Our family is in decline

Chapter 579 Inside Story of the Doctors Association

Our lord is still unaware of the garden's "conspiracy" against him at this time. He is busy dealing with some things left over from these days that Grendel cannot decide.

For example, those doctors who stayed have always wanted to visit or learn Hamlet's medical theory.

Lance wouldn't care if there were other people, but these are all experts and professors in medicine anyway, and everyone knows that Lance respects talents very much.

I originally wanted to organize a medical lecture for medical staff and invite them to discuss medicine together, in order to gather the knowledge of these professors.

Similarly, Lance will not be stingy with Hamlet's research findings. After all, everyone knows such basic things, such as the structure of the human body, but there is a lack of microscopic research and the detailed principles have not yet been figured out.

See how they feel about Hamlet's clinical medicine. This will determine the degree of impact on the Doctors Association in the future. After all, Lance also wants to get involved.

To put it simply, academic research needs to be communicated to make progress, so Lance took the initiative to visit.

It's just that he was stopped by the guards before he even entered. He actually had to wait for notification when meeting someone in Hamlet? This immediately made him feel a little surprised.

However, out of respect for talents, he did not react at all. At the same time, he looked at the guards of the Medical Association.

This body is not that of an ordinary person. With his training since childhood and those weapons and equipment, his strength is not simple.

I have long heard that their association is very wealthy and even has a knighthood, and now it seems that it is indeed true.

At this time, someone brought Lance in and saw them all in the living room, but they felt a little weird about the lord's arrival.

Lance also noticed something was wrong. It was obviously what they required to study, but why did they behave like this when he came over?

His gaze swept across the embarrassed crowd until he paused for a moment on the knight in armor, and he suddenly understood something.

He didn't mention those things again, but simply chatted and said a few polite words and left here directly.

After he came out, a suspicious look appeared on Lance's face. Something was wrong with these guys, as if they had been hijacked.

Thinking of this, Lance went directly to the sanatorium to find Paracelsus who was working for confirmation.

"You should know something about the Medical Doctors Association and those doctors in medical school, right?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" Paracelsus was still observing the rat in the cage, recording any changes from time to time.

And Lance told what happened just now, and then threw out his suspicions.

"Obviously it was the people from the observation group who proposed the exchange first, but when I went up to discuss the matter, I found that the knight was not protecting them, but seemed to be monitoring and controlling them."

Hearing this, Paracelsus couldn't help but stop the experiment in his hands, pondered for a while to organize his words, and then talked about it.

"I also heard some professors complain about these things when I was in school. Most doctors don't seem to get along well with the association."

"Tell me more about it."

Lance also became interested. He thought it was a factional struggle, but he didn't expect that there was a deeper reason hidden inside.

"Speaking of which, there is a course in school called "History of the Development of Medicine", in which..."

Lance also roughly understood something under Paracelsus' narration.

For a long time, doctors' training was based on a master-apprentice system, without strict qualification certification. Even an ordinary person could become a doctor as long as he claimed to be a doctor.

The emergence of this situation has caused chaos in the world's medical system, and anyone can deceive people under the guise of a doctor.

It's okay to lie to people, but these unqualified doctors directly killed people.

Several medical tycoons felt that this situation could not continue, so they established the Doctors Association to conduct strict qualification certification for doctors to ensure that those who join the association are capable doctors who can truly treat diseases and save lives.

It was from this beginning that they heard that leprosy was cured and sent an observation team over. This has a historical origin.

This move of the association regulated the medical profession, saved the reputation of medical skills that were almost labeled as evil witchcraft at that time, and maintained the social status of doctors.

In order to further promote the development of medicine, those doctors began to change the model of apprenticeship and began to create medical schools under the wave of the times.

The method of doctors finding talented students and cultivating them disappeared and was replaced by collective teaching, but it was at this time that the root of the disaster was laid.

As the number of doctors trained by medical schools increases, the influence of medical schools also increases, even to the point of monopoly. Only graduates of medical schools can obtain the qualifications to practice medicine, and others are not allowed to engage in the medical profession.

The benefits brought by monopolizing an industry allowed the association to develop rapidly but also made it indulge in it. The association that was originally created by the boss to save doctors has now turned into a twisted monster.

Lance understood that the Doctors Association had already lost its essence. Although it still bore the name of an association, its essence was a collective interest group, referred to as capital.

"So I don't think it's surprising that the guards would keep the professor under guard. If you come into contact with them too much, their scandals will all be known."

"Huh?" Lance was a little confused, "What does this mean?"

"There's been a lot of buzz going around in medical school..."

There are many outrageous things happening in this, such as squeezing students. Because you are not qualified to practice without being recognized by the association, you have to work as an apprentice with a low salary.

In addition, the tuition fees are high, and if those students sign a contract similar to a deed of betrayal, the tuition loan will be like a loan shark and they will not be able to repay it in their lifetime.

There is also the idea of ​​taking the research results of some doctors as their own, and even trying to seize some folk medicine formulas. I heard that many people were forced to death for this.


Paracelsus said that the Doctors Association was full of bad records. I only heard about it in school. I'm afraid there are more people who haven't heard about it.

Lance is not surprised. Capital usually uses any means to protect its own interests, let alone in this era. It is not surprising that there are some victims for this.

No wonder why a doctors' association is armed. Now I understand that it can't defend its interests without strength.

"I should have come to you earlier to understand the situation here. I have been very busy recently." Lance also found that he had misjudged the matter about the Doctors Association.

Paracelsus and Tamara's different views on the Doctors Association are mainly due to their different perspectives.

"By the way, are you qualified as a doctor?"

"No, I failed a lot of classes."

