Our family is in decline

Chapter 580 First sight of the bay

Lance's tone also became a little cold, and his eyes looked at Greendale a little strangely.

"Not to mention when I'm going to fight those guys, when do I need a woman to get a claim?"

The aristocrat's set was like toilet paper in front of Lance. He could use it to wipe it if it was useful, but if it wasn't, he would just throw it into the pit.

Because his power is not given by the aristocratic system, it is obtained by his real swords and guns.

Greendale was stunned when she met that look.

Is she wrong?

As she said, the lord didn't care, but she needed to know what was going on and block some of the trouble for Lance, or deal with it secretly.

Someone has to do this kind of thing, just like there are roots buried deep in the soil under the blooming flowers.

Greendale did not dare to say anything more and had no choice but to agree.

"I understand. Her identity has not been exposed. Now only the two of us know that this card is in your hand."

But Lance didn't react at all, as if he was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?" Greendale saw this and moved over, "Are you still planning to go to the bay alone?"

Lance really hates it when someone disrupts his plans for no reason. He can't even distinguish the primary and secondary conflicts. He stares at the pot before finishing the bowl.

This is not vision, but blind greed.

But Greendale was also using these little tricks for his sake. Seeing that she had given in, Lance could no longer show his face to others, so he followed her words and changed the subject.

"The sea is one of Hamlet's two legs, or a thigh. If you want to develop, you must connect it. I have no choice."


"Just these two days, I'll finish these things as soon as possible."

"Can't you take a good rest? You haven't stopped during this period. It makes me feel bad to see you."

"If I don't win, who will? If I can become this lord, I must solve these problems."

Lance wanted to lie down, but unfortunately his ancestor was running ahead, so he had to chase him.

Moreover, the Ascension Sect would never sit still and wait for death. He had a premonition that the situation would become more complicated as it progressed.

More must be done before the situation completely deteriorates.

The reason for not taking a rest now is to be able to perform stably in the future.


With the huge daily throughput in Totnes, news about Hamlet also spread through commercial channels.

There is a person sitting in the corner of a tavern somewhere in the empire. Most of this person's figure is hidden in the darkness. He wears a black big-brimmed hat. His face is not clear under the brim of the hat, but what is interesting is that the loose hair The long blond hair may indicate that this is a woman.

Looking at the smart attire, the buttoned top shows that the figure is slender and not bloated. The long-legged leather pants and riding boots have a bit of aristocratic style, but this outfit has a taste of travel.

The dust on it does not refer to the peach color, but the vicissitudes of life brought about by real dust and wear. This state can only occur when activities are carried out under various harsh conditions.

He was wearing a cloak-like coat, and with the coat covering him, no one knew what was in the bulging package at his waist, but everyone could tell that this person was not easy to mess with.

Listening to the stories about Hamlet's ruins being spread in the tavern, her interest was immediately aroused.


The half face under the shadow smiled crookedly and murmured.

The next second he shouted.

"Bill, please!"

"Here we come!" the bartender responded, but he only saw the coins on the table and no one.

The bartender looked up and looked around, only the wing door to the pub was still shaking to prove that someone had been there.


Hamlet, Outpost.

After these days of construction, a wider open space has been cleared around the outpost, and many temporary camps have been set up.

But this is not the location of the new town. The location of the town must be further ahead, on top of the ruins of the once remaining town.

Because the reason why this place was established is to rationally utilize and develop the resources of the wilderness.

It is also a springboard for the development of ruins and will be a supply point for adventurers.

Relying on the abandoned towns of the year, we can obtain building materials and flat land faster.

It's always faster to clean up than to start from scratch.

The outpost is still a military fortress. At the same time, once the town is established, stationing troops here is also a means of controlling the new town.

Lance showed up to inspect the construction, which reassured the people who had gathered to build the town.

But this is not the real purpose of his coming here. He is here to hold a commendation meeting, and the relevant results are finally sorted out.

