Our family is in decline

Chapter 577 Daily

The news in Totnes has no intention of stopping as time goes by. On the contrary, it becomes more and more intense. In just two days, everyone now starts by saying "Have you heard of Hamlet?" when they meet.

Not to mention that most of the really powerful people in the city have already prepared a team to go to Hamlet.

Originally, shipping was definitely the best option, but with the fish-man monster blocking the bay, they could only choose the land route.

Teams formed by countless mercenaries or various random guys walked up.

Even the refugees outside the city had fantasies about the Hamlet they had never met before, because they were destined to not get salvation in Totnes. In order to survive, they could only follow those convoys to start a new round of escape. .

And among the chaotic ranks of refugees, there was a weird guy crouched, holding a rag with one hand and wrapping most of his body. Under the rag, only half of his face could be seen, which was haggard and sad with stubble.

Until the weirdo hears the rumor about Hamlet, the ruins containing wealth are not that important to him.

But when he heard that Hamlet was cured of the disease known as divine punishment and was not afraid of the power of the church, the man reacted.

He stood up slowly, revealing his lower body wearing a pair of tattered trousers, leaving his feet bare.

When he moved the body hidden under the rags, there was the sound of metal colliding, and the shackles and iron chains were vaguely visible.

He also joins the group of refugees heading for Hamlet...


There are waves outside because of the news about Hamlet, and Hamlet is also very lively these days.

Under the call of the outpost [Build a town and develop the wilderness], some people have been diverted out in the past few days to make Hamlet less crowded and at the same time remove those unstable factors.

As long as people have something to do, they won't think randomly every day when they are busy.

Only those guys in the church who are supported by believers and do not have to work, and who are fed every day, have the energy to do things. They are just idle. Let them cultivate two acres of land every day and see if they can talk so much.

But there are also some people who become more impatient the more they do it, such as Tiffany.

When I first got the box of gold coins, I filled the hole in it before turning around, and there was no splash at all.

This is just the beginning. I don’t know how much it will take to recover the cost if the construction continues. We have to invest before that.

This thing is like another rope hanging around Tiffany's neck, but she has more ropes around her neck now and doesn't care.

I went back to find that guy Lance, and then I realized that he had gone to Ovendo.

I hate her so much that my teeth are itching, don't let her catch me...

"Beautiful Miss Tiffany, I heard you are looking for me?"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Lance, who had disappeared for three days, appeared in front of her.

Tiffany did not show any surprise at Lance's appearance at first. On the contrary, she immediately became wary.

I have always been the only one looking for him. When did he come looking for me?

Yes, that’s when you need money.

"No money!" Tiffany had finished thinking about it and just blurted it out.

Her reaction made Lance dumbfounded. He came closer and complained: "Look at what you said, am I just looking for money from you? Am I such a vulgar person?"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and handed out a box, "I'm going out for a trip, and I'll bring you some gifts."

Tiffany looked at the box with suspicion, then took it after hesitating.

When I opened it, I found that there was an exquisite necklace inside, and the gems on it exuded an alluring luster.

Tiffany was not an ordinary person. As the daughter of Walter, a businessman, she was also exposed to jewelry, but at this time she still couldn't help being attracted to it.

Picking it up and looking at it, he subconsciously sighed: "It's so beautiful..."

"Of course, I worked very hard to get it." Lance agreed with a smile, this thing is indeed a good thing.

Unfortunately, these are just ordinary accessories, not extraordinary equipment. The only value to him is in exchange for money.

But now it is also very good to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha.

Fortunately, I was prepared and almost fell in.

"Here, let me put it on for you and take a look."

Lance took advantage of the situation and helped her put it on. It’s time to relieve stress after taking the gift~

Tiffany fiddled with the necklace and felt quite happy for a moment. Her face, which had been stern for who knows how long, finally relaxed.

"How much does this cost?"

"Not much." Lance couldn't answer this, because he took this thing from the neck of a certain noble lady. He didn't even see what the person looked like, let alone the price of the necklace.

"How much is not more?" Tiffany's professional habit is still very sensitive to price, and she subconsciously asked Lance.

"It didn't cost anything, it was given as a gift from someone else."

"Someone gave you a women's necklace?" Tiffany stared at Lance suspiciously, "I want to tell Miss Dale, she has been very busy these days, are you provoking other women outside? Are you worthy of her? ?”

Lance was dumbfounded, what the hell is this?

I knew before that Tiffany was very clever, but I didn't expect that she would become ill now.

Once you get into an argument, it's like a struggling beast trapped in a trap. Even if you escape, you'll only be covered in bruises. Lance cut off the topic very sensibly.

"Come with me and you will know that this is nothing."

Tiffany looked at the way Lance turned around and walked out without saying a word, and she was a little unsure for a moment.

But after hesitating for a moment, he quickly followed him, only to find that he was walking towards the Lord's Mansion.

Why do you need to go to his house to see this?

Lance took her directly into the house and walked towards the basement.

Looking at the solid brick and stone walls, it was obvious that this place had been repaired or rebuilt before.

Not too fancy, very simple, what stands out is that it is impregnable.

But it’s not like Tiffany has never been here before. Rats would starve to death if they entered this ghost place. What’s so interesting to see?

At this time, Lance had already pushed open the heavy iron door and walked in holding the candlestick.

Tiffany followed with doubts and walked in, only to find that the small vault that had been emptied out for a long time had a lot of boxes at some point, almost filling the basement.

At this time, Tiffany had already noticed that something was wrong, and quickly went over to open the nearest box.

The dim secret room that could only be seen clearly by candlelight suddenly suddenly appeared with a ball of light. The soft candlelight was particularly dazzling under the reflection of the gold coins, and it even seemed to suck Tiffany's soul into it.

