Our family is in decline

Chapter 549 Ebb and flow

I saw the man raising his hand and waving something, and then inserted the antler staff into the shore. The agitated spirituality turned into a strong natural power and spread instantly.

The moment the seeds fell to the ground, the frantic plants grew wildly as if they appeared out of thin air. The bursting pods at the top spilled more seeds, and then continued to spread and intertwine.

The crazy vines were like needles and threads, weaving in those fishmen who could not escape, and in a short time, they formed an emerald green line of defense on the coast.

However, before he was happy, the wave hit him, and the surging power instantly tore off the large net woven by vines, showing the terrifying power of the sea.

But in the next second, new vines will grow and show natural resilience.

The green screen is like swaying kelp on the sea floor, struggling to maintain its shaky but indestructible shape.

But those fishmen who were sewn in were not so lucky. They were fixed and had difficulty integrating into the waves, and they could withstand the force of the waves.

Like a fishing net, the murlocs in front who had mixed up with the waves and wanted to ride on them were all blocked by the vines.

Even if they can survive in the water, it does not mean that they can withstand the impact. The protective ability brought by the scales under the squeeze of the sea water is useless.

In the end, this was just the aftermath. Most of the power was contained and dissipated by the earth. Likewise, the structure between the vines was not completely sealed. A large amount of seawater slipped away, otherwise how could it be endured?

When the last wave hit the shore, the water reaching the feet of the man was already weak, and the green screen that was born out of thin air began to wither and turn into mud and reintegrate into the coast.

Similarly, those fishmen who were dragged into the vines and stopped also fell down, were stunned, suffered internal injuries, and some even had their bones broken, just like dead fish pushed ashore by the waves.

At this moment, one hand pulled out the staff stuck on the ground, and the other hand took off the mask, revealing Greendale's slightly pale and solemn face, with her long green hair disheveled, looking a little embarrassed.

Yes, it was clear that it was Greendale who took action just now to neutralize the final aftermath, preventing those fishmen from riding the waves to attack and defeat Hamlet's remaining team.

This is a coast, not a forest. There are not many plants for her to mobilize, so she can only produce them by herself. The power she needs to consume increases exponentially, let alone such a large area.

Even with the blessing of equipment, it was unbearable for her to exert such power.

After drinking a bottle of potion, the paleness on his face faded slightly, but the heavy look on his face as he looked towards the battlefield did not weaken at all.

The waves just now affected only one-third of the fishmen. Most of them were just a little dizzy and quickly stood up again. Now the coast is still densely packed with monsters.

Greendale took a deep breath. Now was not the time to think about this. She immediately cheered up. There was no trace of weakness on her face. She raised her staff and roared at the monster.

"Hamlet must win!"

Under Greendale's command, the scattered team was reorganized, and the number increased instead of decreasing.

Why does Greendale come so slowly?

It is because we need to mobilize troops and equip these people at the same time.

Hamlet has been screening and accepting refugees. Counting several surrounding developed farms, the control area must have a population of tens of thousands.

There must be five to six thousand people in the town now, three thousand are the core, and there are some newcomers.

There are very few of these refugees who can survive here, and they are basically young and middle-aged people. It is not difficult to pull out a few hundred people from these people.

It's a bit difficult for them to go to the battlefield, but there is no problem in loading and shooting.

It can only be said that these cargo ships have been a great help. Among their goods is a batch of guns, bullets and gunpowder, and the items were just unloaded and placed in the warehouse here at the port today.

Now we directly open a warehouse to equip them. With the addition of two hundred navy and those militiamen, we can easily pull out a thousand-man army.

But that’s not all. How could Hamlet develop to this day without any accumulation?

Lance couldn't figure out the Roma's extraordinary carriage and magic ship, but he still had some knowledge.

"The big one is coming!"

"Let the monsters have a taste of what these guys are capable of!"

Amid the cries of military logistics, the arms stacked in military warehouses were pulled out.

Boxes of cylinder grenades, bottles of incendiary bombs...

