Our family is in decline

Chapter 553 Byproducts of Deep Divers

The waves on the coast actually gave him a sense of peeping. Apart from the sights left by these retreating fishmen, Lance really couldn't think of anything else.

No wonder Lance is so furious. Do you really think he doesn't exist?

They should be grateful for the protection of the sea. If they were on land, Lance could tear them alive.

Feeling the dissipation of his gaze, Lance withdrew his cold eyes and turned to the re-intertwined defense lines on the coast and Hamlet, who had not yet fallen silent after being awakened.

It's a pity that tonight is destined to be uneasy. Greendale only brought the news of victory and did not put the messy pressure on him.

It's not that he doesn't know that war is at best a temporary crisis, and how to deal with the impact of war is torture.

Many of the ships parked in the port were affected to varying degrees. These including Sera were not ordinary people and came with a mission.

There are also churches, doctors' associations...how to deal with these guys who have their own agendas?

How should we deal with the impact of the appearance of strange monsters such as the Deep Ones in Hamlet?

How do the wounded people like Baldwin and the hundreds of people who died explain this to their families?

He should show up in town, but no, at least not now.

Only with the power of great victory can the mendicant monks be suppressed. This is part of the plan.

Lance could only hope that Greendale could resist the pressure and buy himself more time.

And what he needs to do now is to eliminate these dead fishmen to bring strength to the ancestor.


Raising his hands towards the mountains of deep diver corpses, the void swallowed everything up like a shadow.

The shock brought by this large-scale sacrifice was even stronger, and Lance felt that nothing could resist the power of the void.

The rich fruits that hundreds of Hamlet people watered with their flesh and blood were easily picked by Lance. This is the power of power.

The strong spiritual upwelling, which had not been such an exaggerated gain for a long time, directly replenished the spiritual energy consumed during this period.

Even the battle in front of the outpost just now was incomparable. You must know that Lance killed hundreds of cultists and a missionary.

Of course, the number of murlocs here is also greater, there must be three or four hundred, but it is a pity that the last wave swept away many, otherwise there would be more.

But the gift of the void is far from over. Obviously, the power hidden in the deep divers is different from that of the cultists, and under such a base, some good things have been returned.

Lance raised his hand to grab it, and a piece of fish scale emitting a faint aura fell into his hand.

The scales are hard to hold in the hand, and are green in color. They are as moist as emeralds. Not to mention their function, they look very beautiful.

[Deep Sea Scales: Scales that contain the power of the deep sea, stimulating a shield to resist an attack]

This thing is a one-time consumable item that can activate the shield to resist damage.

It's of little value against unkillable monsters like Lance, but it's important for those squishy spellcasters.

Or maybe it’s a life-saving item that’s very important to everyone, because you don’t need to be a spell caster to activate it.

It is the strongest when there are no negative effects.

It can be said that it is a good thing for home travel and murder and arson.

"Another kind of power, fishmen with special products are much richer than poor people like cultists."

Lance said as he counted them and found that there were a total of twelve of them.

But in total, there are three to four hundred corpses here, and there will only be more if you include incomplete ones, so the probability is not too high.

It's a pity that that's it, because those special fish-man corpses were taken to the sanatorium under Lance's order, so it is understandable that nothing else was exploded.

After clearing away the corpses, Lance completed his mission of rushing back, and turned towards the wilderness without much extra movement.

There is no point in going back to the town now. Only by completely conquering the wilderness can the situation be opened up.


The early morning sun dispelled the darkness that shrouded the wilderness, and sprinkled warm sunlight on the artillery position of the second target, revealing the artilleryman leaning on the artillery truck or ammunition box, and his fatigue could not be concealed.

When those pig monsters came out of the passage last night, they really frightened the soldiers. They fired a few shots at first, but later they discovered that the ammunition problem could not be wasted.

Therefore, we directly arranged for the gunmen to rely on the gaps created by the shells to guard.

Just like guarding the monster spawning point, shoot as soon as you come out of the passage, and then continue to wait for the next round.

Only when they can no longer defend themselves will they fire cannons to repel the pigs.

