly.

The scholar left, and Lance couldn't help but raise his hand and look at the [Meteor Star] and whispered to himself.

"What the hell are you?"

At this moment, Wangcai's illusory figure appeared smoothly. Lance glanced at it and knew that Hamlet was not currently under attack.

After hearing Alhazred's warning just now, he signaled Wangcai to dispatch. Nothing is more suitable for rapid reconnaissance than it traveling through the void.

It was obvious that no battle was found after walking around, and this further confirmed what Alhazred said that the wind of corruption was blowing from outside.

It was impossible for Lance to show the slightest bit of fatigue or wavering in front of Alhazred, or in front of others.

Because he is the core that brings everyone together, and he is the pillar that keeps everyone standing here to fight against the spread of corruption.

So Lance knew very well that he had to withstand it, even if he couldn't.

But in front of Wangcai, he finally took off his disguise and slumped in the chair, the exhaustion on his face uncontrollable.

Wangcai has lost its flesh and blood, but it still likes to get in front of others.

"Wangcai, do you think the spiritual ascension has been successful?"

Lance raised his hand and caressed Wangcai's spiritually condensed body, and suddenly said something very strange.

If the ancestor ascended in flesh and blood, he could also ascend in spiritual energy, transforming all human beings into prosperous wealth, and then he could survive in the void and get rid of the shackles of this cage (planet).

Although it is extreme, it is also feasible.

Alhazred's soul entered the void to find the Gate of Yellow Sand, and even completed various things there. Although it was under the protection of the ritual, this is enough to show that the human soul is very special.

The existence of Wangcai also further illustrates the problem of how humans can survive after transforming into spiritual structures, which can swallow up spiritual survival and there will no longer be fatal injuries.

The thoughts became more and more confusing, making Lance feel deeply worried about this idea.

Because there is a paradox here.

That is……

The ancestor wants to ascend flesh and blood, and his followers agree, but Lance disagrees. Not only does he disagree, but he also gets entangled with a group of people who don't agree with this matter. They regard the ancestor as an evil god and want to eradicate him.

You must know that the ancestor also kept saying that for the sake of mankind, he would lead mankind to ascend.

Although this guy's words are as untrustworthy as bullshit, the logic lies here.

But if Lance suddenly says one day that the world is a cesspool, if he doesn't run away and wait until the ancient god wakes up, everyone will be doomed.

So for the sake of mankind, let’s all ascend spiritually together.

For example, those who support him will definitely follow his footsteps unconditionally. Regardless of whether it is true or not, in essence, they are no different from those believers who believe that their ancestors really lead them to ascend.

But not everyone supports him, and there will definitely be opponents when he takes a stand.

And not only did he express his position, he also gathered a lot of opponents, who regarded Lance as an evil god and wanted to eradicate him for the sake of mankind.

At this time, a very embarrassing aspect will appear, and the boomerang hits Lance on the head.

This is not surprising. After all, the idea of ​​suddenly causing all human beings to ascend spiritually is as abstract as the ancestor's physical ascension.

Lance's will is being tested... going crazy!

Thinking of this, Lance couldn't hold himself back and suddenly laughed, and his laughter became more and more wild.

"I have something to announce - I am an idiot!"

Thanks to [Ban Jiesheng] for the 100 reward

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