In order to get more viewers, Lance gave the workers a half-day off, and soon the troops gathered amidst the cheers of the people.

On a stage that had been set up long ago, Lance awarded the soldiers awards and announced their achievements.

"Jack! He killed two enemies in the battle. What's even more commendable is that he kept his vow to never abandon or give up his comrades, and took the risk to carry his injured comrades on his back to break through the encirclement..."

Lance read aloud, then patted him on the shoulder as he went through the process, "Well done, soldier!"

"For Hamlet!"

The soldier straightened his body, with a solemn expression on his resolute face.

What is honor? This is!

Facing the eyes of everyone in the audience, excitement and even excitement rushed into my brain. I felt hot all over my body, as if I had endless power, and I couldn't wait to go into battle to kill the enemy!

That was Lance using [Blessing] to strengthen him, but it was impossible to directly master and legend, that is, to allocate spiritual strengthening based on merit and eliminate the pain on them at the same time.

After today, it is normal for a lot of warriors to pop up among these ordinary soldiers.

These are still ordinary soldiers, and Lance is not stingy about spending money on those personal guards. The minimum of thirty are elites.

As for Bahrain, who had outstanding talent and had awakened by himself, Lance did not intervene and only cleared away his hidden injuries.

I am looking forward to how far Bahrain can go.

However, they were indeed worthy of Lance's efforts. They were able to hold on to that situation at that time. If it were others, they would have collapsed long ago.

The spirituality accumulated in these battles is exchanged for combat power. Only in this way can Hamlet's advantages be reflected.

After the awards were given, there was a big drill. The soldiers' high morale and majestic appearance greatly shocked the people.

Most of this group of people came from behind, and they were usually out of contact with the mysterious and mysterious army. Now for the first time, these people changed their view from the army, which was almost equivalent to bandits.

Originally, some people were worried about the safety of this wilderness, but after seeing this, those concerns have long since dissipated.

With Hamlet's powerful army, their safety will be guaranteed.

There are also those young people and children who brought their families here, and seeing this scene also left a deep impression on their minds.

They also want to stand beside the lord to receive the award...

When those things came around, those who were slightly confused because they left the main body of Hamlet were immediately soothed.

It took half a day to complete this through a grand "performance". It can only be said that Lance knew exactly where the sense of belonging they needed was.

After they were done, they were supposed to do whatever they wanted, while Lance had a private conversation with several people in charge, revealing that he planned to go deep into the bay to solve the fish-man problem.

"The bay is in the narrow gap of the sea cliff. It is more convenient for me to go in alone. Your task now is to completely eliminate the surrounding troubles and guard the passage.

The Guards can go to the den to clean out the pigs in an organized manner. We were delayed several times due to various reasons and did not fully explore it, but we can feel that it is very dangerous inside, so we must be careful. "

Of course, Lance can't let the guards and heroes idle, he is an exploiter.

Putting them in the den can not only train the personal guards, but also prepare for the next plan.

Lance's plan was so perfect that there was no room for others to play, and they actually vaguely felt that the strength gap between themselves and the lord was too big, which was holding them back.

"I go to the bay, and you go to the moor and the den, all for the sake of Hamlet, each of you just performs his own duties.

Getting to where we are today is the result of everyone's hard work. Hamlet cannot be built by me alone. I have a share, don't you? "

Lance could naturally sense their emotions and immediately smiled and comforted them.

"Promise to complete the mission!"

Everyone responded, even Tardif, who was leaning against the wall and looking carefree, nodded silently when he saw this. He never likes to talk.

After arriving here, Lance had no intention of going back to the town and followed the newly built road towards the ruins.

After adding some new labor reform prisoners, the progress has been greatly improved. Anyway, there are old methods, it is just a matter of renovation.

There is basically no place in the world that Lance can't go to alone, at least he thinks so.

But when he came to the ruins again, he stopped.

There were no other people around at this time, and Lance finally didn't have to suppress his thoughts, and his ferocious face suddenly appeared.

"Fucking ancestor!"

