Our family is in decline

Chapter 583 Bay 2

Lance held a war hammer and blocked the escape route of the deep-sea shaman. He looked like an evil murderer blocking innocent passers-by.

At this time, the deep-sea shaman discovered that all the sea snails had been smashed into pieces, and now he was the only one left.

Lance was not very willing to kill it directly, because he had killed many deep-sea warriors along the way. It was so strange to meet a shaman just now.

And judging from the transformation method of deep divers, Lance even suspected that ordinary people were transformed into deep sea warriors, while those with extraordinary talents would become shamans who could control evil witchcraft under the distortion of the curse.

If possible, Lance now wants to send it to a sanatorium for research, to study their intelligence level, body structure... and even conduct infection experiments.

See how that curse twists people into monsters?

Or maybe he was curious if these fishmen could mutate the cultists if they bit them.

To put it simply, he just wants to see the ancestor and the guy behind the Deep Diver fight to see who can win the resurrection match. It must be a very interesting study.

The deep-sea shaman naturally refused to wait for death. He took out a knife and slashed at Lance who was observing him. Who would have thought that a shaman would stab him with a knife?

Ritual cutting!

But this was a joke to Lance. He hit his head with a hammer and died on the spot.

That is to say, he reserved some strength in order to preserve the intact body, otherwise half of his body would not be able to come back after this blow.

Lance also knew that he couldn't take away the living ones, so he could only take away the most valuable corpses.

As for those sea snails…

Lance found one, rubbed a little bit of mucus on his fingertips, and then sniffed it. As for eating, it was definitely impossible.

It's strange. Lance originally thought it would be corrosive, but he didn't expect it to be. It was just as sticky as glue, and it didn't lose its effectiveness over time.

But Lance also discovered some problems with his control over the body. The mucus carried toxins and germs. It would be fine if he was not injured, as the protection of the skin could keep these out.

But once these mucus are contaminated on the wound, the toxins and bacteria on it may invade the human body, and there is a possibility of poisoning or illness.

This discovery aroused Lance's interest, and he briefly studied their condition through the remaining corpses.

Collect enough samples and forget about other things during your trip, but you must bring some local specialties to Paracelsus.

The relationship between these sea snails and the deep sea shaman is probably similar to that between Spongebob and Little Snail.

Just like the sea creatures disguised as traps, these mutated sea maggots were domesticated by deep-sea shamans, covered in thick and spiked volutes, and became disgusting monsters.

After some simple research, Lance didn't waste any more time on this. He didn't come here to do research. He had to make enough noise, otherwise how could he attract the deep divers from outside to come back?

Encircling the spot and calling for reinforcements was his purpose.

At this time, Lance had time to observe the surrounding situation and prepare to find the next way.

This cavity is not too big. The ground is made of muddy mud and scattered bricks. In the middle is a puddle formed by accumulated water, which almost occupies most of the place. There are a large number of bricks around it like a collapsed building. Stone silt is dumped into the water, and fragile vegetation like moss can be seen on top.

The reflected firelight on the water surface looks like sparkling waves, emitting a cool and dim light.

Lance didn't know what purpose this place used to be, nor did he know why it collapsed, nor did he want to go down to explore what was under the water.

Turning to look up at the stairs that snaked up around the edge of the pool and led deeper, he vaguely felt that this was the way forward.

Stepping up the winding steps covered with moss, he encountered a strange-looking stone relief collapsed to the side not far out of the area.

This thing attracted Lance to get closer at first glance.

The relief can be as tall as a person, and with its arms spread out, it is barely measurable in width. Unfortunately, its preservation condition is worrisome, with serious signs of damage, including barnacles and other things clinging to it.

But it can still be vaguely seen that it has a disk shape, and there is a familiar arc-shaped shell pattern in it, but it is unfortunately damaged.

Although the edges appear to be severely damaged, the pattern in the center area is well preserved, but the shape of the thing is very weird.

There is a ball in the middle of the circular area. Something like a blood vessel is rooted on the surface of the ball, and then spreads disorderly around.

In it, you can also see the overlapping, intertwining, and bifurcation of things, which together form such a strange scene.

The patterns on the reliefs seem to be magical, and people can't help but fall into them when they look at them.

And it does contain magic power. The reason why Lance was able to spot it at first glance was because of the faint aura. This thing contained extraordinary power.

But in comparison, this pattern made Lance feel even more uneasy, because he seemed to have vaguely seen this thing somewhere...

This is not a three-dimensional shape, but a cross-section. What do the inner and outer circles represent?

What do those tangled and complicated pipelines like blood vessels mean?

The complicated thoughts made Lance freeze in place. After a moment, he seemed to realize something, and he couldn't even suppress his emotions and exclaimed.

"If the outer circle represents the planet, what is it that is embedded inside the planet?"

No one around him could answer him, and no one could question him, but Lance was humming as if talking to himself.

"It can only be Him..."

That's right, Lance thought about searching for memories, but suddenly found that the similar patterns were not seen in this world, but glimpsed in the game, foreshadowing the scene of the ancient god.

The similarities are getting more and more similar. Could it be that the existence of the ancient god of flesh and blood has been known for a long time?

Suddenly, Lance felt that it was not strange, because many people had glimpsed this scene, such as Tamara, Margaret, and even the ancestor, who could barely count as three.

Even a small Hamlet can find three. The world is so big, let alone the long scale of history, it is not surprising.

After a moment's hesitation, Lance raised his hand and put his hand on the relief, intending to take it away to the showroom and study it slowly, but the extraordinary power on it wanted to spread over because of his touch.

Some pictures flashed across Lance's mind, but they were too blurry, like water waves.

