Our family is in decline

Chapter 557 Closing the Net

"No trace of corruption."

"It was actually the church that took the initiative to abandon this place."

The mendicant monk and the candle-burning priest felt that the surveillance disappeared, and then they walked among them with the prestige accumulated in the war.

The two of them also began to contact some people, and from these people, the monk and the priest learned more about what happened to Hamlet.

Originally, the monk thought that the police officer's statement about church members running away was a lie, and that they were actually being persecuted.

But after some investigation, it was found that they really escaped in the face of the bandit invasion, which was quite a slap in the face for both of them.

However, thinking about the endless fishmen last night, I understood their choice. Generally speaking, according to the rules of the church, there is no need to set up a church in villages and towns with less than a hundred people, and there are so many dangers around here.

Therefore, evacuation is a matter of compliance with regulations and does not count as an escape.

How can church matters be considered an escape?

At first, the monk was a little impressed that the lord led so many people to build the current Hamlet.

But the more I learned, the more terrified I became.

This lord had no regard for the church. He demolished churches and renovated schools, dug graves to desecrate the dead, and persecuted devout believers. Various laws and regulations replaced the holy scriptures.

Not to mention insulting the corruption of the church, criticizing the ignorance of the church, and denouncing the oppression of the church.

A place like Hamlet, like a freak, erased everything about the church, but it was not destroyed in the continuous disasters, but got better and better.

Even now, most people in the town are unwilling to contact people from the church because they are actually enjoying the benefits.

But in the view of the mendicant monks, this is because the lords they call have taken away the believers' reverence for the Holy Light. This issue is related to the source of the church's power. It can be said that they are absolutely unacceptable.

If such a place that develops rapidly without the church is allowed to exist, it will be a huge blow to the church.

The empire does not allow such an awesome territory to exist!

The beggar monk held his staff and said solemnly: "This is really a great threat to the church and must be corrected."

"Isn't there no sign of corruption?" Pastor Ranzhu didn't have such a keen political awareness. He paid more attention to the things themselves.

No evil changes were found here, and there were no cruel sacrificial rituals. Instead, they were always fighting against an unknown cult.

"No! I now suspect that the lord is a cultist in disguise. We must let the holy light illuminate Hamlet again." The mendicant monk slammed his staff several times and refuted with firm words.

The church is always so domineering and arrogant. He said that when you subvert the Holy Light, you better have the power to subvert.

After all, this is still a world where the strong are respected, compared with Lance's conservative and cautious attitude towards extraordinary power for fear of attracting prying eyes.

The mendicant monks used their powerful extraordinary power to win over people's hearts without any scruples. Under the holy light, they seemed to be the agents of gods in the human world.

In particular, various rumors caused by the disappearance of the lord spread. The people in this high-pressure environment were already lacking in emotions. Seeing this scene, they were somewhat touched, and there were even believers who took the initiative to confess to them.

These devout believers did not dare to reveal their faith in the church under the high pressure of Lance, but now they are finally released.

These people accused the lord of blasphemy against the church, giving the mendicant monks a reason to incite the people.

But the mendicant monk obviously did not take action directly. Instead, he began to talk about the church's holy scriptures in the square on the pretext of announcements, but some of the words mixed with them were as if they were provoking a needle.

Human beings are so fragile that they need faith to fill the emptiness in their hearts. Even if Lance suppresses them many times, those people will inexplicably express their dependence on the church whenever they have the opportunity.

They have forgotten how they were fooled, exploited, enslaved, and oppressed, and they have also forgotten who brought all this to them.

Hamlet only encountered a little pressure, and before he exploded, these people couldn't wait to collapse and wanted to seek new shelter.

The church's control over the grassroots for many years has made people accustomed to being ruled by these "messengers of God". Instead of standing up to resist, they are more accustomed to relying on others, and they can't even tell whether it is in their own interests.

Ignorance, numbness, madness... all these seem to be the most realistic portrayals of those people.

