Our family is in decline

Chapter 57 Underestimating the enemy and advancing rashly

In order to shirk the responsibility, Lao Er tried his best to exaggerate the fighting power and threat of those barbarians, and that he desperately escaped back to bring in reinforcements.

"I guess those barbarians are the murderers. I'm afraid they are hiding here because they want to wait until night to continue clearing out other bandits. We happened to find them out, otherwise many people will die at their hands tonight."

Seeing the captain's silence, the second child could only continue speaking bravely and wanted to take some credit for himself, but the captain didn't pay much attention to it at this time, and his attention was on another place.

If everything is consistent and the corpse can be removed so quickly, doesn't it mean that extraordinary objects really exist~

I was worried that I had no excuse to attack the barbarians, but now I have a ready excuse!

Thinking about the few dead elites, I felt less heartbroken.

The captain reacted and immediately drew out his saber and shouted an order to go down.

"Those barbarians killed our brothers. I must avenge them, find them, and kill them!"


"Kill them!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

They were all suffocating, and no one could refuse to have some fun, and now everyone was showing a strong bellicosity.

Soon the bandits dispersed to search the area, but Lance and the others had already escaped and it was impossible for them to find them.

"Although we have killed many people, they can't get better. They have probably fled back to the barbarian camp by now."

"Go back and prepare to attack with all your strength!"

The captain also knew that those people would not be able to stay if they were discovered, and it would be difficult for him to find them in the vast forest. It would be better to attack them and save them, and directly bombard the barbarian camp to force them back.

The group rushed back to the camp, and the remaining bandits accepted the message.

Two elite teams and the third leader were killed by barbarians, and now the captain wants to launch a revenge war to avenge his brothers.

After all, these were all from the military, and under the captain's orders, they showed order and execution that were beyond the reach of ordinary bandits.

After quickly putting on their equipment, some people began to pull horses and cannons, and dragged out a war machine and two boxes of artillery shells from the camp.

I'm afraid what the third child said "not much" is a bit understated. Where can these fucking deserters get so much ammunition? Don't even think about it, you know which arsenal must have been robbed on the way to escape~

The captain also put on armor and carried a saber and patrolled the camp to make arrangements.

Judging from his methods, everything has become orderly. This man is really capable of becoming an officer of the new artillery force.

Soon everyone in the camp was neatly equipped and stood in a military formation, and the captain also mounted a tall horse and stood in front of the formation to review.

Looking at this scene, you can see that the strength of the artillery regiment is very impressive. Even if two teams of elites are lost and the troops are arranged to stay in the camp, they can still gather more than seventy. With one artillery, it can deal with the barbarians with only twenty or thirty people. That's not it. easy?

"...That group of barbarians crossed the border and killed many of our brothers in a sneak attack. In addition to the old grudges, we will settle them together this time..."

The captain encouraged him before the battle, then drew his saber and pointed it in the direction of the wolf regiment.

"This battle must be won! Let's go!"

An army of less than a hundred people marched out in such a formation. Who knows what a spectacular scene it would be to have thousands of troops fighting on the real battlefield?

Lance and the others had already touched upon it. Looking at the advancing team from a distance, they discovered that there were actually more than ten horses in their camp.

These were not the farm horses that pulled carts, but serious imperial war horses. Although they were also pulling carts, they were pulling artillery carts.


"They set off, what now?"

The third child watched the team set off and turned to Lance and asked.

"Follow me. Leonard and Barristan, you two, stay back for a while. If you are attacked, save yourself first and don't take the initiative to attack."

Leonard and the others had more equipment and were not as easy to move as they were. They could easily be spotted if they were too close, so they delayed some distance.

Lance was told to take Disma and Lao San to follow him secretly.

There was actually quite a distance between the artillery regiment and the wolf regiment's camp, and it was unlikely that an operation of this scale could be hidden from everyone.

Some bandits who were alerted thought that the artillery regiment wanted to attack the town, and hurriedly came over to get a share of the pie, but without any surprise, they were all driven away by the captain.

Disma couldn't help but look at Lance when he saw this. His previous judgment was correct. Under the temptation of extraordinary items, the captain would not be able to drag other bandits with him, and would only choose to swallow the wolf group alone.

For a moment, I admired the lord even more~

The artillery regiment here was still very orderly when they first marched, but after leaving for a while, the team began to become unorganized.

Except for some elites who were able to maintain their formation, the rest of the team also changed from being compact at the beginning to being draggy.

It can be said that after losing the disciplinary restraints that military status did not have, the lazy and indulgent life destroyed the last traces of this unit's status as soldiers.

Seeing this, Lance knew that they were not in danger. He saw that the artillery regiment was about to enter the range of the wolf regiment before he spoke.

"How do you think the captain will attack?"

Lance was asking the third child. He needed to know more about the situation to judge the situation.

"The barbarians' camp is different from ours. They did not choose to camp in the ruins of flat land, but in the dense forest. In this case, I think the captain will definitely divide his troops and limit their space.

Let eight members of the Musketeers form a two-round offensive, surround them from these directions, drive the barbarians to the front, and then bombard them with artillery. "

The third child is also a non-commissioned officer. He studied at the military academy and is very knowledgeable about tactics and the like.

But reality is often not what people expect. As soon as the team entered the dense forest, gunfire broke out.

Some of the gunmen did not wait for orders or see the enemy and fired into the surrounding woods, causing exploding white mist to rise.

But other than that, I didn't see anything more. The enemy didn't see that, but instead, his own team continued to die, and the team began to panic.

The captain at the front also wanted to command the rear, but the team was stretched too long, and his orders seemed so weak under the intensive gunfire.

Just as those people were reloading, wolf howls sounded from the dense forest. The next second, more than a dozen pure white wolves rushed into the team, biting and clawing, causing even greater chaos.

Fortunately, the captain finally mobilized the elite troops to attack. Two rows of neat gunfire directly suppressed the gunfire in the dense forest. At the same time, some elites holding swords rushed into the wolves.

These elites wearing neat armor easily suppressed the wolves. Without the cover of bullets, the wolves had no choice but to leave a few corpses and flee back into the dense forest.

At this time, the dense forest had calmed down, but the captain's troops had also suffered heavy casualties.

The shooting in the dense forest directly took away a few people. In addition, many people were injured and lost their combat effectiveness due to the wolf pack intrusion. In this way, the loss of more than ten people was lost, which was close to one-sixth of the team.

It can be said that if the elite had not responded quickly enough to control the situation, I am afraid that the chaos would have continued and more people would have died.

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