Our family is in decline

Chapter 584 Bay 3

Sure enough, almost the next second there was a dull, but shocking sound, because the entire cave seemed to collapse and shook.

Lance looked back and saw that the water flow actually broke down the stone door frame made of masonry, and the water surged up quickly.


Lance couldn't help but panic when he faced the sea water that collapsed the stone door and poured into the passage. It was so damn cruel, who could withstand it if he was sucked into the water.

Fortunately, the power of nature is not so easy to control. When he ran forward for a while, the seawater had finally exhausted its power and quickly receded in a sucking manner.

In the passage, you can still see those deep divers who were knocked unconscious. They were so arrogant just now, but now they are lying on the ground like dead fish.

Let you show off!

Lance didn't talk nonsense at all, and quickly took the opportunity to activate [Sacrifice]. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not resist the power of the void.

You don't have to kill them yourself. You can only serve these smelly fish and rotten shrimps by yourself. It can only be said that courtesy is light on courtesy and affection is high.

The surge destroyed the brick wall and directly exposed a huge hole. Lance stepped over the ruins and re-entered the room after the water receded.

Those deep divers almost crowded the remaining open space, and each one was recovering from the shock after receiving treatment.

Because Lance felt the strange power in the air, it was the shaman who was treating them.

There were no rows of shamans here, and there was no deep sea power or sacred power void fighting to interfere with Lance's inspiration. His eyes almost instantly locked onto the deep sea tide controller mixed in.

Raising his hand, he grabbed a hooked spear out of thin air and threw it with all his strength.

With Lance's strength, the thing tore through the air and erupted with a sharp scream.

Normally, it is a sure hit, and Lance's accuracy is absolutely trustworthy.

But at this moment, a dark golden squid shield with a unique shape blocked the tide controller.

After a crisp metal impact, the already rusty hook spear broke and shattered.

The Deep Sea Guards faithfully protect every Deep Sea Shaman.

In other words, being protected by it is enough to show that he is not an ordinary shaman.

The ugly and twisted monster appeared in Lance's eyes, and he couldn't help but frown.

He knew it couldn't be that simple, but this guy was probably stronger than the ones he had encountered before.

In this delay, those deep-sea warriors rushed up to kill the guys in a noisy manner. Lance couldn't care about anything else for a while, so he could only slash at them with his sword.

It's so troublesome when he's alone. If he has teammates who can hold those guys back, he can carry out the decapitation operation.

It's a pity that he is the only one now, and his only confidence is his strength.

Sure enough, Lance, who was killing crazily among the deep divers, could feel the shaman's various evil spells trying to shake his soul, but unfortunately it had no effect at all.

On the contrary, it made Lance even crazier.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

As if he were tireless, he waved his wolf fangs to draw arcs of light, killing every fish with one blow and leaving no trace behind.

The deep divers in front of him were broken into pieces like rotten fish and shrimps and then swallowed by the void. There was no one who could stop him from rushing towards the tide controller.

In such a scene, if you are a deep diver who participated in the invasion of Hamlet, you may be able to recall the despair you felt when facing Baldwin.

But the one in front of him was even more terrifying than Baldwin. He was killed with one knife and all the corpses disappeared. Not to mention the shaman, not even the guy behind them could save them from the void.

Lance rushed into the deep divers like a harvester rushing into the field at full speed, harvesting their lives wantonly.

They are not cultists. Fear is just instinct for some creatures, while some who are enlightened know what fear is.

The will of the deep divers is being tested...Despair!

No! I want to return to the sea...

And just when those deep divers fell into despair, a golden blade blocked the wolf's fangs, and the sound of the collision between the two sides was like a wild wolf biting metal.

A deep-sea warrior who looked stronger and whose scales were almost dark green stopped Lance. He could see that his weapons were more refined than those scrap metals. It was no wonder that he could block the wolf. Teeth bite.

Lance slashed back with his backhand, but its scales had a strange and extraordinary power, as if it had its own extraordinary armor.

Lance could feel an obvious stagnation when he slashed with the knife. Although some scales were broken, the damage was not serious.

The movements of the two did not stop, and the blades collided one after another, but he was only dragged a little, and Lance felt that the tide controller was adding amplification to the fish-man sword master, and at the same time, he was constantly healing it, and the broken scales were broken. The nails fall off and new ones grow back.