What is Lance's personality like?

A farm rat like him usually likes to keep a hand in case of emergencies. Only a full warehouse can give him peace of mind, including bombs.

Although he mobilized most of the arms inventory, he still reserved some.

Greendale moved the things out directly. She couldn't care about so much now. She wanted to guard Hamlet first.

Those veterans ignored the sorrow for the sacrifices of their companions and resolutely took over the temporarily formed musketry teams. These people had not received training, but the firearms were broken down into several steps and allowed them to work mechanically one by one.

In the situation in front of me, I could hit even if I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger.

There is no targeting this statement, but fire coverage!

The navy, which has received professional training, distributed those heavy weapons and prepared to show the fish-men the "magic" of mankind.

Continuous fire and the roar of bombs erupted in them, tearing apart their fish scales, and the firepower continued to advance even more fiercely than before, paving Hamlet's counterattack with fish-men's corpses.

The shaman and the shaman disappeared from the storm just now, and without the support and command of the spell caster, the fishmen could not withstand such a counterattack. They had no intention of lingering on the battle, and they all hurriedly fled into the sea.

The torch represents Hamlet pushing the battle line to the coast, and the sea water becomes the dividing line between them and humans, but the corpses floating on the coast illustrate the difficulty of this victory.

"Look! He's here!"

"He's not dead yet!"

"Where's the doctor? Help people quickly."

They seemed to have discovered something, and regardless of the danger of murlocs lurking on the beach, they dragged back the man who was pushed up by the waves.

Everyone present knew him, because he was the Baldwin who broke into the storm.

It's just that his current condition is very poor. The scars all over his body were torn by the storm. If the armor hadn't played a role in protecting his vitals and saving his life, he might not be alive now.

The same fishmen fled in a hurry and didn't even notice Baldwin. Otherwise, any other fish could kill him with a single stab.

Greendale also walked up, and when she saw Baldwin still holding onto his weapon even after he fainted, she couldn't help but feel grateful for Lance's foresight.

The storm caused by the shamans was just the aftermath and was almost unstoppable. If Baldwin hadn't sacrificed his life to interrupt, the storm would have brought countless seawater and hit it. Not only the port, but the entire Hamlet would have been destroyed.

He took out a bottle of medicine and drank it. His vital signs became slightly more stable. At this time, a ray of light shone on Baldwin, and the flesh and blood injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Blessed by the Holy Light!" The mendicant monk walked up tremblingly.

Greendale glanced at the two church members, but didn't say anything.

He turned around and glanced around, looking at the embarrassing battlefield, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought for a while.

In such a situation, how should I explain to Lance...


Lance stood on the high wall and cast his gaze towards the distant wilderness. Different from the mania during the day, the night in the wilderness was strangely peaceful, at least around the outpost.

But his heart had already moved. Wangcai, who stayed at target No. 1, sent a message that the cultists were gathering. They did not try to counterattack from behind.

Or wait until daytime to attack the logistics, cut off the supplies to the front line, and drag the war on the front line into the quagmire.

Instead, he chose an outpost. A steady stream of cultists gathered from underground, hoping to seize this empty city while the entire army attacked and exchange homes with Hamlet.

If you occupy my passage, then I will occupy your outpost. This is reasonable.

"Why are you here?" Margaret's voice sounded from the side, and then she came closer.

She really couldn't sleep. Everything now made her feel more stressed. Not going to the battlefield made her even more uneasy.

So she would think of ways to do something to make herself seem a little involved, so she would hold a gun and observe from the tower of the outpost.

And she only came down after noticing Lance's appearance. After all, he had never come up before the operation started.

Now I don't go to bed after nightfall to look over there, probably because Laura's falcon brought back the news about target No. 2 before dark.

"Are you worried about whether the second team can reach the third goal?"

Lance didn't pay too much attention to Margaret's arrival and just explained casually.

"I'm waiting for them to gather before I waste my time."

Margaret did not understand this strange statement, but she learned not to question it, but to think.