But in fact, not everyone is a fanatical believer. These guys who can be encouraged by the monks are only a small part, and most of them are the newly accepted refugees.

They had not experienced the difficult beginning of Hamlet, nor had they stood beside the lord to fight together. When they came here, the situation was relatively stable, so that they believed that they deserved everything.

As for those of the older generation who single-handedly established Hamlet, especially those who have come into contact with the lords, their loyalty cannot be shaken by this situation.

Even the old farmer who couldn't read a word picked up the pitchfork and angrily wanted to kill these traitors!

If it hadn't been for the dissuasion from the security team and the army, the angry people would have hanged these "traitors" who insulted the lord first.

The Sheriff repeated the reason of not being internalized over and over again, defining them as thugs who disturbed the order in his words, and pointed the church to the beginning of the rebellion.

Only Hamlet endures for the sake of the greater good, and we are the victims.

Public opinion war, you said it is impossible without expert guidance...

It wasn't just the loyalists who were dissatisfied. To be honest, even the mendicant monks on the square were a little surprised.

He had always been tempted by preaching and preaching.

Logically speaking, with so many people gathered, even an ordinary lord would not be able to allow such a thing to happen, let alone the unceremonious army during the battle.

He wanted to attract those people to confront the believers. It would be best to kill a few more believers to trigger conflicts, then he would have a reason to take action.

As for the dead believers... they are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Holy Light.

But unexpectedly, no one took care of him. The army was transferred to the coast to garrison, and the sheriff only patrolled indifferently, and even helped them isolate the people, but had no intention of taking care of him.

He naturally listened to those reasons, and others might even believe the reasons why they could not move because of the threat of monsters, but as a person who has lived for who knows how many years, he absolutely did not believe these words, and he only felt the other party's not simple.

Because he is shaking their rule, which is something that no one in power will allow to happen.

It's as if if the monk knew what happened to Hamlet last night, he would never take action and even hope that the monster destroys this heretical town.

Yes, in the eyes of the monks, Hamlet is even more terrifying than the Deep One.

Because no matter how strong the deep divers are, they cannot stay ashore for a long time, let alone rule humans.

But the development of Hamlet will have a serious blow to the church.

Unable to bear it any longer, Hamlet's rule must be overthrown, and this place must be destroyed at all costs.

As for what the price is...

If Baldwin was fine, he would not dare to be so arrogant, but now the only person who could fight him fell seriously injured. He was just pretending and did not really treat him, so he was confident even if he faced it.

In the evening, the sun will also converge its dazzling light, but the passage of time has not calmed Hamlet down, on the contrary, it has become more intense.

More and more people began to gather in the square to listen to the mendicant monks' sermons. At the same time, they became more and more excited and excited under the influence of the extraordinary power, and shouts resounded throughout the square.

The sun finally set, and countless torches rose, illuminating the hundreds of people gathered in the square, and the mendicant monks finally stood up to respond to the believers.

"So many disasters happened to Hamlet because the lord gave up the guidance of the Holy Light. He is an evil dictator. He wants to drag you into corruption..."

In the mouth of the mendicant monk, the source of all Hamlet's suffering became Lance, the evil dictator. As he spoke, he raised his hand and held the staff high. The candle ignited without fire, and suddenly the light shone and enveloped everyone in the square.

"A miracle!"

"I'll drop the Holy Light!"


The mendicant monks led many riots. They overthrew one after another arrogant lords who despised the church, and poured holy light into those dark places.

He has a lot of experience with this kind of thing, and it's no different here!

So he chose this time. The setting sun in the evening weakened the impact on the deep divers. At the same time, uneasiness would further arouse the emotions of the people, and it would be easier to demonstrate the power of the Holy Light.

After tonight Hamlet will be destroyed by monsters and everything will be submerged beneath the waves.

"Now take up your weapons to correct this, end the evil lord's rule, and return to the protection of the Holy Light!"