And you must know that Lance is under siege by those deep divers. He originally destroyed the enemy in motion, but those deep divers can't keep up with his speed and can keep dodging.

But once it stops, it will be besieged, let alone dragged into a war of attrition.

If you don’t follow martial ethics, don’t blame me!

Lance slashed with a long knife in one hand, and took out a pistol with the other hand to prepare a handsome hip shot to interrupt the fish-man sword master's rhythm, and then cut off its fish head.

But a very fucking scene occurred. After pulling out the musket and pulling the trigger, nothing happened.

Fucking misfiring!

The surge just now and the moist sea breeze encouraged by the shaman caused the humidity in the entire space to increase dramatically. Even sparks could not come out when the flint was struck, and even the gunpowder agglomerated due to exposure to the humid air.

Lance's pretense failed, but his rhythm was interrupted. There was a fish-man swordsman in front of him to confront him, forcing him to focus on the front.

But the surroundings are full of deep divers armed with various weapons!

An unknown grandson slashed his back twice just now. Although the reconstruction of flesh and blood recovered in a second, the burning pain still remained.

There was also a guy who stabbed him with a hooked spear. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would be in trouble if he got hooked.

Can't stop!

Only fight!

Now that his clothes were chopped to pieces, Lance no longer had anything to fear.

"You ruined my clothes... You are asking for your own death!"

As Lance spoke, a burst of black flame exploded, and then quickly spread all over his body. The whole body was swallowed up by the black flame, and the clothes were burned into black ash and scattered.

This scene makes even those deep divers confused and beyond their ability to understand. Why did you still set yourself on fire?

Some smart people couldn't help but raise the hook spear and poke it, but the feeling was not flesh and blood, but the feeling of collision with a hard object.

Before the smart man could react, the next second he was split open by a knife thrown out of the black flames, and a terrifying-looking being walked out of it.

Feeling the blessing of the power of [Meteor Star], Lance's already exaggerated power became even more terrifying, and the steady stream of hunger was urging Lance to kill.

This will be a massacre...

The fish-man swordsman was naturally not willing to watch Lance kill his own people, so he attacked with a knife.

But Lance suddenly raised his head and glanced up. The eyeballs on the mask seemed to have strange power. Any enemy caught in the gaze would have to endure a shock. If they couldn't stand it, they would freeze up.

The sword master in front of him was caught off guard, and his movements paused for a moment.

But after all, it was a deep diver who was favored by a certain being, and it broke free of fear almost in the next second. Unfortunately, the wolf fang reacted faster than it did. With a slash of the knife, the Sword Master's ferocious fish head flew up.

Lance didn't even bother to stop and take a second look, and swung his knife to kill the next one.

At this time, those deep divers also attacked with the scraps of metal in their hands, but just like a joke, it was difficult to hurt them at all.

Now, Lance was too lazy to dodge. With his armor, he could resist without any damage. He wielded the wolf fang with one hand, and the other hand deformed and developed sharp claws, which could easily tear apart the scales and flesh of the fishmen and crush their hearts. All the intestines were taken out.

The flesh and blood stained on the armor quickly dissipated, and the captured heart turned into charcoal and was crushed in the black flames.

This is mainly to satisfy [Meteor Star]'s desire to devour flesh and blood, and Lance does not want to use his own flesh and blood to support it.

Sea snails also kept crawling out from the surroundings, trying to trap Lance with mucus and blocking Lance's progress with solid volutes.

It's just that you don't need to break the volute, you only need to use your claws to tear apart the maggot-like purple soft body. Even if you can't kill it directly, the black flame that seems to never go out will continue to devour the vitality until death.

It can be said that they are already dead when they are hit, and the remaining time is just the kindness that Lance left for them to bid farewell to the world.

Lance didn't know how many deep divers gathered here, but he knew that not many could stand up now. They were lying on the ground, floating in the water, and a large number of them had been sacrificed.

A scene of massacre emerged, and now it was impossible to tell who was the real victim and who was the monster.

Facing an invincible enemy, fear has broken through their determination to continue fighting. Many deep divers plunged into the pool and ran away with a sudden movement.

Even the tide controller was ready to run away, but it was obviously impossible for Lance to let this big fish go.