After shaking her head, Tiffany took her eyes away from the gold coins and turned back to focus on Lance.

"all these are?"

Her tone sounded a little urgent, with a sense of disbelief and fear that these were all her hallucinations.

In response, Lance only slightly raised the candlestick to bring more boxes into the lighting range.

"This is Hamlet."

"Hey! Okay!"

After receiving a positive answer, Tiffany immediately fell into ecstasy, raised her hands in the air and jumped up, shouting at the top of her lungs, constantly venting her accumulated emotions.

What pressure?

It didn't exist. All the pressure disappeared in front of the gold coins. At this time, there was only one word in her heart - fun!

Lance seemed very calm. When he came back, he had already put the recovered "tax" into the basement of the Lord's Mansion. He originally wanted to give her a little Hamlet shock, so he didn't say it directly.

Now let’s see if that guy will still chase me for money every day.

Money represents the most basic logic and a certain rule in the world of ordinary people.

But now money has lost its effect on Lance to a certain extent, which means that he has separated from the world of ordinary people.

No wonder Tamara said that those powerful extraordinary beings are not restricted, and gold coins are of no use to them. They prefer to barter with some rare materials, extraordinary props, and mystical knowledge.

Now Lance is vaguely aware of this situation, but his need for those rituals, props, and materials is not that great.

[Blessing] already covers the growth path of a transcendent, and [Sacrifice] uses life as material.

He does not need to pursue ancient rituals and study dangerous mysticism like people like Alhazred, but he also needs to improve himself through practice.

He is neither an ordinary person nor a normal extraordinary person, so what is he...?

"Where did you get this money? Tell me!" Tiffany was so happy that she picked up Lance and shook him, directly bringing him back to consciousness.

Once someone gets into trouble, bad things happen. Fortunately, Tiffany pulled him out.

Why are you thinking about meaningless things? I am who I am.

Tiffany couldn't wait to ask. She knew that Lance was very capable, but this was still beyond her understanding.

You must know that the total assets of the Walter Merchant Group at the beginning were only more than one million gold coins, but most of them were the shop in Totnes, as well as fixed assets such as the fleet and the fleet, with only tens of thousands of dollars in cash on the books.

And this is already at the level of one of the two major grain merchants in Owendo. Now it is probably roughly estimated that the price here is several million. His father's hard work for half his life is not as good as others for a few days.

"This is Hamlet's tax. If you owe it for more than ten years, you will get it back at once." Lance explained casually, without mentioning how much blood was behind the money. She didn't need to know about this kind of thing.

Tiffany calmed down after hearing this. It would not be surprising if it was tax, and it was tax accumulated for more than ten years.

Tiffany had no intention of going into details. In any case, it was enough that the money was here, and other things were not something she needed to think about.

"The money is here, please give me that thing."

Lance's sudden words made Tiffany stunned for a moment, and she touched the necklace around her neck with a tangled expression.

"Didn't you say you would give it to me..."

"Don't act stupid, I'm talking about that IOU." Lance looked at her and urged: "You must bring that kind of thing with you."

"No!" Tiffany's refusal was categorical, "That thing is about Bastia's ransom, and I haven't received the money yet."

"Isn't there enough money here? Why are you still thinking about that little thing?"

"Taxes are taxes, and ransoms are ransoms. How can these two be mixed up? What is in the accounts must be cleared in the accounts. This is what you taught me."

"Jie Jie Jie, don't force me to do it myself..."


Greendale now understood why Lance didn't like to go to the office in the Government Building, but preferred to handle various matters in his study.

There is indeed a kind of inexplicable pressure in the office, but it is much more relaxed at home. There is not so much pressure and it is easier to handle it.

So now Greendale goes to the office in the morning, and if things are not handled well, she brings her back in the afternoon. The window in that room opens to a small garden.

Facing the garden full of flowers, drinking scented tea and eating picked berries, the efficiency is much higher.

A cup of tea, a plate of fruit, and a document to read for a day.

At this time, Lance came from outside and stepped into the garden. He walked quickly but seemed to notice something. He looked at the garden and saw someone busy, but it was not Grendel.

I couldn't help but slow down, but I quickly reacted.

Greendale is busy at work, so the garden needs help. After all, removing insects, watering, fertilizing, and pruning are not easy tasks.

Any place that looks beautiful needs troublesome maintenance. Behind the noble garden is the diligent gardener, which is also a way to show financial strength.

He didn't pay much attention to this and walked straight into the house without speeding up his pace.

Greendale seemed to have felt his arrival and walked out of the room to greet him. She noticed something as soon as they met.

"What's wrong? Who provoked our lord?"

"Stop talking, I'm really going to be pissed off by her."

Lance couldn't pretend to mention this, and there was no need to hold it in front of her. He just sat down and started complaining about Tiffany's reaction just now.

"When I went in and took a look, my dear, her eyes looked like she wanted to tear me alive. She didn't know but thought I owed her eighteen million.

I was so scared that I quickly took out a good thing from my inventory and gave it to her, hoping to calm her down, but who knew she would..."

Greendale went around to the back and reached out to massage Lance's temples, listening and calming him down.

"After the money was given, I asked her to return the IOU. Do you know what she said?"

"How to say?"

Lance repeated the words as Tiffany did at that moment.

"She actually used my words against me!"

"Did you get the IOU back?" Greendale still grasped the key question and asked curiously.

Lance suddenly sighed and replied rather lonely, "Oh~ no..."

Greendale couldn't stop laughing when she heard Lance's description. She held Lance's head in her arms from behind, leaned close to him and whispered comforting words.

"How can you bully our lord~ You must give her some color."

"You were obviously smiling and never stopped."

"Hahaha~" (End of this chapter)

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