After a few waves of fighting like this, there was no movement. The pig learned the lesson and didn't show his head at all.

That is to say, this is not the core of the den, and the pigs that come out are inferior products from the periphery. Otherwise, if a few pig hiders come in and use stealth at night to touch it, they will probably die.

There were no attacks in the second half of the night, and it was so quiet that they felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, they had been prepared to withstand the night attack by the cultists from the beginning, who knew this would be the case.

The quieter it is, the more uneasy it is for them, because it is preparation before the storm.

Especially the new recruits were under even greater pressure, and it was impossible to sleep, so they just held their weapons and simply squinted.

This situation did not end until the sun rose, and the frightening dark night ended. Light always brings people a sense of security.

What made them feel even more secure was the person who came through the wilderness.

When he appeared, he aroused the vigilance of everyone here, because the armor was battle-scarred and tattered, and a large area of ​​​​corrosion on the helmet and faceplate vaguely revealed his face.

It was like blood was poured all over his body, and he didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he seemed to be able to smell the strong fishy smell even from such a distance.

Or maybe seeing this scene aroused the soldiers' senses, making them feel that it should be like this.

Anyway, the first look at it even makes some people with weak psychological endurance tremble.

Until the person who comes speaks.

"Looks like I caught up with your breakfast."

Lance took off his deformed and corroded helmet and walked towards the position.

Everyone couldn't help but be startled when they heard the familiar voice. The moment they saw the face clearly, all kinds of emotions turned into ecstasy and cheers came.

"Lord Lord!"

The appearance of the lord dispelled the last trace of gloom, especially sitting on the ground, having breakfast with them, and then listening to them talk about the battle that took place here, affirming that they stood firm here.

"You did a great job!"

Lance was not stingy with praise, affirming that they seized the position to launch artillery attacks on the cultists, captured the second target, and annihilated the cultists.

Even when faced with monsters made of twisted flesh and blood, they did not flinch and killed them with artillery, exerting their role as artillery.

The infantry who also stayed behind also successfully held their position. Otherwise, how could the artillery have such a relaxed environment to fire?

No one is redundant on the battlefield, this is the strength of the collective.

Similarly, Lance also told how the outpost was attacked by a large force of cultists at night last night. In his words, the situation became extremely critical. Hundreds of cultists used the cover of magic to surround the outpost.

At that time, there were only wounded and logistics personnel in the outpost, and the number of them was not even half of the cultists. If they were separated, they would be broken through from all sides and lead to a huge defeat.

And it was in this critical situation that Lance planned an ambush, took the initiative to open the door to attract the cultists, and then used the small space at the door to block the attack.

But I didn't expect that there would be a very powerful cult priest, with a long tail of bone spurs, a corrosive poisonous tongue, and evil magic that twisted flesh and blood. He would also cruelly sacrifice his companions to become stronger...

"You guys don't know, that poisonous tongue shot out fiercely, so I turned around and dodge quickly, otherwise it wouldn't just be the helmet that would be corroded..."

As he spoke, Lance took out the helmet and passed it around to the curious people, and as expected, there was a burst of discussion.

Lance only talked about it from a macro level and did not mention the detailed battle situation.

Instead, it emphasized the power of the missionaries to highlight the dangers of the time.

At the same time, combined with his attire, those soldiers understood how dangerous the battle situation was and how difficult it was to defend the outpost lord.

Of course, in the end, it was the lord who led the wounded logistics and medical team who went through all kinds of hardships to defeat the cultists and successfully defended the outpost.

Then he spent the whole night chasing down the fleeing cultists and expelling them completely.

"Our mission has not been completed yet. Those cultists are still poisoning the wilderness. We must eliminate them completely!"

"Hamlet must win!"

Lance came to Barton amidst their shouting. He could see his tired look and understood that he also hadn't slept all night.

"Get some rest. It will take some time before the troops behind us will advance. I have already informed them to leave some of those in poor condition to rest here.

For the remaining people, you can bring half of the artillery to target No. 3. They need stronger fire support. "

As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted Patton on the shoulder, using [Blessing] to refresh his status, "Also, you did a good job. I was right to hand over the artillery to you."