"Prosperous wealth!"

With a dull call, a sharp claw tore the void apart, and then Wangcai's figure emerged from it.

There is no need to say more about the tacit understanding between the two parties. Wangcai began to hunt all visible enemies.

The deep-sea warriors refused to sit still and waved their weapons to attack or block him, but those weapons without the blessing of extraordinary power could not even touch Wang Caifeng's body.

When it passes by with its bloody mouth wide open, the thick fish scales of those deep-sea warriors are useless in front of it. On the contrary, Wangcai can tear the soul into pieces when it hits it, turning into violent corpses.

The Tide Controller is a spell caster, and it is waving the sea urchin staff to do something, but has it forgotten something?

Walk in the void!

Lance's figure suddenly crossed the distance between the two sides, appearing behind the tide control master as if teleporting, raising his wolf fangs high and slashing down fiercely.

Coral barrier!

The deep sea guard raised his shield high, and after the ceremony was completed, the surrounding water mist was evacuated. Under the spiritual construction, the shield protected the tide controller, and even the wolf fangs were blocked by the emerging water waves.

At the same time, the tentacles squirmed and rushed over to protect him. He raised his fist blade and smashed it towards Lance.

Giant Squid Fist Blade!

Although he was not afraid, Lance did not choose to resist forcefully, or was too lazy to play with one of its guards. He retreated and distanced himself. At the same time, the wolf fang disappeared in his hand, and he pulled out a spiral white bone with his backhand and threw it fiercely.

The shield of the coral barrier emerged, but the shield was shattered instantly under the action of the special armor-breaking equipment. The next second, the tip directly penetrated the body of the tide controller and pinned it in place.

Why does this scene feel a bit...

When the murlocs invaded, hundreds of deep divers were helpless against the two Siamese twins, the Mendicant Monk and the Candle-Burning Priest. They used this armor-piercing weapon to sneak attack and break the defense.

It's just that today it's their turn. It's a similar guardian ritual to configure a spellcaster and a guard, but it's also an impenetrable turtle shell.

In the end, it was also penetrated and nailed in place.

Are there such similarities in this world?

No matter how many tricks it uses, it will have no choice but to repent on the spot when faced with Lance, who was prepared for it.

The tide control master tilted his head, and the deep sea guard looked a little embarrassed there.

Fortunately, Lance didn't embarrass it for too long. He cut off its shield-holding arm with a knife, and then almost split it in half with a blow to the head.

When the deep sea guard dies, the battle will be over.

Because the remaining stinky fish and rotten shrimps could no longer organize an effective counterattack, they all fled desperately, and then bumped into Wangcai's mouth.

Lance is too lazy to compete with Wangcai for food. Now he is not lacking in spirituality.

Picking up the shield with the squid pattern carved on it, all the other scrap metals had signs of corrosion, but this one had no traces of corrosion.

Lance's expression looked a little strange. He had also captured two similar ones in that battle, and he was shocked when he saw them for the first time after the war.

You must know that in the previous life, modern technology did not solve the corrosion of metals by seawater. It could only be transferred or delayed through various means. I am afraid that only a few metals such as gold can resist it.

He was originally curious about what kind of metal material it was, but in the end he discovered that the core was blessed by extraordinary power. These dark golden equipment seemed to have been blessed by the deep sea and would not be corroded by the sea water.

The influence of extraordinary power on this world is really great. It has paved this road with countless shortcuts, but it also has countless traps.

Lance is very worried that human technology will fall into it, but it is actually impossible to get rid of it...

Lance didn't think much about this and threw the things into the showroom.

These are not what he needs to think about now.

He came to the body of the deep-sea shaman that was nailed with a bone gun, and struggled to pull out the spiral bone gun.

This thing was also captured in the last battle. It was identified as a kind of whale horn. It does not need to be processed and is naturally equipped with extraordinary power. It is specially designed to break armor.

It is not surprising that these extraordinary creatures exist in this world and have some abilities.

Lance left behind the shaman and guards as well as the decapitated body of the fish-man sword master.

Because the first two are very rare research materials, you may get more interesting discoveries by comparing them with the same kind, and the Murloc Sword Master is the focus. Paracelsus has not yet had this type of research object. The sword that showed up last time Saint ran away and was not caught. (End of chapter)

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