Our family is in decline

Chapter 563 Dilemma

"Thankfully you are here, otherwise Hamlet would not know how much disaster he would have suffered."

Lance sighed, and also told the reason why he and the army disappeared. They were facing the attacks of cultists in the wilderness, and fought fierce battles...

As for how tragic it is, you can tell by looking at him now.

Listening to this, even the experienced Baldwin couldn't help but frown and ask.

"What the hell is going on in this place?"

Lance finally waited for him to say this, and his expression suddenly became solemn, and his back seemed to be bent under the weight of a heavy burden. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke with a tone that was somewhat vicissitudes of life.

"Our family is in decline..."

The love and hatred between the Hamlet family and the Ascension Sect seemed to have an epic depth in Lance's words. Then in a few simple sentences, he outlined that he would inherit the last wish of his ancestors and give up everything to fight against all kinds of evil spirits for the sake of the survival of mankind. To prevent the end from coming.

These words completely shocked Baldwin. Such legendary stories had happened on this land, and there was actually an ancient god underground who could destroy the world!

Lance did not stop, but told about the crimes committed by the Ascension Sect in Hamlet, as well as the infliction of trouble by the empire, the church and the surrounding lords. What stood out was that he was alone and helpless, as if he was the only one in the world who was struggling to support mankind.

After hearing this, even Baldwin couldn't digest it and fell into silence for a while.

Back then, when I faced various pagans around me, the situation was also very critical, but at least they were all human beings. Why are there all these heaven-defying things in this place?

Cultists, pigs, skeletons, fishmen...

"Hamlet suffered heavy losses after being attacked by cultists and fishmen. I'm afraid it will be difficult to collect materials to cure leprosy in a short time. You will have to wait for a while to be completely cured of leprosy. Leave here then. This This is not your battlefield.”

"No! I can't leave like this. It was you who saved us, and it was Hamlet who tolerated us. At this time of crisis, this is not what a gentleman... a gentleman would do." Baldwin's determination could not be stopped even by his mask. But he suddenly paused as he spoke, and then quickly confirmed again.

"When these things happen, even if it weren't for the treatment, I would never stand by and watch."

"Sigh~ If there were more loyal people like you in this empire, then Hamlet wouldn't have been able to fight alone and end up like this."

Lance was not excited by Baldwin's statement. Instead, he sighed, "Even now, when we are resisting cultists and monsters, the church people are causing riots in the town."

"Ah!" Baldwin had been staying in the leprosy camp, isolated from the town, and really didn't know what had just happened.

Lansdowne was about to tell the story, and naturally described the situation as more tragic. Those thugs burned people for fun in the name of the Holy Light, while the church duo watched from behind.

That family was the family of a martyr who had just died in the war. Such a situation was really bad.

From Leonard's story, we know that Baldwin was once a king supported by the church and a devout believer.

Although the suffering he suffered along the way had already broken his faith, and being cured of leprosy trampled on the so-called divine punishment.

But Lance would definitely encourage him if he had the chance.

If the church can poach its own corners, then he can also poach the church's corners.

Aren't Leonard and Junia very successful? Now it's up to Baldwin.

For a person with a strong sense of morality like Baldwin, he couldn't hold back after hearing this, but he knew that since the lord came here, it meant that the matter had been resolved, and he did not shout for fighting or killing.

"Fortunately, I came back in the end and rescued the family..."

After stepping on the church, he naturally wanted to praise himself. After saving the family, he attacked and beat the two church members violently. However, he did not kill them, but went through a trial.

With such a comparison, the image is immediately established, highlighting a well-founded and clear-cut grievance.

The conversation with Baldwin didn't last long, and Lance still had a lot to deal with.

When he walked out of the leper camp and was blown by the night wind, Lance suddenly froze and felt a little dazed.

He started working from the outpost and basically hasn't stopped in the past few days. Even if he conquered the wilderness, he would rush back to save the field without taking a rest. He was so busy, so what was he busy with?


Lance let out a long breath, set his sights on the town, and walked towards it without much hesitation.

It’s no use thinking so much, just do it!

Lance announced his return with a public trial, and for those frightened people, they could finally sleep well tonight.

And those who came from outside also felt the power of that lord after seeing that situation. After all, in this world, I am afraid no one can grasp the church's legendary judgment.

Although they came here to investigate the situation, they also felt that the appearance of this person would have an impact on the surrounding areas and even the empire.

Because there are rumors in the town that there are cultists and fishmen, and these things are not simple situations.

They couldn't sleep anyway, they just wanted to open the port as soon as possible and get out of here.

I'm afraid the only people who don't want to leave now are the people from the Medical Association.

These rich guys were not short of money if they could charter a boat to come here. When they came to Hamlet, they didn't live on the boat or in a hotel like everyone else. Instead, they spent money to rent several two-story houses separately.

Only in this way could an entire observation group be accommodated. After all, they were accompanied by escorts, totaling a dozen people, not counting the crew.

They originally wanted to come over to see if there really was technology to treat leprosy, but they were stopped for a day, just when they felt that this might be fake news.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden invasion of fishmen. Although they didn't care about other things, they were also very interested in the monster's corpse.

But he was still stopped, and after negotiating with those businessmen who only knew about money for a long time, he still couldn't get a body.

The successive failures in Hamlet have made these doctors with extremely high social status dissatisfied. When they were in Totnes, no matter they were high-ranking officials or wealthy businessmen, civilians or nobles, they were all very polite to them. After all, no one would have a family with a minor illness. It hurts, and the church’s magic can only heal injuries but not diseases.

It’s no wonder that the Doctors Association, which has a monopoly status, is so rich and even has guards.

