Our family is in decline

Chapter 578 Imperial Princess Sophia

After all, it was still daytime, and the two of them had to focus on their work after a while.

Tell Greendale about the current situation in Ovendor. Anyone who can resist has been killed. As long as Walter is not a fool, he can stabilize the situation and spend some time to reorganize Ovindo.

After completing the communication, Lance quickly took the documents and went back to work.

Greendale walked all the way to the door. At this time, her eyes turned from Lance's back to the busy gardener in the garden.

It was already autumn, and the weather was much cooler, but the crystallization of labor, that is, the simple clothes were soaked with sweat, and the hunched over posture made it difficult to cover up the enchanting figure.

Greendale looked a little amused when she saw this, and immediately shouted towards her.

"Sophia, you are already sweating. Please take a rest first."

"It's okay, we'll just clean it up soon." When the woman in the garden heard this, she stood up and turned around to respond. She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, with a relaxed smile on her face.

But the next second the woman realized something, her natural movements couldn't help but pause, and the smile on her face quickly dissipated as if it collapsed, but soon stopped.

His face twitched a few times to maintain a stiff smile, as if he was pretending not to hear and wanted to turn back and continue working.

But just because she didn't dare to face it, it didn't mean that Greendale would just let her go and directly approach her and stand in front of her.

"Stop pretending~"

"My lord, I don't understand what you are saying." The woman smiled bitterly, trying to cover up her uneasy expression.

"You are not Gina at all, am I right?" Greendale looked at the woman's face and slowly said a name, "Princess Sophia."

Greendale had always been suspicious of the woman who called herself Gina after coming into contact with her.

Because every move and every move unintentionally shows a different reaction that an ordinary person should have.

Especially the noble temperament revealed unintentionally, which has been engraved into the instinct. How can it be so easily disguised?

That is not how a social butterfly should behave. If it is a specially trained high-end product, it should know how to be more submissive.

Because they are trained to please others, it is impossible to develop such a temperament.

It should have been like that, after all, the lords said not to worry about it.

It wasn't until Amanda mentioned the missing princess that Grendel became interested again, that's when today's arrangement was made.

He casually made excuses to invite her to take care of those flowers and plants for him, just to take the opportunity to get closer and observe her behavior.

Greendale's gentle attitude had paralyzed her in the past few days, and it was not until she tested her just now that her true purpose was revealed, and at the same time her true face was completely exposed.

There is only one truth. The woman in front of him is the imperial princess who disappeared in this area.

In this kind of face-to-face confrontation, the woman quickly lost her battle. She no longer denied anything, but lowered her head. I felt pity for that helpless look.

Greendale had no intention of forcing her anymore. Instead, she reached out and held her hand, speaking gently.

"I know what you are afraid of, but this is Hamlet, and no one dares to hurt you here."

Then he took her hand and walked back, "Come, let's sit down and talk slowly."

The woman was pulled and sat on the table and chairs in the garden as if she was at her mercy. However, her body was so stiff that if it wasn't still warm, she might have been thought of as a corpse.

It can be seen that the woman is now in a state of high tension.

Greendale was not in a hurry, and even casually picked up the tea cup and poured her a cup of tea before speaking.

"I've never met you, but do you know why you were exposed?"

Speaking of this, the woman raised her head slightly, and her move confirmed that her guess was correct, and she immediately joked with a smile.

"It seems you admitted it."

At this time, the woman seemed to be discouraged. Her stiff body became weak and weak, and even trembled slightly. If she hadn't been sitting on the chair and holding on to the table, she might have collapsed to the ground.

"I said you don't have to be afraid, this is Hamlet, no one can hurt you." Greendale couldn't help but comfort her, and at the same time brought up the topic just now, explaining why she was exposed.

Start with her behavior and behavior, and then end with her attitude and tone of dealing with others.

"If the previous one can be explained by the fact that you have received relevant training, but this is beyond the scope of noble etiquette.

It must be a habit that can be developed by living in a high position for a long time. That kind of attitude towards people has been integrated into the instinct and cannot be easily changed. "

After hearing this, the woman also understood that she had so many flaws. Fortunately, she thought she had hidden them from everyone. She was secretly complacent about this, but she didn't expect that others could see it clearly.

Before Greendale could stop, she mentioned another person.

"I noticed something was wrong with you a long time ago, and I approached the lord about this. He saw that there was something wrong with you earlier than I did, but do you know what his reaction was?"

Greendale's words brought Sophia back to that night. Hunger and pain had taken away most of her mind, but she still remembered the man who took off her turban.

During her time in Hamlet, she had heard countless legends about that man from various places.

Did he already know this? So what was his reaction?

At this time, Greendale also said the second half of the sentence.

"He didn't care, and he said a very interesting thing, probably saying that who doesn't have secrets? As long as you don't harm Hamlet, it doesn't matter if you stay."

Hearing this, Sophia looked a little touched, but remained silent.

"I don't know what happened to you, but do you want to hear my story?"

Greendale showed great patience and calmly told the story of what happened to her.

"Perhaps you may not believe it, but I came to Hamlet less than half a year earlier than you..."

Without mentioning too many details, he just said that the tribe was massacred by the enemy, and then escaped under the cover of the tribe, and was chased by the enemy from the mountains to the empire.

It was the lord who saved her when she was in danger, and her arrogant enemy also died in the hands of the lord.

"I am called a barbarian in the eyes of you Imperial people, but he did not hesitate to save me when I faced difficulties.

Because in his eyes, no matter what your identity is, you are a human being. As long as you abide by the rules here, you will be protected by order. "

After speaking, Greendale reached out and held her hand, "Say it, no one here will hurt you."

As the saying goes, Sophia can no longer hold back due to similar experiences.