But she came to him for another reason.

"I want to follow the wounded to the front tomorrow."

"It's not necessary if you just want to join the war." Lance denied it without even bothering to look at her.

"I'm not a child, I don't need protection." Margaret tried her best to defend herself, "I have already proven myself, and I can do what those recruits can do!"

It was very uncomfortable for her to stay here and not be able to do anything. She didn't think of it as protection, but on the contrary, it was a kind of torture.

But Lance shook his head rather strangely.

"No, you misunderstood. What I meant is that you don't have to go to such trouble if you want to fight. It's here."

"Where?" Margaret subconsciously raised her head and looked around. It was still quiet.

"Can't you see that the darkness is deeper than the night? There are almost hundreds of people gathered below." Lance said calmly, raised his hand to point to the darkness ahead, and even explained, "This kind of evil magic is not Generally, cultists can cast it, and there is a high probability that there will be a powerful caster who will catch a big fish."

Margaret's eyesight was excellent, and according to what Lance said, she really felt that the place was particularly dark.

But the explanation that followed immediately shocked her.


Hundreds of cultists have gathered outside the high wall?

"Why are we still standing? Hurry..."

Margaret's first reaction was to gather people to defend the city. She knew very well how empty the outpost was now. Except for the logistics, they were the wounded. This reinforced high wall could not give her a sense of security.

But before she could finish, she was interrupted by Lance.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. The guests haven't all arrived yet. It's rude for you to start the meal in a hurry. We have to be patient."

Seeing Lance's reaction, Margaret finally understood what he meant by what he said at first.

It turned out that he had been watching the cultists gathering just now, so no wonder they were ignoring him.

"Do you have any arrangements? Cavalry? Or reserve troops?"

Margaret didn't even dare to speak loudly after knowing that there were all cultists below. She desperately needed the assurance of Lance's backup.

"Without reinforcements, it's just us." Lance complained casually, "If I had a back-up, I would have pressed on them long ago, and I wouldn't have put them in such a dangerous situation. How could I stay here until now?"

As soon as these words came out, Margaret fell silent. The pressure of guarding the outpost suddenly came to bear on her, and she was even a little out of breath, putting on a Sima expression.

"Hahaha~ It's you who said you wanted to go to the battlefield again, why are you reacting like this now?" Who would have thought that Lance laughed and joked when he saw her like this: "You don't really think that I will take special care of you to prevent you from going to the battlefield." On the battlefield, right? No, no, no?"

Everyone wants to save face, and Margaret is no exception. Especially after what she said just now, she couldn't stand it even if she was so provoked.

The stern-faced Margaret really wanted to shoot him when she saw Lance's dirty look. How could such a person exist?

"Don't panic. The outpost is fortified. How can it be so easy to break through? All you have to do is stand on the wall and shoot. We have brains. Who would go head-to-head with the cultists?"

Lance still comforted her, he was just teasing her, these cultists were not enough for him to kill.

If she hadn't disturbed them, I'm afraid no one would have found out that there were cultists trying to invade when they woke up tomorrow.

But at this moment, he inexplicably felt something that made his eyes slightly change, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth suddenly calmed down.

"Go down and inform everyone that you are ready to take action. Remember not to be anxious or panic..."

Lance sent Margaret away with a simple order, looked up at Dark Moon, and then took out the [Messenger].

It was definitely not a good thing for Greendale to call him at this time.

Sure enough, he was not surprised at all after hearing Greendale's story. Operation Wilderness had caused such a big fuss. Do you expect the ancestor to really only get beaten and not fight back?

So Lance didn't have too many irritable emotions, but instead calmly comforted him.

"You did a great job, what about the casualties?"

There was silence on the other end of the messenger, and the sound of breathing could be heard before he continued.

"We haven't completely counted them yet, but the casualties are relatively serious. It is estimated that hundreds of people died."

After hearing this, Lance couldn't calm down. Since he came to Hamlet, this is the first time that hundreds of people have died, not counting injuries... (End of Chapter)

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