Unfortunately, it was of no use to Hamlet. They tried to bribe some bureaucrats to steal the bodies, but they couldn't do it, because all the intact bodies had been sent to the nursing home, and the remains had long since disappeared.

And this weird town gave them a very strange feeling. Until they saw the power of the lord and the scene of the public trial, they didn't care about the late night, and instead met with several members of the observation group.

"What do you think?" One person looked at the bearded man wearing knight armor. He was the captain of the guard this time, a master knight.

"Very strong, a legendary strongman that I have never heard of. I may not be able to survive a few rounds in his hands."

"This place is so strange. Don't we have more information about this place?"

"Pay some money to find a Roma or local person who would be more than happy to tell us more information."

From the conversations between several people, it can be seen that their focus has changed from leprosy to fish-men at the beginning, and now they have quickly turned to the lord and this place.

But when everyone was talking, the leader at the beginning seemed to be stuck in some memory and was stunned for a while before speaking.

"I also went to a place called Hamlet twenty years ago..."

The name Hamlet translates to "home", so many places have similar names.

Moreover, the location is quite different, so it is difficult for many people who know Hamlet to connect this place with that of the past.

Only those who have truly understood will know these things.

Now this situation can't help but remind those who have witnessed the glory of Hamlet.

It might be possible to complete the treatment of leprosy in this place.

"Those who are negotiating with us do not have the power to make decisions. I will go and see this lord in person. Recently, everyone has restrained themselves from making trouble. He even dares to fight people from the church, and he is not far behind a few of us."

That person made a decision, knowing that the Doctors Association is also an extraordinary organization...

Hamlet's situation improved after the lord came back, and everything that needed to be vented was vented. Then Lance, who was busy around the town, reversed Greendale's cautious and conservative policy with a powerful gesture, and it took just one night to vent Hamlet's situation. Get everything back on track.

When the sun rose, everything seemed to be back to normal and stable.

The militiamen also retreated, and the firearms and weapons were restocked after inventory.

However, their merits must be counted, but in this era it will take more time to sort them out.

The Sheriff and Navy Lance also directly gave them leave and started the reserve forces of those training camps. The teenagers in the school were responsible for patrolling and maintaining stable order.

After a night's rest, the one hundred wounded soldiers, together with the personal guards, escorted the thugs to the wilderness for labor reform.

It can be said that Lance's arrangement can naturally ease the nervousness of the front-line troops and allow them to rest, but it will also put Hamlet into a situation of insufficient troops.

But no one cares because the lord is back.

Those outsiders probably won't have the courage to commit suicide after watching last night's "barbecue". Now they want to leave here more.

Therefore, many ship owners came to the Government Affairs Building early in the morning, hoping to get the accurate time.

At this time, in the office on the third floor, Lance appeared here for the first time in a long time, and his clothes had also been changed. Not to mention other things, at least he looked more like a person.

Last night, in order to wash away the coagulated blood stains, he soaked for a long time. As you can imagine, the entire water in the pool was dyed red.

The complete set of armor, the broken sword, and the set of clothes were sent directly to the museum for display, so that they could see what the lord had done to protect them, and it was not in vain that Lance had worked so hard to act.

"Those people are demanding that the port be reopened as soon as possible."

Greendale entered the office. She also came here early in the morning to help handle matters.

After receiving treatment and blessing from Lance and then resting for a night, his condition has obviously recovered and he is full of energy.

When he heard this, Lance didn't pay too much attention to it. He still dealt with the breakfast in front of him and even greeted Greendale.

"Have you eaten?"

"It's been two days. If you continue to suppress them without giving an exact time, I'm afraid it will cause trouble." Greendale didn't have the determination of Lance, so she couldn't help but worry.

"I want to resolve this matter as soon as possible more than they do. After all, Hamlet's meat is entirely supported by fisheries, but the fishmen lingering in the surrounding waters have not left, and we have no more options."

Lance said and knocked on the plate helplessly, "Look, I used to have fresh fish and shrimp in the morning, but now I just eat bread and eggs."

It's not that Lance doesn't want to solve it, it's that he has no choice.

Those fishmen were hiding underwater and causing trouble, and they didn't have many countermeasures.

Without the fishery and harbor, Hamlet's development was like being cut in half.

He didn't expect that he could be blocked here. The ancestor really pinched his lifeblood.

"What should I do?" Greendale could only sit down and think about how to solve this matter.

"Simple, we just go to the fishman's lair and demolish it to see if they can come back."

"But we can't go into the sea either?" Greendale didn't understand this.

Now even the murlocs in the water can't be affected, so how can we find the murloc's lair in the vast ocean?

Lance naturally understood what she meant and explained immediately.

"There is a sea cliff to the northeast of the old city ruins. There is a huge slit in it, and the fish-men's lair is hidden in it."

"The fishman's lair is not in the sea? Isn't this too strange?"

For Greendale, who grew up in the Misty Mountains, she could understand that the rats were in the underground caves, but it was difficult for her to understand why the fishmen were in the bay.

"The environment of the bay is very complicated. I have never been there. I only know that there is such a place from the few words left behind."

Lance didn't explain in depth because that was the only information the game left him.

But it did help him a lot, at least he wouldn't have to fight the fish-men in the sea.

"Tell them that the port will be open tomorrow at the latest so they can get on board now to check whether it is sailable."

"So fast?" Greendale was a little surprised. Everyone knew that what they wanted was not to simply go to sea, but to know how to escape safely from the prying eyes of the fishmen.

"Although there is no way to dispel it for a long time, there are emergency measures." Lance had no intention of continuing this topic, but brought up another matter.

"I walked around the hospital last night. Do you know what is happening to the injured who were not completely healed by the Holy Light?" (End of Chapter)

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