"Ah! You can't even pass the exam? How difficult is it..." Lance was also quite surprised. A student with a talent like Paracelsus and a very strong execution ability couldn't even pass the exam?

"Those courses should be swept into the trash can." Paracelsus said this, which was a rare emotion, and then he complained about the courses he took in medical school.

The so-called teaching has long been rigid. Those teachers and professors only focus on explaining those ancient medical classics word for word, and do not pay much attention to practice at all.

As for those courses, they were even more outrageous. They included theology, astrology, bloodletting, the theory of body fluids, and the classification of physical constitutions. What stood out was an abstraction.

Ordinary students may still follow this path, but it is impossible for Paracelsus's character. When she senses something is wrong, she will not follow the book, but start her own research.

But the problem is that most of the school time is spent boringly learning book knowledge, and occasionally doing a little practice can only be said to be better than nothing.

The school for the anatomy course she needed most had strict restrictions. Due to church reasons, autopsies were only allowed on unclaimed corpses or if there were suspicious causes of death.

Sometimes there is not even one cadaver assigned in a year, and there are no hands-on opportunities. They are all dissected by the teacher for teaching, and only by working as an assistant can they have some contact.

It was under such circumstances that Paracelsus was forced to catch small animals such as rats and frogs to practice his skills, and even stole corpses from the refugee areas outside the city at night.

Just to get rid of that... nightmare she didn't want to mention through research...

Lance didn't hear that there was something missing. He was thinking about those hospital courses.

The reason why medical technology is developing so slowly is probably because it has taken the wrong path. Instead of starting from the human body itself, it has done some weird things.

It is not even as good as the product of the experience line of herbalism represented by Greendale.

However, those ancient medical systems sounded a bit abstract, and Lance even suspected that they were extraordinary rituals.

Those former medical tycoons were all extraordinary beings, and the works they left behind naturally require extraordinary beings to interpret them.

However, the establishment of the association and the medical school changed the way of recruiting disciples, which naturally cut off the inheritance. Ordinary people did not understand the research, which led to today's results.

“Our human body research, clinical medicine, hygiene theory, and infectious disease prevention theory undermine the original system, and surgery does not depend on their monopoly of medicine.

Of course, the most important thing is that Hamlet's medical care does not require their permission, which damages their core interests.

Hamlet's research has threatened their interests, and I guess they will never let us go easily! "

Paracelsus couldn't help but look at Lance and asked.

"Can you keep our research results?"

"If they dare to touch you, then I will kill the entire association's top management, including their families." Lance grinned, not caring at all.

If the Doctors Association's dirty methods dared to be used on Paracelsus, Lance knew that many people would die.

"The sanatorium lacks research subjects like the rich." Paracelsus raised his hand to adjust his glasses after hearing this, but his tone remained calm.

But these words sounded quite domineering and even a little scary to Lance.

"You think it's a little too extreme?"


Greendale behaved in front of Lance as if nature could tolerate all things in the world. That was because she did not want to bring pressure to Lance. On the contrary, she should be his safe haven.

But in fact, nature also has a vicious and cunning side, but it is not often revealed.

For example, she encouraged Boslake to provoke a fight between the barbarians in a few sentences, and she also waited for several days at this time, just for this sentence to expose Sophia's disguise.

Likewise, it would be even more terrifying if it touches the wrath of nature.

And Lance is now enduring the violent force of nature.

After struggling to climb the towering peak, he was able to see the natural scenery, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a heavy rain arose.

The storm can knock down the big tree, but it cannot knock down Lance. He still stands tall in the fierce storm.

Even he was not afraid of the wind and rain and fought bravely. He went down the mountain and broke through the rain curtain to attack the wild and dense forest under the rain.

The slender branches were hung with crystal raindrops and wrapped around the thick and alluring door in front of him, but it was difficult for him to stop. He squeezed in through the cracks and found a new world...

Lance fell down several times, but quickly picked himself up and continued, showing the perseverance of human beings in their hard struggle against nature.

This battle with nature will not stop until the rolling and colliding clouds and rain dissipate...

According to the usual situation, Greendale should lie down for a while before slowly recovering, but now, Lance is a little sluggish.

As for her, she was radiant, with a rosy complexion on her cheeks, and her skin looked oily with fine sweat, but there was no sweat, but a faint plant fragrance.

Those eyes were even more emerald green, as bright as gems, even with a spiritual luster, and there was truly light in their eyes.

"Wouldn't it make me weak if you gave me your strength?" Greendale explained in one sentence why this battle was so fierce.

A steady stream of blessings strengthens Greendale, making her tireless even if her physical strength is exhausted.

"My power is endless!" Lance boasted with a smile, but it had to be said that he had been at a disadvantage several times just now.

The damage caused by the fish-men invasion caused Hamlet to suffer heavy losses. He must transform the spirituality accumulated in these battles into strength.

In this battle, Lance directly pushed Greendale to the championship, which can be regarded as adding a trump card to Hamlet.

"Do you remember the woman named Gina?"

"Wasn't she still in the garden during the day? What happened to her?"

"She is the Imperial Princess Sophia."

Greendale told what happened today, which immediately left Lance speechless.

"You're just teasing her, why are you dragging me into the water?"

"That's the princess of the empire!" Greendale also wondered if Lance was pretending to be stupid, "As long as she is controlled, her identity will be very valuable when the emperor dies in civil strife in the empire."

Lance finally heard that Greendale actually wanted to intervene in the empire's internal strife, but... he hated troublesome things like vases, and if he wanted his protection, he had to be able to impress him with his strength.

"I have said many times that we have one and only one enemy at this stage, and that is the Ascension Sect. Everything else must serve to accomplish this goal." (End of Chapter)

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