Our family is in decline

Chapter 56 Artillery Battery

Hitting refugees with cannons is indeed something the empire can do, or it is normal in this world.

Because of low productivity, it is impossible to feed so many people in the event of a major disaster. It is obvious what will happen to these refugees.

It is better to give the refugees food than to give them a shot.

This is the kindness of the master.

Anyway, the masters in the city can't see it. If they can't see it, it means there is nothing. If there are no refugees, it means the empire is flourishing and the world is singing and dancing at peace.

And this artillery company thought the same way. How difficult could it be to kill a refugee?

According to what Lao San said, they belong to the empire's newly formed artillery company. There is only one regiment in the entire eastern province, with six subordinate companies.

You must know that a cannon requires 4 to 6 horses to pull it. In addition, the professional knowledge required by artillery is difficult. In this era before universal education, it is very expensive to train a non-commissioned officer. In total, it is a more valuable branch than the cavalry.

An artillery company consists of 150 men, equipped with eight artillery pieces of different calibers.

At that time, three companies were dispatched, which was close to 500 men, plus almost 24 artillery pieces.

In addition to the infantry, formal military services such as spearmen and cavalry, as well as knights summoned by local lords, the number of peasants and soldiers can reach 3,000.

This configuration is enough to fight a big battle with the regular army. Isn't it easy to deal with such refugees?

Until they encountered a terrible war.

At this point, the third child stopped. Even if Lance pressed him again and again, he would not continue. He just shook his head in panic.

"After the battle, we got separated from the main force, and there were less than a hundred people left. There were many other companies among them, and there were only three artillery pieces left.

Originally, although we were remnant soldiers, we could prove our identity as long as we returned according to the time, but for some reason, we were attacked when we appeared in front of the regular army.

We later learned that we were probably presumed to have been killed in the war, and now we can only become deserters when we appear in front of the empire. Deserters are punishable by death no matter where they come from. We can't go back, so we can only take our guys and flee into a remote place. Mountain forest.

I lost most of my belongings while escaping. In order to survive, I had to attack the bandits along the way, get food from them, and then find my way home.

Until the woman was rescued from a group of bandits and she claimed to be a noble. However, the escort was killed by the bandits and she was kidnapped. After being with that woman, the captain also started to become crazy..."

I had heard Disma mention that there was a very sexy woman among the bandits before, but now I was somewhat speechless when I heard Lao San's words again.

A group of deserters plundered the caravan, attacked villages and towns, burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes, but the crime was pinned on a woman.

He had heard these words too much. Those feudal dynasties in those days also blamed the emperor's incompetence and fatuousness on others. Even when he took over Hamlet, he took the blame for his ancestors on the steward and the mayor.

Lance is not interested in these stories of depravity. For him, solving the current problem is more important.

"Where is the artillery? Can it be used? Is there enough ammunition?"

"It's kept in the camp, and it can be used. As for the ammunition, although it doesn't have much, it can still fire a few rounds."

Hearing this, Lance was glad that he chose to take the initiative instead of waiting for them to attack. Once the cannon was fired, his defense line would completely collapse. It was impossible for those new soldiers to stop hundreds of bandits.

"Do you think the captain will bring artillery to attack the barbarians?"

"It is estimated that only one eight-pounder will be carried. The other two are too heavy to move in the wilderness, and one gun requires eight skilled gunners to use it."

"Who do you think has a greater chance of winning?"

"Of course it's us. How can those barbarians be the opponent of the imperial artillery?"

The third child did not hesitate. Although he became a deserter, he still had the pride of being an imperial artilleryman~


The second brother and the two injured elites escaped back to the camp and immediately caused a sensation.

To be honest, it is very painful to stay in the ravine every day. Even a woman will get tired of it after a while.

As a result, everyone has become sensitive. Even a small incident can spread throughout the entire camp in an instant, let alone such an obviously big situation.

The elites of the two teams plus the two bosses only returned three in the end. What happened here aroused everyone's curiosity.

"What's going on?" Of course this included the captain, but his curiosity was tinged with obvious anger.

Originally, I was still waiting for the good news at home. If you just give him a big one, who else can bear it?

"Barbarian, we were ambushed by...Barbarian..." The second child ran back and was still angry, "Go and save the third child quickly, they can't hold on for long."

The captain was also taken aback by him, and immediately called a large number of subordinates to rush back to the camp where the incident occurred, led by the second.

It's just that this place has been dealt with long ago. There are only some bloody and broken meat left on the spot, and there is no sign of the body at all.

"Where is his mother?" The captain already had a bad feeling in his heart when he looked at the empty camp, and he quickly asked his second son.

"You are still playing with your fucking broken gun. Where are your people?"

The second brother was also panicked when he saw the scene, and couldn't help but look around to find some traces.

This time, everything disappeared, not even the body?

"Is this here? Where are your people?" Seeing that the second child didn't answer, the captain asked one after another, "Where are the third child and the two teams?"

"I can't come~"

The second child was also helpless. It was indeed here, but there was nothing here.

After hearing this, the captain confirmed that the third child and the eight elites were gone, and he became angry and shouted loudly towards the dense forest.

"Barbarian, I'm not done with you, just wait for me!"

The surrounding bandits looked at the captain's crazy look and remained silent, for fear of being implicated.

After a round of venting, the captain quickly calmed down. What happened to him? Such a mentality would not last long on the battlefield.

You seem to have become so violent since you came here. Is it because you have loosened your discipline after becoming a bandit?

But even after venting, he still felt faintly distressed.

He would feel better if only eight miscellaneous soldiers died, but what is the concept of eight direct elites?

They were the elites he brought out from the artillery company, his own men who could read, shoot, and shoot.

"Tell me what's going on." The captain suppressed his anger and looked at the second child.

"We followed the man out, and it was just as he said. All the corpses disappeared. There were still wolf claw marks and leftover human bones on the ground. The only people in this area who could drive wolves were the barbarians.

Later, we followed the traces and found that the bandits in several consecutive camps had been killed, and all the bodies were missing.

Until we came here, we were attacked by hidden barbarians. They had at least ten gunmen, and they were all very accurate. Most of us fell down before we had time to react, and we finally escaped back in a desperate attempt. "

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