The holy light shone on their bodies and blood surged into their brains. Without even needing the mendicant monks to issue orders, the believers raised their torches and weapons and shouted wildly.

This scene was immediately felt by other people in the square, but neither the sheriff nor the militia had any intention of stopping it. Instead, they chose to give in and even evacuated the fleet and other outsiders who were watching the fun.

Doors to taverns and hotels were immediately closed, and the stranded guys were also full of fear about this scene.

To the believer who is caught up in the madness at this time, the tolerance and calmness of others is interpreted as weakness at this time.

At the same time, Greendale's indulgence also made them even crazier, and in the end they lost control directly.

From the heights of the government building, you can see the torches rising and the shouts emanating from the central square.

After seeing this scene, Greendale also let out a cold cry.

"It seems they finally couldn't bear it anymore and it's time to close the net."

After saying this, Greendale put away her hands and played with the weird eyeballs and turned around and went downstairs...

The believers who originally only gathered in the square swarmed into the streets. They did not dare to attack the monsters, but they were extremely brave when they rioted.

They pointed their weapons at the civilians and shouted fanatically, as if they were really victims, and they were being persecuted by the lord.

But everyone knows that nothing like this happened, but these thugs need a reason to support their beliefs and make them believe that they are doing the right thing.

There are even some who usually have accumulated conflicts and want to take this opportunity to cause trouble.

"Open the door! Open the door quickly!"

Facing the guy who was banging on the door frantically, a mother inside the house desperately held on to the wooden door because it was the last safety for her and her two children.

Until a fire ignited the long house made of wood and thatch, the believer seemed even more fanatical listening to the screams coming from inside.

"Hahaha! Burn you evil guys to death!"

The madness seemed to intensify further.

Why does Lance object to directly [Blessing] to strengthen batches of elites?

This is the reason. When the strength is greatly improved without any effort, the mentality is very unstable.

Maybe you want to be a superman and uphold justice on the first day, but become a native of the motherland on the second day, and stop eating beef on the third day.

Therefore, Lance is very cautious about [Blessing]. This should not be a reward, but the precipitation of hard work.

The mendicant monks gave birth to these thugs in the name of the Holy Light, and they committed atrocities in the name of the Holy Light.

But the "Holy Light" doesn't mind, because the monks know that coercion is the reason for the team's growth, or that these people are accustomed to following the crowd, and the blindness of the people seems unstoppable.

Give these disobedient guys some color, so that you can shake those who are hesitant and hesitant, and tell them the consequences of disobeying the Holy Light!

But at this moment, a loud shout sounded like thunder.

"What are you doing!"

Those believers who fell into fanaticism and wanted to judge everything were directly shocked for some reason, and almost all of them froze in place.

At the same time, a figure rushed out from the dim night.

But the target was not towards these believers holding torches, but towards the house that was on fire.

Without any hesitation, he crashed directly into the door wrapped in fire.

Without waiting for any further reaction, the fire clinging to the door exploded violently as a figure rushed out from inside.

When the figure stopped, he saw one person in each hand.

But things were far from over, the two people who had just put them down were crying.

"Child! My baby is still in there!"

The figure turned around and rushed into the fire without any hesitation, but accidents were always so unexpected.

This kind of house uses a lot of wood structure, especially thatched roof and frame.

The fire started and the roof ignited. After a while, it collapsed, blocking the door.


Such a scene made the mother who was kneeling in front of the house let out a tearing wail, so shrill that it made people stand on their backs.

There was another half-year-old child standing with a look of fear on his face, fear filling his thin body and trembling constantly.

But at this moment, there was only a "bang" sound, and the mud wall with a wooden frame shattered, and a person burst out of it and strode to the mother.

"It's okay, I just choked on the smoke. I'll wake up later." The covering hands were released, revealing the child underneath who was well protected and didn't even have any burn marks.

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came. The woman looked up and saw the slightly embarrassed face and couldn't help but cry loudly.

"Lord Lord!"

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