At the same time, I heard some sounds that were different from the common language, but it was difficult to understand them at all.

That strange state only lasted for a short moment, and Lance realized that everything had disappeared.

He tried hard to recall the scenes and sounds just now, but with his brain, he couldn't retain it all, as if the situation just now was an illusion.

"It's impossible...how could I have hallucinations...it's all fake...it's all fake..."

Lance frowned and muttered disturbing words.

It was originally able to maintain its shape only because of the remaining power. Now that power dissipated, the relief split from the middle without waiting for external force to damage it.

The movement awakened Lance from his delusion. Looking at the relief that was split in two, he knew that it was not an illusion.

Why does it feel like the secrets of this bay are getting deeper and deeper? It has even exceeded the historical traces of the ancestor’s existence.

The ancestor may have discovered something here back then, but the truth of it all can only be known if we continue to delve deeper.

The reliefs on the roadside are like road monuments in the bay. Crossing that place is like crossing a boundary. Although the passage is still damp and has signs of collapse, there are more and more man-made traces.

The neat and orderly reliefs and the stone doors with masonry filling the gaps in the rocks have become standard features for dividing the internal space.

Walking on the road, Lance found a carcass, but it was not a human being, but the carcass of a large fish. Most of it had been eaten, but there was still some flesh and blood left, which looked relatively fresh and had not started to rot. .

But why was it abandoned here?

Originally he wanted to check the body, but when he leaned the torch over, he unexpectedly discovered something very interesting. That is, there was no moss or barnacles growing on the ground after he came here.

You must know that in this humid environment, algae and some messy things like starfish and barnacles will continue to grow. This situation can only mean one thing.

He finally understood what those sea snails were for. They were probably tamed by deep divers to "sweep the streets".

I haven't noticed this situation before?

Judging from the marks on the carcass of the big fish, it seems that the deep divers ate the leftovers and then threw them to the sea snails for disposal.

By chewing on algae and carrion, the toxins and germs carried by these foods accumulate, so spitting out mucus can cause a disgusting sticky effect, and will also give people a certain chance of poisoning.

There are hierarchical divisions, knowing how to make biological traps, and knowing how to use biological control... These all mark the degree of social perfection of these deep divers.

Because in the entire empire, I am afraid that only Hamlet has a street sweeper, not even Totnes.

This situation made Lance laugh.

But why are the corpses here? Where did those deep divers go?

Lance walked to the end of the passage with doubts. As soon as he pushed open the stone door, he was attracted by a ray of light.

As for the light source, I don't know which rock wall cracked due to the erosion of the sea wind, and several slit-like lights were projected from it.

It may also be that there is air leakage through gaps. Most of the rich water vapor has dissipated, and the situation here can be roughly observed through fluorescence.

Lance put away the torch, and when the light source disappeared, the entire space was shrouded in a cold light reflected by the light from the water, making the scenery so gorgeous and wonderful.

Lance found that most of these rooms with doors had a bottomless pool, but the space here was larger than other rooms. What he could see was as big as a football field.

Even the water pool stretched and meandered, and in the darkness, there was no end in sight.

But the point has never been those, but that there are large-scale buildings on the rock wall opposite the pool. Although they are different in size and shape, they all share a similar style.

This was something that had never happened before. This discovery couldn't help but make Lance excited. This was definitely not a sophisticated building that monsters like deep divers could make, but only a highly developed civilization.

He might be able to find the lost civilization from here... The only thing that separated him from the rows of buildings was the pool.

Lance couldn't help but take a step forward, but then he took a step back as if suddenly awakened, and once again set his sights on the calm pool.

Lance didn't want to go into the water, and his instinct told him that something was wrong... It was too quiet, and even the sound of water dripping from the top could be clearly heard.

Lance's eyes swept around. He had basically detoured everything he could while walking. At this time, he wanted to find a way to bypass the water pool and reach the other side, but found that there was no way here except the water.

In this regard, Lance could only take out a bomb, light it, wait until the fuse disappeared, and then throw it into the puddle in front of him.

Regardless of what's inside, it's good practice to be cautious.


A dull explosion sounded, violent sprays arose from the water surface, and a wisp of smoke rose up, bringing out the smell of gunpowder smoke.

But just like that, when the ripples dissipated, the pool remained calm and nothing strange appeared.

Just when Lance thought he was too sensitive, bubbles rose up from the water, and together with them, a black shadow slowly floated up.

Looking through the light, it turned out to be those deep divers who were stunned by the explosion.

This scene reminded him of the scene of returning to the village to fry fish during the New Year, and he couldn't help but grin and tell the truth.

"Because I can smell your fishy smell~"

He could smell the fishy smell that was several times stronger than other places, and it was still fresh.

But soon he couldn't laugh anymore, because the water pool began to make constant noises, and the violent fluctuations even caused the water surface to stir up waves. In just a few seconds, the waves rose and hit him.

And those deep divers were walking on the waves, pushing out of the water with the help of the waves. They were countless fish heads, together with overlapping and terrifying screams.

It can be said to be quite scary!

A suffocating wave in the true sense, because the person hiding in the pool is not an ordinary shaman herding sea snails, but a powerful deep-sea tide controller.

Only deep divers powerful enough to control the tides can earn this title. Just like on the Hamlet Coast that day, they can use the power of the deep sea to stir up storms and waves.

Lance didn't know what he had encountered, but what he could understand was the powerful force shown. The seawater coming from the waves was pouring back to swallow up the entire place!

Once he is involved in it, even he will not be willing to fight in the water.

Lance was not an idiot. He could stand there and wait for the waves to hit, then turn around and run away without any hesitation.

He quickly rushed out of the stone door, and then closed it without stopping, and then fled... (End of this chapter)

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