Our family is in decline

Chapter 542 Alarm Bell

Because it was agreed to set sail early tomorrow morning, even though it was already dark, there were still many Roma people on board the ship selling small commodities or performing arts in the square. This was their ancient way of survival.

At the same time, there are many steps to prepare for setting sail on this kind of sailboat. Even because of Hamlet's rules, someone has to go to the dock management office to report, otherwise there may be unnecessary trouble.

Being restricted everywhere made Selai feel intensely uncomfortable.

But what Sierra didn't expect was that Amanda would soon appear here. The sound of the long boots covering her calves hitting the board of the ship made her even more uneasy, and she greeted her slightly impatiently.

"What are you doing here?"

"Don't talk nonsense to me! What happened?"

She knows better than anyone else when the Roma will run away, and she is even less likely to believe the ghost words spoken by these tribesmen.

"I told you I don't know, I just feel uneasy." Sera's irritability was undisguised, and she felt like she had lost control in Hamlet.

"Hamlet is a cash cow for both of us. You know how much you will earn from this batch of goods and information. What's the point of hiding it from me at this time?"

When it comes to money, even Sera has regained a little sense, but if she had known, she would not have been affected by the sudden inspiration to the pressure that affects her emotions now.

"I really don't know. I just feel inexplicably uneasy. You should understand."

These words also caused Amanda to fall into silence.

Unlike Alhazred, who tries to change his destiny, the Roma are more accustomed to adapting to their destiny, and this brings them a foreshadowing of their destiny, and can even allow them to glimpse some fragments of the future.

Feelings that ordinary people may not care about are valued among Roma transcendents, and this is their gift.

Amanda couldn't even count how many times this burst of "inspiration" saved her.

But it is also a curse. This ability makes worry and suspicion entangled in their minds. Insecurity is a normal psychology for them, and it is difficult to calm down.

Amanda understood, so she took it more seriously.

It's just that it's obviously difficult for Sera to catch the flash of inspiration anymore, but she has to try.

"You also want to know what it is, right?" Amanda reached out to Sierra without any courtesy, "Lend it to me."

Sera naturally understands what she wants to take, but this thing is authority, and asking her to hand it over will undoubtedly be...

"I can even give up my position as the person in charge. This means nothing to me."

Seemingly sensing Sierra's resistance, Amanda disintegrated her resistance with just one sentence.

"Be careful, the situation here is too scary." Sera handed out the crystal ball with a complicated expression, and did not forget to give a warning at the end.

Amanda didn't talk nonsense at all, she just nodded slightly, then grabbed the crystal ball in her hand, and slowly closed her eyes.

As the most gifted omen seeker, she also knows everything about the organization's objects and knows how to use this "key".

Borrowing the power brought by this key, Amanda triggered a powerful ritual. The strange power instantly awakened her dormant talent, and her brain was activated by a feeling like an electric shock.

Unlike the feeling of Serana's boat in the storm, although Amanda was not having a hard time, her powerful inspiration was strengthened by the ritual and she spied from the turbulence——

Under the dark water and turbulent ocean currents are countless black shadows, and these invisible things are approaching Hamlet...

In reality, Amanda opened her eyes suddenly, and even her tempered soul was trembling a little. Fortunately, because she was mentally prepared, it was not as exaggerated as Sierra's performance.

But this reaction was also caught by Serra, who is also a Roma, and he asked urgently.

"what's going on?"

"Can't run away..." Amanda's expression was dull, so calm that she was even a little stiff.

"What?" Sierra was puzzled, or maybe she knew but was unwilling to accept it, "Hurry up and make it clear!"

"The sea is full of monsters. I want you to leave quickly and help me attract a group of them." Amanda didn't mean to talk nonsense to her at all. She put the crystal ball back into her hand with her backhand, "But our deal hasn't been completed yet. It’s over, so I will advise you, once the boat goes out on the sea, it will be a living target, and now staying at the dock is the only way out.”

Without even bothering to say a second sentence, Amanda walked away quickly. She needed to wake up Hamlet.

After many declarations of submission, she was able to be accepted by the lord and entered Hamlet's small circle, and got many stories about Hamlet from Lance.

I also understand this man’s perseverance, and of course the dangerous situation Hamlet faces.

Especially now that the lord is carrying out a major operation to wipe out the cultists in the wilderness, so the only ones who will be killed at this time are the cult forces.

It doesn't matter what the black shadow is, the evil god may not only control humans, especially since she has entered the beast's cave and learned about the monsters transformed by the Ascension Sect.

Under normal circumstances, Hamlet's army and that man would crush all enemies, and she would just need to stay with Lance.

But now that both the army and the man have been mobilized, Hamlet is in an awkward position.

At this time, she must unite all her forces. There is no doubt that Sera and the others are among them. Amanda knows the extraordinary power of this ship better than anyone else.

Amanda didn't lie, the monster did come from the sea.

But Amanda used a little trick, which was the time difference and location.

To the north of Hamlet is the home of the cultists, and Serra wants to go south. The only route for both sides is Hamlet.

In addition, the Roma ship was not an ordinary ship. If Sera really walked like this, he would probably miss the monster and successfully escape.

If you really persuade them to stay and help, Sera will run away immediately even if you offer a sky-high price.

But using the excuse of not paying for the goods to persuade her not to die would make her hesitate.

There is no need for her to actively stay and fight against the monsters. She only needs to wait until the time difference disappears and the monsters swarm into the dock. Then Sera will not be able to leave even if she wants to.

Tie them aboard Hamlet's ship, and for that they have to say thank you.

Using the truth to confuse your opponents is an instinct that every Roma needs to learn.

Amanda stepped off the ship and immediately approached the soldiers who were patrolling here.

"Stop! What's the matter?"