The hatred lingered as if it was about to turn into reality, and even the rich aura of death in the ruins was alarmed.

But Lance didn't rush forward stupidly. Although an old farmer could pick them up and smash them into pieces, there were too many to count, and the oil and water couldn't be extracted. Let the adventurers play with them slowly.

"I will definitely come back..."

Lance said a word, turned around and walked around the ruins, heading east from the edge to the coast.

The ruins of the old city once had ports and docks, but these places were more completely destroyed by the erosion of the salty sea wind.

Large tracts of collapsed buildings, and wood that has long since decayed and splintered at the touch of a touch, all prove how fragile human buildings are in the face of the power of nature after losing maintenance.

The large sludge and traces of water that rushed up to the shore seemed to tell that a storm hit here at an unknown time, and the impact of the tsunami swallowed up the pier.

That is to say, everyone here has died a long time ago, otherwise there would be no telling how many tragedies there would be in a huge natural disaster.

Lance didn't pay too much attention to these. The only situation that made sense to him was that there were indeed no skeletons in these edge areas, and they might have been swept into the sea long ago.

Passing quickly from the coast, the beach and tidal flats slowly disappeared, replaced by rock walls exposed by the waves and the erosion of the soil.

As the terrain began to rise, the rock wall formed a steep cliff under the erosion of the waves, but Lance's goal was not this, but the huge slit under the sea cliff.

Originally, Lance thought this place was not big, but the reality was hugely different from what he imagined.

From a distance, you can vaguely see the exaggerated gap like the door to hell. Even a ship can probably enter. Human beings are still too small in front of nature.

There is no way to go, the waves are constantly crashing below, and there are countless large and small reefs in the bay.

This is what can be seen from the surface of the sea. There will only be more reefs in the sea, not to mention the possibility of a large number of deep divers among them.

As for the steep sea cliff above, the height difference of hundreds of meters is probably the same as falling on the cement floor. If you accidentally hit the sea reef, you probably won't be able to put it together completely when you pick it up.

This bay is a completely dangerous place. Fortunately, I didn't bring anyone here, otherwise it would be a problem to get in.

Upon seeing this, Lance took off his clothes immediately, and jumped from the cliff more than ten meters high with his underwear on. His straight body was like a sharp sword thrust into the sea.

But when he jumped down, there was no movement. Looking down from a high altitude, the waves were still rolling, but Lance's figure was nowhere to be seen.

Immediately afterwards, for some reason, a lot of small splashes of water exploded on the sea surface, in which vaguely swimming black figures could be seen gathering.

I don’t know what happened in the sea. By the time Lance emerged again, he had already entered the bay and climbed up the wet and slippery ground with difficulty.

Because he actually bit this deep-sea warrior on his leg, with a mouth full of fangs embedded in his calf.

Lance climbed up, took out his pistol, turned around, put it close to the fish's head and fired.


There was a gunshot, and the lead bullet penetrated the hard fish head and tore its brain, killing it instantly.

But he actually didn't let go. Lance gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain before breaking free.

But you can see the blood dripping on the exposed legs and the flesh is rolling. When has he ever suffered like this?

Flesh and blood reconstruction!

The flesh and blood are controlled by invisible forces, and the wounds heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And this wasn't over yet, as a steady stream of murlocs crawled out of the sea without giving them much time to breathe.

In the dim environment, deep-sea warriors wearing blue fish scales crawled out one by one, and the fish heads made an incomprehensible sound.

Some held a tattered sailor's knife in their hands, while others only had webbed claws and large mouths full of fangs.

Then he was stabbed directly by Lance...

The fish-man's fish scales that can withstand a certain amount of damage are as fragile as if they don't exist in front of the sharpness of [Wolf Fang], and the mucus that can deflect attacks has no effect at all. The flat section separates the fish head and the humanoid body. Physical distinction.

I have to tolerate you a little bit in the sea, but when you come to land, each of you counts...

Let them all die! (End of chapter)

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