No one knows how much pressure it is to live in disguise with a mask, always afraid of what will happen if someone recognizes you.

Now that I am recognized, I feel relieved.

"Yes, I am Sophia."

After getting the answer, Greendale gently patted the back of her hand and then took it back.

It's just that Sophia may not have felt that the strange fragrance emitted by Greendale's stretched out hand was also dissipating.

"Tell me what happened to you and maybe we can help you."

Some things will become much easier once they start. Sophia had accumulated a lot of pressure along the way and had no place to vent it. Now she is just dumping it like garbage.

"He's crazy!"

An incomprehensible word came out of her mouth as soon as she opened her mouth, and Sophia's face was quickly filled with panic and uneasiness, revealing even stronger fear than the stiff expression just now.

As she told the story, Greendale soon understood who this "he" was referring to.

What frightened Sophia so much was the emperor, because the reforms promoted by the emperor had affected the interests of many nobles. As soon as the war began, those nobles clamored for a replacement emperor to succeed him.

Therefore, the emperor was inexplicably hostile to any relatives of the emperor who had the right to inherit, and he was originally just wary of them.

This situation became more serious with the defeat of the war and the stalemate, as those who had originally supported the emperor began to waver.

It would be very difficult for the rebels to change an emperor, but it would be much easier if those in the empire abandoned the emperor and replaced him.

It was this sense of crisis that drove the emperor to madness and continued to persecute those relatives of the emperor who had the right to inherit.

I don't know how many people died here, and even if they survived, they were basically controlled and imprisoned by the emperor.

Sophia survived because of her soft personality, but the emperor was still worried and used her as a marriage tool to win over the wavering nobles.

This was a very important test, which is why it attracted so much attention, and the emperor also sent troops and powerful imperial champion knights to protect her.

There are many forces that do not want this marriage to succeed, even Hamlet is one of them, so it is not clear who attacked them.

“The army was dispersed by the enemy, and the guards asked me to change into a maid’s clothes and take me away, and finally lured the enemy away to protect me.

And I also fled into the woods, not knowing which way to go or how long I had been walking, until I met a caravan..."

Then she met a passing caravan. She did not dare to reveal her identity and only said that she was fleeing.

When she escaped, she put on the clothes of a maid, and she was in a very embarrassed state as she was trying to survive in the forest, so she didn't look like a princess at all.

But Greendale knew something was wrong as soon as she heard this. She was indeed a princess with no social experience, and her status caused trouble.

If she said that she was a noble who got lost while hunting, no one in the caravan would dare to touch her, and she would have to be careful.

But she said that she was a refugee who had fled and lost her family, which aroused the ambitions of those caravans.

It happened that the owner of the caravan was still having a headache giving gifts, and now the gifts were delivered to her door. He comforted her all the way to Bastia, and then caught her and found someone to dress up and prepare to give gifts.

Sophia naturally struggled to escape, but the people who alerted the eagles at this time took her back directly.

Then there was a thrilling scene. After struggling, she was pushed into the corner of the table by Laura and fainted. When she woke up again, she had been rescued by Laura.

She didn't know how she escaped from the city. She blended in among the refugees and supported each other with Margaret. Laura was there to take care of her along the way. Otherwise, it was hard to say whether the two of them would be able to get there.

It wasn’t until following Laura into Hamlet that I got out of that difficult situation.

It can be said that this period of time in Hamlet was the most stable for her.

There is no persecution from the emperor, no attacks at any time, no greedy and evil eyes, no hunger.

Even with the chaos of the past few days, she didn't feel that there was much turmoil in the town. The people patrolling the streets brought a sense of security.

She originally thought it would continue like this, until now...

"Okay, I understand the situation pretty much. You can just stay in Hamlet with peace of mind. Let's talk about anything else."

Lance doesn't care, but Greendale must determine whether the threat to her will endanger Hamlet's safety.

"But! But... what should I do..." Sophia's experiences made her unable to help asking for help from the person in front of her, and her crying voice trembled.

What Sophia is really afraid of is not other people, but the emperor. If he knows that she is not dead, he will definitely take her back.

At that time, I'm afraid it will be more uncomfortable than death.

Greendale also understood how she felt, and comforted her: "No outsiders know your true identity, Hamlet is not under the control of the emperor, and we have not driven you away, so relax."

Such empty words cannot bring comfort to Sophia. Greendale should not break through her fragile disguise and expose her already riddled heart.

Now that she is falling into an increasingly intense state of uneasiness, I am afraid that the ever-increasing pressure will be enough to destroy her sanity.

Sophia's will is being tested...

"Hey! I have an idea."

This sentence interrupted Sophia's consciousness, and she looked at Greendale as if grasping the last straw.

"Do you remember those two church monks who started the unrest?"

"But what does this have to do with me?"

"People from the church will be beaten if they cause trouble. Now those two guys are still in the jail of the public security station. The lord is not even afraid of people from the church. Do you think he will be afraid of that emperor?"

Greendale was bewitching: "As long as you can get the protection of the lord, I can say that no one in this world will dare to touch you, not even the emperor, because there is only one emperor in Hamlet."

"But I..." Sophia subconsciously wanted to retort, but now she seemed to understand it in the same way, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"You are safe in Hamlet now. As long as you don't want to be exposed and no one knows Sophia, as long as you keep a low profile and wear more clothes, no one will care about you.

But if you want a complete solution to your problem, go to the lord and he will give you the answer. "

"what should I do?"

"The lord still needs a personal maid, are you interested?" Greendale encouraged in a low voice, "If you stay by his side, no one will dare to touch you."

But when Sophia heard this, she couldn't help but look at Greendale with a strange expression, and suddenly felt that her long green hair was particularly dazzling. (End of chapter)

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