A team of five people held torches. They stopped Amanda who was trying to get closer, and the spears in their hands were already aimed.

During the militia training, they were warned many times by the veterans not to let unknown strangers approach them, as that was a harbinger of death.

By the light of the torch, you can see that they are basically dressed in ordinary clothes. The only special thing is that they have red cloth tied on their arms with "joint defense" written on it.

They were a Coast Guard unit, part of the militia.

You must know that the navy only has a few people, and it is impossible to waste its troops on patrols. It is a department established by Lance to deal with Hamlet's long coastline.

Patrol members all have normal jobs, such as fishermen or similar occupations, and receive ordinary militia training in their free time.

Joint defense means that their job is more of an early warning, bringing news from the sea to the lord, or paying attention to some strange guys.

There is also a subsidy for participating in these patrol missions. Although it is not a lot, it is enough to make up for their losses.

Similarly, some young men are not willing to become fishermen. They actively participate in these actions and prepare to join the army or take the public examination.

Militia training can give them an advantage, and participating in such missions can also make their resumes look better.

"Wake up the navy immediately to assemble the troops and ask everyone on the dock to evacuate. A monster is about to land from the coast."

Amanda said something, which made the team seem a little at a loss, and the eye contact between them was weird.

Monster landing?

To be honest, some of them didn't even know who Amanda was, let alone mobilizing the army. It was impossible to say anything casually.

The army is strictly managed, and the power to mobilize the army is even more restricted. It is not just a Roma who suddenly appeared here in the dark of night and can move with just a word.

If something goes wrong, their message delivery becomes a joke.

"Damn it! Get out of here and report it to me right away. Wake up people first." Amanda's temper can only be considered decent in front of some people. Didn't you see that even Sierra was scolded?

She didn't have time to waste with these people. She trusted her instincts and the monsters would come at any time.

The hesitation of these soldiers was a waste of precious time, but she also knew that she could not convince them.

So after leaving these words behind, she left directly, leaving the Coast Patrol with a confused look on their face.

Is there something wrong with this person?

"Captain, should we go report it?"

"The sea is calm, how can there be any monsters? If we really report it, others will laugh to death, and be led away by a madman."

"That's right, if she says pirates are still possible, how can there be monsters in the sea?"


Just as the team members were complaining about the situation just now, the sudden sound of a bell made them nervous. When they looked up, they realized something.

"Why did that madman ring the bell!"

That's right, when Amanda saw those people ignoring her, she immediately sounded the alarm at the dock.

The lord has long been wary of enemies on this side of the sea, so he set up an alarm bell here to convey emergencies.

It's not that Amanda doesn't want to find Greendale, but time doesn't allow her to go back.

When the bell rang, many people were alarmed, and more and more coast patrols gathered here.

The soldiers at the navy station also woke up from their sleep. They had experienced many such late-night assault trainings. Although they were puzzled, they all got up as quickly as possible.

In any case, Amanda's goal was achieved.


"According to the Hamlet Public Security Regulations, sleeping on the street is not allowed here, do you know?"

"I told you two not to beg during the day, so why are you sleeping here at night?"

"If you are in trouble, you can apply for assistance. Those who have the hands and feet will not starve to death here."

Soon the constable on night patrol left, leaving the mendicant monk and the candle-burning priest on Hamlet's street.

"Even the most dazzling holy light cannot shine into this place. Has the holy light given up on its believers?"

The beggar monk was sighing, while the priest Ranzhu beside him was silent, but his eyes were filled with anger, as if he was preparing to purify this place.

The reason why the two reacted this way was simple, because they didn't even have a place to rest at night.

As soon as they sat down and wanted to rest, someone came over to inquire after a while, warning them not to sleep on the street casually.

Want to know his identity? His status in the church was so high that even the bishops had to be honest when they saw him.

And in Hamlet, you can’t even sleep on the street. The locals are so rude!

Speaking of which, the two of them had a very rough experience today.

Before coming here, I thought this was a town infected by the plague. They were here to rescue the struggling believers from the arrogant blasphemers, so that they could escape the threat of divine punishment and return to the embrace of the church.

But after arriving, I realized something was wrong. The prosperity didn't look like it was punished by God or infected by other plagues.

The mendicant monk had experienced many situations over a long period of time, and he had suspected that this was prosperity faked by demons, but after getting off the ship, he did not feel the power of evil from those people.

This was not a disguise, but a lie. He even wondered if the Bishop of Totnes had deceived him.

But soon he discovered a very scary situation here.

The people in this place have completely abandoned their sacred faith, and the Holy Light cannot find a single believer here.

When they approached the townspeople, no one wanted to contact them at all. They would shirk a few words at first, but then word may spread, and they might even stay away just seeing the two of them.

The mendicant monk then wanted to show that he was different from the extravagant people in the church by begging, and tried to bring the relationship closer between the two parties.

But he didn't expect that no one paid any attention to him, which only aroused his disgust even more.

Several people were accusing them of begging because they had both hands and feet, and they reported them back, directly attracting the Sheriff.

Returning to the scene just now, the two of them completely felt the evil of Hamlet.

This situation is even more terrifying than the spread of the plague.

You must know that he is a beggar monk and must abide by the vow of poverty. How can he be rich?

Therefore, walking around the world depends entirely on believers' financial support, or finding a church to rest.

But now they have lost all support, and the church's proud strength has disappeared.

It's not that they only lacked a meal or a place to sleep. When they were preaching, they still headed towards those poor places. They could remain calm in even harsher environments.

It's that these people have abandoned their faith. They are even more terrifying than heretics, and a heavy blow must be used to pull them back into the embrace of the church.

At this moment, the faint ringing of the bell attracted the mendicant monk's attention. He couldn't help but look over there and murmured:

"A powerful evil is approaching..."

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