The warmth radiating from the spine dispelled the physical fatigue, and Barton responded to the lord's trust with full passion.


Lance entered the almost collapsed building alone, with all kinds of messy flesh and blood smeared on every corner.

The flesh and blood of cultists and pigs were mixed and indistinct, and there were traces of flames burning in them. The messy situation was like walking into a house made of flesh and blood.

Lance tried his best to sacrifice everything that could be sacrificed. No matter how small the mosquito was, it was still meat. What was more important was to minimize the food for the ancestors.

I won’t give you any leftovers, you old man!

Lance didn't stay too long. He fought all the way up just to eliminate the cultists as quickly as possible. There was no time to waste.


It is also in the wilderness, but what is connected below the second target is only the outer part of the beast cave, and the third target is very close to the ruins of the old city, so what is connected below is also the depth of the beast cave.

The bloody fight attracted the pigs, and the pigs that popped up here were not the failures, but the further iterations of the ancestors.

There are powerful and crazy pig thugs, pig hiders who can stealth and sneak, and spell casters like pig priests.

The Pig Drummer and Crippled Pigs mixed in are also very disgusting monsters, not to mention the most basic styles, the Pig Slayer and the Hookhand.

Maybe this position touches its core, or maybe someone controls it.

Anyway, these pigmen seemed to be stimulated, and the intermittent night attacks basically continued all night long.

Fighting cultists during the day and pigmen at night. Such a cruel battle, even the bullets and some consumables were almost used up. Some people's long swords had curled blades and their bayonets had been broken.

In this situation, ordinary people would have collapsed a long time ago, but they are the lord's personal guards [Heart of Steel], and they have all been strengthened and are as elite as steel.

Those veterans are also ruthless people who survived the brutal war.

And it also comes with several powerful heroes, including Disma, Barristan, Boudica, Alhazred, Tardif, Geralt, and Junia.

There are offenses, defenses, and spellcasters, all of whom have unique skills.

Moreover, one master and one pair have full healing capabilities, which ensures the team's continuous fighting ability.

When the morning light shone on target No. 3, the pigs who were originally fighting fell into panic as if they were in pain.

General Hamlet sensed this change and seized the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

"More money, you bastard!"

Tardif roared and swung the ax, and struck the pig man's neck in one stroke. The power of the banshee was triggered, and the shadow rose and the pig man was immediately immobilized, while the power of corruption eroded the flesh and blood.

Disma's gun had run out of bullets and misfired, and he was fighting among them with a short sword. The broken blade slit the throats of each pigman, and the irregular wounds caused even more exaggerated bleeding.

The long sword in Geralt's hand is still blessed with rune power, but its sharpness is not as sharp as before. It takes more force to cut through the pigman's flesh.

But what is lacking most now is this. Even the demon hunter's extraordinary physique cannot withstand such a frequency of fighting.

The power of the seal has also been drained of the spiritual energy in the body due to too much consumption, and it is difficult to use it again.

Boudica no longer had the excitement of fighting. The almost endless fighting made her exhausted. The fatigue was undisguised on her face, and she was wielding her weapon numbly. It was estimated that she would have to rest for a while after today.

Junia's magic has long been exhausted, but she stood in front and waved the steel torch like a war hammer, hitting the pigmen.

Because they have not gotten rid of the limitations of the physical body, ordinary people will lose their strength if they explode continuously for one minute.

And they started fighting as soon as they came here. They fought for a day and a night, and it was a bit easy to describe them as tired.

It can be said that even the steel is broken, but they are still holding on. You can imagine what will happen.

But no one retreated, even if everyone was on the verge of reaching their limit.


And just when the sunshine completely dispelled the haze on the position, they retreated voluntarily as if fleeing amidst the screams of the pigmen, and hid again in the passage leading to the underground.

They didn't know why the pigs retreated, but they knew that they repelled another pig attack and successfully held their position.

At this time, they didn't care about so much anymore. Some could still stand, while others had collapsed on the ground and gasped for air.

But the figures of the crowd were so tall under the morning light.

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